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DescriptionCorynebacterium vitaeruminis (species), "Flavobacterium vitarumen" Bechdel et al. 1928 (authority), ATCC 10234 (type material), Brevibacterium vitaeruminis corrig. (Bechdel et al. 1928) Breed 1957 (Approved Lists 1980) (authority), Brevibacterium vitarumen (synonym), CCUG 28792 (type material), CIP 82.7 (type material), Corynebacterium vitaeruminis corrig. (Bechdel et al. 1928) Laneelle et al. 1980 (authority), Corynebacterium vitarumen (synonym), DSM 20294 (type material), Flavobacterium vitarumen (synonym), IFO 12143 (type material), JCM 1323 (type material), NBRC 12143 (type material), NCIB 9291 (type material), NCIMB 9291 (type material), VKM B-1211 (type material).
Parent nodes
  • taxid:1716 Corynebacterium (genus), Caseobacter (includes), Caseobacter Crombach 1978 (authority), Corynebacterium Lehmann and Neumann 1896 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Bernard et al. 2010 (authority).
Child nodes
  • taxid:1224164 Corynebacterium vitaeruminis DSM 20294 (no rank), Corynebacterium vitaeruminis ATCC 10234 (synonym), Corynebacterium vitaeruminis CIP 82.7 (synonym).
See also38305
ID   38305           TAXONOMY;
DE   Corynebacterium vitaeruminis (species).
PA   1716 (parent ID)
CC   authority = "Flavobacterium vitarumen" Bechdel et al. 1928
CC   type material = ATCC 10234
CC   authority = Brevibacterium vitaeruminis corrig. (Bechdel et al. 1928) Breed 1957 (Approved Lists 1980)
CC   synonym = Brevibacterium vitarumen
CC   type material = CCUG 28792
CC   type material = CIP 82.7
CC   authority = Corynebacterium vitaeruminis corrig. (Bechdel et al. 1928) Laneelle et al. 1980
CC   synonym = Corynebacterium vitarumen
CC   type material = DSM 20294
CC   synonym = Flavobacterium vitarumen
CC   type material = IFO 12143
CC   type material = JCM 1323
CC   type material = NBRC 12143
CC   type material = NCIB 9291
CC   type material = NCIMB 9291
CC   type material = VKM B-1211
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CC   This entry is a placeholder for the corresponding entry in the NCBI
CC   taxonomy
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