user: GUEST
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DescriptionWeeksella virosa DSM 16922 (no rank), Weeksella virosa ATCC 43766 (synonym), Weeksella virosa CIP 103040 (synonym), Weeksella virosa str. DSM 16922 (equivalent name), Weeksella virosa strain DSM 16922 (equivalent name).
Parent nodes
  • taxid:1014 Weeksella virosa (species), ATCC 43766 (type material), CCUG 30538 (type material), CIP 103040 (type material), DSM 16922 (type material), IFO 16016 (type material), JCM 21250 (type material), LMG 12995 (type material), NBRC 16016 (type material), NCTC 11634 (type material), Weeksella virosa Holmes et al. 1987 (authority).
Child nodes
See also865938
ID   865938           TAXONOMY;
DE   Weeksella virosa DSM 16922 (no rank).
PA   1014 (parent ID)
CC   synonym = Weeksella virosa ATCC 43766
CC   synonym = Weeksella virosa CIP 103040
CC   equivalent name = Weeksella virosa str. DSM 16922
CC   equivalent name = Weeksella virosa strain DSM 16922
CC   --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CC   This entry is a placeholder for the corresponding entry in the NCBI
CC   taxonomy
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