Description | Ammonifex (genus), Ammonifex Huber and Stetter 1996 emend. Miroshnichenko et al. 2008 (authority). |
Parent nodes | - taxid:42857 Moorella group (no rank), Clostridium thermoautotrophicum group (synonym), cluster VII (synonym).
Child nodes | - taxid:42838 Ammonifex degensii (species), Ammonifex degensii Huber and Stetter 1996 (authority), DSM 10501 (type material), strain KC4 (type material).
- taxid:1208888 environmental samples (no rank).
- taxid:444093 Ammonifex thiophilus (species), Ammonifex thiophilus Miroshnichenko et al. 2008 (authority), DSM 19636 (type material), Fervidomicrobium thiophilum (misspelling), VKM B-2461 (type material), strain SR (type material).
See also | 42837
Properties |
DE Ammonifex (genus).
PA 42857 (parent ID)
CC authority = Ammonifex Huber and Stetter 1996 emend. Miroshnichenko et al. 2008
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CC This entry is a placeholder for the corresponding entry in the NCBI
CC taxonomy
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