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DescriptionFinegoldia magna (species), "Diplococcus magnus" Prevot 1933 (authority), ATCC 15794 (type material), CCUG 17636 (type material), DSM 20470 (type material), Finegoldia magna (Prevot 1933) Murdoch and Shah 2000 (authority), GIFU 7629 (type material), JCM 1766 (type material), NCTC 11804 (type material), Peptococcus magnus (synonym), Peptococcus magnus (Prevot 1933) Holdeman and Moore 1972 (Approved Lists 1980) (authority), Peptostreptococcus magnus (synonym), Peptostreptococcus magnus (Prevot 1933) Ezaki et al. 1983 (authority).
Parent nodes
  • taxid:150022 Finegoldia (genus), Finegoldia Murdoch and Shah 2000 (authority).
Child nodes
  • taxid:525282 Finegoldia magna ATCC 53516 (no rank), Finegoldia magna str. ATCC 53516 (equivalent name), Finegoldia magna strain ATCC 53516 (equivalent name).
  • taxid:768713 Finegoldia magna ACS-171-V-Col3 (no rank), Finegoldia magna str. ACS-171-V-Col3 (equivalent name), Finegoldia magna strain ACS-171-V-Col3 (equivalent name).
  • taxid:334413 Finegoldia magna ATCC 29328 (no rank), Finegoldia magna ATCC29328 (misspelling), Finegoldia magna str. ATCC 29328 (equivalent name), Finegoldia magna strain ATCC 29328 (equivalent name).
  • taxid:866779 Finegoldia magna SY403409CC001050417 (no rank).
  • taxid:866773 Finegoldia magna BVS033A4 (no rank).
See also1260
ID   1260           TAXONOMY;
DE   Finegoldia magna (species).
PA   150022 (parent ID)
CC   authority = "Diplococcus magnus" Prevot 1933
CC   type material = ATCC 15794
CC   type material = CCUG 17636
CC   type material = DSM 20470
CC   authority = Finegoldia magna (Prevot 1933) Murdoch and Shah 2000
CC   type material = GIFU 7629
CC   type material = JCM 1766
CC   type material = NCTC 11804
CC   synonym = Peptococcus magnus
CC   authority = Peptococcus magnus (Prevot 1933) Holdeman and Moore 1972 (Approved Lists 1980)
CC   synonym = Peptostreptococcus magnus
CC   authority = Peptostreptococcus magnus (Prevot 1933) Ezaki et al. 1983
CC   --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CC   This entry is a placeholder for the corresponding entry in the NCBI
CC   taxonomy
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