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DescriptionMycobacterium thermoresistibile ATCC 19527 (no rank), Mycobacterium thermoresistibile str. ATCC 19527 (equivalent name), Mycobacterium thermoresistibile strain ATCC 19527 (equivalent name).
Parent nodes
  • taxid:1797 Mycobacterium thermoresistibile (species), ATCC 19527 (type material), CCUG 28008 (type material), CCUG 41353 (type material), CIP 105390 (type material), DSM 44167 (type material), JCM 6362 (type material), Mycobacterium thermoresistibile Tsukamura 1966 (authority), Mycobacterium thermoresistible (misspelling), NCTC 10409 (type material).
Child nodes
See also1078020
ID   1078020           TAXONOMY;
DE   Mycobacterium thermoresistibile ATCC 19527 (no rank).
PA   1797 (parent ID)
CC   equivalent name = Mycobacterium thermoresistibile str. ATCC 19527
CC   equivalent name = Mycobacterium thermoresistibile strain ATCC 19527
CC   --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CC   This entry is a placeholder for the corresponding entry in the NCBI
CC   taxonomy
CC   --------------------------------------------------------------------------