Description | Rhizobium phaseoli (species), ATCC 14482 (type material), DSM 30137 (type material), IFO 14785 (type material), JCM 20683 (type material), NBRC 14785 (type material), NRRL L-321 (type material), Rhizobium phaseoli Dangeard 1926 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Ramirez-Bahena et al. 2008 (authority), VKM B-1966 (type material). |
Parent nodes | - taxid:379 Rhizobium (genus), "Phytomyxa" Schroeter 1886 (authority), "Rhizobacterium" Kirchner 1896 (authority), Allorhizobium (includes), Allorhizobium de Lajudie et al. 1998 (authority), Phytomyxa (synonym), Rhizobacterium (synonym), Rhizobium Frank 1889 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Young et al. 2001 (authority).
Child nodes | - taxid:1128399 Rhizobium phaseoli Ch24-10 (no rank), Rhizobium phaseoli str. Ch24-10 (equivalent name), Rhizobium phaseoli strain Ch24-10 (equivalent name).
See also | 396
Properties |
DE Rhizobium phaseoli (species).
PA 379 (parent ID)
CC type material = ATCC 14482
CC type material = DSM 30137
CC type material = IFO 14785
CC type material = JCM 20683
CC type material = NBRC 14785
CC type material = NRRL L-321
CC authority = Rhizobium phaseoli Dangeard 1926 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Ramirez-Bahena et al. 2008
CC type material = VKM B-1966
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CC This entry is a placeholder for the corresponding entry in the NCBI
CC taxonomy
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