- MyHits
Description | Microbacterium luteolum (species), ATCC 51474 (type material), Aureibacterium luteolum (equivalent name), Aureobacterium luteolum (synonym), Aureobacterium luteolum Yokota et al. 1993 (synonym), CIP 102086 (type material), DSM 20143 (type material), IFO 15074 (type material), JCM 9174 (type material), LMG 16207 (type material), Microbacterium luteolum (Yokota et al. 1993) Takeuchi and Hatano 1998 (synonym), NBRC 15074 (type material). |
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See also | 69367 |
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ID 69367 TAXONOMY; DE Microbacterium luteolum (species). PA 33882 (parent ID) CC type material = ATCC 51474 CC equivalent name = Aureibacterium luteolum CC synonym = Aureobacterium luteolum CC synonym = Aureobacterium luteolum Yokota et al. 1993 CC type material = CIP 102086 CC type material = DSM 20143 CC type material = IFO 15074 CC type material = JCM 9174 CC type material = LMG 16207 CC synonym = Microbacterium luteolum (Yokota et al. 1993) Takeuchi and Hatano 1998 CC type material = NBRC 15074 CC -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CC This entry is a placeholder for the corresponding entry in the NCBI CC taxonomy http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Taxonomy/Browser/wwwtax.cgi?id=69367 CC -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // |