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Pagni M, Ioannidis V, Cerutti L, Zahn-Zabal M, Jongeneel CV, Hau J, Martin O, Kuznetsov D, Falquet L.
MyHits: improvements to an interactive resource for analyzing protein sequences.
Nucleic Acids Res. 2007 Jul; 35(Web Server issue):W433-7

DescriptionNeolitsea (genus), Neolitsea (Benth.) Merr. (synonym).
Parent nodes
  • taxid:3433 Lauraceae (family), laurel family (common name).
Child nodes
  • taxid:128655 Neolitsea sericea (species), Neolitsea sericea (Blume) Koidz. (synonym), shiro-damo (common name).
  • taxid:344106 Neolitsea kwangsiensis (species), Neolitsea kwangsiensis H.Liu (synonym).
  • taxid:344113 Neolitsea pinninervis (species), Neolitsea pinninervis Yen C.Yang & P.H.Huang (synonym).
  • taxid:344114 Neolitsea polycarpa (species), Neolitsea polycarpa H.Liu (synonym).
  • taxid:344116 Neolitsea sutchuanensis (species), Neolitsea sutchuanensis Y.C.Yang (synonym).
  • taxid:344102 Neolitsea chrysotricha (species), Neolitsea chrysotricha H.W.Li (synonym).
  • taxid:344108 Neolitsea ovatifolia (species), Neolitsea ovatifolia Yen C.Yang & P.H.Huang (synonym).
  • taxid:344118 Neolitsea undulatifolia (species), Neolitsea undulatifolia (H.Lev.) C.K.Allen (synonym).
  • taxid:230708 Neolitsea cassia (species), Neolitsea cassia (L.) Kosterm. (synonym).
  • taxid:344105 Neolitsea homilantha (species), Neolitsea homilantha C.K.Allen (synonym).
  • taxid:344107 Neolitsea lunglingensis (species), Neolitsea lunglingensis H.W.Li (synonym).
  • taxid:344111 Neolitsea phanerophlebia (species), Neolitsea phanerophlebia Merr. (synonym).
  • taxid:344115 Neolitsea pulchella (species), Neolitsea pulchella (Meisn.) Merr. (synonym).
  • taxid:943100 Neolitsea hsiangkweiensis (species), Neolitsea hsiangkweiensis Y.C.Yang & P.H.Huang (authority).
  • taxid:344099 Neolitsea brassii (species), Neolitsea brassii C.K.Allen (synonym).
  • taxid:344104 Neolitsea dealbata (species), Neolitsea dealbata (R.Br.) Merr. (synonym).
  • taxid:344112 Neolitsea pingbienensis (species), Neolitsea pingbienensis Yen C.Yang & P.H.Huang (synonym).
  • taxid:344119 Neolitsea wushanica (species), Neolitsea wushanica (Chun) Merr. (synonym).
  • taxid:384322 Neolitsea javanica (species), Neolitsea javanica (Blume) Backer (synonym).
  • taxid:344110 Neolitsea pallens (species), Neolitsea pallens (D.Don) Momiy. & H.Hara (synonym).
  • taxid:344121 Neolitsea sp. Li 2002070 (species).
  • taxid:1053114 Neolitsea howii (species), Neolitsea howii C.K.Allen (authority).
  • taxid:344097 Neolitsea aurata (species), Neolitsea aurata (Hayata) Koidz. (synonym).
  • taxid:1242151 Neolitsea villosa (species), Neolitsea villosa (Blume) Merr. (authority).
  • taxid:384321 Neolitsea aciculata (species), Neolitsea aciculata (Blume) Koidz. (synonym).
  • taxid:1009496 Neolitsea umbrosa (species), Neolitsea umbrosa (Nees) Gamble (authority).
  • taxid:344103 Neolitsea chui (species), Neolitsea chui Merr. (authority), Neolitsea chuii (synonym), Neolitsea chuii Merr. (authority).
  • taxid:344100 Neolitsea cambodiana (species), Neolitsea cambodiana Lecomte (authority).
  • taxid:155302 Neolitsea confertifolia (species), Neolitsea confertifolia (Hemsl.) Merr. (synonym).
  • taxid:155303 Neolitsea levinei (species), Neolitsea levinei Merr. (synonym).
  • taxid:436451 Neolitsea shingningensis (species), Neolitsea shingningensis Y.C.Yang & P.H.Huang (synonym).
  • taxid:436450 Neolitsea oblongifolia (species), Neolitsea oblongifolia Merr. & Chun (synonym).
See also128654
ID   128654           TAXONOMY;
DE   Neolitsea (genus).
PA   3433 (parent ID)
CC   synonym = Neolitsea (Benth.) Merr.
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CC   This entry is a placeholder for the corresponding entry in the NCBI
CC   taxonomy
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