user: GUEST
width: 600

DescriptionEscherichia coli 1303 (no rank), Escherichia coli str. 1303 (equivalent name), Escherichia coli strain 1303 (equivalent name).
Parent nodes
  • taxid:562 Escherichia coli (species), "Bacillus coli" Migula 1895 (authority), "Bacterium coli commune" Escherich 1885 (authority), "Bacterium coli" (Migula 1895) Lehmann and Neumann 1896 (authority), ATCC 11775 (type material), Bacillus coli (synonym), Bacterium coli (synonym), Bacterium coli commune (synonym), CCUG 24 (type material), CCUG 29300 (type material), CIP 54.8 (type material), DSM 30083 (type material), Enterococcus coli (synonym), Escherchia coli (misspelling), Escherichia coli (Migula 1895) Castellani and Chalmers 1919 (authority), Escherichia coli retron Ec107 (includes), Escherichia coli retron Ec67 (includes), Escherichia coli retron Ec79 (includes), Escherichia coli retron Ec86 (includes), Eschericia coli (misspelling), JCM 1649 (type material), LMG 2092 (type material), NBRC 102203 (type material), NCCB 54008 (type material), NCTC 9001 (type material), bacterium 10a (includes), bacterium E3 (synonym).
Child nodes
See also745156
ID   745156           TAXONOMY;
DE   Escherichia coli 1303 (no rank).
PA   562 (parent ID)
CC   equivalent name = Escherichia coli str. 1303
CC   equivalent name = Escherichia coli strain 1303
CC   --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CC   This entry is a placeholder for the corresponding entry in the NCBI
CC   taxonomy
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