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DescriptionLeptospira biflexa serovar Andamana (no rank).
Parent nodes
  • taxid:172 Leptospira biflexa (species), "Spirochaeta biflexa" Wolbach and Binger 1914 (authority), ATCC 23582 (type material), Leptospira biflexa (Wolbach and Binger 1914) Noguchi 1918 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Faine and Stallman 1982 (authority), Spirochaeta biflexa (in-part), strain Patoc I (type material).
Child nodes
See also293081
ID   293081           TAXONOMY;
DE   Leptospira biflexa serovar Andamana (no rank).
PA   172 (parent ID)
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CC   This entry is a placeholder for the corresponding entry in the NCBI
CC   taxonomy
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