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DescriptionBlastopirellula marina (species), ATCC 49069 (type material), Blastopirellula marina (Schlesner 1987) Schlesner et al. 2004 (authority), DSM 3645 (type material), IFAM 1313 (type material), Pirella marina (misnomer), Pirella marina Schlesner 1987 (authority), Pirellula marina (synonym), Pirellula marina (Schlesner 1987) Schlesner and Hirsch 1987 (authority), Pivellula marina (misspelling), strain SH 106 (type material).
Parent nodes
  • taxid:265487 Blastopirellula (genus), Blastopirellula Schlesner et al. 2004 (authority).
Child nodes
  • taxid:314230 Blastopirellula marina DSM 3645 (no rank), Blastopirellula marina str. DSM 3645 (equivalent name), Blastopirellula marina strain DSM 3645 (equivalent name).
See also124
ID   124           TAXONOMY;
DE   Blastopirellula marina (species).
PA   265487 (parent ID)
CC   type material = ATCC 49069
CC   authority = Blastopirellula marina (Schlesner 1987) Schlesner et al. 2004
CC   type material = DSM 3645
CC   type material = IFAM 1313
CC   misnomer = Pirella marina
CC   authority = Pirella marina Schlesner 1987
CC   synonym = Pirellula marina
CC   authority = Pirellula marina (Schlesner 1987) Schlesner and Hirsch 1987
CC   misspelling = Pivellula marina
CC   type material = strain SH 106
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CC   This entry is a placeholder for the corresponding entry in the NCBI
CC   taxonomy
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