Description | Aphelocoma unicolor (species), Aphelocoma unicolor (Du Bus, 1847) (authority), Unicolored jay (genbank common name). |
Parent nodes | |
Child nodes | - taxid:947050 Aphelocoma unicolor griscomi (subspecies), Aphelocoma unicolor griscomi van Rossem, 1928 (authority).
- taxid:947051 Aphelocoma unicolor concolor (subspecies), Aphelocoma unicolor concolor (Cassin, 1848) (authority).
- taxid:947047 Aphelocoma unicolor unicolor (subspecies).
- taxid:947049 Aphelocoma unicolor oaxacae (subspecies), Aphelocoma unicolor oaxacae Pitelka, 1946 (authority).
- taxid:947048 Aphelocoma unicolor guerrerensis (subspecies), Aphelocoma unicolor guerrerensis Nelson, 1903 (authority).
See also | 150905
Properties |
DE Aphelocoma unicolor (species).
PA 39616 (parent ID)
CC authority = Aphelocoma unicolor (Du Bus, 1847)
CC genbank common name = Unicolored jay
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CC This entry is a placeholder for the corresponding entry in the NCBI
CC taxonomy
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