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DescriptionMycoplasma (genus), "Asterococcus" Borrel et al. 1910 (authority), "Asteromyces" Wroblewski 1931 (authority), "Borrelomyces" Turner 1935 (authority), "Bovimyces" Sabin 1941 (authority), "Pleuropneumonia" Tulasne and Brisou 1955 (authority), Asterococcus (synonym), Asteromyces (synonym), Borrelomyces (synonym), Bovimyces (synonym), Eperythrozoon (synonym), Eperythrozoon Schilling 1928 (Approved Lists 1980) (authority), Haemobartonella (synonym), Haemobartonella Tyzzer and Weinman 1939 (Approved Lists 1980) (authority), Mycoplasma Nowak 1929 (authority), Pleuropneumonia (synonym).
Parent nodes
  • taxid:2092 Mycoplasmataceae (family), "Borrelomycetaceae" Turner 1935 (authority), "Parasitaceae" Sabin 1941 (authority), "Pleuropneumoniaceae" Tulasne and Brisou 1955 (authority), Borrelomycetaceae (synonym), Mycoplasmataceae Freundt 1955 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Tully et al. 1993 (authority), Parasitaceae (synonym), Pleuropneumoniaceae (synonym).
Child nodes
  • taxid:2096 Mycoplasma gallisepticum (species), ATCC 19610 (type material), CIP 104967 (type material), IFO 14855 (type material), Mycoplasma gallisepticum Edward and Kanarek 1960 (authority), NBRC 14855 (type material), NCTC 10115 (type material).
  • taxid:2097 Mycoplasma genitalium (species), ATCC 33530 (type material), CIP 103767 (type material), Mycoplasma genitalium Tully et al. 1983 (authority), NCTC 10195 (type material), strain G-37 (type material).
  • taxid:2104 Mycoplasma pneumoniae (species), "Filterable agent of primary atypical pneumonia" Eaton et al. 1944 (authority), "Schizoplasma pneumoniae" (Somerson et al. 1963) Furness et al. 1968 (authority), ATCC 15531 (type material), CIP 103766 (type material), Filterable agent of primary atypical pneumonia (synonym), IFO 14401 (type material), Mycoplasma pneumoniae Somerson et al. 1963 (authority), NBRC 14401 (type material), NCTC 10119 (type material), Schizoplasma pneumoniae (synonym).
  • taxid:2110 Mycoplasma agalactiae (species), "Anulomyces agalaxiae" (sic) Wroblewski 1931 (authority), "Asterococcus agalactiae" (Wroblewski 1931) Prevot 1961 (authority), "Borrelomyces agalactiae" (Wroblewski 1931) Turner 1935 (authority), "Capromyces agalactiae" (Wroblewski 1931) Sabin 1941 (authority), "Microbe de l'agalaxie contagieuse" Bridre and Donatien 1923 (authority), "Pleuropneumonia agalactiae" (Wroblewski 1931) Tulasne and Brisou 1955 (authority), Anulomyces agalaxiae (synonym), Asterococcus agalactiae (synonym), Borrelomyces agalactiae (synonym), CIP 59.7 (type material), Capromyces agalactiae (synonym), Microbe de l'agalaxie contagieuse (synonym), Mycoplasma agalactiae (Wroblewski 1931) Freundt 1955 (authority), NCTC 10123 (type material), Pleuropneumonia agalactiae (synonym), strain PG2 (type material).
  • taxid:29555 Mycoplasma canis (species), "Asterococcus canis" (Edward 1955) Prevot 1961 (authority), ATCC 19525 (type material), Asterococcus canis (synonym), IFO 14846 (type material), Mycoplasma canis Edward 1955 (authority), NBRC 14846 (type material), NCTC 10146 (type material).
  • taxid:29558 Mycoplasma hyopharyngis (species), ATCC 51909 (type material), Mycoplasma hyopharyngis Erickson et al. 1986 (authority), NCTC 11705 (type material), strain H3-6B F (type material).
  • taxid:29562 Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae (species), ATCC 29419 (type material), Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae Carmichael et al. 1972 (authority), NCTC 10151 (type material).
  • taxid:36743 Mycoplasma leopharyngis (species), ATCC 49889 (type material), Mycoplasma leopharyngis Hill 1992 (authority), NCTC 11725 (type material), strain LL2 (type material).
  • taxid:78580 Mycoplasma alvi (species), ATCC 29626 (type material), Mycoplasma alvi Gourlay et al. 1977 (authority), NCTC 10157 (type material).
  • taxid:108818 Mycoplasma sp. serogroup L (species).
  • taxid:171632 Mycoplasma ovis (species), Eperythrozoon ovis (synonym), Eperythrozoon ovis Neitz et al. 1934 (Approved Lists 1980) (authority), Mycoplasma (Eperythrozoon) ovis (synonym), Mycoplasma ovis (Neitz et al. 1934) Neimark et al. 2004 (authority).
  • taxid:181654 Mycoplasma sp. BHJA (species), 'Mycoplasma BHJA' (synonym), Mycoplasma BHJA (synonym).
  • taxid:244584 Mycoplasma testudineum (species), ATCC 700618 (type material), MCCM 03231 (type material), Mycoplasma cheloniae (misspelling), Mycoplasma testudineum Brown et al. 2004 (authority).
  • taxid:292461 Mycoplasma iguanae (species), ATCC BAA-1050 (type material), Mycoplasma iguanae Brown et al. 2006 (authority), NCTC 11745 (type material), strain 2327 (type material).
  • taxid:367802 Mycoplasma sp. 11CL2 (species).
  • taxid:367804 Mycoplasma sp. 39CL (species).
  • taxid:394103 Mycoplasma sp. B2 (species).
  • taxid:432608 Candidatus Mycoplasma haemobos (species), "Candidatus Mycoplasma haemobos" Tagawa et al. 2008 (authority), Candidatus Mycoplasma haemobovis (misspelling), Mycoplasma haemobos (synonym).
  • taxid:478794 Mycoplasma sp. 12SR98 (species).
  • taxid:497548 Mycoplasma sp. 07SH-p (species).
  • taxid:503346 Mycoplasma sp. 329A05 (species).
  • taxid:512751 Mycoplasma sp. SF9 (species).
  • taxid:529417 Mycoplasma sp. M222-5 (species).
  • taxid:538217 Mycoplasma sp. C3 (species).
  • taxid:547986 Mycoplasma sp. 1449 (species).
  • taxid:549718 Mycoplasma sp. CSL7491-lung (species).
  • taxid:561066 Mycoplasma sp. ST 101 (species).
  • taxid:573979 Mycoplasma sp. EDS-4 (species).
  • taxid:633485 Mycoplasma sp. M35 (species).
  • taxid:640330 Mycoplasma sp. Pen4 (species).
  • taxid:708615 Mycoplasma sp. TX1294-E (species).
  • taxid:717789 Mycoplasma sp. Sgv1a (species).
  • taxid:754514 Mycoplasma sp. Mirounga ES2805-ORL (species).
  • taxid:754515 Mycoplasma sp. Mirounga ES2806-GEN (species).
  • taxid:911512 Mycoplasma sp. GR_1 (species).
  • taxid:911524 Mycoplasma sp. Tm30_2 (species).
  • taxid:1032743 Mycoplasma sp. B175 (species).
  • taxid:1179776 Mycoplasma sp. G5813/1+2 (species).
  • taxid:2100 Mycoplasma hyorhinis (species), "Asterococcus hyorhinis" (Switzer 1955) Prevot 1961 (authority), ATCC 17981 (type material), Asterococcus hyorhinis (synonym), CIP 104968 (type material), IFO 14858 (type material), Mycoplasma hyorhinis Switzer 1955 (authority), NBRC 14858 (type material), NCTC 10130 (type material).
  • taxid:2128 Mycoplasma flocculare (species), ATCC 27399 (type material), Mycoplasma flocculare Meyling and Friss 1972 (authority), NCTC 10143 (type material).
  • taxid:28227 Mycoplasma penetrans (species), ATCC 55252 (type material), Mycoplasma penetrans Lo et al. 1992 (authority), strain GTU-54-6A1 (type material).
  • taxid:33923 Mycoplasma felis (species), ATCC 23391 (type material), Mycoplasma felis Cole et al. 1967 (authority), NCTC 10160 (type material).
  • taxid:33924 Mycoplasma testudinis (species), ATCC 43263 (type material), Mycoplasma testudinis Hill 1985 (authority), NCTC 11701 (type material), strain 01008 (type material).
  • taxid:36741 Mycoplasma feliminutum (species), ATCC 25749 (type material), Mycoplasma feliminutum Heyward et al. 1969 (authority), NCTC 10159 (type material).
  • taxid:38746 Mycoplasma microti (species), ATCC 700935 (type material), CCUG 53181 (type material), Mycoplasma microti Brown et al. 2001 (authority), Mycoplasma volis (misspelling), strain IL371 (type material).
  • taxid:51363 Mycoplasma auris (species), ATCC 51348 (type material), CIP 105677 (type material), Mycoplasma auris DaMassa et al. 1994 (authority), NCTC 11731 (type material), strain UIA (type material).
  • taxid:55966 Mycoplasma haemomuris (species), "Bartonella muris ratti" Regendanz and Kikuth 1928 (authority), "Bartonella muris" Mayer 1921 (authority), "Candidatus Mycoplasma haemomuris" Neimark et al. 2001 (authority), Bartonella muris (synonym), Bartonella muris ratti (synonym), Candidatus Mycoplasma haemomuris (synonym), Haemobartonella muris (synonym), Haemobartonella muris (Mayer 1921) Tyzzer and Weinman 1939 (authority), Mycoplasma haemomuris (Mayer 1921) Neimark et al. 2002 (authority).
  • taxid:92403 Mycoplasma falconis (species), ATCC 51372 (type material), Mycoplasma falconis Poveda et al. 1994 (authority), strain H/T1 (type material).
  • taxid:92405 Mycoplasma indiense (species), ATCC 51125 (type material), Mycoplasma indiense Hill 1993 (authority), NCTC 11728 (type material), strain 3T (type material).
  • taxid:92406 Mycoplasma spumans (species), "Asterococcus spumans" (Edward 1955) Prevot 1961 (authority), ATCC 19526 (type material), Asterococcus spumans (synonym), IFO 14849 (type material), Mycoplasma spumans Edward 1955 (authority), NBRC 14849 (type material), NCTC 10169 (type material).
  • taxid:92758 Mycoplasma fastidiosum (species), ATCC 33229 (type material), Mycoplasma fastidiosum Lemcke and Poland 1980 (authority), NCTC 10180 (type material), strain 4822 (type material).
  • taxid:114886 Mycoplasma opalescens (species), ATCC 27921 (type material), Mycoplasma opalescens Rosendal 1975 (authority), NCTC 10149 (type material).
  • taxid:141391 Candidatus Mycoplasma haemolamae (species), "Candidatus Mycoplasma haemolamae" Messick et al. 2002 (authority), Mycoplasma haemolamae (synonym), Mycoplasma hemolama (misspelling).
  • taxid:171283 Mycoplasma cricetuli (species), ATCC 35279 (type material), Mycoplasma cricetuli Hill 1983 (authority), NCTC 10190 (type material), strain CH (type material).
  • taxid:171629 Candidatus Mycoplasma kahanei (species), "Candidatus Mycoplasma kahanei" Neimark et al. 2002 (authority), Candidatus Mycoplasma kahanii (misspelling), Mycoplasma kahanei (synonym), Mycoplasma kahanii (misspelling), Mycoplasma sciureus (misspelling).
  • taxid:220926 Mycoplasma coccoides (species), "Gyromorpha musculi" Dinger 1928 (authority), Eperythrozoon coccoides (genbank synonym), Eperythrozoon coccoides Schilling 1928 (authority), Gyromorpha musculi (synonym), Mycoplasma coccoides (Schilling 1928) Neimark et al. 2005 (authority).
  • taxid:297515 Mycoplasma sphenisci (species), "Mycoplasma sphenisci" Frasca et al. 2005 (authority).
  • taxid:341697 Mycoplasma sp. ATCC 27369 (species).
  • taxid:367800 Mycoplasma sp. 13CL (species).
  • taxid:478791 Mycoplasma sp. 122SR99 (species).
  • taxid:488178 Candidatus Mycoplasma haemovis (species), 'Candidatus Mycoplasma haemovis' (synonym), Mycoplasma haemovis (synonym).
  • taxid:525886 Mycoplasma sp. M26 (species).
  • taxid:529413 Mycoplasma sp. M209-7 (species).
  • taxid:538220 Mycoplasma sp. 237IA (species).
  • taxid:561067 Mycoplasma sp. ST 57 (species).
  • taxid:577466 Mycoplasma sp. 38104 (species).
  • taxid:633484 Mycoplasma sp. M1/05 (species).
  • taxid:640029 Mycoplasma sp. Phocoena C-269 (species).
  • taxid:640329 Mycoplasma sp. Pen1 (species).
  • taxid:644625 Mycoplasma sp. BovHM-7 (species).
  • taxid:689816 Candidatus Mycoplasma haemozalophi (species), 'Candidatus Mycoplasma haemozalophi' (synonym), Mycoplasma haemozalophi (synonym), Mycoplasma sp. CSL 7666 (includes), Mycoplasma sp. CSL 7750 (includes), Mycoplasma sp. CSL 7755 (includes), Mycoplasma sp. CSL 7758 (includes), Mycoplasma sp. CSL 7783 (includes), Mycoplasma sp. CSL 7801 (includes), Mycoplasma sp. CSL 7822 (includes), Mycoplasma sp. CSL 7860 (includes), Mycoplasma sp. CSL 7871 (includes), Mycoplasma sp. CSL 7873 (includes), Mycoplasma sp. CSL 7881 (includes), Mycoplasma sp. CSL 7897 (includes), Mycoplasma sp. CSL C606 (includes), Mycoplasma sp. CSL C739 (includes), Mycoplasma sp. CSL C795 (includes), Mycoplasma sp. CSL C796 (includes), Mycoplasma sp. CSL C797 (includes).
  • taxid:717794 Mycoplasma sp. Sgv2d (species).
  • taxid:717795 Mycoplasma sp. Sgv2e (species).
  • taxid:754517 Mycoplasma sp. Phocoena C-264-GEN (species).
  • taxid:911517 Mycoplasma sp. SS_2 (species).
  • taxid:911519 Mycoplasma sp. Tm20 (species).
  • taxid:1179777 Mycoplasma sp. G5847 (species).
  • taxid:1202437 Mycoplasma sp. 409 (species).
  • taxid:1202438 Mycoplasma sp. 410 (species).
  • taxid:1237870 Mycoplasma sp. N008 (species).
  • taxid:2098 Mycoplasma hominis (species), "Asterococcus hominis" (Freundt 1953) Prevot 1961 (authority), "Micromyces hominis group I" Freundt 1953 (authority), "Schizoplasma hominis" (Freundt 1953) Furness 1970 (authority), ATCC 23114 (type material), Asterococcus hominis (synonym), CIP 103715 (type material), IFO 14850 (type material), Micromyces hominis group I (synonym), Mycoplasma hominis (Freundt 1953) Edward 1955 (authority), NBRC 14850 (type material), NCTC 10111 (type material), Schizoplasma hominis (synonym).
  • taxid:2127 Mycoplasma collis (species), ATCC 35278 (type material), Mycoplasma collis Hill 1983 (authority), NCTC 10197 (type material), strain 58B (type material).
  • taxid:29554 Mycoplasma canadense (species), ATCC 29418 (type material), Mycoplasma canadense Langford et al. 1976 (authority), NCTC 10152 (type material).
  • taxid:29557 Mycoplasma gallinarum (species), "Asterococcus gallinarum" (Freundt 1955) Prevot 1961 (authority), "Borrelomyces gallinarum" Freundt 1955 (authority), ATCC 19708 (type material), Asterococcus gallinarum (synonym), Borrelomyces gallinarum (synonym), IFO 14859 (type material), Mycoplasma gallinarum Freundt 1955 (authority), NBRC 14859 (type material), NCTC 10120 (type material).
  • taxid:36744 Mycoplasma simbae (species), ATCC 49888 (type material), Mycoplasma simbae Hill 1992 (authority), NCTC 11724 (type material), strain LX (type material).
  • taxid:45362 Mycoplasma bovoculi (species), ATCC 29104 (type material), Mycoplasma bovoculi Langford and Leach 1973 (authority), NCTC 10141 (type material).
  • taxid:45363 Mycoplasma alkalescens (species), ATCC 29103 (type material), Mycoplasma alkalescens Leach 1973 (authority), NCTC 10135 (type material).
  • taxid:47687 Mycoplasma alligatoris (species), ATCC 700619 (type material), CCUG 53179 (type material), Mycoplasma alligatoris Brown et al. 2001 (authority), Mycoplasma lacerti (misspelling), strain A21JP2 (type material).
  • taxid:56142 Mycoplasma faucium (species), ATCC 25293 (type material), Mycoplasma faucium Freundt et al. 1974 (authority), Mycoplasma orale type 3 (synonym), NCTC 10174 (type material).
  • taxid:71665 Mycoplasma monodon (species), 'Mycoplasma monodon' (synonym).
  • taxid:92400 Mycoplasma anseris (species), ATCC 49234 (type material), Mycoplasma anseris Bradbury et al. 1988 (authority), NCTC 11708 (type material), strain 1219 (type material).
  • taxid:92407 Mycoplasma subdolum (species), ATCC 29870 (type material), Mycoplasma subdolum Lemcke and Kirchhoff 1979 (authority), NCTC 10175 (type material).
  • taxid:114882 Mycoplasma elephantis (species), ATCC 51980 (type material), Mycoplasma elephantis Kirchhoff et al. 1996 (authority), strain E42 (type material).
  • taxid:142650 Mycoplasma phocirhinis (species), ATCC 49639 (type material), Mycoplasma phocarhinis (synonym), Mycoplasma phocirhinis corrig. Giebel et al. 1991 (authority), NCTC 11722 (type material), strain 852 (type material).
  • taxid:171285 Mycoplasma glycophilum (species), ATCC 35277 (type material), Mycoplasma glycophilum Forrest and Bradbury 1984 (authority), NCTC 10194 (type material), strain 486 (type material).
  • taxid:202904 Mycoplasma sp. HRC689 (species).
  • taxid:346879 Candidatus Mycoplasma turicensis (species), "Candidatus Mycoplasma turicensis" Willi et al. 2006 (authority), Mycoplasma turicensis (synonym).
  • taxid:353852 Mycoplasma sp. Ms03 (species).
  • taxid:367805 Mycoplasma sp. 10T4 (species).
  • taxid:386412 Mycoplasma sp. Saa1c (species).
  • taxid:478798 Mycoplasma sp. 52SR98 (species).
  • taxid:512752 Mycoplasma sp. Z61 (species).
  • taxid:519450 Mycoplasma sp. 1220 (species).
  • taxid:529414 Mycoplasma sp. M209-8 (species).
  • taxid:547987 Mycoplasma sp. Zaradi2 (species).
  • taxid:577467 Mycoplasma sp. 27635 (species).
  • taxid:633488 Mycoplasma sp. M74/06/1 (species).
  • taxid:717791 Mycoplasma sp. Sgv2a (species).
  • taxid:717792 Mycoplasma sp. Sgv2b (species).
  • taxid:871300 Candidatus Mycoplasma aoti (species), "Candidatus Mycoplasma aoti" Barker et al. 2011 (authority), Candidatus Mycoplasma aotus (misspelling), Mycoplasma aoti (synonym), Mycoplasma sp. 'aoti' (includes), Mycoplasma sp. 'aotus' (misspelling).
  • taxid:873557 Mycoplasma sp. 31848 (species).
  • taxid:911518 Mycoplasma sp. TG_2 (species).
  • taxid:911522 Mycoplasma sp. Tm24_2 (species).
  • taxid:1042320 Mycoplasma sp. R2 (species).
  • taxid:1202435 Mycoplasma sp. 407 (species).
  • taxid:2122 Mycoplasma pirum (species), ATCC 25960 (type material), Mycoplasma pirum Del Giudice et al. 1985 (authority), NCTC 11702 (type material), strain HRC 70-159 (type material).
  • taxid:28903 Mycoplasma bovis (species), "Bovine serotype 5" Leach 1967 (authority), "Mycoplasma agalactiae subsp. bovis" Hale et al. 1962 (authority), "Mycoplasma bovimastitidis" Jain et al. 1967 (authority), ATCC 25523 (type material), Bovine serotype 5 (synonym), Mycoplasma agalactiae subsp. bovis (synonym), Mycoplasma agalactiae var. bovis (synonym), Mycoplasma bovimastitidis (synonym), Mycoplasma bovis (Hale et al. 1962) Askaa and Erno 1976 (authority), NCTC 10131 (type material), strain PG45 (type material).
  • taxid:29561 Mycoplasma meleagridis (species), ATCC 25294 (type material), CIP 103833 (type material), IFO 14852 (type material), Mycoplasma meleagridis Yamamoto et al. 1965 (authority), NBRC 14852 (type material), NCTC 10153 (type material).
  • taxid:33922 Mycoplasma agassizii (species), ATCC 700616 (type material), CCUG 53180 (type material), Mycoplasma agassizii Brown et al. 2001 (authority), strain PS6 (type material).
  • taxid:35768 Mycoplasma felifaucium (species), ATCC 43428 (type material), Mycoplasma felifaucium Hill 1988 (authority), NCTC 11703 (type material), strain PU (type material).
  • taxid:35769 Mycoplasma gateae (species), ATCC 23392 (type material), Mycoplasma gateae Cole et al. 1967 (authority), NCTC 10161 (type material).
  • taxid:51362 Mycoplasma adleri (species), ATCC 27948 (type material), CIP 105676 (type material), Mycoplasma adleri Del Giudice et al. 1995 (authority), strain G145 (type material).
  • taxid:55602 Mycoplasma buccale (species), ATCC 23636 (type material), CIP 105530 (type material), IFO 14851 (type material), Mycoplasma buccale Freundt et al. 1974 (authority), Mycoplasma orale type 2 (synonym), NBRC 14851 (type material), NCTC 10136 (type material).
  • taxid:55603 Mycoplasma caviae (species), ATCC 27108 (type material), Mycoplasma caviae Hill 1971 (authority), NCTC 10126 (type material).
  • taxid:92401 Mycoplasma cloacale (species), ATCC 35276 (type material), Mycoplasma cloacale Bradbury and Forrest 1984 (authority), NCTC 10199 (type material).
  • taxid:92402 Mycoplasma equirhinis (species), ATCC 29420 (type material), Mycoplasma equirhinis Allam and Lemcke 1975 (authority), NCTC 10148 (type material).
  • taxid:142649 Mycoplasma phocicerebrale (species), ATCC 49640 (type material), Mycoplasma phocacerebrale (synonym), Mycoplasma phocicerebrale corrig. Giebel et al. 1991 (authority), NCTC 11721 (type material), strain 1049 (type material).
  • taxid:142651 Mycoplasma phocidae (species), ATCC 33657 (type material), Mycoplasma phocae (synonym), Mycoplasma phocidae Ruhnke and Madoff 1992 (authority), strain 105 (type material).
  • taxid:367799 Mycoplasma sp. 10T3 (species).
  • taxid:502363 Mycoplasma sp. CM1 (species).
  • taxid:512748 Mycoplasma sp. 50587 (species).
  • taxid:538219 Mycoplasma sp. 2F1A (species).
  • taxid:577362 Mycoplasma sp. 13T2 (species).
  • taxid:655013 Mycoplasma sp. 30/14 (species).
  • taxid:656088 Mycoplasma mycoides group (species group), Mycoplasma mycoides cluster (synonym), capricolum group (synonym).
  • taxid:699439 Mycoplasma sp. USP120 (species).
  • taxid:717793 Mycoplasma sp. Sgv2c (species).
  • taxid:754513 Mycoplasma sp. Mirounga ES2774-NASSP4 (species).
  • taxid:866847 Mycoplasma sp. horse 127 (species).
  • taxid:868338 Mycoplasma sp. 4(9-1)(5.21) (species).
  • taxid:868339 Mycoplasma sp. 5(9-1)(5.21) (species).
  • taxid:872983 Mycoplasma sp. G.A. (species).
  • taxid:984991 Mycoplasma parvum (species), "Mycoplasma parvum" Watanabe et al. 2011 (authority), Eperythrozoon parvum (genbank synonym), Eperythrozoon parvum Splitter 1950 (authority).
  • taxid:1035096 Mycoplasma sp. 30L (species).
  • taxid:1202442 Mycoplasma sp. 414 (species).
  • taxid:2124 Mycoplasma salivarium (species), "Asterococcus salivarius" (Edward 1955) Prevot 1961 (authority), "Schizoplasma salivarium" (Edward 1955) Furness 1970 (authority), ATCC 23064 (type material), Asterococcus salivarius (synonym), IFO 14478 (type material), Mycoplasma salivarium Edward 1955 (authority), NBRC 14478 (type material), NCTC 10113 (type material), Schizoplasma salivarium (synonym).
  • taxid:2125 Mycoplasma sualvi (species), ATCC 33004 (type material), Mycoplasma sualvi Gourlay et al. 1978 (Approved Lists 1980) (authority), NCTC 10170 (type material), strain Mayfield (clone B) (type material).
  • taxid:29559 Mycoplasma hyosynoviae (species), "Mycoplasma suidaniae" Friis 1970 (authority), ATCC 25591 (type material), Mycoplasma hyosynoviae Ross and Karmon 1970 (authority), Mycoplasma suidaniae (synonym), NCTC 10167 (type material).
  • taxid:63686 Mycoplasma spermatophilum (species), ATCC 49695 (type material), CIP 105549 (type material), Mycoplasma spermatophilum Hill 1991 (authority), NCTC 11720 (type material), strain AH159 (type material).
  • taxid:92757 Mycoplasma cavipharyngis (species), ATCC 43016 (type material), Mycoplasma cavipharyngis Hill 1989 (authority), NCTC 11700 (type material), strain 117C (type material).
  • taxid:112247 Candidatus Mycoplasma haemodidelphidis (species), "Candidatus Mycoplasma haemodidelphidis" Messick et al. 2002 (authority), Mycoplasma erythrodidelphis (misspelling), Mycoplasma haemodidelphidis (synonym).
  • taxid:114880 Mycoplasma columbinasale (species), ATCC 33549 (type material), Mycoplasma columbinasale Jordan et al. 1982 (authority), NCTC 10184 (type material), strain 694 (type material).
  • taxid:114883 Mycoplasma equigenitalium (species), ATCC 29869 (type material), Mycoplasma equigenitalium Kirchhoff 1978 (authority).
  • taxid:136241 Mycoplasma haemocanis (species), "Bartonella canis" Kikuth 1928 (authority), "Haemobartonella (Bartonella) canis" (Kikuth 1928) Tyzzer and Weinman 1939 (authority), Bartonella canis (synonym), Haemobartonella (Bartonella) canis (synonym), Haemobartonella canis (synonym), Haemobartonella canis (ex Kikuth 1928) Kreier and Ristic 1984 (authority), Mycoplasma haemocanis (Kreier and Ristic 1984) Messick et al. 2002 (authority).
  • taxid:171282 Mycoplasma columborale (species), ATCC 29258 (type material), Mycoplasma columborale Shimizu et al. 1978 (authority), NCTC 10179 (type material).
  • taxid:171287 Mycoplasma moatsii (species), ATCC 27625 (type material), Mycoplasma moatsii Madden et al. 1974 (authority), NCTC 10158 (type material).
  • taxid:171290 Mycoplasma oxoniensis (species), ATCC 49694 (type material), Mycoplasma oxonense (equivalent name), Mycoplasma oxoniensis Hill 1991 (authority), NCTC 11712 (type material), strain 128 (type material).
  • taxid:202790 Mycoplasma sp. 'ovine/caprine serogroup 11' (species).
  • taxid:227185 Mycoplasma sp. VJC358 (species).
  • taxid:318487 Mycoplasma sp. 'feline hemotropic Switzerland' (species).
  • taxid:353851 Mycoplasma sp. Ms02 (species).
  • taxid:367803 Mycoplasma sp. 15CL2 (species).
  • taxid:464088 Mycoplasma sp. BLC4 (species).
  • taxid:478792 Mycoplasma sp. 126SR99 (species).
  • taxid:497549 Mycoplasma sp. 07SH-h (species).
  • taxid:529415 Mycoplasma sp. M221-9 (species).
  • taxid:536372 Mycoplasma sp. CSL7503-lung (species).
  • taxid:549719 Mycoplasma sp. CSL7529-conjunctiva (species).
  • taxid:577360 Mycoplasma sp. 72CL (species).
  • taxid:577361 Mycoplasma sp. 98CL1 (species).
  • taxid:754512 Mycoplasma sp. Mirounga ES2774-NAS (species).
  • taxid:754516 Mycoplasma sp. Mirounga ES2806-NAS (species).
  • taxid:866846 Mycoplasma sp. horse 111 (species).
  • taxid:911514 Mycoplasma sp. N_2 (species).
  • taxid:911516 Mycoplasma sp. P_2 (species).
  • taxid:932023 Mycoplasma sp. R1 (species).
  • taxid:981354 Mycoplasma sp. 'cheetah hemotropic Namibia' (species).
  • taxid:1032742 Mycoplasma sp. B86 (species).
  • taxid:1054557 Mycoplasma sp. T186 (species).
  • taxid:1054558 Mycoplasma sp. T331 (species).
  • taxid:1198041 Mycoplasma sp. Bear (species).
  • taxid:1202443 Mycoplasma sp. 7316 (species).
  • taxid:2112 Mycoplasma bovigenitalium (species), "Asterococcus bovigenitalium" (Freundt 1955) Prevot 1961 (authority), "Borrelomyces bovigenitalium" (Freundt) Freundt 1955 (authority), "Pleuropneumonia bovigenitalis" Tulasne and Brisou 1955 (authority), ATCC 19852 (type material), Asterococcus bovigenitalium (synonym), Borrelomyces bovigenitalium (synonym), IFO 14862 (type material), Mycoplasma bovigenitalium Freundt 1955 (authority), Mycoplasma ovine/caprine serogroup 11 (synonym), NBRC 14862 (type material), NCTC 10122 (type material), Pleuropneumonia bovigenitalis (synonym).
  • taxid:2115 Mycoplasma fermentans (species), "Asterococcus fermentans" (Edward 1955) Prevot 1961 (authority), "Micromyces hominis group II" Freundt 1954 (authority), "Schizoplasma fermentans" (Edward 1955) Furness 1970 (authority), ATCC 19989 (type material), Asterococcus fermentans (synonym), IFO 14854 (type material), Micromyces hominis group II (synonym), Mycoplasma fermentans Edward 1955 (authority), NBRC 14854 (type material), NCTC 10117 (type material), Schizoplasma fermentans (synonym).
  • taxid:2121 Mycoplasma orale (species), "Mycoplasma pharyngis" Clyde 1964 (authority), "Schizoplasma orale" (Taylor-Robinson et al. 1964) Furness 1968 (authority), ATCC 23714 (type material), CIP 104969 (type material), IFO 14477 (type material), Mycoplasma orale Taylor-Robinson et al. 1964 (authority), Mycoplasma pharyngis (synonym), NBRC 14477 (type material), NCTC 10112 (type material), Schizoplasma orale (synonym).
  • taxid:2123 Mycoplasma putrefaciens (species), ATCC 15718 (type material), Mycoplasma putrefaciens Tully et al. 1974 (authority), NCTC 10155 (type material), strain KS1 (type material).
  • taxid:29556 Mycoplasma gallinaceum (species), ATCC 33550 (type material), Mycoplasma gallinaceum Jordan et al. 1982 (authority), NCTC 10183 (type material), strain DD (type material).
  • taxid:50052 Mycoplasma crocodyli (species), ATCC 51981 (type material), Mycoplasma crocodyli Kirchhoff et al. 1997 (authority), strain MP145 (type material).
  • taxid:51364 Mycoplasma cottewii (species), ATCC 51347 (type material), CIP 105678 (type material), Mycoplasma cottewii DaMassa et al. 1994 (authority), NCTC 11732 (type material), strain VIS (type material).
  • taxid:65123 Mycoplasma wenyonii (species), "Candidatus Mycoplasma wenyonii" Neimark et al. 2001 (authority), "Haemobartonella wenyonii" (Adler and Ellenbogen 1934) Weinman 1944 (authority), Candidatus Mycoplasma wenyonii (synonym), Eperythrozoon (Haemobartonella) wenyonii (synonym), Eperythrozoon wenyonii (synonym), Eperythrozoon wenyonii Adler and Ellenbogen 1934 (authority), Haemobartonella wenyonii (synonym), Mycoplasma wenyonii (Adler and Ellenbogen 1934) Neimark et al. 2002 (authority).
  • taxid:76630 Mycoplasma iners (species), ATCC 19705 (type material), IFO 14853 (type material), Mycoplasma iners Edward and Kanarek 1960 (authority), NBRC 14853 (type material), NCRC 10165 (type material).
  • taxid:114885 Mycoplasma maculosum (species), "Asterococcus maculosus" (Edward 1955) Prevot 1961 (authority), ATCC 19327 (type material), Asterococcus maculosus (synonym), IFO 14848 (type material), Mycoplasma maculosum Edward 1955 (authority), NBRC 14848 (type material), NCTC 10168 (type material).
  • taxid:171281 Mycoplasma citelli (species), ATCC 29760 (type material), Mycoplasma citelli Rose et al. 1978 (authority), NCTC 10181 (type material).
  • taxid:273136 Mycoplasma amphoriforme (species), ATCC BAA-992 (type material), Mycoplasma amphoriforme Pitcher et al. 2005 (authority), NCTC 11740 (type material), strain A39 (type material).
  • taxid:386335 Mycoplasma sp. IS2505 (species).
  • taxid:386460 Mycoplasma insons (species), "Mycoplasma insons" May et al. 2007 (authority), Mycoplasma sp. I17P1 (includes), Mycoplasma sp. I17P1T (misspelling).
  • taxid:427691 Mycoplasma sp. China-1 (species).
  • taxid:478796 Mycoplasma sp. 48SR98 (species).
  • taxid:503347 Mycoplasma sp. 330A05 (species).
  • taxid:529416 Mycoplasma sp. M222-2 (species).
  • taxid:549720 Mycoplasma sp. CSL7489-oral (species).
  • taxid:568784 Mycoplasma sp. LR5794 (species).
  • taxid:577465 Mycoplasma sp. 27639 (species).
  • taxid:644623 Mycoplasma sp. BovHM-2 (species).
  • taxid:644624 Mycoplasma sp. BovHM-5 (species).
  • taxid:762824 Candidatus Mycoplasma haemocervae (species), 'Candidatus Mycoplasma haemocervae' (synonym), Mycoplasma sp. Sika152 (includes).
  • taxid:868337 Mycoplasma sp. 2(9-1)(5.21) (species).
  • taxid:1042319 Mycoplasma sp. R3 (species).
  • taxid:1054555 Mycoplasma sp. T157 (species).
  • taxid:1054556 Mycoplasma sp. T185 (species).
  • taxid:1054559 Mycoplasma sp. T80 (species).
  • taxid:1130048 Mycoplasma sp. Mirounga ES2783_AG_GEN (species).
  • taxid:1202439 Mycoplasma sp. 411 (species).
  • taxid:1202440 Mycoplasma sp. 412 (species).
  • taxid:1202441 Mycoplasma sp. 413 (species).
  • taxid:2108 Mycoplasma sp. (species).
  • taxid:2116 Mycoplasma iowae (species), ATCC 33552 (type material), Mycoplasma iowae Jordan et al. 1982 (authority), Mycoplasma iowense (equivalent name), NCTC 10185 (type material), strain 695 (type material).
  • taxid:2120 Mycoplasma neurolyticum (species), "Asterococcus neurolyticus" (Sabin 1941) Prevot 1961 (authority), "Musculomyces neurolyticus" Sabin 1941 (authority), "Pleuropneumonia cerebri-muris" Tulasne and Brisou 1955 (authority), ATCC 19988 (type material), Asterococcus neurolyticus (synonym), CIP 103926 (type material), IFO 14799 (type material), Musculomyces neurolyticus (synonym), Mycoplasma neurolyticum (Sabin 1941) Freundt 1955 (authority), NBRC 14799 (type material), NCTC 10166 (type material), Pleuropneumonia cerebri-muris (synonym).
  • taxid:36742 Mycoplasma leonicaptivi (species), ATCC 49890 (type material), Mycoplasma leocaptivus (synonym), Mycoplasma leonicaptivi corrig. Hill 1992 (authority), NCTC 11726 (type material), strain 3L2 (type material).
  • taxid:45361 Mycoplasma conjunctivae (species), ATCC 25834 (type material), Mycoplasma conjunctivae Barile et al. 1972 (authority), NCTC 10147 (type material).
  • taxid:48003 Mycoplasma pullorum (species), ATCC 33553 (type material), Mycoplasma pullorum Jordan et al. 1982 (authority), NCTC 10187 (type material), strain CKK (type material).
  • taxid:57372 Mycoplasma suis (species), "Candidatus Mycoplasma haemosuis" Neimark et al. 2001 (authority), Candidatus Mycoplasma haematosuis (misspelling), Candidatus Mycoplasma haemosuis (synonym), Eperythrozoon suis (synonym), Eperythrozoon suis Splitter 1950 (Approved Lists 1980) (authority), Mycoplasma haematosuis (misspelling), Mycoplasma haemosuis (synonym), Mycoplasma haemosuis (Splitter 1950) Neimark et al. 2002 (authority), Mycoplasma suis (Splitter 1950) Neimark et al. 2002 (authority), Mycoplasma suis corrig. (Splitter 1950) Neimark et al. 2002 (authority).
  • taxid:86660 Mycoplasma dispar (species), ATCC 27140 (type material), Mycoplasma dispar Gourlay and Leach 1970 (authority), NCTC 10125 (type material).
  • taxid:92404 Mycoplasma gypis (species), ATCC 51370 (type material), Mycoplasma gypis Poveda et al. 1994 (authority), strain B1/T1 (type material).
  • taxid:94769 Mycoplasma sp. 94630 (species).
  • taxid:114881 Mycoplasma columbinum (species), ATCC 29257 (type material), Mycoplasma columbinum Shimizu et al. 1978 (authority), NCTC 10178 (type material).
  • taxid:114884 Mycoplasma lipofaciens (species), ATCC 35015 (type material), Mycoplasma lipofaciens Bradbury et al. 1983 (authority), NCTC 10191 (type material), strain R171 (type material).
  • taxid:167966 environmental samples (no rank).
  • taxid:171279 Mycoplasma anatis (species), ATCC 25524 (type material), IFO 14861 (type material), Mycoplasma anatis Roberts 1964 (authority), NBRC 14861 (type material), NCTC 10156 (type material).
  • taxid:171280 Mycoplasma buteonis (species), ATCC 51371 (type material), Mycoplasma buteonis Poveda et al. 1994 (authority), strain Bb/T2g (type material).
  • taxid:171284 Mycoplasma cynos (species), ATCC 27544 (type material), Mycoplasma cynos Rosendal 1973 (authority), NCTC 10142 (type material).
  • taxid:171286 Mycoplasma lagogenitalium (species), ATCC 700289 (type material), CIP 105489 (type material), Mycoplasma lagogenitalium Kobayashi et al. 1997 (authority), strain 12MS (type material).
  • taxid:171289 Mycoplasma mustelae (species), AMRC-C 1486 (type material), ATCC 35214 (type material), Mycoplasma mustelae Salih et al. 1983 (authority), NCTC 10193 (type material), strain MX9 (type material).
  • taxid:172711 Mycoplasma timone (species), 'Mycoplasma timone' (synonym).
  • taxid:191287 Mycoplasma zalophi (species), "Mycoplasma zalophi" Haulena et al. 2006 (authority), Mycoplasma zalophus (misspelling).
  • taxid:386413 Mycoplasma sp. Saa1e (species).
  • taxid:394102 Mycoplasma sp. A4 (species).
  • taxid:398174 Mycoplasma zalophidermidis (species), 'Mycoplasma zalophidermidis' (synonym), Mycoplasma sp. CSL 4779 (includes), Mycoplasma sp. CSL 7518-lung (includes), Mycoplasma sp. CSL7518-lung (misspelling).
  • taxid:478790 Mycoplasma sp. 11 D2 (species).
  • taxid:478797 Mycoplasma sp. 48SR99 (species).
  • taxid:502364 Mycoplasma sp. CM2 (species).
  • taxid:512749 Mycoplasma sp. ARNO (species).
  • taxid:633487 Mycoplasma sp. M69/07/1 (species).
  • taxid:708614 Mycoplasma sp. TX1294-A (species).
  • taxid:866845 Mycoplasma sp. horse 90 (species).
  • taxid:873558 Mycoplasma sp. 31948 (species).
  • taxid:911521 Mycoplasma sp. Tm24_1 (species).
  • taxid:911523 Mycoplasma sp. Tm30 (species).
  • taxid:1130047 Mycoplasma sp. Mirounga ES2714_AG_GEN (species).
  • taxid:1202434 Mycoplasma sp. 406 (species).
  • taxid:1202445 Mycoplasma sp. 7320 (species).
  • taxid:2094 Mycoplasma arginini (species), "Mycoplasma leonis" Heyward et al. 1969 (authority), ATCC 23838 (type material), CIP 71.23 (type material), IFO 14476 (type material), Mycoplasma argini (misspelling), Mycoplasma arginini Barile et al. 1968 (authority), Mycoplasma leonis (synonym), NBRC 14476 (type material), NCTC 10129 (type material).
  • taxid:2099 Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (species), "Mycoplasma suipneumoniae" Goodwin et al. 1965 (authority), ATCC 25934 (type material), Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae Mare and Switzer 1965 (authority), Mycoplasma suipneumoniae (synonym), NCTC 10110 (type material).
  • taxid:2113 Mycoplasma californicum (species), AMRC-C 1077 (type material), ATCC 33461 (type material), Mycoplasma californicum Jasper et al. 1981 (authority), NCTC 10189 (type material), strain ST-6 (type material).
  • taxid:29501 Mycoplasma haemofelis (species), "Candidatus Mycoplasma haemofelis" Neimark et al. 2001 (authority), "Eperythrozoon felis" Clark 1942 (authority), "Haemobartonella felis" (Clark 1942) Flint and McKelvie 1955 (authority), "Haemobartonella felis" (Clark 1942) Flint et al. 1958 (authority), Candidatus Mycoplasma haemofelis (synonym), Eperythrozoon felis (synonym), Haemobartonella felis (synonym), Haemobartonella felis (ex Clark 1942) Kreier and Ristic 1984 (authority), Mycoplasma haematofelis (synonym), Mycoplasma haemofelis (Kreier and Ristic 1984) Neimark et al. 2002 (authority).
  • taxid:29553 Mycoplasma bovirhinis (species), ATCC 27748 (type material), CIP 71.24 (type material), IFO 14857 (type material), Mycoplasma bovirhinis Leach 1967 (authority), NBRC 14857 (type material), NCTC 10118 (type material).
  • taxid:29560 Mycoplasma imitans (species), ATCC 51306 (type material), Mycoplasma imitans Bradbury et al. 1993 (authority), NCTC 11733 (type material), strain 4229 (type material).
  • taxid:51365 Mycoplasma yeatsii (species), ATCC 51346 (type material), CIP 105675 (type material), Mycoplasma yeatsii DaMassa et al. 1994 (authority), NCTC 11730 (type material), strain GIH (type material).
  • taxid:53558 Mycoplasma edwardii (species), ATCC 23462 (type material), Mycoplasma edwardii Tully et al. 1970 (authority), NCTC 10132 (type material).
  • taxid:55604 Mycoplasma primatum (species), ATCC 25948 (type material), Mycoplasma primatum Del Giudice et al. 1971 (authority), NCTC 10163 (type material).
  • taxid:60452 Candidatus Mycoplasma ravipulmonis (species), "Candidatus Mycoplasma ravipulmonis" Neimark et al. 1998 (authority), Mycoplasma ravipulmonis (synonym), Mycoplasma sp. 'Grey Lung disease agent' (synonym).
  • taxid:76629 Mycoplasma gallopavonis (species), ATCC 33551 (type material), Mycoplasma gallopavonis Jordan et al. 1982 (authority), NCTC 10186 (type material), strain WR1 (type material).
  • taxid:148815 Mycoplasma pneumophila (species), 'Mycoplasma pneumophila' (synonym).
  • taxid:171288 Mycoplasma molare (species), ATCC 27746 (type material), Mycoplasma molare Rosendal 1974 (authority), NCTC 10144 (type material).
  • taxid:171291 Mycoplasma verecundum (species), ATCC 27862 (type material), Mycoplasma verecundum Gourlay et al. 1974 (authority), NCTC 10145 (type material).
  • taxid:209446 Candidatus Mycoplasma haemominutum (species), "Candidatus Mycoplasma haemominutum" Foley and Pedersen 2001 (authority), Haemobartonella felis small form (Hfsm) (synonym), Mycoplasma haemominutum (synonym).
  • taxid:219290 Mycoplasma vulturii (species), "Mycoplasma vulturii" Oaks et al. 2004 (authority), Mycoplasma gypsbengalensis (misspelling).
  • taxid:247278 Candidatus Mycoplasma haematoparvum (species), "Candidatus Mycoplasma haematoparvum" Sykes et al. 2005 (authority), Candidatus Mycoplasma haemoparvum (misspelling), Mycoplasma haematoparvum (synonym).
  • taxid:263376 Mycoplasma sp. 8790CV (species).
  • taxid:353850 Mycoplasma sp. Ms01 (species).
  • taxid:367801 Mycoplasma sp. 34CL (species).
  • taxid:411515 Mycoplasma sp. 8756-C13 (species).
  • taxid:458208 Mycoplasma mucosicanis (species), "Mycoplasma canimucosale" Spergser et al. 2008 (authority), ATCC BAA-1895 (type material), DSM 22457 (type material), Mycoplasma canimucosale (synonym), Mycoplasma mucosicanis Spergser et al. 2011 (authority), strain 1642 (type material).
  • taxid:478793 Mycoplasma sp. 129SR99 (species).
  • taxid:478795 Mycoplasma sp. 3S99 (species).
  • taxid:478799 Mycoplasma sp. 52SR99 (species).
  • taxid:478800 Mycoplasma sp. 95SR99 (species).
  • taxid:512750 Mycoplasma sp. SF12 (species).
  • taxid:529412 Mycoplasma sp. M200-2 (species).
  • taxid:538218 Mycoplasma sp. A1802 (species).
  • taxid:577363 Mycoplasma sp. 51CL (species).
  • taxid:633486 Mycoplasma sp. M49/06 (species).
  • taxid:655012 Mycoplasma sp. 32/3 (species).
  • taxid:655014 Mycoplasma sp. 30/7 (species).
  • taxid:717790 Mycoplasma sp. Sgv1b (species).
  • taxid:762822 Candidatus Mycoplasma erythrocervae (species), "Candidatus Mycoplasma erythrocervae" Watanabe et al. 2010 (authority), Mycoplasma sp. Sika122 (includes), Mycoplasma sp. Sika99 (includes).
  • taxid:873559 Mycoplasma sp. 32328 (species).
  • taxid:911513 Mycoplasma sp. N_1 (species).
  • taxid:911515 Mycoplasma sp. P_1 (species).
  • taxid:911520 Mycoplasma sp. Tm20_2 (species).
  • taxid:1202436 Mycoplasma sp. 408 (species).
  • taxid:1202444 Mycoplasma sp. 7318 (species).
  • taxid:1179775 Mycoplasma sp. G1705 (species).
  • taxid:2117 Mycoplasma lipophilum (species), "Mycoplasma lipophiliae" (sic) Del Giudice and Carski 1968 (authority), ATCC 27104 (type material), IFO 14895 (type material), Mycoplasma lipophiliae (synonym), Mycoplasma lipophilum Del Giudice et al. 1974 (authority), NBRC 14895 (type material), NCTC 10173 (type material).
  • taxid:2107 Mycoplasma pulmonis (species), "Asterococcus pulmonis" (Sabin 1941) Prevot 1961 (authority), "Murimyces pulmonis" Sabin 1941 (authority), "Musculomyces histotropicus" Sabin 1941 (authority), "Mycoplasma histotropicus" (sic) (Sabin 1941) Tully 1965 (authority), "Mycoplasma mergenhagen" Grace et al. 1965 (authority), ATCC 19612 (type material), Asterococcus pulmonis (synonym), CIP 75.26 (type material), IFO 14896 (type material), Murimyces pulmonis (synonym), Musculomyces histotropicus (synonym), Mycoplasma histotropicus (synonym), Mycoplasma mergenhagen (synonym), Mycoplasma pulmonis (Sabin 1941) Freundt 1955 (authority), NBRC 14896 (type material), NCTC 10139 (type material).
  • taxid:2109 Mycoplasma synoviae (species), ATCC 25204 (type material), CIP 104970 (type material), Mycoplasma synoviae Olson et al. 1964 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Jordan et al. 1982 (authority), NCTC 10124 (type material), WVU 1853 (type material).
  • taxid:2106 Mycoplasma corogypsi (species), ATCC 51148 (type material), Mycoplasma coragypsi (misspelling), Mycoplasma coragypsum (misspelling), Mycoplasma corogypsi Panangala et al. 1993 (authority), strain BV1 (type material).
  • taxid:1170867 Mycoplasma sp. B2.8 (species).
  • taxid:2118 Mycoplasma mobile (species), ATCC 43663 (type material), Mycoplasma mobile Kirchhoff et al. 1987 (authority), NCTC 11711 (type material), strain 163K (type material).
  • taxid:2119 Mycoplasma muris (species), ATCC 33757 (type material), Mycoplasma muris McGarrity et al. 1983 (authority), NCTC 10196 (type material), strain RIII-4 (type material).
  • taxid:39047 Mycoplasma sturni (species), ATCC 51945 (type material), CIP 105812 (type material), Mycoplasma sturni Forsyth et al. 1996 (authority), Mycoplasma sturnidae (misspelling), strain UCMF (type material).
  • taxid:2111 Mycoplasma arthritidis (species), "Asterococcus arthritidis" (Sabin 1941) Prevot 1961 (authority), "Murimyces arthritidis" Sabin 1941 (authority), "Pleuropneumonia arthritidis muris" Tulasne and Brisou 1955 (authority), "Schizoplasma arthritidis" (Sabin 1941) Furness 1970 (authority), ATCC 19611 (type material), Asterococcus arthritidis (synonym), CIP 104678 (type material), IFO 14860 (type material), Murimyces arthritidis (synonym), Mycoplasma arthritidis (Sabin 1941) Freundt 1955 (authority), NBRC 14860 (type material), NCTC 10162 (type material), Pleuropneumonia arthritidis muris (synonym), Schizoplasma arthritidis (synonym).
  • taxid:645422 Mycoplasma sp. Sp22 (species).
  • taxid:1179774 Mycoplasma sp. G1650 (species).
See also2093
ID   2093           TAXONOMY;
DE   Mycoplasma (genus).
PA   2092 (parent ID)
CC   authority = "Asterococcus" Borrel et al. 1910
CC   authority = "Asteromyces" Wroblewski 1931
CC   authority = "Borrelomyces" Turner 1935
CC   authority = "Bovimyces" Sabin 1941
CC   authority = "Pleuropneumonia" Tulasne and Brisou 1955
CC   synonym = Asterococcus
CC   synonym = Asteromyces
CC   synonym = Borrelomyces
CC   synonym = Bovimyces
CC   synonym = Eperythrozoon
CC   authority = Eperythrozoon Schilling 1928 (Approved Lists 1980)
CC   synonym = Haemobartonella
CC   authority = Haemobartonella Tyzzer and Weinman 1939 (Approved Lists 1980)
CC   authority = Mycoplasma Nowak 1929
CC   synonym = Pleuropneumonia
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CC   This entry is a placeholder for the corresponding entry in the NCBI
CC   taxonomy
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