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Pagni M, Ioannidis V, Cerutti L, Zahn-Zabal M, Jongeneel CV, Hau J, Martin O, Kuznetsov D, Falquet L.
MyHits: improvements to an interactive resource for analyzing protein sequences.
Nucleic Acids Res. 2007 Jul; 35(Web Server issue):W433-7
Description | Septoria (genus). |
Parent nodes | - taxid:93134 mitosporic Mycosphaerellaceae (no rank), anamorphic Mycosphaerellaceae (synonym).
Child nodes | - taxid:215479 Septoria scabiosicola (species).
- taxid:333105 Septoria canadensis (species).
- taxid:438398 Septoria violae-patrinii (species).
- taxid:445201 Septoria sp. CBS 120739 (species).
- taxid:582513 Septoria sp. Mf-4b (species).
- taxid:39703 Septoria lycopersici (species), tomato leaf spot fungus (genbank common name).
- taxid:266400 Septoria helianthicola (species), Septoria helianthicola Cooke & Harkn. (authority).
- taxid:333100 Septoria albopunctata (species).
- taxid:333107 Septoria floridae (species).
- taxid:333109 Septoria pini-thunbergii (species).
- taxid:333110 Septoria sambucina (species).
- taxid:438385 Septoria chelidonii (species).
- taxid:438386 Septoria codonopsidis (species).
- taxid:438390 Septoria mazi (species).
- taxid:438392 Septoria perillae (species).
- taxid:621158 Septoria digitalis (species).
- taxid:1042305 Septoria lepidii (species), Septoria lepidii Desm., 1842 (authority).
- taxid:215478 Septoria lamiicola (species).
- taxid:266396 Septoria hippocastani (species), Septoria hippocastani Berk. & Broome (authority).
- taxid:333102 Septoria alnii (species).
- taxid:333106 Septoria cornicola (species).
- taxid:438379 Septoria abeliceae (species).
- taxid:438381 Septoria artemisiae (species).
- taxid:446941 Septoria sp. KACC 42524 (species).
- taxid:879911 Septoria sp. DB 04082010 (species).
- taxid:215469 Septoria rubi (species), Mycosphaerella rubi (synonym), Mycosphaerella rubi Roark (authority), Septoria rubi Berk. & M.A.Curtis (authority), non Septoria rubi Westend. (synonym).
- taxid:215477 Septoria glycines (species).
- taxid:266406 Septoria leucanthemi (species), Septoria leucanthemi Sacc. & Speg. (authority).
- taxid:438380 Septoria agrimoniicola (species).
- taxid:438391 Septoria patriniae (species).
- taxid:438396 Septoria tormentillae (species).
- taxid:438397 Septoria violae-palustris (species).
- taxid:446940 Septoria pachyspora (species).
- taxid:700431 Septoria macropoda (species).
- taxid:872235 Septoria sp. E7421c (species).
- taxid:215472 Septoria aciculosa (species).
- taxid:215474 Septoria calendulae (species).
- taxid:333101 Septoria alnifolia (species).
- taxid:333103 Septoria azaleae (species).
- taxid:333108 Septoria ostryae (species).
- taxid:438383 Septoria campanulae (species).
- taxid:438394 Septoria sp. KACC 42449 (species).
- taxid:706169 cf. Septoria sp. CBS 102377 (species).
- taxid:215476 Septoria gerberae (species).
- taxid:215480 Septoria sii (species).
- taxid:266403 Septoria astericola (species), Septoria astericola Ellis & Everh. (authority).
- taxid:361270 Septoria eucalyptorum (species), Septoria sp. CPC 11282 (includes).
- taxid:361271 Septoria provencialis (species), Septoria sp. CPC 12226 (includes).
- taxid:438388 Septoria justiciae (species).
- taxid:438393 Septoria posoniensis (species).
- taxid:705924 Septoria dysentericae (species).
- taxid:1240671 Septoria allii (species), Septoria allii Moesz 1920 (authority).
- taxid:409500 Septoria citri (species).
- taxid:394994 Septoria sp. CBS 113612 (species).
- taxid:394992 Septoria sp. CBS 113373 (species).
- taxid:1125868 Septoria stachydis (species), Septoria stachydis Roberge ex Desm. 1847 (authority).
- taxid:1125871 Septoria urticae (species), Septoria urticae Roberge ex Desm. 1847 (authority).
- taxid:1125866 Septoria chrysanthemella (species), Septoria chrysanthemella Sacc. 1895 (authority).
- taxid:1125872 Septoria verbascicola (species), Septoria verbascicola Berk. & M.A. Curtis (authority).
- taxid:1125873 Septoria epilobii (species), Septoria epilobii Westend. 1852 (authority).
- taxid:1047178 Septoria verbenae (species), Septoria verbenae Roberge ex Desm. 1847 (authority).
- taxid:1047173 Septoria cytisi (species), Septoria cytisi Desm. 1847 (authority).
- taxid:1047177 Septoria menthae (species), Septoria menthae Oudem. 1875 (authority).
- taxid:266407 Septoria taraxaci (species), Septoria taraxaci Hollos (synonym).
- taxid:266410 Septoria socia (species), Septoria socia Pass. (synonym).
- taxid:266402 Septoria erigerontis (species).
- taxid:266404 Septoria atropurpurea (species), Septoria atropurpurea Peck (synonym).
- taxid:266411 Septoria obesa (species), Septoria obesa Syd. (synonym).
- taxid:266401 Septoria senecionis (species), Septoria senecionis Westend. (synonym).
- taxid:266408 Septoria helianthi (species), Septoria helianthi Ellis et Kellerm. (synonym).
- taxid:409501 Septoria sp. Slp-1 (species).
- taxid:409499 Septoria citricola (species).
- taxid:1198104 Septoria villarsiae (species), Septoria villarsiae Desm. 1842 (authority).
- taxid:1198102 Septoria stachydicola (species), Septoria stachydicola Hollos 1926 (authority).
- taxid:1198103 Septoria stellariae (species), Septoria stellariae Roberge ex Desm. 1847 (authority).
- taxid:148811 Septoria epambrosiae (species).
- taxid:237588 Septoria protearum (species).
- taxid:689578 Septoria phalaridis (species).
- taxid:768848 Septoria halophila (species), Septoria halophila Speg. 1910 (authority).
- taxid:1238663 Septoria sp. OTU_102 (species).
- taxid:237466 Septoria rosae (species).
- taxid:927698 Septoria sp. MT0818 (species), Septoria sp. cult_08_A25 (includes).
- taxid:687969 Septoria aceris (species).
- taxid:687970 Septoria convolvuli (species).
- taxid:266397 Septoria quercicola (species), Septoria quercicola Sacc. (synonym).
- taxid:687971 Septoria cucubali (species).
- taxid:215473 Septoria apiicola (species).
- taxid:215475 Septoria castaneicola (species).
- taxid:438389 Septoria lycopicola (species).
- taxid:438395 Septoria sp. KACC 42450 (species).
- taxid:445200 Septoria sp. CPC 12358 (species).
- taxid:446920 Septoria crepidis (species).
- taxid:1125865 Septoria chamaecysti (species), Septoria chamaecysti Vestergr. 1896 (authority).
- taxid:1125867 Septoria phlogis (species).
- taxid:1125874 Septoria lysimachiae (species), Septoria lysimachiae Westend. 1852 (authority).
- taxid:266405 Septoria schnabliana (species), Septoria schnabliana (Allesch.) Died. (synonym).
- taxid:266409 Septoria lactucae (species), Septoria lactucae Pass. (synonym).
- taxid:333104 Septoria betulae (species).
- taxid:394993 Septoria sp. CBS 113385 (species).
- taxid:438382 Septoria callistephi (species).
- taxid:438384 Septoria cerastii (species).
- taxid:438387 Septoria hibiscicola (species).
- taxid:446915 Septoria oenanthis (species).
- taxid:397756 Septoria malagutii (varietas), Septoria lycopersici var. malagutii (synonym), Septoria malagutii E.T. Cline 2006 (authority).
- taxid:1168309 Septoria rudbeckiae (species), Septoria rudbeckiae Ellis & Halsted 1890 (authority).
- taxid:202922 Septoria arundinacea (species).
See also | 39702
Properties |
DE Septoria (genus).
PA 93134 (parent ID)
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CC This entry is a placeholder for the corresponding entry in the NCBI
CC taxonomy
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