Classification nodes
taxid:683207 |
Asterochloris sp. OP 886 (species), Asterochloris photobiont OP 886 (equivalent name). |
taxid:202489 |
Cryptosporidium sp. 886 (species). |
taxid:29432 |
Psychrobacter phenylpyruvicus (species), "Moraxella phenylpyrouvica" (sic) Bovre and Henriksen 1967 (synonym), "Moraxella polymorpha" Flamm 1957 (synonym), ACAM 535 (type material), ACM 886 (type material), ATCC 23333 (type material), CCUG 351 (type material), CIP 82.27 (type material), DSM 7000 (type material), JCM 20444 (type material), LMG 5372 (type material), Moraxella (subgen. Moraxella Lwoff 1939) phenylpyruvica (Bovre and Henriksen 1967) Bovre 1984 (synonym), Moraxella phenylpyruvica (synonym), Moraxella phenylpyruvica Bovre and Henriksen 1967 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), Moraxella polymorpha (synonym), NBRC 102152 (type material), NCTC 10526 (type material), Psychrobacter phenylpyruvicum (misspelling), Psychrobacter phenylpyruvicus (Bovre and Henriksen 1967) Bowman et al. 1996 (synonym), strain 2863 (type material). |
taxid:886 |
Thermodesulfobacterium thermophilum (species), DSM 1276 (type material), Desulfovibrio thermophilus (synonym), Desulfovibrio thermophilus Rozanova and Khudyakova 1974 (Approved Lists 1980) (authority), Thermodesulfobacterium mobile (synonym), Thermodesulfobacterium mobile (Rozanova and Khudyakova 1974) Rozanova and Pivovarova 1991 (authority), Thermodesulfobacterium thermophilum (Rozanova and Khudyakova 1974) Rozanova and Pivovarova 1995 (authority), VKM V-1128 (type material). |
taxid:416143 |
Norovirus Hu/GII/Algard/886/2001/NOR (no rank). |
taxid:296177 |
Influenza B virus (B/Finland/886/2001) (no rank). |
taxid:931002 |
Rhaptopetalum sp. Kew 886 (species). |
taxid:68259 |
Streptomyces purpurogeneiscleroticus (species), "Chainia purpurogena" Thirumalachar in Thirumalachar and Sukapure 1964 (synonym), ATCC 19348 (type material), BCRC 13317 (type material), CBS 409.66 (type material), CBS 659.72 (type material), CCRC 13317 (type material), CM 3103 (type material), CMI 112722 (type material), Chainia purpurogena (synonym), Chainia purpurogena Thirumalachar and Sukapure 1964 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), DSM 43156 (type material), HAMBI 1061 (type material), IFO 13001 (type material), IFO 13903 (type material), JCM 3080 (type material), JCM 4818 (type material), NBRC 13001 (type material), NBRC 13903 (type material), NCIMB 10981 (type material), NRRL B-2952 (type material), NRRL-ISP 5271 (type material), PCM 2306 (type material), RIA 1319 (type material), RIA 886 (type material), Streptomyces purpureigenoscleroticus (synonym), Streptomyces purpurogeneiscleroticus Pridham 1970 (synonym), Streptomyces purpurogeniscleroticus (misspelling). |
taxid:991546 |
Influenza A virus (A/swine/Hong Kong/886/2003(H1N1)) (no rank). |
taxid:439053 |
Xanthoria sp. 886(127.7) (species). |
taxid:873848 |
Influenza A virus (A/England/886/2009(H1N1)) (no rank). |
taxid:319313 |
Bacillus sp. HPC 886 (species). |