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DescriptionListeria (genus), "Listerella" Pirie 1927 (nom. rej. Opin 14) (authority), Listerella (synonym), Listeria Pirie 1940 (authority), not "Listerella" Cushman 1933 (authority), not "Listerella" Jahn 1906 (authority).
Parent nodes
  • taxid:186820 Listeriaceae (family), 'Listeriaceae' (synonym).
Child nodes
  • taxid:529731 Listeria marthii (species), ATCC BAA-1595 (type material), CCUG 56148 (type material), Listeria marthii Graves et al. 2010 (authority), Listeria sp. NR-9579 (includes), Listeria sp. NR-9580 (includes), Listeria sp. NR-9581 (includes), Listeria sp. NR-9582 (includes), strain BEIR (type material), strain FSL S4-120 (type material), strain H3507 (type material), strain J3452 (type material), strain NR 9579 (type material).
  • taxid:1006155 Listeria weihenstephanensis (species), 'Listeria weihenstephanensis' (synonym), DSM 24699 (type material), LMG 26375 (type material), Listeria sp. WS 4560 (includes), Listeria sp. WS 4615 (includes), strain WS 4615 (type material).
  • taxid:1638 Listeria ivanovii (species), "Listeria bulgarica" Ivanov 1975 (authority), "Listeria ivanovii" Seeliger et al. 1982 (authority), "Listeria monocytogenes subsp. perhaemolytica" Seeliger et al. 1982 (authority), "Listeria perhaemolytica" Seeliger et al. 1982 (authority), ATCC 19119 (type material), CCUG 15528 (type material), CIP 78.42 (type material), CLIP 12510 (type material), DSM 20750 (type material), JCM 7681 (type material), LMG 11388 (type material), Listeria bulgarica (synonym), Listeria ivanovii Seeliger et al. 1984 (authority), Listeria monocytogenes subsp. perhaemolytica (synonym), Listeria perhaemolytica (synonym), NCTC 11846 (type material), SLCC 2379 (type material).
  • taxid:217066 Listeria sp. 87 (species).
  • taxid:411586 Listeria sp. WO2000078990 (species).
  • taxid:1639 Listeria monocytogenes (species), "Bacterium monocytogenes hominis" Nyfeldt 1932 (authority), "Bacterium monocytogenes" Murray et al. 1926 (authority), "Corynebacterium infantisepticum" Potel 1950 (authority), "Corynebacterium parvulum" Schultz et al. 1934 (authority), "Erysipelothrix monocytogenes" (Murray et al. 1926) Wilson and Miles 1946 (authority), "Listerella hepatolytica" Pirie 1927 (authority), ATCC 15313 (type material), Bacterium monocytogenes (synonym), Bacterium monocytogenes hominis (synonym), CCUG 15526 (type material), CIP 82.110 (type material), Corynebacterium infantisepticum (synonym), Corynebacterium parvulum (synonym), DSM 20600 (type material), Erysipelothrix monocytogenes (synonym), Listerella hepatolytica (synonym), Listeria monocytogenes (Murray et al. 1926) Pirie 1940 (authority), Lysteria monocytogenes (misspelling), NCTC 10357 (type material), SLCC 53 (type material).
  • taxid:1642 Listeria innocua (species), "Listeria innocua" Seeliger and Schoofs 1979 (authority), ATCC 33090 (type material), CCUG 15531 (type material), CIP 80.11 (type material), DSM 20649 (type material), LMG 11387 (type material), Listeria innocua (ex Seeliger and Schoofs 1979) Seeliger 1983 (authority), Listeria innocua Seeliger 1983 (misnomer), NCTC 11288 (type material), SLCC 3379 (type material).
  • taxid:1643 Listeria welshimeri (species), ATCC 35897 (type material), CCUG 15529 (type material), CIP 81.49 (type material), DSM 20650 (type material), LMG 11389 (type material), Listeria welshimeri Rocourt and Grimont 1983 (authority), NCAIM B.01872 (type material), NCTC 11857 (type material), SLCC 5334 (type material), strain Welshimer V8 (type material).
  • taxid:647910 Listeria rocourtiae (species), CIP 109804 (type material), DSM 22097 (type material), Listeria rocourti (misspelling), Listeria rocourtiae Leclercq et al. 2010 (authority), Listeria sp. CIP 109804 (includes), strain Allerberger 700284/02 (type material).
  • taxid:1640 Listeria seeligeri (species), ATCC 35967 (type material), CCUG 15530 (type material), CIP 100100 (type material), DSM 20751 (type material), LMG 11386 (type material), Listeria seeligeri Rocourt and Grimont 1983 (authority), NCAIM B.01873 (type material), NCTC 11856 (type material), SLCC 3954 (type material), strain Weis 1120 (type material).
  • taxid:217065 Listeria sp. 151 (species).
  • taxid:319384 Listeria sp. 102 (species).
  • taxid:386333 Listeria sp. LM4305 (species).
  • taxid:1641 Listeria grayi (species), "Murraya grayi subsp. grayi" (Errebo Larsen and Seeliger 1966) Stuart and Welshimer 1974 (authority), "Murraya grayi" (Errebo Larsen and Seeliger 1966) Stuart and Welshimer 1974 (authority), ATCC 19120 (type material), CCUG 4983 (type material), CCUG 5118 (type material), CIP 105447 (type material), CIP 6818 (type material), DSM 20601 (type material), LMG 16490 (type material), Listeria grayi Errebo Larsen and Seeliger 1966 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Rocourt et al. 1992 (authority), Listeria grayi grayi (equivalent name), Listeria grayi subsp. grayi (synonym), Listeria murrayi (synonym), Listeria murrayi Welshimer and Meredith 1971 (Approved Lists 1980) (authority), Murraya grayi (synonym), Murraya grayi subsp. grayi (synonym), NCAIM B.01871 (type material), NCTC 10815 (type material).
  • taxid:592374 environmental samples (no rank).
  • taxid:1035157 Listeria sp. GP3 (species).
  • taxid:1069827 Listeria fleischmannii (species), 'Listeria fleischmannii' (synonym), Listeria fleischmannia (misspelling), Listeria sp. LU2006-2 (includes), Listeria sp. LU2006-3 (includes).
See also1637
ID   1637           TAXONOMY;
DE   Listeria (genus).
PA   186820 (parent ID)
CC   authority = "Listerella" Pirie 1927 (nom. rej. Opin 14)
CC   synonym = Listerella
CC   authority = Listeria Pirie 1940
CC   authority = not "Listerella" Cushman 1933
CC   authority = not "Listerella" Jahn 1906
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CC   This entry is a placeholder for the corresponding entry in the NCBI
CC   taxonomy
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