Description | Anaxyrus nelsoni (species), Amargosa toad (genbank common name), Anaxyrus nelsoni (Stejneger, 1893) (authority), Bufo boreas nelsoni (synonym), Bufo boreas nelsoni Stejneger, 1893 (synonym), Bufo nelsoni (synonym), Bufo nelsoni (Stejneger, 1893) (synonym). |
DE Anaxyrus nelsoni (species).
PA 651670 (parent ID)
CC genbank common name = Amargosa toad
CC authority = Anaxyrus nelsoni (Stejneger, 1893)
CC synonym = Bufo boreas nelsoni
CC synonym = Bufo boreas nelsoni Stejneger, 1893
CC synonym = Bufo nelsoni
CC synonym = Bufo nelsoni (Stejneger, 1893)
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CC This entry is a placeholder for the corresponding entry in the NCBI
CC taxonomy
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