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DescriptionApalis (genus).
Parent nodes
Child nodes
  • taxid:405069 Apalis pulchra (species), Apalis pulchra Sharpe, 1891 (authority), Oreolais pulchra (synonym), black-collared forest warbler (genbank common name).
  • taxid:208067 Apalis flavida (species), yellow-breasted apalis (genbank common name).
  • taxid:405070 Apalis rufogularis (species).
  • taxid:483058 Apalis porphyrolaema (species).
  • taxid:330756 Apalis thoracica (species), Apalis thoracicus (synonym).
  • taxid:405071 Apalis ruwenzorii (species), Apalis ruwenzorii Jackson, FJ, 1904 (authority), Oreolais ruwenzorii (synonym), collared forest warbler (genbank common name).
  • taxid:483051 Apalis binotata (species).
  • taxid:405067 Apalis cinerea (species).
  • taxid:483063 Apalis alticola (species).
  • taxid:405068 Apalis jacksoni (species).
  • taxid:483059 Apalis kaboboensis (species).
  • taxid:483061 Apalis melanocephala (species).
  • taxid:315541 Apalis goslingi (species), Gosling's apalis (genbank common name).
See also208066
ID   208066           TAXONOMY;
DE   Apalis (genus).
PA   81890 (parent ID)
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CC   This entry is a placeholder for the corresponding entry in the NCBI
CC   taxonomy
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