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DescriptionPrauserella rugosa (species), "Nocardia rugosa" di Marco and Spalla 1957 (authority), "Proactinomyces rugosa" (di Marco and Spalla 1957) Krasil'nikov 1981 (authority), ATCC 43014 (type material), Amycolatopsis rugosa (synonym), Amycolatopsis rugosa (ex di Marco and Spalla 1957) Lechevalier et al. 1986 (authority), CIP 106520 (type material), DSM 43194 (type material), IFO 14506 (type material), IMRU 3760 (type material), JCM 9736 (type material), NBRC 14506 (type material), NCIMB 8926 (type material), NRRL B-2295 (type material), Nocardia rugosa (synonym), Prauserella rugosa (Lechevalier et al. 1986) Kim and Goodfellow 1999 (authority), Proactinomyces rugosa (synonym), VKM Ac-1243 (type material).
Parent nodes
  • taxid:142577 Prauserella (genus), Prauserella Kim and Goodfellow 1999 emend. Li et al. 2003 (authority).
Child nodes
See also43354
ID   43354           TAXONOMY;
DE   Prauserella rugosa (species).
PA   142577 (parent ID)
CC   authority = "Nocardia rugosa" di Marco and Spalla 1957
CC   authority = "Proactinomyces rugosa" (di Marco and Spalla 1957) Krasil'nikov 1981
CC   type material = ATCC 43014
CC   synonym = Amycolatopsis rugosa
CC   authority = Amycolatopsis rugosa (ex di Marco and Spalla 1957) Lechevalier et al. 1986
CC   type material = CIP 106520
CC   type material = DSM 43194
CC   type material = IFO 14506
CC   type material = IMRU 3760
CC   type material = JCM 9736
CC   type material = NBRC 14506
CC   type material = NCIMB 8926
CC   type material = NRRL B-2295
CC   synonym = Nocardia rugosa
CC   authority = Prauserella rugosa (Lechevalier et al. 1986) Kim and Goodfellow 1999
CC   synonym = Proactinomyces rugosa
CC   type material = VKM Ac-1243
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CC   This entry is a placeholder for the corresponding entry in the NCBI
CC   taxonomy
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