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DescriptionFlavobacterium johnsoniae (species), "Cytophaga johnsonii" (sic) Stanier 1957 (authority), ATCC 17061 (type material), CCUG 35202 (type material), CFBP 3036 (type material), CIP 100931 (type material), Cytophaga johnsonae (synonym), Cytophaga johnsonae Stanier 1947 (Approved Lists 1980) (authority), Cytophaga johnsonii (synonym), DSM 2064 (type material), Flavibacterium johnsoniae (misspelling), Flavobacterium johnsoniae corrig. (Stanier 1947) Bernardet et al. 1996 (authority), Flavobacterium sp. GSE09 (includes), Flavobacterium sp. LB-D (includes), Flexibacter aurantiacus (synonym), Flexibacter aurantiacus Lewin 1969 (Approved Lists 1980) (authority), IFO 14942 (type material), JCM 8514 (type material), LMG 1341 (type material), NBRC 14942 (type material), Vegetative myxobacteria Johnson 1932 (authority).
Parent nodes
  • taxid:237 Flavobacterium (genus), Flavibacterium (misspelling), Flavobacterium Bergey et al. 1923 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Bernardet et al. 1996 (authority).
Child nodes
  • taxid:184611 Flexibacter aurantiacus subsp. excathedrus (subspecies), "Flexibacter aurantiacus subsp. excathedrus" Lewin (authority), Flavobacterium johnsoniae subsp. excathedrus (synonym).
  • taxid:184609 Flexibacter aurantiacus subsp. copepodarum (subspecies), "Flexibacter aurantiacus subsp. copepodarum" Lewin (synonym), Flavobacterium johnsoniae subsp. copepodarum (synonym).
  • taxid:376686 Flavobacterium johnsoniae UW101 (no rank), Flavobacterium johnsoniae ATCC 17061 (synonym), Flavobacterium johnsoniae DSM 2064 (synonym), Flavobacterium johnsoniae IAM 14304 (synonym), Flavobacterium johnsoniae IFO 14942 (synonym), Flavobacterium johnsoniae LMG 1341 (synonym), Flavobacterium johnsoniae MYX.1.1.1 (synonym), Flavobacterium johnsoniae NBRC 14942 (synonym), Flavobacterium johnsoniae NCIB 11054 (synonym), Flavobacterium johnsoniae str. UW101 (equivalent name), Flavobacterium johnsoniae strain UW101 (equivalent name).
See also986
ID   986           TAXONOMY;
DE   Flavobacterium johnsoniae (species).
PA   237 (parent ID)
CC   authority = "Cytophaga johnsonii" (sic) Stanier 1957
CC   type material = ATCC 17061
CC   type material = CCUG 35202
CC   type material = CFBP 3036
CC   type material = CIP 100931
CC   synonym = Cytophaga johnsonae
CC   authority = Cytophaga johnsonae Stanier 1947 (Approved Lists 1980)
CC   synonym = Cytophaga johnsonii
CC   type material = DSM 2064
CC   misspelling = Flavibacterium johnsoniae
CC   authority = Flavobacterium johnsoniae corrig. (Stanier 1947) Bernardet et al. 1996
CC   includes = Flavobacterium sp. GSE09
CC   includes = Flavobacterium sp. LB-D
CC   synonym = Flexibacter aurantiacus
CC   authority = Flexibacter aurantiacus Lewin 1969 (Approved Lists 1980)
CC   type material = IFO 14942
CC   type material = JCM 8514
CC   type material = LMG 1341
CC   type material = NBRC 14942
CC   authority = Vegetative myxobacteria Johnson 1932
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CC   This entry is a placeholder for the corresponding entry in the NCBI
CC   taxonomy
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