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DescriptionAzohydromonas (genus), Azohydromonas Xie and Yokota 2005 (synonym).
Parent nodes
  • taxid:506 Alcaligenaceae (family), Alcaligenaceae De Ley et al. 1986 (synonym).
Child nodes
  • taxid:45677 Azohydromonas lata (species), ATCC 29712 (type material), Alcaligenes lactus (misspelling), Alcaligenes latus (synonym), Alcaligenes latus Palleroni and Palleroni 1978 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), Alkaligenes lactus (misspelling), Azohydromonas lata (Palleroni and Palleroni 1978) Xie and Yokota 2005 (synonym), Azohydromonas latus (misspelling), CIP 103458 (type material), DSM 1122 (type material), IAM 12599 (type material), LMG 3321 (type material), NBRC 102462 (type material).
  • taxid:487341 environmental samples (no rank).
  • taxid:364039 Azohydromonas australica (species), ATCC 29713 (type material), Azohydromonas australica Xie and Yokota 2005 (synonym), DSM 1124 (type material), IAM 12664 (type material), JCM 20723 (type material), LMG 3324 (type material), NBRC 102464 (type material).
See also312063
ID   312063           TAXONOMY;
DE   Azohydromonas (genus).
PA   506 (parent ID)
CC   synonym = Azohydromonas Xie and Yokota 2005
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CC   This entry is a placeholder for the corresponding entry in the NCBI
CC   taxonomy
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