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query: +36821
Sequence found: 0
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Other node found: 1
Motif results
Classification nodes
taxid:36821 Gordonia amarae (species), ATCC 27808 (type material), CIP 104501 (type material), DSM 43392 (type material), Gordona amarae (synonym), Gordonia amarae (Lechevalier and Lechevalier 1974) Klatte et al. 1994 (synonym), Gordonia amarae (Lechevalier and Lechevalier 1974) Ruimy et al. 1995 (synonym), HAMBI 2282 (type material), IFO 15530 (type material), JCM 3171 (type material), NBRC 15530 (type material), NCIMB 11222 (type material), NRRL B-16281 (type material), NRRL B-8176 (type material), Nocardia amarae (synonym), Nocardia amarae Lechevalier and Lechevalier 1974 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), VKM Ac-801 (type material), strain SE6 (type material).