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DescriptionHalorhodospira (genus), Halorhodospira Imhoff and Suling 1997 emend. Hirschler-Rea et al. 2003 (synonym).
Parent nodes
  • taxid:72276 Ectothiorhodospiraceae (family), Ectothiorhodospira group (synonym), Ectothiorhodospiraceae Imhoff 1984 (authority), purple sulfur bacteria (genbank common name).
Child nodes
  • taxid:1052 Halorhodospira halochloris (species), ATCC 35916 (type material), DSM 1059 (type material), Ectothiorhodospira halochloris (synonym), Ectothiorhodospira halochloris Imhoff and Truper 1979 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), Halorhodospira halochloris (Imhoff and Truper 1979) Imhoff and Suling 1997 (synonym), strain BN 9850 (type material).
  • taxid:645024 environmental samples (no rank).
  • taxid:421629 Halorhodospira abdelmalekii (species), ATCC 35917 (type material), DSM 2110 (type material), Ectothiorhodospira abdelmalekii (synonym), Ectothiorhodospira abdelmalekii Imhoff and Truper 1982 (synonym), Halorhodospira abdelmalekii (Imhoff and Truper 1982) Imhoff and Suling 1997 (synonym), strain BN 9840 (type material).
  • taxid:1053 Halorhodospira halophila (species), DSM 244 (type material), Ectothiorhodospira halophila (synonym), Ectothiorhodospira halophila Raymond and Sistrom 1969 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), Halorhodospira halophila (Raymond and Sistrom 1969) Imhoff and Suling 1997 (synonym), strain SL 1 (type material).
  • taxid:168379 Halorhodospira neutriphila (species), DSM 15116 (type material), Halorhodospira neutriphila Hirschler-Rea et al. 2003 (synonym), Halorhodospira neutrophila (misspelling), JCM 17835 (type material), SG 3301 (type material).
See also85108
ID   85108           TAXONOMY;
DE   Halorhodospira (genus).
PA   72276 (parent ID)
CC   synonym = Halorhodospira Imhoff and Suling 1997 emend. Hirschler-Rea et al. 2003
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CC   This entry is a placeholder for the corresponding entry in the NCBI
CC   taxonomy
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