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DescriptionListeria ivanovii (species), "Listeria bulgarica" Ivanov 1975 (authority), "Listeria ivanovii" Seeliger et al. 1982 (authority), "Listeria monocytogenes subsp. perhaemolytica" Seeliger et al. 1982 (authority), "Listeria perhaemolytica" Seeliger et al. 1982 (authority), ATCC 19119 (type material), CCUG 15528 (type material), CIP 78.42 (type material), CLIP 12510 (type material), DSM 20750 (type material), JCM 7681 (type material), LMG 11388 (type material), Listeria bulgarica (synonym), Listeria ivanovii Seeliger et al. 1984 (authority), Listeria monocytogenes subsp. perhaemolytica (synonym), Listeria perhaemolytica (synonym), NCTC 11846 (type material), SLCC 2379 (type material).
Parent nodes
  • taxid:1637 Listeria (genus), "Listerella" Pirie 1927 (nom. rej. Opin 14) (authority), Listerella (synonym), Listeria Pirie 1940 (authority), not "Listerella" Cushman 1933 (authority), not "Listerella" Jahn 1906 (authority).
Child nodes
  • taxid:202751 Listeria ivanovii subsp. ivanovii (subspecies), Listeria ivanovii subsp. ivanovii Seeliger et al. 1984 (authority).
  • taxid:702454 Listeria ivanovii FSL F6-596 (no rank).
  • taxid:202752 Listeria ivanovii subsp. londoniensis (subspecies), ATCC 49954 (type material), CCUG 36672 (type material), CIP 103466 (type material), CLIP 12229 (type material), DSM 12491 (type material), Listeria ivanovii subsp. londoniensis Boerlin et al. 1992 (authority), NCTC 12701 (type material).
See also1638
ID   1638           TAXONOMY;
DE   Listeria ivanovii (species).
PA   1637 (parent ID)
CC   authority = "Listeria bulgarica" Ivanov 1975
CC   authority = "Listeria ivanovii" Seeliger et al. 1982
CC   authority = "Listeria monocytogenes subsp. perhaemolytica" Seeliger et al. 1982
CC   authority = "Listeria perhaemolytica" Seeliger et al. 1982
CC   type material = ATCC 19119
CC   type material = CCUG 15528
CC   type material = CIP 78.42
CC   type material = CLIP 12510
CC   type material = DSM 20750
CC   type material = JCM 7681
CC   type material = LMG 11388
CC   synonym = Listeria bulgarica
CC   authority = Listeria ivanovii Seeliger et al. 1984
CC   synonym = Listeria monocytogenes subsp. perhaemolytica
CC   synonym = Listeria perhaemolytica
CC   type material = NCTC 11846
CC   type material = SLCC 2379
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CC   This entry is a placeholder for the corresponding entry in the NCBI
CC   taxonomy
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