Child nodes | - taxid:201 Campylobacter lari (species), ATCC 35221 (type material), CCUG 23947 (type material), CIP 102722 (type material), Campylobacter lari corrig. Benjamin et al. 1984 emend. Debruyne et al. 2009 (authority), Campylobacter laridis (synonym), DSM 11375 (type material), JCM 2530 (type material), LMG 8846 (type material), NCTC 11352 (type material), WRI 3034/77 (type material).
- taxid:205 Campylobacter sp. (species).
- taxid:207 Campylobacter jejuni-like bacterium (species).
- taxid:75658 Campylobacter lanienae (species), CCUG 44467 (type material), CIP 106785 (type material), Campylobacter lanienae Logan et al. 2000 (authority), NCTC 13004 (type material).
- taxid:307495 Campylobacter sp. PC137-12 (species).
- taxid:522485 Campylobacter avium (species), CCUG 56292 (type material), Campylobacter avium Rossi et al. 2009 (authority), Campylobacter sp. 24/06 (includes), Campylobacter sp. 87/06 (includes), LMG 24591 (type material), strain 86/06 (type material).
- taxid:535090 Campylobacter sp. MIT 97-5311 (species).
- taxid:654363 Campylobacter troglodytis (species), "Campylobacter troglodytis" Kaur et al. 2011 (authority), Campylobacter sp. MIT 05-9149 (includes), Campylobacter sp. MIT 05-9156 (includes), Campylobacter sp. MIT 05-9157 (includes), Campylobacter sp. MIT 05-9175 (includes).
- taxid:670245 Campylobacter sp. 8-14 (species).
- taxid:670246 Campylobacter sp. 8-5 (species).
- taxid:712202 Campylobacter sp. oral taxon D66 (species).
- taxid:712208 Campylobacter sp. oral taxon G90 (species).
- taxid:1195258 Campylobacter sp. S2s bb (species).
- taxid:1195267 Campylobacter sp. S4p 23 (species).
- taxid:197 Campylobacter jejuni (species), "Campylobacter fetus subsp. jejuni" Smibert 1974 (authority), "Vibrio hepaticus" Mathey and Rissberger 1964 (authority), "Vibrio jejuni" Jones et al. 1931 (authority), ATCC 33560 (type material), Ampylobacter jejuni (misspelling), CCUG 11284 (type material), CIP 70.2 (type material), Campylobacter fetus subsp. jejuni (synonym), Campylobacter jejuni (Jones et al. 1931) Veron and Chatelain 1973 (authority), DSM 4688 (type material), LMG 8841 (type material), NCTC 11351 (type material), Vibrio hepaticus (synonym), Vibrio jejuni (synonym).
- taxid:199 Campylobacter concisus (species), ATCC 33237 (type material), CCUG 13144 (type material), CIP 103757 (type material), Campylobacter concisus Tanner et al. 1981 (authority), DSM 9716 (type material), FDC 484 (type material), LMG 7788 (type material), NCTC 11485 (type material).
- taxid:28898 Campylobacter helveticus (species), ATCC 51209 (type material), CCUG 30682 (type material), CIP 104877 (type material), Campylobacter helveticus Stanley et al. 1993 (authority), NCTC 12470 (type material).
- taxid:98333 Campylobacter cf. lanienae UB 992 (species).
- taxid:281989 Campylobacter sp. EQ1 (species).
- taxid:303118 Campylobacter lawrenceae (species), 'Campylobacter lawrenceae ' (synonym), Campylobacter lawrenci (equivalent name).
- taxid:307494 Campylobacter sp. PC130-5 (species).
- taxid:374106 Campylobacter cuniculorum (species), CCUG 56289 (type material), Campylobacter cuniculorum Zanoni et al. 2009 (authority), Campylobacter sp. 113/07 (includes), Campylobacter sp. 114/07 (includes), Campylobacter sp. 116/07 (includes), Campylobacter sp. 117/07 (includes), Campylobacter sp. 118/07 (includes), Campylobacter sp. 119/07 (includes), Campylobacter sp. 120/07 (includes), LMG 24588 (type material), strain 150B (type material).
- taxid:497724 Campylobacter subantarcticus (species), 'Campylobacter subantarcticus' (synonym), CCUG 38513 (type material), LMG 24377 (type material), strain R-3023 (type material).
- taxid:670241 Campylobacter sp. 14-16 (species).
- taxid:712206 Campylobacter sp. oral taxon G35 (species).
- taxid:1195250 Campylobacter sp. S1W 13 (species).
- taxid:1195266 Campylobacter sp. S4p 22 (species).
- taxid:1195272 Campylobacter sp. S5fr 28 (species).
- taxid:1195274 Campylobacter sp. S6pl 36 (species).
- taxid:1195277 Campylobacter sp. s4p yy (species).
- taxid:196 Campylobacter fetus (species), "Spirillum fetus" Lehmann and Neumann 1927 (synonym), "Vibrio fetus" Smith and Taylor 1919 (synonym), ATCC 27374 (type material), CCUG 6823 A (type material), CIP 53.96 (type material), Campylobacter fetus (Smith and Taylor 1919) Sebald and Veron 1963 (synonym), DSM 5361 (type material), JCM 2527 (type material), LMG 6442 (type material), NCTC 10842 (type material), Spirillum fetus (synonym), Vibrio fetus (synonym).
- taxid:28080 Campylobacter upsaliensis (species), ATCC 43954 (type material), CCUG 14913 (type material), CIP 103681 (type material), CNW group (synonym), Campylobacter upsaliensis Sandstedt and Ursing 1991 (authority), DSM 5365 (type material), NCTC 11541 (type material), catalase-negative or weak group of campylobacteria (synonym).
- taxid:98336 Campylobacter cf. lanienae UB 994 (species).
- taxid:260714 Campylobacter insulaenigrae (species), CCUG 48653 (type material), Campylobacter insulaenigrae Foster et al. 2004 (authority), NCTC 12927 (type material).
- taxid:305928 Campylobacter sp. cp06.17 (species).
- taxid:670242 Campylobacter sp. 18-19 (species).
- taxid:670244 Campylobacter sp. 6-7 (species).
- taxid:712203 Campylobacter sp. oral taxon E65 (species).
- taxid:871047 Campylobacter sp. HGPR38 (species).
- taxid:979666 Campylobacter sp. 0402694-C0078 (species).
- taxid:1133087 Campylobacter sp. Zhongshan (species).
- taxid:1195259 Campylobacter sp. S3h 14 (species).
- taxid:1195260 Campylobacter sp. S3h 16 (species).
- taxid:1195276 Campylobacter sp. S7Wa 41 (species).
- taxid:195 Campylobacter coli (species), "Vibrio coli" Doyle 1948 (authority), ATCC 33559 (type material), CCUG 11283 (type material), CCUG 14540 (type material), CIP 70.80 (type material), Campylobacter coli (Doyle 1948) Veron and Chatelain 1973 (authority), Campylobacter hyoilei (genbank synonym), Campylobacter hyoilei Alderton et al. 1995 (authority), DSM 4689 (type material), JCM 2529 (type material), LMG 6440 (type material), NCTC 11366 (type material), Vibrio coli (synonym).
- taxid:198 Campylobacter hyointestinalis (species), ATCC 35217 (type material), CCUG 14169 (type material), CIP 103746 (type material), Campylobacter hyointestinalis Gebhart et al. 1985 emend. On et al. 1995 (authority), LMG 7817 (type material), NCTC 11608 (type material), strain 80-4577-4 (type material).
- taxid:203 Campylobacter rectus (species), ATCC 33238 (type material), CCUG 20446 B (type material), CIP 103748 (type material), Campylobacter rectus (Tanner et al. 1981) Vandamme et al. 1991 (synonym), DSM 3260 (type material), FDC 371 (type material), JCM 6301 (type material), NCTC 11489 (type material), Wolinella recta (synonym), Wolinella recta Tanner et al. 1981 (synonym).
- taxid:204 Campylobacter showae (species), ATCC 51146 (type material), CCUG 30254 (type material), CIP 103970 (type material), Campylobacter showae Etoh et al. 1993 (authority), JCM 12989 (type material), LMG 12635 (type material), strain SU A4 (type material).
- taxid:119231 Campylobacter faecalis (species), 'Campylobacter faecalis' (synonym).
- taxid:712210 Campylobacter sp. oral taxon H15 (species).
- taxid:862208 Campylobacter sp. MIT 07-5155 (species).
- taxid:936554 Campylobacter sp. FOBRC14 (species).
- taxid:1195254 Campylobacter sp. S1W 6 (species).
- taxid:1195255 Campylobacter sp. S1W b (species).
- taxid:1195262 Campylobacter sp. S3h 18 (species).
- taxid:1195268 Campylobacter sp. S4p 24 (species).
- taxid:1195269 Campylobacter sp. S4p 25 (species).
- taxid:1244531 Campylobacter sp. 1485E (species).
- taxid:206 Campylobacter sputorum (species), "Vibrio sputorum" Prevot 1940 (authority), ATCC 33562 (type material), ATCC 35980 (type material), CCUG 9728 (type material), CIP 103749 (type material), Campylobacter sputorum (Prevot 1940) Veron and Chatelain 1973 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. On et al. 1998 (authority), Campylobacter sputorum (Prevot 1940) Veron and Chatelain 1973 (Aproved Lists 1980) emend. Roop et al. 1986 (authority), LMG 7795 (type material), NCTC 11528 (type material), VPI S-17 (type material), Vibrio sputorum (synonym), strain Forsyth ER33 (type material).
- taxid:827 Campylobacter ureolyticus (species), ATCC 33387 (type material), Bacteroides corrodens (synonym), Bacteroides ureolyticus (synonym), Bacteroides ureolyticus Jackson and Goodman 1978 (Approved Lists 1980) (authority), CCUG 7319 (type material), Campylobacter ureolyticus (Jackson and Goodman 1978) Vandamme et al. 2010 (authority), DSM 20703 (type material), LMG 6451 (type material), NCTC 10941 (type material).
- taxid:28079 Campylobacter mucosalis-like bacterium (species), Campylobacter mucosalis-like sp. (synonym).
- taxid:134209 environmental samples (no rank).
- taxid:305918 Campylobacter sp. cp06.20 (species).
- taxid:712200 Campylobacter sp. oral taxon 044 (species).
- taxid:712205 Campylobacter sp. oral taxon E68 (species).
- taxid:712207 Campylobacter sp. oral taxon G43 (species).
- taxid:936368 Campylobacter sp. CM37 (species).
- taxid:936555 Campylobacter sp. FOBRC15 (species).
- taxid:979664 Campylobacter sp. 0401536-C0027 (species).
- taxid:979665 Campylobacter sp. 0402576-C0066 (species).
- taxid:1032243 Campylobacter sp. RM6914 (species).
- taxid:1151457 Campylobacter sp. canine oral taxon 011 (species).
- taxid:202 Campylobacter mucosalis (species), ATCC 43264 (type material), CCUG 6822 (type material), CIP 103750 (type material), Campylobacter mucosalis (Lawson et al. 1981) Roop et al. 1985 (authority), Campylobacter sputorum mucosalis (synonym), Campylobacter sputorum subsp. mucosalis (ex Lawson and Rowland 1974) Lawson et al. 1981 (authority), Campylobacter sputorum supsp. mucosalis (synonym), NCTC 11000 (type material), strain FS253/72 (type material).
- taxid:305941 Campylobacter sp. cp05.26 (species).
- taxid:307493 Campylobacter sp. PC120-1 (species).
- taxid:429576 Campylobacter sp. CH2225 (species).
- taxid:449520 Campylobacter canadensis (species), CCUG 54429 (type material), Campylobacter canadensis Inglis et al. 2007 (authority), LMG 24001 (type material), strain L266 (type material).
- taxid:670240 Campylobacter sp. 11-6 (species).
- taxid:712204 Campylobacter sp. oral taxon E67 (species).
- taxid:1078996 Campylobacter sp. BJP1-F4 (species).
- taxid:1151541 Campylobacter sp. canine oral taxon 283 (species).
- taxid:1195249 Campylobacter sp. S1W 1 (species).
- taxid:1195263 Campylobacter sp. S3h 20 (species).
- taxid:1195265 Campylobacter sp. S4p 21 (species).
- taxid:1195271 Campylobacter sp. S5fr 26 (species).
- taxid:1195275 Campylobacter sp. S7Wa 37 (species).
- taxid:1244528 Campylobacter sp. 03-427 (species).
- taxid:824 Campylobacter gracilis (species), ATCC 33236 (type material), Bacteroides gracilis (synonym), Bacteroides gracilis Tanner et al. 1981 (synonym), CCUG 27720 (type material), Campylobacter gracilis (Tanner et al. 1981) Vandamme et al. 1995 (synonym), FDC 1084 (type material), JCM 8538 (type material), NCTC 12738 (type material).
- taxid:76517 Campylobacter hominis (species), "Candidatus Campylobacter hominis" Lawson et al. 1998 (synonym), 'Candidatus Campylobacter hominis' (synonym), CCUG 45161 (type material), Campylobacter hominis Lawson et al. 2001 (synonym), Candidatus Campylobacter hominis (synonym), LMG 19568 (type material), NCTC 13146 (type material), strain CH001A (type material).
- taxid:429575 Campylobacter sp. CH1518 (species).
- taxid:429577 Campylobacter sp. CH1755 (species).
- taxid:535091 Campylobacter sp. MIT 99-7217 (species).
- taxid:670243 Campylobacter sp. 2-290 (species).
- taxid:979667 Campylobacter sp. 0403804-C0128 (species).
- taxid:1031542 Campylobacter volucris (species), CCUG 57498 (type material), Campylobacter sp. LMG 24381 (includes), Campylobacter volucris Debruyne et al. 2010 (authority), LMG 24380 (type material).
- taxid:1195251 Campylobacter sp. S1W 2 (species).
- taxid:1195253 Campylobacter sp. S1W 5 (species).
- taxid:1195261 Campylobacter sp. S3h 17 (species).
- taxid:1195273 Campylobacter sp. S6pl 30 (species).
- taxid:200 Campylobacter curvus (species), ATCC 35224 (type material), CCUG 13146 (type material), CIP 103747 (type material), Campylobacter curvus (Tanner et al. 1984) Vandamme et al. 1991 (synonym), DSM 6644 (type material), LMG 7609 (type material), NCTC 11649 (type material), VPI 9584 (type material), Wolinella curva (synonym), Wolinella curva Tanner et al. 1984 (synonym).
- taxid:94135 Campylobacter sp. DSM 806 (species), Campylobacter sp. DSM806 (synonym).
- taxid:281988 Campylobacter sp. BTP1Tcr (species), Campylobacter sp. BTP1 (misspelling).
- taxid:281990 Campylobacter sp. WB1 (species).
- taxid:307496 Campylobacter sp. PC71232 (species).
- taxid:406353 Campylobacter sp. FF05 (species).
- taxid:415422 Campylobacter sp. NIPHL26A (species).
- taxid:488546 Campylobacter peloridis (species), CCUG 55787 (type material), Campylobacter peloridis Debruyne et al. 2009 (authority), LMG 23910 (type material), strain 2314BVA (type material).
- taxid:665939 Campylobacter sp. 10_1_50 (species).
- taxid:712201 Campylobacter sp. oral taxon C92 (species).
- taxid:712209 Campylobacter sp. oral taxon G92 (species).
- taxid:862209 Campylobacter sp. MIT 07-5158 (species).
- taxid:862210 Campylobacter sp. MIT 07-5167C (species).
- taxid:1032242 Campylobacter sp. RM10537 (species).
- taxid:1195252 Campylobacter sp. S1W 3 (species).
- taxid:1195256 Campylobacter sp. S2s 11 (species).
- taxid:1195257 Campylobacter sp. S2s 12 (species).
- taxid:1195264 Campylobacter sp. S3h bx (species).
- taxid:1195270 Campylobacter sp. S4p by (species).
- taxid:1244529 Campylobacter sp. Sp3 (species).
- taxid:1244530 Campylobacter sp. 2463D (species).