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Pagni M, Ioannidis V, Cerutti L, Zahn-Zabal M, Jongeneel CV, Hau J, Martin O, Kuznetsov D, Falquet L.
MyHits: improvements to an interactive resource for analyzing protein sequences.
Nucleic Acids Res. 2007 Jul; 35(Web Server issue):W433-7

DescriptionBordetella pertussis (species), "Bacterium tussis-convulsivae" Lehmann and Neumann 1927 (authority), "Haemophilus pertussis" (Bergey et al. 1923) Pribram 1933 (authority), "Hemophilus pertussis" Bergey et al. 1923 (authority), "Microbe de la coqueluche" Bordet and Gengou 1906 (authority), ATCC 9797 (type material), Bacterium tussis-convulsivae (synonym), Bordetella pertussis (Bergey et al. 1923) Moreno-Lopez 1952 (authority), CCUG 30873 (type material), CIP 63.1 (type material), DSM 5571 (type material), Haemophilus pertussis (synonym), Hemophilus pertussis (synonym), LMG 14455 (type material), Microbe de la coqueluche (synonym), NCTC 10739 (type material).
Parent nodes
  • taxid:517 Bordetella (genus), Bordetella Moreno-Lopez 1952 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Von Wintzingerode et al. 2001 (synonym).
Child nodes
  • taxid:743278 Bordetella pertussis B1920 (no rank), Bordetella pertussis str. B1920 (equivalent name), Bordetella pertussis strain B1920 (equivalent name).
  • taxid:743274 Bordetella pertussis B1193 (no rank), Bordetella pertussis str. B1193 (equivalent name), Bordetella pertussis strain B1193 (equivalent name).
  • taxid:743275 Bordetella pertussis B1831 (no rank), Bordetella pertussis str. B1831 (equivalent name), Bordetella pertussis strain B1831 (equivalent name).
  • taxid:1017264 Bordetella pertussis CS (no rank), Bordetella pertussis str. CS (equivalent name), Bordetella pertussis strain CS (equivalent name).
  • taxid:743273 Bordetella pertussis B0558 (no rank), Bordetella pertussis str. B0558 (equivalent name), Bordetella pertussis strain B0558 (equivalent name).
  • taxid:743276 Bordetella pertussis B1834 (no rank), Bordetella pertussis str. B1834 (equivalent name), Bordetella pertussis strain B1834 (equivalent name).
  • taxid:1017265 Bordetella pertussis CS-1 (no rank), Bordetella pertussis str. CS-1 (equivalent name), Bordetella pertussis strain CS-1 (equivalent name).
  • taxid:743277 Bordetella pertussis B1917 (no rank), Bordetella pertussis str. B1917 (equivalent name), Bordetella pertussis strain B1917 (equivalent name).
  • taxid:257313 Bordetella pertussis Tohama I (no rank).
  • taxid:568706 Bordetella pertussis 18323 (no rank), Bordetella pertussis str. 18323 (equivalent name), Bordetella pertussis strain 18323 (equivalent name).
  • taxid:1216981 Bordetella pertussis NBRC 107857 (no rank).
See also520
ID   520           TAXONOMY;
DE   Bordetella pertussis (species).
PA   517 (parent ID)
CC   authority = "Bacterium tussis-convulsivae" Lehmann and Neumann 1927
CC   authority = "Haemophilus pertussis" (Bergey et al. 1923) Pribram 1933
CC   authority = "Hemophilus pertussis" Bergey et al. 1923
CC   authority = "Microbe de la coqueluche" Bordet and Gengou 1906
CC   type material = ATCC 9797
CC   synonym = Bacterium tussis-convulsivae
CC   authority = Bordetella pertussis (Bergey et al. 1923) Moreno-Lopez 1952
CC   type material = CCUG 30873
CC   type material = CIP 63.1
CC   type material = DSM 5571
CC   synonym = Haemophilus pertussis
CC   synonym = Hemophilus pertussis
CC   type material = LMG 14455
CC   synonym = Microbe de la coqueluche
CC   type material = NCTC 10739
CC   --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CC   This entry is a placeholder for the corresponding entry in the NCBI
CC   taxonomy
CC   --------------------------------------------------------------------------