Description | Graphidoideae (subfamily), Graphidoideae Rivas Plata, Lcking and Lumbsch 2012 (authority). |
Parent nodes | - taxid:71598 Graphidaceae (family), Thelotremataceae (synonym).
Child nodes | - taxid:1130104 Graphideae (tribe), Graphideae Rivas Plata, Lcking and Lumbsch 2012 (authority).
- taxid:1130107 Thelotremateae (tribe), Thelotremateae Rivas Plata, Luecking and Lumbsch 2012 (authority).
- taxid:1130105 Ocellularieae (tribe), Ocellularieae Rivas Plata, Lcking and Lumbsch 2012 (authority).
See also | 1130102
Properties |
ID 1130102 TAXONOMY;
DE Graphidoideae (subfamily).
PA 71598 (parent ID)
CC authority = Graphidoideae Rivas Plata, Lcking and Lumbsch 2012
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CC This entry is a placeholder for the corresponding entry in the NCBI
CC taxonomy
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