- MyHits
Description | Kutzneria albida (species), ATCC 25243 (type material), DSM 43870 (type material), IFO 13901 (type material), JCM 3240 (type material), Kutzneria albida (Furumai et al. 1968) Stackebrandt et al. 1994 (synonym), NBRC 13901 (type material), NRRL B-24060 (type material), Streptosporangium albidum (synonym), Streptosporangium albidum Furumai et al. 1968 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym). |
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See also | 43357 |
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ID 43357 TAXONOMY; DE Kutzneria albida (species). PA 43356 (parent ID) CC type material = ATCC 25243 CC type material = DSM 43870 CC type material = IFO 13901 CC type material = JCM 3240 CC synonym = Kutzneria albida (Furumai et al. 1968) Stackebrandt et al. 1994 CC type material = NBRC 13901 CC type material = NRRL B-24060 CC synonym = Streptosporangium albidum CC synonym = Streptosporangium albidum Furumai et al. 1968 (Approved Lists 1980) CC -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CC This entry is a placeholder for the corresponding entry in the NCBI CC taxonomy http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Taxonomy/Browser/wwwtax.cgi?id=43357 CC -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // |