Description | Notothylas (genus), Notothylas Sull. ex A.Gray (synonym). |
Parent nodes | - taxid:400692 Notothyladaceae (family), Notothyladaceae (Milde) Muell.Frib. (synonym).
Child nodes | - taxid:1263701 Notothylas levieri (species), Notothylas levieri Schiffn. (authority), Notothylas levierii (misspelling).
- taxid:1263702 Notothylas vitalii (species), Notothylas vitalii Udar & D.K.Singh (authority).
- taxid:81810 Notothylas breutelii (species), Notothylas breutelii Gottsche (synonym).
- taxid:400702 Notothylas javanica (species), Notothylas javanica Gottsche (synonym).
- taxid:93617 Notothylas orbicularis (species), Notothylas orbicularis (Schwein.) Sull. (synonym).
- taxid:129296 Notothylas sp. Wheeler 688 (species).
- taxid:415891 Notothylas cf. javanica Villarreal 672 (species).
- taxid:1266020 Notothylas dissecta (species), Notothylas dissecta Steph. (authority).
See also | 81809
Properties |
DE Notothylas (genus).
PA 400692 (parent ID)
CC synonym = Notothylas Sull. ex A.Gray
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CC This entry is a placeholder for the corresponding entry in the NCBI
CC taxonomy
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