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DescriptionAcanthiza (genus).
Parent nodes
Child nodes
  • taxid:117191 Acanthiza lineata (species), striated thornbill (genbank common name).
  • taxid:117186 Acanthiza ewingii (species), Tasmanian thornbill (genbank common name).
  • taxid:117190 Acanthiza katherina (species), mountain thornbill (genbank common name).
  • taxid:117195 Acanthiza reguloides (species), buff-rumped thornbill (genbank common name).
  • taxid:117188 Acanthiza inornata (species), western thornbill (genbank common name).
  • taxid:117197 Acanthiza robustirostris (species), slaty-backed thornbill (genbank common name).
  • taxid:117189 Acanthiza iredalei (species), slender-billed thornbill (genbank common name).
  • taxid:117192 Acanthiza nana (species), yellow thornbill (genbank common name).
  • taxid:117493 Acanthiza murina (species), papuan thornbill (genbank common name).
  • taxid:108821 Acanthiza chrysorrhoa (species), yellow-rumped thornbill (genbank common name).
  • taxid:117185 Acanthiza apicalis (species), broad-tailed thornbill (genbank common name).
  • taxid:117199 Acanthiza uropygialis (species), chestnut-rumped thornbill (genbank common name).
  • taxid:117193 Acanthiza pusilla (species), brown thornbill (genbank common name).
See also108820
ID   108820           TAXONOMY;
DE   Acanthiza (genus).
PA   27580 (parent ID)
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CC   This entry is a placeholder for the corresponding entry in the NCBI
CC   taxonomy
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