Description | Colaptes (genus), Colaptes Vigors 1825 (authority). |
Parent nodes | - taxid:9220 Picidae (family), woodpeckers (genbank common name).
Child nodes | - taxid:367944 Colaptes melanochloros (species).
- taxid:880806 Colaptes fernandinae (species), Colaptes fernandinae Vigors, 1827 (authority).
- taxid:9222 Colaptes rupicola (species), Andean flicker (genbank common name).
- taxid:121134 Colaptes atricollis (species), black-necked woodpecker (common name).
- taxid:51355 Colaptes auratus (species), northern flicker (common name).
- taxid:555238 Colaptes pitius (species).
- taxid:381865 Colaptes punctigula (species).
- taxid:555237 Colaptes campestris (species).
See also | 9221
Properties |
DE Colaptes (genus).
PA 9220 (parent ID)
CC authority = Colaptes Vigors 1825
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CC This entry is a placeholder for the corresponding entry in the NCBI
CC taxonomy
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