Description | Cavilabiata (superfamily), Cordulegastroidea (includes), Libelluloidea (includes). |
Parent nodes | - taxid:6962 Anisoptera (suborder), dragonflies (genbank common name).
Child nodes | - taxid:6964 Libellulidae (family), common skimmers (genbank common name), skimmers (common name).
- taxid:126250 Neopetaliidae (family).
- taxid:448009 Synthemistidae (family).
- taxid:70381 Corduliidae (family), green-eyed skimmers (genbank common name).
- taxid:107812 Macromiidae (family), belted and river skimmers (genbank common name).
- taxid:107811 Cordulegastridae (family), biddies (genbank common name).
- taxid:126221 Chlorogomphidae (family).
See also | 70899
Properties |
DE Cavilabiata (superfamily).
PA 6962 (parent ID)
CC includes = Cordulegastroidea
CC includes = Libelluloidea
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CC This entry is a placeholder for the corresponding entry in the NCBI
CC taxonomy
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