- MyHits
Description | Peyronellaea zeae-maydis (species), Didymella zeae-maydis (genbank synonym), Didymella zeae-maydis (Mukunya & Boothroyd) Arx (authority), Mycosphaerella zeae-maydis (synonym), Mycosphaerella zeae-maydis Mukunya & Boothroyd (authority), Peyronellaea zeae-maydis (Mukunya & Boothr.) Aveskamp,Gruyter & Verkley 2010 (authority), Phoma zeae-maydis (synonym), Phoma zeae-maydis Punith. 1990 (authority), Phyllosticta maydis (anamorph), Phyllosticta maydis Arny & R.R. Nelson 1971 (authority), yellow leaf blight of maize (common name). |
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See also | 259522 |
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ID 259522 TAXONOMY; DE Peyronellaea zeae-maydis (species). PA 749588 (parent ID) CC genbank synonym = Didymella zeae-maydis CC authority = Didymella zeae-maydis (Mukunya & Boothroyd) Arx CC synonym = Mycosphaerella zeae-maydis CC authority = Mycosphaerella zeae-maydis Mukunya & Boothroyd CC authority = Peyronellaea zeae-maydis (Mukunya & Boothr.) Aveskamp,Gruyter & Verkley 2010 CC synonym = Phoma zeae-maydis CC authority = Phoma zeae-maydis Punith. 1990 CC anamorph = Phyllosticta maydis CC authority = Phyllosticta maydis Arny & R.R. Nelson 1971 CC common name = yellow leaf blight of maize CC -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CC This entry is a placeholder for the corresponding entry in the NCBI CC taxonomy http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Taxonomy/Browser/wwwtax.cgi?id=259522 CC -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // |