Description | Diarthron (genus), Diarthron Turcz. (authority). |
Parent nodes | - taxid:39987 Thymelaeaceae (family), Gonystylaceae (includes), mezereum family (common name).
Child nodes | - taxid:885949 Diarthron altaicum (species), Diarthron altaicum (Pers.) Kit Tan (authority), Stelleropsis altaica (synonym), Stelleropsis altaica (Pers.) Pobed. (authority).
- taxid:224040 Diarthron antoninae (species), Diarthron antoninae (Pobed.) Kit Tan (authority), Stelleropsis antoninae (synonym), Stelleropsis antoninae Pobed. (authority).
- taxid:155104 Diarthron vesiculosum (species), Diarthron vesiculosum (Fisch. & C.A.Mey. ex Kar. & Kir.) C.A.Mey. (authority).
See also | 155103
Properties |
DE Diarthron (genus).
PA 39987 (parent ID)
CC authority = Diarthron Turcz.
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CC This entry is a placeholder for the corresponding entry in the NCBI
CC taxonomy
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