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DescriptionStarkeya novella (species), ATCC 8093 (type material), CCM 1077 (type material), CIP 104402 (type material), CIP 106821 (type material), DSM 506 (type material), IAM 12100 (type material), IFO 14993 (type material), JCM 20403 (type material), NBRC 14993 (type material), NCCB 38019 (type material), NCCB 81075 (type material), NCIMB 10456 (type material), NCIMB 9113 (type material), Starkeya novella (Starkey 1934) Kelly et al. 2000 (authority), Thiobacillus novellus (synonym), Thiobacillus novellus Starkey 1934 (Approved Lists 1980) (authority), Thiobacillus novellus Starkey 1935 (sic) (Approved Lists 1980) (authority).
Parent nodes
  • taxid:152053 Starkeya (genus), Starkeya Kelly et al. 2000 (authority).
Child nodes
  • taxid:639283 Starkeya novella DSM 506 (no rank), Starkeya novella IAM 12100 (synonym), Starkeya novella str. DSM 506 (equivalent name), Starkeya novella strain DSM 506 (equivalent name).
See also921
ID   921           TAXONOMY;
DE   Starkeya novella (species).
PA   152053 (parent ID)
CC   type material = ATCC 8093
CC   type material = CCM 1077
CC   type material = CIP 104402
CC   type material = CIP 106821
CC   type material = DSM 506
CC   type material = IAM 12100
CC   type material = IFO 14993
CC   type material = JCM 20403
CC   type material = NBRC 14993
CC   type material = NCCB 38019
CC   type material = NCCB 81075
CC   type material = NCIMB 10456
CC   type material = NCIMB 9113
CC   authority = Starkeya novella (Starkey 1934) Kelly et al. 2000
CC   synonym = Thiobacillus novellus
CC   authority = Thiobacillus novellus Starkey 1934 (Approved Lists 1980)
CC   authority = Thiobacillus novellus Starkey 1935 (sic) (Approved Lists 1980)
CC   --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CC   This entry is a placeholder for the corresponding entry in the NCBI
CC   taxonomy
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