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DescriptionSulfurovum (genus), Sulfurovum Inagaki et al. 2004 (synonym).
Parent nodes
  • taxid:34035 unclassified Epsilonproteobacteria (no rank), unclassified epsilon proteobacteria (synonym).
Child nodes
  • taxid:206403 Sulfurovum lithotrophicum (species), ATCC BAA-797 (type material), JCM 12117 (type material), Sulfurovum lithotrophicum Inagaki et al. 2004 (synonym), epsilon proteobacterium 42BKT (includes), strain 42BKT (type material).
  • taxid:1165841 Sulfurovum sp. AR (species).
  • taxid:307555 Sulfurovum sp. 50cm25-F1 (species).
  • taxid:387093 Sulfurovum sp. NBC37-1 (species).
  • taxid:1001762 Sulfurovum sp. SCGC AAA036-B05 (species).
  • taxid:1001764 Sulfurovum sp. SCGC AAA036-O23 (species).
  • taxid:1001763 Sulfurovum sp. SCGC AAA036-G05 (species).
  • taxid:1218800 Sulfurovum sp. SCGC AAA036-F05 (species).
  • taxid:269236 environmental samples (no rank).
See also265570
ID   265570           TAXONOMY;
DE   Sulfurovum (genus).
PA   34035 (parent ID)
CC   synonym = Sulfurovum Inagaki et al. 2004
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CC   This entry is a placeholder for the corresponding entry in the NCBI
CC   taxonomy
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