Description | Chondria (genus), Chondria C. Agardh, 1817 (authority). |
Parent nodes | |
Child nodes | - taxid:860626 Chondria capillaris (species), Chondria capillaris (Hudson) M.J.Wynne (authority).
- taxid:860630 Chondria ryukyuensis (species), Chondria ryukyuensis Yamada (authority).
- taxid:999089 Chondria sp. ARS-2011 (species).
- taxid:860625 Chondria armata (species), Chondria armata (Kuetzing) Okamura (authority).
- taxid:860627 Chondria crassicaulis (species), Chondria crassicaulis Harvey (authority).
- taxid:860628 Chondria dangeardii (species), Chondria dangeardii E.Y.Dawson (authority).
- taxid:934964 Chondria collinsiana (species), Chondria collinsiana M.A.Howe (authority).
- taxid:217290 Chondria californica (species).
- taxid:860650 Chondria sp. ARS-2010 (species).
- taxid:997581 Chondria arcuata (species), Chondria arcuata Hollenberg (authority).
- taxid:860629 Chondria expansa (species), Chondria expansa Okamura (authority).
- taxid:31393 Chondria dasyphylla (species).
See also | 31392
Properties |
DE Chondria (genus).
PA 2803 (parent ID)
CC authority = Chondria C. Agardh, 1817
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CC This entry is a placeholder for the corresponding entry in the NCBI
CC taxonomy
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