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DescriptionGadus chalcogrammus chalcogrammus (subspecies), Theragra chalcogramma chalcogramma (synonym).
Parent nodes
  • taxid:1042646 Gadus chalcogrammus (species), Alaska pollock (common name), Gadus chalcogrammus Pallas, 1814 (authority), Norwegian pollock (common name), Theragra chalcogramma (synonym), Theragra chalcogramma finnmarchica (synonym), Theragra finnmarchica (synonym), Theragra finnmarchica Koefoed, 1956 (synonym), walleye pollock (genbank common name).
Child nodes
See also442960
ID   442960           TAXONOMY;
DE   Gadus chalcogrammus chalcogrammus (subspecies).
PA   1042646 (parent ID)
CC   synonym = Theragra chalcogramma chalcogramma
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CC   This entry is a placeholder for the corresponding entry in the NCBI
CC   taxonomy
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