Description | Piscirickettsiaceae (family), Piscirickettsia group (synonym), Piscirickettsiaceae Fryer and Lannan 2005 (synonym). |
Parent nodes | - taxid:72273 Thiotrichales (order), Beggiatoales (includes), Beggiatoales Buchanan 1957 (authority), Thiomicrospira group (synonym), Thiothrix/Francisella group (synonym), Thiotrichales Garrity et al. 2005 (authority).
Child nodes | - taxid:28884 Hydrogenovibrio (genus), Hydrogenivibrio (equivalent name), Hydrogenovibrio Nishihara et al. 1991 (synonym).
- taxid:1237 Piscirickettsia (genus), Piscirickettsia Fryer et al. 1992 (synonym).
- taxid:933 Thiomicrospira (genus), Thiomicrospira Kuenen and Veldkamp 1972 (authority).
- taxid:364031 Sulfurivirga (genus), Sulfurivirga Takai et al. 2006 (authority).
- taxid:34067 Cycloclasticus (genus), Cycloclasticus Dyksterhouse et al. 1995 (authority).
- taxid:92244 Thioalkalimicrobium (genus), Thialkalimicrobium (synonym), Thioalcalomicrobium (misspelling), Thioalkalimicrobium Sorokin et al. 2001 emend. Sorokin et al. 2002 (authority).
- taxid:284244 unclassified Piscirickettsiaceae (no rank).
- taxid:191469 environmental samples (no rank).
- taxid:40222 Methylophaga (genus), Methyliphaga (equivalent name), Methylophaga Janvier et al. 1985 (authority).
See also | 135616
Properties |
DE Piscirickettsiaceae (family).
PA 72273 (parent ID)
CC synonym = Piscirickettsia group
CC synonym = Piscirickettsiaceae Fryer and Lannan 2005
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CC This entry is a placeholder for the corresponding entry in the NCBI
CC taxonomy
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