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DescriptionScinax (genus), snouted treefrogs (genbank common name).
Parent nodes
  • taxid:374051 Dendropsophini (tribe), Dendropsophini Fitzinger, 1843 (synonym), Pseudidae (includes).
Child nodes
  • taxid:317396 Scinax elaeochroa (species), Hyla elaeochroa (synonym), Ololygon elaeochroa (synonym), Scinax elaeochraoa (synonym), Scinax elaeochroa (Cope, 1875) (authority), Scinax elaeochrous (synonym), Sipurio snouted treefrog (genbank common name).
  • taxid:317397 Scinax sugillatus (species), Quevedo snouted treefrog (genbank common name), Scinax sugillata (synonym), Scinax sugillatus (Duellman, 1973) (synonym).
  • taxid:318389 Scinax acuminatus (species), Mato Grosso snouted treefrog (genbank common name), Scinax acuminatus (Cope, 1862) (synonym).
  • taxid:318395 Scinax squalirostris (species), Scinax squalirostris (Lutz, 1925) (synonym), striped snouted treefrog (genbank common name).
  • taxid:424249 Scinax x-signatus (species), Hyla x-signata (synonym), Scinax x-signatus (Spix, 1824) (synonym), Venezuela snouted treefrog (genbank common name).
  • taxid:424357 Scinax sp. 1 AAF-2007 (species).
  • taxid:699831 Scinax pedromedinae (species), Henle's snouted treefrog (genbank common name), Ololygon pedromedinae (synonym), Ololygon pedromedinae Henle, 1991 (authority), Scinax pedromedinae (Henle, 1991) (authority), Scinax pedromedinai (synonym).
  • taxid:1033721 Scinax parkeri (species), Hyla parkeri (synonym), Hyla parkeri Gaige, 1929 (authority), Ololygon parkeri (synonym), Scinax parkeri (Gaige, 1929) (authority).
  • taxid:192738 Scinax jolyi (species), Scinax jolyi Lescure & Marty, 2000 (authority).
  • taxid:192739 Scinax nebulosus (species), Scinax nebulosa (synonym), Scinax nebulosus (Spix, 1824) (synonym), Spix's snouted treefrog (genbank common name).
  • taxid:699828 Scinax ictericus (species), Scinax icterica (synonym), Scinax ictericus Duellman & Wiens, 1993 (authority).
  • taxid:699832 Scinax quinquefasciatus (species), Fowler's snouted treefrog (genbank common name), Hyla quinquefasciata (synonym), Hyla quinquefasciata Fowler, 1913 (authority), Ololygon quinquefasciata (synonym), Scinax quinquefasciata (synonym), Scinax quinquefasciatus (Fowler, 1913) (authority).
  • taxid:1033705 Scinax sp. A RB-2011 (species).
  • taxid:318357 Scinax uruguayus (species), Hyla uruguaya (synonym), Hyla uruguaya Schmidt, 1944 (synonym), Schmidt's Uruguay treefrog (genbank common name), Scinax uruguayus (Schmidt, 1944) (synonym).
  • taxid:318393 Scinax fuscovarius (species), Scinax fuscovarius (Lutz, 1925) (authority), snouted treefrog (genbank common name).
  • taxid:1033704 Scinax cf. nasicus RB-2011 (species).
  • taxid:192740 Scinax ruber (species), Hyla rubra (synonym), Ololygon rubra (synonym), Scinax ruber (Laurenti, 1768) (authority), Scinax rubra (synonym), red snouted treefrog (genbank common name).
  • taxid:318391 Scinax boulengeri (species), Boulenger's snouted treefrog (genbank common name), Scinax boulengeri (Cope, 1887) (synonym).
  • taxid:318394 Scinax nasicus (species), Scinax nasicus (Cope, 1862) (synonym), lesser snouted treefrog (genbank common name).
  • taxid:424356 Scinax proboscideus (species), Gran Rio snouted treefrog (genbank common name), Hyla proboscidea (synonym), Ololygon proboscidea (synonym), Scinax probocideus (misspelling), Scinax proboscidea (misspelling), Scinax proboscideus (Brongersma, 1933) (synonym).
  • taxid:317394 Scinax catharinae (species), Catharina snouted treefrog (genbank common name), Scinax catharinae (Boulenger, 1888) (synonym).
  • taxid:317395 Scinax crospedospilus (species), Campo Belo snouted treefrog (genbank common name), Scinax crospedospila (synonym), Scinax crospedospilus (Lutz, 1925) (synonym).
  • taxid:424358 Scinax sp. 2 AAF-2007 (species).
  • taxid:1134380 Scinax cf. ruber 'x-signatus' (species).
  • taxid:425688 Scinax rostratus (species), Caracas snouted treefrog (genbank common name), Hyla rostrata (synonym), Scinax rostratus (Peters, 1863) (synonym).
  • taxid:699829 Scinax obtriangulatus (species), Hyla obtriangulata (synonym), Hyla obtriangulata Lutz, 1973 (authority), Ololygon obtriangulata (synonym), Sao Paulo snouted treefrog (genbank common name), Scinax obtriangulata (synonym), Scinax obtriangulatus (Lutz, 1973) (authority).
  • taxid:1053480 Scinax faivovichi (species), Scinax faivovichi Brasileiro, Oyamaguchi & Haddad, 2007 (authority).
  • taxid:192737 Scinax cruentommus (species), Hyla cruentomma (synonym), Hyla cruentomma Duellman, 1972 (authority), Manaus snouted treefrog (genbank common name), Ololygon cruentoma (synonym), Scinax cruentomma (synonym), Scinax cruentommus (Duellman, 1972) (authority).
  • taxid:699827 Scinax hayii (species), Hay's snouted treefrog (genbank common name), Hyla hayii (synonym), Hyla hayii Barbour, 1909 (authority), Ololygon hayi (synonym), Scinax hayii (Barbour, 1909) (authority).
  • taxid:699833 Scinax similis (species), Cochran's snouted treefrog (genbank common name), Hyla similis (synonym), Hyla similis Cochran, 1952 (authority), Hyla x-signata similis (synonym), Ololygon similis (synonym), Scinax similis (Cochran, 1952) (authority).
  • taxid:248877 Scinax garbei (species), Eirunepe snouted treefrog (genbank common name), Scinax garbei (Miranda-Ribeiro, 1926) (authority).
  • taxid:318390 Scinax berthae (species), Scinax berthae (Barrio, 1962) (synonym), dwarf snouted treefrog (genbank common name).
  • taxid:318396 Scinax staufferi (species), Scinax staufferi (Cope, 1865) (synonym), Stauffer's longnosed treefrog (genbank common name), Stauffer's treefrog (common name).
  • taxid:699830 Scinax oreites (species), Balzapata snouted treefrog (genbank common name), Scinax oreites Duellman & Wiens, 1993 (authority).
  • taxid:1053481 Scinax peixotoi (species), Scinax peixotoi Brasileiro, Haddad, Sawaya & Martins, 2007 (authority).
  • taxid:424355 Scinax boesemani (species), Boeseman's snouted treefrog (genbank common name), Hyla boesemani (synonym), Hyla boesemani Goin, 1966 (authority), Ololygon boesemani (synonym), Scinax boesemani (Goin, 1966) (authority), Scinax bosemani (synonym).
  • taxid:544720 Scinax perpusillus (species), Bandeirantes snouted treefrog (genbank common name), Hyla perpusilla (synonym), Hyla perpusilla Lutz & Lutz, 1939 (authority), Ololygon perpusilla (synonym), Scinax perpusillus (Lutz & Lutz, 1939) (authority).
  • taxid:1097607 Scinax nasicus A (species).
  • taxid:1097608 Scinax ruber F (species).
  • taxid:1097606 Scinax fuscomarginatus A (species).
  • taxid:699824 Scinax chiquitanus (species), Ololygon chiquitana (synonym), Ololygon chiquitana De la Riva, 1990 (authority), Rio Negro snouted treefrog (genbank common name), Scinax chiquitana (synonym), Scinax chiquitanus (De la Riva, 1990) (authority).
  • taxid:699826 Scinax funereus (species), Hyla funerea (synonym), Moyobamba snouted treefrog (genbank common name), Ololygon funerea (synonym), Scinax funerea (synonym), Scinax funereus (Cope, 1874) (authority), Scytopsis funereus (synonym), Scytopsis funereus Cope, 1874 (authority).
  • taxid:699825 Scinax duartei (species), Duarte's snouted treefrog (genbank common name), Hyla duartei (synonym), Hyla rubra duartei (synonym), Hyla rubra duartei Lutz, 1951 (authority), Ololygon duartei (synonym), Scinax duartei (Lutz, 1951) (authority).
See also192736
ID   192736           TAXONOMY;
DE   Scinax (genus).
PA   374051 (parent ID)
CC   genbank common name = snouted treefrogs
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CC   This entry is a placeholder for the corresponding entry in the NCBI
CC   taxonomy
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