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Pagni M, Ioannidis V, Cerutti L, Zahn-Zabal M, Jongeneel CV, Hau J, Martin O, Kuznetsov D, Falquet L.
MyHits: improvements to an interactive resource for analyzing protein sequences.
Nucleic Acids Res. 2007 Jul; 35(Web Server issue):W433-7
However, the webserver will remain online in its present form at least until end of March 2025.
To ensure the future of MyHits, we would be happy if a person or community would take over the resource or parts of it. Interested? Please contact us (myhits [at]
Pagni M, Ioannidis V, Cerutti L, Zahn-Zabal M, Jongeneel CV, Hau J, Martin O, Kuznetsov D, Falquet L.
MyHits: improvements to an interactive resource for analyzing protein sequences.
Nucleic Acids Res. 2007 Jul; 35(Web Server issue):W433-7
- MyHits
Description | RecName: Full=U3 snoRNP-associated protein-like EMB2271 {ECO:0000305}; AltName: Full=Protein EMBRYO DEFECTIVE 2271 {ECO:0000305}; AltName: Full=Protein YAO-like {ECO:0000305}; |
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MyHits synonyms | YAOL_ARATH , Q3MKM6 , O49554 , 5A3F4C14FF461B12 |
![]() Legends: 1, REPEAT WD 1. {ECO:0000255}; 2, REPEAT WD 2. {ECO:0000255}; 3, REPEAT WD 3. {ECO:0000255}; 4, REPEAT WD 4. {ECO:0000255}; 5, REPEAT WD 5. {ECO:0000255}; 6, REPEAT WD 6. {ECO:0000255}; 7, REPEAT WD 7. {ECO:0000255}; 8, COMPBIAS Glu-rich. {ECO:0000255|PROSITE- ProRule:PRU00007}; 9, ismart:WD40 [T]; 10, iprf:WD_REPEATS_2 [T]; 11, ipat:WD_REPEATS_1 [T]; 12, ipfam:WD40 [T].
| |
ID YAOL_ARATH Reviewed; 479 AA. AC Q3MKM6; O49554; DT 27-MAY-2015, integrated into UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot. DT 25-OCT-2005, sequence version 1. DT 12-APR-2017, entry version 93. DE RecName: Full=U3 snoRNP-associated protein-like EMB2271 {ECO:0000305}; DE AltName: Full=Protein EMBRYO DEFECTIVE 2271 {ECO:0000305}; DE AltName: Full=Protein YAO-like {ECO:0000305}; GN Name=EMB2271 {ECO:0000312|EMBL:AEE84406.1}; GN OrderedLocusNames=At4g21130 {ECO:0000312|Araport:AT4G21130}; GN ORFNames=F7J7.70 {ECO:0000312|EMBL:CAA17532.1}; OS Arabidopsis thaliana (Mouse-ear cress). OC Eukaryota; Viridiplantae; Streptophyta; Embryophyta; Tracheophyta; OC Spermatophyta; Magnoliophyta; eudicotyledons; Gunneridae; OC Pentapetalae; rosids; malvids; Brassicales; Brassicaceae; Camelineae; OC Arabidopsis. OX NCBI_TaxID=3702; RN [1] RP NUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCE [MRNA]. RC STRAIN=cv. Columbia; RX PubMed=16054306; DOI=10.1016/j.gene.2005.05.022; RA Urbanek P., Paces J., Paces V.; RT "An approach towards experimental cDNA sequence determination of RT predicted genes: an example from Arabidopsis U3-55k homologues."; RL Gene 358:67-72(2005). RN [2] RP NUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCE [LARGE SCALE GENOMIC DNA]. RC STRAIN=cv. Columbia; RX PubMed=10617198; DOI=10.1038/47134; RA Mayer K.F.X., Schueller C., Wambutt R., Murphy G., Volckaert G., RA Pohl T., Duesterhoeft A., Stiekema W., Entian K.-D., Terryn N., RA Harris B., Ansorge W., Brandt P., Grivell L.A., Rieger M., RA Weichselgartner M., de Simone V., Obermaier B., Mache R., Mueller M., RA Kreis M., Delseny M., Puigdomenech P., Watson M., Schmidtheini T., RA Reichert B., Portetelle D., Perez-Alonso M., Boutry M., Bancroft I., RA Vos P., Hoheisel J., Zimmermann W., Wedler H., Ridley P., RA Langham S.-A., McCullagh B., Bilham L., Robben J., RA van der Schueren J., Grymonprez B., Chuang Y.-J., Vandenbussche F., RA Braeken M., Weltjens I., Voet M., Bastiaens I., Aert R., Defoor E., RA Weitzenegger T., Bothe G., Ramsperger U., Hilbert H., Braun M., RA Holzer E., Brandt A., Peters S., van Staveren M., Dirkse W., RA Mooijman P., Klein Lankhorst R., Rose M., Hauf J., Koetter P., RA Berneiser S., Hempel S., Feldpausch M., Lamberth S., Van den Daele H., RA De Keyser A., Buysshaert C., Gielen J., Villarroel R., De Clercq R., RA van Montagu M., Rogers J., Cronin A., Quail M.A., Bray-Allen S., RA Clark L., Doggett J., Hall S., Kay M., Lennard N., McLay K., Mayes R., RA Pettett A., Rajandream M.A., Lyne M., Benes V., Rechmann S., RA Borkova D., Bloecker H., Scharfe M., Grimm M., Loehnert T.-H., RA Dose S., de Haan M., Maarse A.C., Schaefer M., Mueller-Auer S., RA Gabel C., Fuchs M., Fartmann B., Granderath K., Dauner D., Herzl A., RA Neumann S., Argiriou A., Vitale D., Liguori R., Piravandi E., RA Massenet O., Quigley F., Clabauld G., Muendlein A., Felber R., RA Schnabl S., Hiller R., Schmidt W., Lecharny A., Aubourg S., RA Chefdor F., Cooke R., Berger C., Monfort A., Casacuberta E., RA Gibbons T., Weber N., Vandenbol M., Bargues M., Terol J., Torres A., RA Perez-Perez A., Purnelle B., Bent E., Johnson S., Tacon D., Jesse T., RA Heijnen L., Schwarz S., Scholler P., Heber S., Francs P., Bielke C., RA Frishman D., Haase D., Lemcke K., Mewes H.-W., Stocker S., RA Zaccaria P., Bevan M., Wilson R.K., de la Bastide M., Habermann K., RA Parnell L., Dedhia N., Gnoj L., Schutz K., Huang E., Spiegel L., RA Sekhon M., Murray J., Sheet P., Cordes M., Abu-Threideh J., RA Stoneking T., Kalicki J., Graves T., Harmon G., Edwards J., RA Latreille P., Courtney L., Cloud J., Abbott A., Scott K., Johnson D., RA Minx P., Bentley D., Fulton B., Miller N., Greco T., Kemp K., RA Kramer J., Fulton L., Mardis E., Dante M., Pepin K., Hillier L.W., RA Nelson J., Spieth J., Ryan E., Andrews S., Geisel C., Layman D., RA Du H., Ali J., Berghoff A., Jones K., Drone K., Cotton M., Joshu C., RA Antonoiu B., Zidanic M., Strong C., Sun H., Lamar B., Yordan C., RA Ma P., Zhong J., Preston R., Vil D., Shekher M., Matero A., Shah R., RA Swaby I.K., O'Shaughnessy A., Rodriguez M., Hoffman J., Till S., RA Granat S., Shohdy N., Hasegawa A., Hameed A., Lodhi M., Johnson A., RA Chen E., Marra M.A., Martienssen R., McCombie W.R.; RT "Sequence and analysis of chromosome 4 of the plant Arabidopsis RT thaliana."; RL Nature 402:769-777(1999). RN [3] RP GENOME REANNOTATION. RC STRAIN=cv. Columbia; RG The Arabidopsis Information Portal (Araport); RL Submitted (MAY-2016) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases. RN [4] RP FUNCTION, AND DISRUPTION PHENOTYPE. RX PubMed=20699009; DOI=10.1186/1471-2229-10-169; RA Li H.J., Liu N.Y., Shi D.Q., Liu J., Yang W.C.; RT "YAO is a nucleolar WD40-repeat protein critical for embryogenesis and RT gametogenesis in Arabidopsis."; RL BMC Plant Biol. 10:169-169(2010). CC -!- FUNCTION: Component of a nucleolar small nuclear ribonucleoprotein CC particle (snoRNP) thought to participate in the processing and CC modification of pre-ribosomal RNA (By similarity). Essential for CC embryogenesis (By similarity). May function during late CC embryogenesis (PubMed:20699009). {ECO:0000250|UniProtKB:O43818, CC ECO:0000250|UniProtKB:Q9M0V4, ECO:0000305|PubMed:20699009}. CC -!- SUBCELLULAR LOCATION: Nucleus, nucleolus CC {ECO:0000250|UniProtKB:Q9M0V4}. CC -!- DISRUPTION PHENOTYPE: Embryonic lethality. CC {ECO:0000305|PubMed:20699009}. CC -!- SIMILARITY: Belongs to the WD repeat RRP9 family. {ECO:0000305}. CC -!- SEQUENCE CAUTION: CC Sequence=CAA17532.1; Type=Erroneous gene model prediction; Evidence={ECO:0000305}; CC Sequence=CAB79113.1; Type=Erroneous gene model prediction; Evidence={ECO:0000305}; CC ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CC Copyrighted by the UniProt Consortium, see CC Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs License CC ----------------------------------------------------------------------- DR EMBL; AY874865; AAY21208.1; -; mRNA. DR EMBL; AL021960; CAA17532.1; ALT_SEQ; Genomic_DNA. DR EMBL; AL161554; CAB79113.1; ALT_SEQ; Genomic_DNA. DR EMBL; CP002687; AEE84406.1; -; Genomic_DNA. DR PIR; T04944; T04944. DR RefSeq; NP_193845.2; NM_118232.2. DR UniGene; At.54451; -. DR ProteinModelPortal; Q3MKM6; -. DR SMR; Q3MKM6; -. DR STRING; 3702.AT4G21130.1; -. DR PaxDb; Q3MKM6; -. DR PRIDE; Q3MKM6; -. DR EnsemblPlants; AT4G21130.1; AT4G21130.1; AT4G21130. DR GeneID; 827861; -. DR Gramene; AT4G21130.1; AT4G21130.1; AT4G21130. DR KEGG; ath:AT4G21130; -. DR Araport; AT4G21130; -. DR TAIR; locus:2127408; AT4G21130. DR eggNOG; KOG0299; Eukaryota. DR eggNOG; ENOG410XP9U; LUCA. DR HOGENOM; HOG000188732; -. DR InParanoid; Q3MKM6; -. DR KO; K14793; -. DR OMA; AITGLDC; -. DR OrthoDB; EOG09360EVF; -. DR PhylomeDB; Q3MKM6; -. DR Reactome; R-ATH-6791226; Major pathway of rRNA processing in the nucleolus and cytosol. DR PRO; PR:Q3MKM6; -. DR Proteomes; UP000006548; Chromosome 4. DR Genevisible; Q3MKM6; AT. DR GO; GO:0080008; C:Cul4-RING E3 ubiquitin ligase complex; ISS:TAIR. DR GO; GO:0005730; C:nucleolus; IEA:UniProtKB-SubCell. DR GO; GO:0032040; C:small-subunit processome; IBA:GO_Central. DR GO; GO:0030515; F:snoRNA binding; IBA:GO_Central. DR GO; GO:0006364; P:rRNA processing; ISS:TAIR. DR Gene3D;; -; 1. DR InterPro; IPR015943; WD40/YVTN_repeat-like_dom. DR InterPro; IPR001680; WD40_repeat. DR InterPro; IPR019775; WD40_repeat_CS. DR InterPro; IPR017986; WD40_repeat_dom. DR Pfam; PF00400; WD40; 2. DR SMART; SM00320; WD40; 6. DR SUPFAM; SSF50978; SSF50978; 1. DR PROSITE; PS00678; WD_REPEATS_1; 2. DR PROSITE; PS50082; WD_REPEATS_2; 3. DR PROSITE; PS50294; WD_REPEATS_REGION; 1. PE 2: Evidence at transcript level; KW Complete proteome; Nucleus; Reference proteome; Repeat; KW Ribonucleoprotein; RNA-binding; rRNA processing; WD repeat. FT CHAIN 1 479 U3 snoRNP-associated protein-like FT EMB2271. FT /FTId=PRO_0000433091. FT REPEAT 143 182 WD 1. {ECO:0000255}. FT REPEAT 204 243 WD 2. {ECO:0000255}. FT REPEAT 246 285 WD 3. {ECO:0000255}. FT REPEAT 288 326 WD 4. {ECO:0000255}. FT REPEAT 328 366 WD 5. {ECO:0000255}. FT REPEAT 386 425 WD 6. {ECO:0000255}. FT REPEAT 431 471 WD 7. {ECO:0000255}. FT COMPBIAS 27 97 Glu-rich. {ECO:0000255|PROSITE- FT ProRule:PRU00007}. CC -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CC The following FT lines are automated annotations from the MyHits database. CC -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FT MYHIT 279 317 ismart:WD40 [T] FT MYHIT 202 243 iprf:WD_REPEATS_2 [T] FT MYHIT 367 416 ismart:WD40 [T] FT MYHIT 244 285 iprf:WD_REPEATS_2 [T] FT MYHIT 319 357 ismart:WD40 [T] FT MYHIT 141 182 iprf:WD_REPEATS_2 [T] FT MYHIT 221 235 ipat:WD_REPEATS_1 [T] FT MYHIT 210 234 ipfam:WD40 [T] FT MYHIT 237 276 ismart:WD40 [T] FT MYHIT 141 425 iprf:WD_REPEATS_REGION [T] FT MYHIT 239 276 ipfam:WD40 [T] FT MYHIT 195 234 ismart:WD40 [T] FT MYHIT 263 277 ipat:WD_REPEATS_1 [T] FT MYHIT 134 173 ismart:WD40 [T] SQ SEQUENCE 479 AA; 53582 MW; 5A3F4C14FF461B12 CRC64; MKLEKKKGIG AKRRGKKSSI DHDPFLEEET EKRRKFNYDD DDDIESVESE EEGKVGEEVE DEFAHETVGE KRKRLAEDTL NRIEEAKQRE HEEDNEEDDD FRDSLVAKTL MQEQLEKSGR VRRANALRVQ DLQSSDKFRV IVKHQHSVTG VALSDDDSRG FSVSKDGTIL HWDVSSGKSD EYKWPSDEVL KSHGLKFQES WYTRHNKQSL ALAVSSDGRY LATGGVDCHV HLWDIRTREH VQAFTGHCGI VSSLCFREGT AELFSGSYDG TLSIWNAEHR TYIESCFGHQ SELLSIDALG RERVLSVGRD RTMQLYKVPE STRLIYRASE SNFECCCFVN SDEFLSGSDN GSIALWSILK KKPVFIVNNA HHVIADHDSV NHNCTPACSW VSSVAVCRGS ELAASGAGNG CVRLWGVESG SSAIQPLYEL PLPGFVNSLA FAKSGRFLIA GVGQEPRLGR WGCLKSAQNG VAIHPLRLS // |