Classification nodes
taxid:292127 |
Muraltia sp. Forest & Manning 247 (species), Nylandtia sp. Forest and Manning 247 (equivalent name), Nylandtia sp. Forest et Manning 247 (equivalent name). |
taxid:380941 |
Influenza A virus (A/Finland/247/1992(H3N2)) (no rank), Influenza A virus (A/Finland/247/92(H3N2)) (synonym). |
taxid:514043 |
Influenza A virus (A/BANGKOK/247/2002(H3N2)) (no rank), Influenza A virus (A/Human/BANGKOK/247/2002(H3N2)) (synonym). |
taxid:1122453 |
Trigonopterus sp. 247 MB-2011 (species). |
taxid:589187 |
bacterium 247 (species). |
taxid:310833 |
Hieracium cf. fuscescens Schuhwerk 02/247 (species). |
taxid:1130930 |
Sphingomonas sp. 247 (species). |
taxid:247 |
Empedobacter brevis (species), "Bacillus brevis" Lustig 1890 (authority), "Bacillus canalis parvus" Eisenberg 1891 (authority), "Bacillus canicolis brevis" Cornil and Babes 1890 (authority), "Bacterium breve" (Lustig 1890) Chester 1901 (authority), "Bacterium canale" Mez 1898 (authority), "Bacterium canalis parvus" (sic) (Eisenberg 1891) Chester 1897 (authority), "Empedobacter breve" (sic) (Lustig 1890) Prevot 1961 (authority), "Flavobacterium brevis" (sic) (Lustig 1890) Bergey et al. 1923 (authority), "Pseudobacterium brevis" (sic) (Lustig 1890) Krasil'nikov 1949 (authority), ATCC 43319 (type material), Bacillus canalis parvus (synonym), Bacillus canicolis brevis (synonym), Bacterium breve (synonym), Bacterium canale (synonym), Bacterium canalis parvus (synonym), CCUG 7320 (type material), CIP 103104 (type material), Empedobacter breve (synonym), Empedobacter brevis (Holmes and Owen 1982) Vandamme et al. 1994 (authority), Flavobacterium breve (synonym), Flavobacterium breve (ex Lustig 1890) Holmes and Owen 1982 (authority), Flavobacterium brevi (synonym), IFO 14943 (type material), JCM 21064 (type material), LMG 4011 (type material), NBRC 14943 (type material), NCTC 11099 (type material), Pseudobacterium brevis (synonym). |
taxid:537955 |
Influenza A virus (A/Taiwan/247/2006(H3N2)) (no rank). |
taxid:660030 |
Fusarium oxysporum 247 (no rank). |
taxid:1751 |
Propionibacterium thoenii (species), "Bacterium acidi propionici var. rubrum" Thoni and Allemann 1910 (synonym), "Propionibacterium rubrum" van Niel 1928 (synonym), ATCC 4874 (type material), Bacterium acidi propionici var. rubrum (synonym), CCUG 28149 (type material), CIP 103029 (type material), DSM 20276 (type material), HAMBI 247 (type material), JCM 6437 (type material), LMG 16455 (type material), Propionibacterium rubrum (synonym), Propionibacterium thoenii van Niel 1928 (synonym), Propionicibacterium thoenii (equivalent name). |
taxid:858141 |
Influenza A virus (A/England/247/2009(H1N1)) (no rank). |
taxid:1180885 |
Sordariomycetes sp. genotype 247 (species). |
taxid:392786 |
Influenza A virus (A/England/247/1993(H3N2)) (no rank). |
taxid:32013 |
Comamonas terrigena (species), "Comamonas terrigena" Hugh 1962 (synonym), "Vibrio neocistes" Gray and Thornton (includes), 'Lophomonas alcaligenes' (synonym), 'Vibrio percolans' (synonym), ATCC 8461 (type material), CCUG 15327 (type material), CCUG 2185 (type material), CIP 63.44 (type material), Comamonas terrigena (ex Hugh 1962) De Vos et al. 1985 emend. Wauters et al. 2003 (synonym), Comamonas terrigena (ex Hugh 1962) De Vos et al. 1985 emend. Willems et al. 1991 (synonym), DSM 7099 (type material), IFO 12685 (type material), IFO 13299 (type material), JCM 6230 (type material), LMG 1253 (type material), LMG 5929 (type material), Lophomonas alcaligenes (synonym), NBRC 12685 (type material), NBRC 13299 (type material), NCCB 89134 (type material), NCIB 8193 (type material), NCIMB 8193 (type material), NCTC 1937 (type material), NRRL B-1055 (type material), NRRL B-781 (type material), Vibrio neocistes (includes), Vibrio percolans (synonym), strain Hugh 247 (type material), strain Vron 31 (type material). |
taxid:256564 |
Tulasnella sp. 247 (species). |
taxid:368474 |
Mytilus sp. BC26#247 (species). |
taxid:1151528 |
Treponema sp. canine oral taxon 247 (species). |
taxid:980411 |
Enterobacter sp. 247 BMC (species). |
taxid:1164033 |
Corynebacterium sp. 'ARUP UnID 247' (species). |
taxid:750930 |
Influenza A virus (A/Jingfang/247/1996(H3N2)) (no rank). |
taxid:1166458 |
Influenza A virus (A/Yamaguchi/247/2009(H1N1)) (no rank). |
taxid:1138214 |
Hyalinobatrachium tricolor (species), Hyalinobatrachium aff. iaspidiense MB 247 (includes), Hyalinobatrachium tricolor Castroviejo-Fischer, Vila, Ayarzaguena, Blanc & Ernst, 2011 (authority). |
taxid:768207 |
Methylobacterium sp. 247 (species). |
taxid:712729 |
Treponema sp. oral taxon 247 (species). |
taxid:991548 |
Influenza A virus (A/swine/Hong Kong/247/2009(H1N1)) (no rank). |
taxid:551699 |
Nostoc sp. 'Collema polycarpon (247) cyanobiont' (species). |
taxid:1131019 |
Influenza A virus (A/Pernambuco/247/2009(H1N1)) (no rank). |
taxid:568345 |
Human coxsackievirus A16 247/Toyama/2002 (no rank). |
taxid:171843 |
Norwalk-like virus NLV/Lionville/247/1993/US (no rank). |
taxid:319863 |
Influenza A virus (A/New York/247/1998(H3N2)) (no rank). |
taxid:1198683 |
Brucella suis CNGB 247 (no rank). |
taxid:930179 |
Lactarius cf. volemus H.T. Le 247 (species). |
taxid:210753 |
Influenza C virus (C/Hiroshima/247/2000) (no rank). |
taxid:353471 |
Influenza A virus (A/Canterbury/247/2005(H3N2)) (no rank). |
taxid:255661 |
Kluyvera sp. Tf 247 (species). |
taxid:1198561 |
Acremonium sp. 247 OG-2012 (species). |
taxid:758520 |
Lactobacillus sp. B 247 (species). |