Description | Indirana brachytarsus (species), Anamallais Indian frog (genbank common name), Indirana brachytarsus (Guenther, 1876) (authority), Polypedates brachytarsus (synonym), Polypedates brachytarsus Guenther, 1876 (authority), Rana brachytarsus (synonym), Ranixalus brachytarsus (synonym), leaf-hopper frog (common name), short-legged leaping frog (common name). |
ID 1185436 TAXONOMY;
DE Indirana brachytarsus (species).
PA 129007 (parent ID)
CC genbank common name = Anamallais Indian frog
CC authority = Indirana brachytarsus (Guenther, 1876)
CC synonym = Polypedates brachytarsus
CC authority = Polypedates brachytarsus Guenther, 1876
CC synonym = Rana brachytarsus
CC synonym = Ranixalus brachytarsus
CC common name = leaf-hopper frog
CC common name = short-legged leaping frog
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CC This entry is a placeholder for the corresponding entry in the NCBI
CC taxonomy
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