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Pagni M, Ioannidis V, Cerutti L, Zahn-Zabal M, Jongeneel CV, Hau J, Martin O, Kuznetsov D, Falquet L.
MyHits: improvements to an interactive resource for analyzing protein sequences.
Nucleic Acids Res. 2007 Jul; 35(Web Server issue):W433-7

DescriptionCatellatospora (genus), Catellatispora (equivalent name), Catellatospora Asano and Kawamoto 1986 emend. Ara et al. 2008 (authority), Catellatospora Asano and Kawamoto 1986 emend. Lee and Hah 2002 (authority).
Parent nodes
  • taxid:28056 Micromonosporaceae (family), Actinoplanaceae (in-part), Actinoplanaceae Couch 1955 (in-part), Actinoplanetes (includes), Micromonosporaceae Krasil'nikov 1938 (Approved Lists 1980) emend Koch et al. 1996 (authority), Micromonosporaceae Krasil'nikov 1938 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Stackebrandt et al. 1997 (authority), Micromonosporaceae Krasil'nikov 1938 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Zhi et al. 2009 (authority).
Child nodes
  • taxid:151686 Catellatospora sp. 1258 (species).
  • taxid:461430 Catellatospora sp. MS-E4 (species).
  • taxid:54104 Catellatospora sp. (species), Catellatispora sp. (synonym).
  • taxid:116254 Catellatospora sp. IM-3766 (species), Catellatispora sp. IM-3766 (synonym).
  • taxid:509194 Catellatospora sp. YIM 48772 (species).
  • taxid:116255 Catellatospora sp. IM-6046 (species), Catellatispora sp. IM-6046 (synonym).
  • taxid:367281 Catellatospora yuxiensis (species), 'Catellatospora yuxiensis (synonym).
  • taxid:673298 Catellatospora sp. MI-5.2 K1 (species).
  • taxid:116256 Catellatospora sp. IM-7774 (species), Catellatispora sp. IM-7774 (synonym).
  • taxid:211431 environmental samples (no rank).
  • taxid:53366 Catellatospora citrea (species), ATCC 49964 (type material), CIP 107011 (type material), Catelatospora citrea (misspelling), Catellatispora citrea (equivalent name), Catellatospora citrea Asano and Kawamoto 1986 (synonym), DSM 44097 (type material), IFO 14495 (type material), JCM 7542 (type material), NBRC 14495 (type material), NRRL B-16429 (type material), VKM Ac-1421 (type material), strain 6183-E (type material).
  • taxid:717861 Catellatospora sp. RI59-SDHV-102 (species).
  • taxid:981560 Catellatospora sp. K21(2011) (species).
  • taxid:981561 Catellatospora sp. K59(2011) (species).
  • taxid:1170047 Catellatospora sp. L2007 (species).
  • taxid:1170045 Catellatospora sp. L1989 (species).
  • taxid:1170044 Catellatospora sp. L1748 (species).
  • taxid:1170046 Catellatospora sp. L1998 (species).
  • taxid:121620 Catellatospora methionotrophica (species), ATCC 49965 (type material), CIP 107012 (type material), Catellatispora citrea subsp. methioninitrophica (equivalent name), Catellatispora citrea subsp. methionotrophica (equivalent name), Catellatospora citrea subsp. methioninitrophica (equivalent name), Catellatospora citrea subsp. methionotrophica (synonym), Catellatospora citrea subsp. methionotrophica Asano and Kawamoto 1988 (authority), Catellatospora methionotrophica (Asano and Kawamoto 1988) Ara and Kudo 2006 (authority), DSM 44098 (type material), JCM 7543 (type material), NBRC 14553 (type material), NRRL B-16431 (type material), VKM Ac-2008 (type material), strain 6257-B (type material).
  • taxid:249769 Catellatospora sp. 410E10 (species).
  • taxid:249775 Catellatospora sp. 410F08 (species).
  • taxid:250189 Catellatospora sp. 428B12 (species).
  • taxid:566005 Catellatospora sp. YIM 65268 (species).
  • taxid:619781 Catellatospora sp. KC-EP-S6 (species).
  • taxid:310355 Catellatospora bangladeshensis (species), Catellatospora bangladeshensis Ara and Kudo 2006 (authority), Catellatospora sp. 2-70(23) (includes), DSM 44899 (type material), JCM 12949 (type material), strain 2-70(23) (type material).
  • taxid:310353 Catellatospora chokoriensis (species), Catellatospora chokoriensis Ara and Kudo 2006 (authority), Catellatospora sp. 2-25(1) (includes), DSM 44900 (type material), JCM 12950 (type material), strain 2-25(1) (type material).
  • taxid:310354 Catellatospora coxensis (species), Catellatospora coxensis Ara and Kudo 2006 (authority), Catellatospora sp. 2-29(17) (includes), DSM 44901 (type material), JCM 12951 (type material), strain 2-29(17) (type material).
See also53365
ID   53365           TAXONOMY;
DE   Catellatospora (genus).
PA   28056 (parent ID)
CC   equivalent name = Catellatispora
CC   authority = Catellatospora Asano and Kawamoto 1986 emend. Ara et al. 2008
CC   authority = Catellatospora Asano and Kawamoto 1986 emend. Lee and Hah 2002
CC   --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CC   This entry is a placeholder for the corresponding entry in the NCBI
CC   taxonomy
CC   --------------------------------------------------------------------------