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DescriptionPlatanthera (genus), Platanthera Rich. (synonym).
Parent nodes
  • taxid:158366 Orchidinae (subtribe), Habenariinae (includes).
Child nodes
  • taxid:413037 Platanthera grandiflora (species), Platanthera grandiflora (Bigelow) Lindl. (synonym).
  • taxid:1200770 Platanthera stenantha (species), Platanthera stenantha (Hook.f.) Soo (authority), Platanthera stenanthe (misspelling).
  • taxid:1053385 Platanthera micrantha (species), Platanthera micrantha (Hochst.) Schltr. (authority).
  • taxid:431291 Platanthera bifolia (species), Platanthera bifolia (L.) Rich. (authority).
  • taxid:59353 Platanthera chlorantha (species), Habenaria chloroleuca Ridl. 1895, non Frapp. ex Cordem. 1895 (synonym), Platanthera chlorantha (Custer) Rchb. (authority).
  • taxid:78829 Platanthera ciliaris (species), Platanthera ciliaris (L.) Lindl. (synonym).
  • taxid:409000 Platanthera aquilonis (species), Limnorchis aequilonis (synonym), Limnorchis aquilonis (synonym), Limnorchis aquilonis (Sheviak) Rebrist. & Elven (authority), Platanthera aquilonis Sheviak (authority).
  • taxid:409001 Platanthera dilatata (species), Piperia dilatata (synonym), Piperia dilatata (Pursh) Szlach. & Rutk. (synonym), Platanthera dilatata (Pursh) Lindl. ex L.C.Beck (synonym).
  • taxid:1200768 Platanthera mandarinorum (species), Platanthera mandarinorum Rchb.f. (authority), Platanthera mandariorum (misspelling).
  • taxid:1200769 Platanthera roseotincta (species), Platanthera roseotincta (W.W.Sm.) Tang & F.T.Wang (authority), Platanthera rosetincta (misspelling).
  • taxid:1097231 Platanthera latilabris (species), Platanthera latilabris Lindl. (authority).
  • taxid:1004262 Platanthera minor (species), Platanthera minor (Miq.) Rchb.f. (authority).
  • taxid:1120565 Platanthera huronensis (species), Limnorchis huronensis (synonym), Limnorchis huronensis (Nutt.) Rydb. (authority), Platanthera huronensis Lindl. (authority).
  • taxid:143602 Platanthera praeclara (species), Great Plains white fringed orchid (common name), Platanthera praeclara Sheviak & M.L.Bowles (synonym), Western prairie fringed orchid (common name).
  • taxid:413038 Platanthera hyperborea (species), Limnorchis hyperborea (synonym), Limnorchis hyperborea (L.) Rydb. (authority), Platanthera hyperborea (L.) Lindl. (authority).
  • taxid:1053384 Platanthera azorica (species), Platanthera azorica Schltr. (authority).
  • taxid:1097230 Platanthera edgeworthii (species), Platanthera edgeworthii (Hook.f. ex Collett) R.K.Gupta (authority).
  • taxid:1109433 Platanthera algeriensis (species), Platanthera algeriensis Batt. & Trab. (authority).
  • taxid:256370 Platanthera obtusata (species), Lysiella obtusata (synonym), Lysiella obtusata (Banks ex Pursh) Rydb. (authority), Platanthera obtusata (Banks ex Pursh) Lindl. (authority).
  • taxid:1200771 Platanthera fuscescens (species), Platanthera fuscescens (L.) Kraenzl. (authority), Tulotis fuscescens (synonym), Tulotis fuscescens (L.) Raf. ex Czerep. (authority).
See also59352
ID   59352           TAXONOMY;
DE   Platanthera (genus).
PA   158366 (parent ID)
CC   synonym = Platanthera Rich.
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CC   This entry is a placeholder for the corresponding entry in the NCBI
CC   taxonomy
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