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Pagni M, Ioannidis V, Cerutti L, Zahn-Zabal M, Jongeneel CV, Hau J, Martin O, Kuznetsov D, Falquet L.
MyHits: improvements to an interactive resource for analyzing protein sequences.
Nucleic Acids Res. 2007 Jul; 35(Web Server issue):W433-7

DescriptionMaytenus (genus), Maytenus Molina (synonym).
Parent nodes
  • taxid:4305 Celastraceae (family), Hippocrateaceae (includes), Stackhousiaceae (includes), bittersweet family (common name).
Child nodes
  • taxid:490003 Maytenus cunninghamii (species), Maytenus cunninghamii (Hook.) Loes. (synonym).
  • taxid:598479 Maytenus sp. MAG-2009 (species).
  • taxid:883790 Maytenus elongata (species), Maytenus elongata Britton (authority).
  • taxid:597319 Maytenus oblongata (species), Maytenus oblongata Reissek (authority).
  • taxid:681461 Maytenus schippii (species), Maytenus schippii Lundell (authority).
  • taxid:490007 Maytenus floribunda (species), Maytenus floribunda Reissek (synonym), non Maytenus floribunda Pittier, nom. illeg. (synonym).
  • taxid:490008 Maytenus procumbens (species), Maytenus procumbens (L.f.) Loes. (synonym).
  • taxid:714482 Maytenus austroyunnanensis (species), Maytenus austro-yunnanensis (synonym), Maytenus austroyunnanensis S.J.Pei & Y.H.Li (authority).
  • taxid:490005 Maytenus disticha (species), Maytenus disticha (Hook.f.) Urb. (synonym).
  • taxid:1127081 Maytenus segoviarum (species), Maytenus segoviarum Standl. & L.O.Williams (authority).
  • taxid:123431 Maytenus fournieri (species), Maytenus fournieri (Pancher & Sebert) Loes. (synonym).
  • taxid:490001 Maytenus bilocularis (species), Maytenus bilocularis (F.Muell.) Loes. (synonym).
  • taxid:490004 Maytenus disperma (species), Maytenus disperma (F.Muell.) Loes. (synonym).
  • taxid:490002 Maytenus boaria (species), Maytenus boaria Molina (synonym).
  • taxid:1081519 Maytenus grenadensis (species), Maytenus grenadensis Urb. (authority).
  • taxid:1081518 Maytenus ficiformis (species), Maytenus ficiformis Reissek (authority), Maytenus filiformis (misspelling).
  • taxid:1081517 Maytenus evonymoides (species), Maytenus evonymoides Reissek (authority).
  • taxid:1186307 Maytenus sp. B1 KGD-2012 (species), Maytenus spB1 (equivalent name).
  • taxid:1077898 Maytenus pyria (species), Maytenus pyria (Willemet) N.Robson (authority).
  • taxid:1081514 Maytenus distichophylla (species), Maytenus distichophylla Mart. ex Reissek (authority).
  • taxid:1081529 Maytenus woodsonii (species), Maytenus woodsonii Lundell (authority).
  • taxid:1081520 Maytenus ilicifolia (species), Maytenus ilicifolia Mart. ex Reissek (authority).
  • taxid:1081524 Maytenus pertinax (species), Maytenus pertinax N.Halle & J.Florence (authority).
  • taxid:1081525 Maytenus rigida (species), Maytenus rigida Mart. (authority).
  • taxid:1081528 Maytenus verticillata (species), Maytenus verticillata (Ruiz & Pav.) DC. (authority).
  • taxid:1081515 Maytenus domingensis (species), Maytenus domingensis Krug & Urb. (authority).
  • taxid:490241 Maytenus cordata (species), Maytenus cordata (E.Mey. ex Sond.) Loes. (authority).
  • taxid:1186160 Maytenus myrsinoides (species), Maytenus myrsinoides Reissek (authority).
  • taxid:1186159 Maytenus guyanensis (species), Maytenus guyanensis Klotzsch ex Reissek (authority).
  • taxid:1081513 Maytenus buxifolia (species), Maytenus buxifolia (A.Rich.) Griseb. (authority).
  • taxid:1081511 Maytenus aff. obtusifolia Lombardi 7213 (species).
  • taxid:397174 Maytenus sp. FS876 (species).
  • taxid:1081523 Maytenus peduncularis (species), Maytenus peduncularis Loes. (authority).
  • taxid:1081527 Maytenus salicifolia (species), Maytenus salicifolia Reissek (authority).
  • taxid:205464 Maytenus hookeri (species), Gymnosporia acuminata (synonym), Gymnosporia acuminata Hook.f. (synonym), Maytenus hookeri Loes. (synonym).
  • taxid:490009 Maytenus silvestris (species), Maytenus silvestris Lander & L.A.S.Johnson (synonym).
  • taxid:1081512 Maytenus aquifolium (species), Maytenus aquifolium Mart. (authority).
  • taxid:1081516 Maytenus elliptica (species), Maytenus elliptica Krug & Urb. (authority).
  • taxid:1081521 Maytenus magellanica (species), Maytenus magellanica (Lam.) Hook.f. (authority).
  • taxid:1081509 Maytenus abbottii (species), Maytenus abbottii A.E.van Wyk (authority).
  • taxid:1081522 Maytenus oleosa (species), Maytenus oleosa A.E.van Wyk & R.H.Archer (authority).
  • taxid:1081526 Maytenus robusta (species), Maytenus robusta Reissek (authority).
  • taxid:1186308 Maytenus sp. B2 KGD-2012 (species), Maytenus spB2 (equivalent name).
  • taxid:123432 Maytenus undata (species), Maytenus undata (Thunb.) Blakelock (authority).
See also123430
ID   123430           TAXONOMY;
DE   Maytenus (genus).
PA   4305 (parent ID)
CC   synonym = Maytenus Molina
CC   --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CC   This entry is a placeholder for the corresponding entry in the NCBI
CC   taxonomy
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