Classification nodes
taxid:55404 |
Streptomyces netropsis (species), "Streptomyces flavopersicus" Oliver et al. 1961 (synonym), "Streptomyces kentuckensis" Barr and Carman 1956 (synonym), "Streptomyces netropsis" Finlay et al. 1951 (synonym), "Verticillomyces kentuckensis" (Barr and Carman 1956) Shinobu 1965 (synonym), "Verticillomyces netropsis" (Finlay et al. 1951) Shinobu 1965 (synonym), ATCC 23940 (type material), BCRC 13374 (type material), CBS 924.68 (type material), CCRC 13374 (type material), CECT 3265 (type material), DSM 40259 (type material), HUT 6086 (type material), IFM 1035 (type material), IFO 12893 (type material), IFO 3723 (type material), JCM 4063 (type material), JCM 4655 (type material), LMG 5979 (type material), NBRC 12893 (type material), NBRC 3723 (type material), NCIMB 9592 (type material), NRRL 2268 (type material), NRRL-ISP 5259 (type material), PCM 2251 (type material), RIA 1184 (type material), RIA 605 (type material), Streptomyces distallicus (synonym), Streptomyces distallicus (Locci et al. 1969) Witt and Stackebrandt 1991 (synonym), Streptomyces flavipersicus (synonym), Streptomyces flavopersicus (synonym), Streptomyces flavopersicus (Oliver et al. 1961) Witt and Stackebrandt 1991 (synonym), Streptomyces kentuchensis (synonym), Streptomyces kentuckensis (synonym), Streptomyces kentuckensis (Barr and Carman 1956) Witt and Stackebrandt 1991 (synonym), Streptomyces kentuckyensis (equivalent name), Streptomyces netropsis (Finlay et al. 1951) Witt and Stackebrandt 1991 (synonym), Streptoverticillium distallicum (synonym), Streptoverticillium distallicus (synonym), Streptoverticillium flavipersicum (synonym), Streptoverticillium flavopersicus (synonym), Streptoverticillium kentuckense (synonym), Streptoverticillium kentuckyense (synonym), Streptoverticillium netropse (synonym), Streptoverticillium netropsis (synonym), Streptoverticillium netropsis (Finlay et al. 1951) Baldacci et al. 1966 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), Streptoverticillum flavopersicus (synonym), Streptoverticillum netropsis (synonym), VKM Ac-820 (type material), Verticillomyces kentuckensis (synonym), Verticillomyces netropsis (synonym). |
taxid:66429 |
Streptomyces roseoverticillatus (species), "Actinomyces biverticillatus" Preobrazhenskaya in Gauze et al. 1957 (synonym), "Streptomyces biverticillatus" (Preobrazhenskaya 1957) Pridham et al. 1958 (synonym), "Streptomyces fervens" de Boer et al. 1960 (synonym), "Streptomyces roseoverticillatus" Shinobu 1956 (synonym), "Streptoverticillium biverticillatus" (sic) (Preobrazhenskaya 1957) Baldacci 1958. (synonym), "Verticillomyces roseoverticillatus" (Shinobu 1956) Shinobu 1965 (synonym), ATCC 19807 (type material), Actinomyces biverticillatus (synonym), CBS 560.68 (type material), CECT 3269 (type material), DSM 40039 (type material), IFO 12817 (type material), IFO 3844 (type material), JCM 4103 (type material), JCM 4607 (type material), NBRC 12817 (type material), NBRC 3844 (type material), NRRL B-1993 (type material), NRRL-ISP 5039 (type material), PCM 2248 (type material), RIA 1087 (type material), RIA 552 (type material), Streptomyces baldacci (synonym), Streptomyces baldaccii (synonym), Streptomyces baldaccii corrig. (Farina and Locci 1966) Witt and Stackebrandt 1991 (synonym), Streptomyces biverticillatus (synonym), Streptomyces biverticillatus (Preobrazhenskaya 1957) Witt and Stackebrandt 1991 (synonym), Streptomyces fervens (synonym), Streptomyces fervens (de Boer et al. 1960) Witt and Stackebrandt 1991 (synonym), Streptomyces roseiverticillatus (equivalent name), Streptomyces roseoverticillatus (Shinobu 1956) Witt and Stackebrandt 1991 (synonym), Streptomyces spitsbergensis (synonym), Streptomyces spitsbergensis Wieczorek et al. 1993 (synonym), Streptoverticillium baldacci (synonym), Streptoverticillium baldaccii (synonym), Streptoverticillium baldaccii Farina and Locci 1966 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), Streptoverticillium baldacii (synonym), Streptoverticillium biverticillatum (Preobrazhenskaya 1957) Farina and Locci 1966 (AL 1980) (synonym), Streptoverticillium biverticillatus (synonym), Streptoverticillium fervens (synonym), Streptoverticillium fervens (de Boer et al. 1960) Locci et al. 1969 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), Streptoverticillium roseiverticillatum (equivalent name), Streptoverticillium roseoverticillatum (synonym), Streptoverticillium roseoverticillatum (Shinobu 1956) Farina and Locci 1966 (AL 1980) (synonym), UNIQEM 194 (type material), VKM Ac-880 (type material), Verticillomyces roseoverticillatus (synonym). |
taxid:85016 |
Cellulomonadaceae (family), Cellulomonadaceae Stackebrandt and Prauser 1991 emend. Stackebrandt and Schumann 2000 (authority), Cellulomonadaceae Stackebrandt and Prauser 1991 emend. Stackebrandt et al. 1997 (authority), Cellulomonadaceae Stackebrandt and Prauser 1991 emend. Zhi et al. 2009 (authority), Cellulosimonadacea (equivalent name). |
taxid:352577 |
Influenza A virus (A/mallard/Alberta/126/1991(H11N9)) (no rank), Influenza A virus (A/mallard/ALB/126/1991(H11N9)) (synonym). |
taxid:402441 |
Influenza A virus (A/mallard/Alberta/129/1991(H3N6)) (no rank), Influenza A virus (A/mallard/ALB/129/1991(H3N6)) (synonym). |
taxid:402450 |
Influenza A virus (A/mallard/Alberta/11/1991(H9N2)) (no rank), Influenza A virus (A/mallard/Alberta/11/1991(H9N3)) (misnomer), Influenza A virus (A/mallard/Alberta/11/91(H9N2)) (synonym). |
taxid:352598 |
Influenza A virus (A/mallard/Alberta/17/1991(H9N2)) (no rank), Influenza A virus (A/mallard/ALB/17/1991(H9N2)) (synonym), Influenza A virus (A/mallard/Alberta/17/91(H9N2)) (synonym). |
taxid:512306 |
Mannophryne larandina (species), Colostethus larandinus (synonym), Colostethus larandinus Yustiz, 1991 (synonym), Mannophryne larandina (Yustiz, 1991) (synonym). |
taxid:215283 |
Sapovirus Hu/Mex347/1991/Mex (no rank), Human calicivirus SLV/Mex347/1991/Mex (synonym). |
taxid:215296 |
Sapovirus Hu/Mex339/1991/Mex (no rank), Human calicivirus SLV/Mex339/1991/Mex (synonym). |
taxid:215300 |
Sapovirus Hu/Mex335/1991/Mex (no rank), Human calicivirus SLV/Mex335/1991/Mex (synonym). |
taxid:408688 |
Dengue virus 4 Thailand/0348/1991 (no rank), Dengue virus type 4 Thailand/0348/1991 (synonym). |
taxid:489488 |
Hepatitis B virus ayw/Australia/AustKW/1991 (no rank), Hepatitis B virus genotype D subtype ayw (isolate Australia/AustKW/1991) (synonym). |
taxid:489490 |
Hepatitis B virus Germany/1-91/1991 (no rank), Hepatitis B virus genotype D (isolate Germany/1-91/1991) (synonym). |
taxid:488582 |
Lasius platythorax (species), Lasius (Lasius) platythorax Seifert, 1991 (synonym), Lasius plathythorax (misspelling), Lasius platythorax Seifert, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:77838 |
Brachyhypopomus pinnicaudatus (species), Brachyhypopomus pinnicaudatus (Hopkins, 1991) (authority), Hypopomus pinnicaudatus (synonym), Hypopomus pinnicaudatus Hopkins, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:69225 |
Pamphorichthys araguaiensis (species), Pamphorichthys araguaiensis Costa, 1991 (authority), Poecilia (Pamphorichthys) araguaiensis (synonym), Poecilia araguaiensis (synonym), Poecilia araguaiensis (Costa, 1991) (authority). |
taxid:87512 |
Influenza A virus (A/turkey/Colorado/13356/1991(H7N3)) (no rank), Influenza A virus (A/Turkey/Colorado/13356/91 (H7N3)) (synonym), Influenza A virus (A/turkey/CO/13356/1991(H7N3)) (synonym), Influenza A virus (A/turkey/CO/13356/91(H7N3)) (synonym). |
taxid:644151 |
Influenza A Virus (A/Maryland/12/1991(H1N1)) (no rank), Influenza A virus (A/MD/12/1991(H1N1)) (synonym). |
taxid:686980 |
Pterygoplichthys joselimaianus (species), Glyptoperichthys joselimaianus (synonym), Glyptoperichthys joselimaianus Weber, 1991 (authority), Pterygoplichthys joseleimaianus (misspelling), Pterygoplichthys joselimaianus (Weber, 1991) (authority), Pterygoplichthys joselimainaus (misspelling). |
taxid:699831 |
Scinax pedromedinae (species), Henle's snouted treefrog (genbank common name), Ololygon pedromedinae (synonym), Ololygon pedromedinae Henle, 1991 (authority), Scinax pedromedinae (Henle, 1991) (authority), Scinax pedromedinai (synonym). |
taxid:526135 |
Ikakogi tayrona (species), Centrolene tayrona (synonym), Centrolene tayrona Ruiz-Carranza & Lynch, 1991 (synonym), Ikakogi tayrona (Ruiz-Carranza & Lynch, 1991) (authority), Magdalena giant glass frog (genbank common name). |
taxid:526137 |
Rulyrana adiazeta (species), Cochranella adiazeta (synonym), Cochranella adiazeta Ruiz-Carranza & Lynch, 1991 (authority), Rulyrana adiazeta (Ruiz-Carranza & Lynch, 1991) (authority), western cochran frog (genbank common name). |
taxid:526148 |
Centrolene savagei (species), Centrolene savagei (Ruiz-Carranza & Lynch, 1991) (authority), Cochranella savagei (synonym), Cochranella savagei Ruiz-Carranza & Lynch, 1991 (authority), Savage's cochran frog (genbank common name). |
taxid:1383 |
Atopobium rimae (species), ATCC 49626 (type material), Atopobium rimae (Olsen et al. 1991) Collins and Wallbanks 1993 (synonym), CCUG 31168 (type material), DSM 7090 (type material), IFO 15546 (type material), JCM 10299 (type material), LMG 11476 (type material), Lactobacillus rimae (synonym), Lactobacillus rimae Olsen et al. 1991 (synonym), NBRC 15546 (type material), VPI D140H-11A (type material). |
taxid:28197 |
Arcobacter butzleri (species), ATCC 49616 (type material), Arcibacter butzleri (equivalent name), Arcobacter butzleri (Kiehlbauch et al. 1991) Vandamme et al. 1992 (authority), Arcobacter butzlerii (misspelling), Arquibacter butzleri (equivalent name), CCUG 30485 (type material), CDC D2686 (type material), CIP 103493 (type material), CIP 103537 (type material), Campylobacter butzleri (synonym), Campylobacter butzleri Kiehlbauch et al. 1991 (authority), DSM 8739 (type material), LMG 10828 (type material), NCTC 12481 (type material), strain D2686 (type material). |
taxid:28224 |
Mesoplasma seiffertii (species), ATCC 49495 (type material), Acholeplasma seiffertii (synonym), Acholeplasma seiffertii Bonnet et al. 1991 (authority), Mesoplasma seiffertii (Bonnet et al. 1991) Tully et al. 1993 (authority), strain F7 (type material). |
taxid:35621 |
Streptomyces mobaraensis (species), "Streptomyces mobaraensis" Nagatsu and Suzuki 1963 (synonym), ATCC 29032 (type material), BCRC 12165 (type material), CBS 199.75 (type material), CCRC 12165 (type material), DSM 40847 (type material), IFO 13819 (type material), JCM 4168 (type material), NBRC 13819 (type material), NCIMB 11159 (type material), NRRL B-3729 (type material), RIA 1627 (type material), Streptomyces ladakanum (synonym), Streptomyces ladakanum (Hanka et al. 1966) Witt and Stackebrandt 1991 (synonym), Streptomyces ladhankaeanus (synonym), Streptomyces mobaraense (synonym), Streptomyces mobaraensis (Nagatsu and Suzuki 1963) Witt and Stackebrandt 1991 (synonym), Streptomyces mobarensis (equivalent name), Streptomyces sp. S-8112 (includes), Streptoverticillium ladakanum (synonym), Streptoverticillium ladakanum Hanka et al. 1966 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), Streptoverticillium ladhankaeanum (synonym), Streptoverticillium mobaraense (synonym), Streptoverticillium mobaraense (Nagatsu and Suzuki 1963) Locci et al. 1969 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), Streptoverticillium mobarense (synonym), Streptoverticillium sp. (strain S-8112) (includes), Streptoverticillium sp. S-8112 (includes), VKM Ac-928 (type material). |
taxid:28104 |
Mesorhizobium huakuii (species), ATCC 51122 (type material), CCBAU 2609 (type material), DSM 6573 (type material), HAMBI 1674 (type material), HAMBI 2035 (type material), IFO 15243 (type material), JCM 21036 (type material), LMG 14107 (type material), Mesorhizobium huakuii (Chen et al. 1991) Jarvis et al. 1997 (authority), NBRC 15243 (type material), Rhizobium huakuii (synonym), Rhizobium huakuii Chen et al. 1991 (authority), strain 103 (type material). |
taxid:29409 |
Rhodoplanes roseus (species), ATCC 49724 (type material), DSM 5909 (type material), Rhodoplanes roseus (Janssen and Harfoot 1991) Hiraishi and Ueda 1994 (synonym), Rhodopseudomonas rosea (synonym), Rhodopseudomonas rosea Janssen and Harfoot 1991 (synonym), strain 941 (type material), strain Janssen and Harfoot 941 (type material). |
taxid:33938 |
Geobacillus thermocatenulatus (species), BGSC 93 (type material), BGSC 93A1 (type material), Bacillus thermocatenulatus (synonym), Bacillus thermocatenulatus Golovacheva et al. 1991 (authority), DSM 730 (type material), Geobacillus thermocatenulatus (Golovacheva et al. 1991) Nazina et al. 2001 emend. Dinsdale et al. 2011 (authority), LMG 19007 (type material), VKM B-1259 (type material), strain 178 (type material). |
taxid:42565 |
Halomonas salina (species), ATCC 49509 (type material), CIP 106092 (type material), DSM 5928 (type material), Deleya salina (synonym), Deleya salina Valderrama et al. 1991 (authority), Halomonas salina (Valderrama et al. 1991) Dobson and Franzmann 1996 (authority), JCM 21221 (type material), strain F8-11 (type material). |
taxid:58107 |
Pseudonocardia yunnanensis (species), AS 4.1542 (type material), Actinobispora yunnanensis (synonym), Actinobispora yunnanensis Jiang et al. 1991 (synonym), CCTCC M 90959 (type material), DSM 44253 (type material), IFO 15681 (type material), JCM 9330 (type material), NBRC 15681 (type material), Pseudonocardia yunnanensis (Jiang et al. 1991) Huang et al 2000 (synonym), VKM Ac-1991 (type material), strain Y-11981 (type material). |
taxid:69221 |
Pectobacterium cacticida (species), ATCC 49481 (type material), CFBP 3628 (type material), CIP 105191 (type material), Erwinia cacticida (synonym), Erwinia cacticida Alcorn et al. 1991 (authority), ICMP 11136 (type material), ICMP 1551-66 (type material), ICPB EC186 (type material), LMG 17936 (type material), NCPPB 3849 (type material), Pectobacerium cacticidum (misspelling), Pectobacterium cacticida corrig. (Alcorn et al. 1991) Hauben et al. 1999 (authority), Pectobacterium cacticidum (synonym), strain 1-12 (type material), strain Dye EH-3 (type material). |
taxid:69359 |
Thiohalocapsa halophila (species), ATCC 49740 (type material), DSM 6210 (type material), SG 3202 (type material), Thiocapsa halophila (synonym), Thiocapsa halophila Caumette et al. 1991 (synonym), Thiohalocapsa halophila (Caumette et al. 1991) Imhoff et al. 1998 (synonym). |
taxid:96232 |
Legionella lytica (species), Legionella lytica (Drozanski 1991) Hookey et al. 1996 (synonym), Legionella lyticum (synonym), PCM 2298 (type material), Sarcobium lyticum (synonym), Sarcobium lyticum Drozanski 1991 (synonym), strain L2 (type material). |
taxid:207920 |
Moorea bouillonii (species), Lyngbya bouillonii (synonym), Lyngbya bouillonii Hoffmann et Demoulin 1991 (authority), Moorea bouillonii (Hoffman et Demoulin 1991) Engene et al. 2012 (authority). |
taxid:133926 |
Olsenella uli (species), ATCC 49627 (type material), Atopobium uli (synonym), CCUG 31166 (type material), DSM 7084 (type material), JCM 12494 (type material), LMG 11480 (type material), Lactobacillus uli (synonym), Lactobacillus uli Olsen et al. 1991 (authority), Olsenella (Atopobium) uli (synonym), Olsenella uli (Olsen et al. 1991) Dewhirst et al. 2001 emend. Kraatz et al. 2011 (authority), VPI D76D-27C (type material). |
taxid:303005 |
Pethia bandula (species), Bandula barb (genbank common name), Pethia bandula (Kottelat & Pethiyagoda, 1991) (authority), Puntius bandula (synonym), Puntius bandula Kottelat & Pethiyagoda, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:346437 |
Rhinella castaneotica (species), Bufo castaneoticus (synonym), Bufo castaneoticus Caldwell, 1991 (synonym), Para toad (genbank common name), Rhinella castaneotica (Caldwell, 1991) (authority). |
taxid:500678 |
Influenza A virus (A/equine/Rome/5/1991(H3N8)) (no rank), Influenza A virus (A/Equine/Rome/5/91 (H3N8)) (synonym), Influenza A virus (A/eq/Roma/5/91(H3N8)) (synonym), Influenza A virus (A/equine/Roma/5/1991(H3N8)) (synonym), Influenza A virus (A/equine/Rome/5/91(H3N8)) (synonym). |
taxid:649348 |
Influenza A virus (A/duck/Altai/1285/1991(H5N3)) (no rank), Influenza A virus (A/Anas platyrhynchos/Altai/1285/1991(H5N3)) (synonym). |
taxid:909844 |
Pterygoplichthys disjunctivus (species), Liposarcus disjunctivus (synonym), Liposarcus disjunctivus Weber, 1991 (authority), Pterygoplichthys disjunctivus (Weber, 1991) (authority), vermicualted sailfin catfish (genbank common name). |
taxid:1166592 |
Influenza A virus (A/chicken/New York/29878/1991(H2N2)) (no rank), Influenza A virus (A/Chicken/NY/29878/91 (H2N2)) (synonym), Influenza A virus (A/chicken/NY/29878/1991(H2N2)) (synonym). |
taxid:1262058 |
Bouillonactinia multigranosi (species), Bouillonactinia multigranosi (Namikawa, 1991) (authority), Hydractinia multigranosi (synonym), Hydractinia multigranosi Namikawa, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:2433 |
Roseobacter (genus), Roseobacter Shiba 1991 emend. Martens et al. 2006 (authority). |
taxid:1883 |
Streptomyces (genus), "Microstreptospora" Yan et al. (includes), Actinopycnidium (includes), Actinopycnidium Krasil'nikov 1962 (includes), Actinosporangium (includes), Actinosporangium Krasil'nikov and Yuan 1961 (includes), Chainia (synonym), Chainia Thirumalachar 1955 (authority), Elytrosporangium (includes), Elytrosporangium Falcao de Morais et al. 1966 (includes), Kitasatoa (includes), Kitasatoa Matsumae and Hata 1968 (includes), Microstreptospora (includes), Streptomyces Waksman and Henrici 1943 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Wellington et al. 1992 (synonym), Streptomyces Waksman and Henrici 1943 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Witt and Stackebrandt 1991 (authority), Streptoverticillium (includes), Streptoverticillium Baldacci 1958 (includes). |
taxid:9 |
Buchnera aphidicola (species), Acyrthosiphon pisum symbiont P (includes), Buchnera aphidicola Munson et al. 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:28067 |
Rubrivivax (genus), Rubrivivax Willems et al. 1991 (authority). |
taxid:33973 |
Acidobacterium (genus), Acidobacterium Kishimoto et al. 1991 (authority). |
taxid:119969 |
Geophagus argyrostictus (species), Geophagus argyrostictus Kullander, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:2040 |
Aeromicrobium (genus), Aeromicrobium Miller et al. 1991 emend. Yoon et al. 2005 (authority). |
taxid:481701 |
Acheilognathus somjinensis (species), Acheilognathus somjinensis Kim & Kim, 1991 (synonym), Tanakia somjinensis (synonym). |
taxid:529526 |
Spinotectarchus (genus), Spinotectarchus Salmon, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:101897 |
Rutilus ylikiensis (species), Rutilus ylikensis (misspelling), Rutilus ylikiensis Economidis, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:369518 |
Epactoides major (species), Aleiantus major (synonym), Aleiantus major (Paulian, 1991) (synonym). |
taxid:209 |
Helicobacter (genus), Gastrospirillum (includes), Helicobacter Goodwin et al. 1989 emend. Vandamme et al. 1991 (authority). |
taxid:487063 |
Schwiebea estradai (species), Schwiebea (Jacotietta) estradai (synonym), Schwiebea estradai Fain & Ferrando, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:555421 |
Volvariella perciliata (species), Volvariella perciliata Courtec. 1991 (authority). |
taxid:551862 |
Penaphlebia barriai (species), Penaphlebia barriai Pescador and Peters, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:387181 |
Influenza A virus (A/South Dakota/01/1991(H3N2)) (no rank), Influenza A virus (A/South_Dakota/1/91(H3N2)) (synonym). |
taxid:387213 |
Influenza A virus (A/equine/Alaska/1/1991(H3N8)) (no rank), Influenza A virus (A/Equine/Alaska/1/91 (H3N8)) (synonym), Influenza A virus (A/Equine/Alaska/1/91(H3N8)) (synonym), Influenza A virus (A/eq/Alaska/1/91(H3N8)) (synonym), Influenza A virus (strain A/equine/Alaska/1/91) (synonym). |
taxid:394224 |
Influenza A virus (A/swine/Germany/8533/1991(H1N1)) (no rank), Influenza A virus (A/swine/Germany/8533/91(H1N1)) (synonym). |
taxid:513536 |
Hendersoniella lux (species), Hendersoniella lux Thompson & Correa, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:380964 |
Influenza A virus (A/Texas/36/1991(H1N1)) (no rank), Influenza A virus (A/Texas/36/91(H1N1)) (synonym). |
taxid:475497 |
Influenza A virus (A/equine/Kentucky/1/1991(H3N8)) (no rank), A/Equine/Kentucky/1/91 (synonym), Influenza A virus (A/equine/Kentucky/1/91(H3N8)) (synonym), Influenza A virus (strain A/equine/Kentucky/1/91) (synonym). |
taxid:577139 |
Cis chinensis (species), Cis chinensis Lawrence, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:569921 |
Opisthoncus kochi (species), Opisthoncus kochi Zabka, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:337735 |
Pangasius conchophilus (species), Pangasius conchophilus Roberts & Vidthayanon, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:529515 |
Asteliaphasma jucundum (species), Asteliaphasma jacunda (synonym), Asteliaphasma jucundum (Salmon, 1991) (authority), Asteliaphasma jucundus (synonym). |
taxid:638458 |
Anisogomphus pinratanai (species), Anisogomphus pinratanai Hamalainen, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:652910 |
Raoulserenea komaii (species), Raoulserenea komaii (Moosa, 1991) (authority). |
taxid:571550 |
Drymusa serrana (species), Drymusa serrana Goloboff & Ram rez, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:555072 |
Cerodirphia apunctata (species), Cerodirphia apunctata Dias & Lemaire, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:402530 |
Influenza A virus (A/turkey/England/50-92/1991(H5N1)) (no rank), Influenza A virus (A/turkey/England/50-92/91(H5N1)) (synonym). |
taxid:571816 |
Thelenota rubralineata (species), Thelenota rubralineata Massin & Lane, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:1847 |
Pseudonocardia (genus), Actinobispora (includes), Actinobispora Jiang et al. 1991 (authority), Amycolata (includes), Amycolata Lechevalier et al. 1986 (authority), Pseudamycolata (includes), Pseudoamycolata (includes), Pseudoamycolata Akimov et al. 1989 (authority), Pseudonocardia Henssen 1957 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Huang et al. 2002 (authority), Pseudonocardia Henssen 1957 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Park et al. 2008 (authority), Pseudonocardia Henssen 1957 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Reichert et al. 1998 (authority), Pseudonocardia Henssen 1957 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Warwick et al. 1994 (authority). |
taxid:545737 |
Niasathelphusa (genus), Niasathelphusa Ng, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:547109 |
Sundathelphusa celer (species), Sundathelphusa celer (Ng, 1991) (authority). |
taxid:587685 |
Philaenus loukasi (species), Philaenus loukasi Drosopoulos & Asche, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:578847 |
Phreatochiltonia anophthalma (species), Phreatochiltonia anophthalma Zeidler, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:329913 |
Lamprologus meleagris (species), Lamprologus meleagris Buscher, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:329915 |
Lamprologus speciosus (species), Lamprologus speciosus Buscher, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:129054 |
Nomorhamphus ravnaki (species), Nomorhamphus ravnaki Brembach, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:449323 |
Neolamprologus pectoralis (species), Neolamprologus pectoralis Buscher, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:60911 |
Trigona necrophaga (species), Trigona necrophaga Camargo & Roubik (synonym), Trigona necrophaga Camargo & Roubik, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:448103 |
Ephelotermes melachoma (species), Ephelotermes melachoma Miller, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:490597 |
Metanephrops velutinus (species), Metanephrops velutinus Chan and Yu, 1991 (synonym), velvet lobster (genbank common name). |
taxid:617234 |
Porina fusca (species), Porina fusca Luecking 1991 (authority). |
taxid:313240 |
Parosphromenus anjunganensis (species), Parosphromenus anjunganensis Kottelat, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:313241 |
Parosphromenus ornaticauda (species), Parosphromenus ornaticauda Kottelat, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:209225 |
Betta rutilans (species), Betta rutilans Witte & Kottelat, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:73409 |
Brachycladium atlanticum (species), Brachycladium atlanticum (Abril, Balbuena & Raga, 1991) (authority), Zalophotrema atlanticum (synonym). |
taxid:410575 |
Spinomantis guibei (species), Spinomantis gubei (misspelling), Spinomantis gubei (Blommers-Schlosser, 1991) (synonym). |
taxid:464928 |
Toxoptera victoriae (species), Toxoptera victoriae Martin, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:504439 |
Isodiametra pulchra (species), Isodiametra pulchra (Smith & Bush, 1991) (authority). |
taxid:389838 |
Moggridgea tingle (species), Moggridgea tingle Main, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:637 |
Arsenophonus (genus), Arsenophonus Gherna et al. 1991 (authority). |
taxid:29521 |
Brachyspira (genus), Brachyspira Hovind-Hougen et al. 1983 (authority), Serpula (misnomer), Serpula Stanton et al. 1991 (authority), Serpulina (includes), Serpulina Stanton 1992 (includes). |
taxid:523819 |
Rotavirus A Hu/1290/Kenya/1991/G8 (no rank). |
taxid:511410 |
Malayopotamon batak (species), Malayopotamon batak Ng & Wowor, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:541029 |
Chirostylus novaecaledoniae (species), Chirostylus novaecaledoniae Baba, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:554671 |
Pedetontus zhejiangensis (species), Pedetontus zhejiangensis Xue & Yin, 1991 (authority), Verhoeffilis zhejiangensis (synonym). |
taxid:554676 |
Pedetontinus tianmuensis (species), Pedetontinus tianmuensis Xue & Yin, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:614661 |
Qinlingacris choui (species), Qinlingacris choui Li, Wu & Feng, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:634928 |
Larconia (genus), Larsonia Boero, Bouillon & Gravili, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:624777 |
Influenza A virus (A/swine/Spain/WVL6/1991(H1N1)) (no rank). |
taxid:631359 |
Myxobolus hakyi (species), Myxobolus asymmetricus (synonym), Myxobolus hakyi Landsberg & Lom, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:649408 |
Myxobolus wulii (species), Myxobolus wulii Landsberg & Lom, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:575841 |
Enithares tibialis (species), Enithares tibialis Liu & Zheng 1991 (authority). |
taxid:576582 |
Neoncylocotis (genus), Neoncylocotis Wygodzinsky & Schmidt, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:576639 |
Upogebia spinistipula (species), Upogebia spinistipula Williams & Heard, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:560462 |
Influenza A virus (A/Taiwan/VGHYM0318-03/1991(H1N1)) (no rank). |
taxid:576908 |
Eucalliax (genus), Eucalliax Manning & Felder, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:596633 |
Parnassius simonius taldicus (subspecies), Parnassius simonius taldicus Gundorov, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:63686 |
Mycoplasma spermatophilum (species), ATCC 49695 (type material), CIP 105549 (type material), Mycoplasma spermatophilum Hill 1991 (authority), NCTC 11720 (type material), strain AH159 (type material). |
taxid:578322 |
Aphyosemion lugens (species), Aphyosemion lugens Amiet, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:586837 |
Opistognathus rosenblatti (species), Opistognathus rosenblatti Allen & Robertson, 1991 (authority), blue-spotted jawfish (genbank common name). |
taxid:648135 |
Megalocentor echthrus (species), Megalocentor echthrus de Pinna & Britski, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:627463 |
Marasmius favrei (species), Marasmius favrei Antonin, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:648326 |
Hemiplectus (genus), Hemiplectus Zell, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:648327 |
Hemiplectus muscorum (species), Hemiplectus muscorum Zell, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:655869 |
Stephopaedes loveridgei (species), Loveridge's forest toad (genbank common name), Mahenge toad (common name), Mertensophryne (Stephopaedes) loveridgei (synonym), Mertensophryne loveridgei (synonym), Stephopaedes loveridgei Poynton, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:656147 |
Calcinus inconspicuus (species), Calcinus inconspicuus Morgan, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:656150 |
Calcinus lineapropodus (species), Calcinus lineapropodus Morgan & Forest, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:661257 |
Influenza A Virus (A/equine/Italy/788/1/1991(H3N8)) (no rank). |
taxid:663474 |
Argia garrisoni (species), Argia garrisoni Daigle, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:67339 |
Streptomyces orinoci (species), ATCC 23202 (type material), CBS 767.72 (type material), CECT 3267 (type material), DSM 40571 (type material), IFM 1226 (type material), IFO 13466 (type material), JCM 4546 (type material), JCM 4807 (type material), NBRC 13466 (type material), NRRL B-3379 (type material), NRRL-ISP 5571 (type material), RIA 1427 (type material), Streptomyces orinoci (Cassinelli et al. 1967) Witt and Stackebrandt 1991 (synonym), Streptomyces orinocoensis (equivalent name), Streptoverticillium orinoci (synonym), Streptoverticillium orinoci Cassinelli et al. 1967 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), Streptoverticillium orinocoense (equivalent name), Streptoverticillum orinoci (misspelling), VKM Ac-929 (type material). |
taxid:885943 |
Stygiopontius lauensis (species), Stygiopontius lauensis Humes, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:679910 |
Carabus arrowi arrogantior (subspecies), Carabus arrowi arrogantior Deuve, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:884222 |
Acochlidium fijiense (species), Acochlidium fijiense Haynes & Kenchington, 1991 (authority), Acochlidium fijiiense (misspelling), Acochlidium fijiiensis (synonym). |
taxid:28033 |
Sulfobacillus (genus), Sulfobacillus Golovacheva and Karavaiko 1991 emend. Johnson et al. 2008 (authority). |
taxid:682143 |
Vertigo iowaensis (species), Vertigo iowaensis Frest, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:34072 |
Variovorax (genus), Variovorax Willems et al. 1991 (authority). |
taxid:81682 |
Methylovorus (genus), Methylivorus (equivalent name), Methylovorus Govorukhina and Trotsenko 1991 emend. Doronina et al. 2005 (authority). |
taxid:102112 |
Scardinius acarnanicus (species), Scardinius acarnanicus Economidis, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:162961 |
Etheostoma brevirostrum (species), Etheostoma brevirostrum Suttkus & Etnier, 1991 (synonym), holiday darter (genbank common name). |
taxid:162989 |
Etheostoma tallapoosae (species), Etheostoma tallapoosae Suttkus & Etnier, 1991 (synonym), Tallapoosa darter (genbank common name). |
taxid:885941 |
Stygiopontius brevispina (species), Stygiopontius brevispina Humes, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:464343 |
Paracalocaris sagamiensis (species), Paracalocaris sagamiensis Sakai, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:311523 |
Serranochromis altus (species), Serranochromis altus Winemiller & Kelso-Winemiller, 1991 (authority), humpback largemouth (genbank common name). |
taxid:41674 |
Stygiolobus (genus), Stygiolobus Segerer et al. 1991 (authority). |
taxid:283 |
Comamonas (genus), "Comamonas" Davis and Park 1962 (synonym), Comamonas (ex Davis and Park 1962) De Vos et al. 1985 emend. Tamaoka et al. 1987 (synonym), Comamonas (ex Davis and Park 1962) De Vos et al. 1985 emend. Willems et al. 1991 (synonym), Comimonas (equivalent name), Comomonas (synonym). |
taxid:54247 |
Hyperthermus (genus), Hyperthermus Zillig et al. 1991 (authority). |
taxid:468 |
Moraxellaceae (family), Acinetobacteraceae (synonym), Branhamaceae (synonym), Moraxellaceae Rossau et al. 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:42518 |
Serrasalmus compressus (species), Serrasalmus compressus Jegu, Leao & dos Santos, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:28196 |
Arcobacter (genus), Arcibacter (equivalent name), Arcobacter Vandamme et al. 1991 emend. Vandamme et al. 1992 (synonym), Arquibacter (equivalent name). |
taxid:32199 |
Buchnera (genus), Buchnera Munson et al. 1991 (synonym), aphid P-endosymbionts (genbank common name). |
taxid:11977 |
Rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus-V351 (no rank), (Ra/LV/RHDV/V351/1991/CK) (synonym), RHDV-V351 (synonym), Rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus (strain V-351) (synonym). |
taxid:28884 |
Hydrogenovibrio (genus), Hydrogenivibrio (equivalent name), Hydrogenovibrio Nishihara et al. 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:1970 |
Streptomyces morookaensis (species), "Streptomyces moro-okaensis" Niida et al. 1963 (synonym), "Streptoverticillium moro-okaense" (Niida et al. 1963) Arai 1976 (synonym), "Streptoverticillium morokaense" (Niida et al. 1963) Locci 1985 (synonym), Streptomyces moro-okaensis (synonym), Streptomyces morookaense (Locci and Schofield 1989) Witt and Stackebrandt 1991 (synonym), Streptomyces morookensis (equivalent name), Streptoverticillium moro-okaense (synonym), Streptoverticillium morookaense (synonym), Streptoverticillium morookaense (ex Niida et al. 1963) Locci and Schofield 1989 (synonym), Streptoverticillium morookense (synonym). |
taxid:79314 |
Simulium curriei (species), Simulium curriei Adler & Wood, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:72294 |
Campylobacteraceae (family), Campylobacter group (synonym), Campylobacteraceae Vandamme and De Ley 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:70080 |
Stenogobius hawaiiensis (species), Stenogobius hawaiiensis Watson, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:45662 |
Desulfohalobium (genus), Desulfatihalobium (equivalent name), Desulfohalobium Ollivier et al. 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:111855 |
Notropis rafinesquei (species), Notropis rafinesquei Suttkus, 1991 (synonym), Yazoo shiner (genbank common name). |
taxid:129957 |
Carboxydothermus (genus), Carboxydothermus Svetlichny et al. 1991 emend. Slobodkin et al. 2006 (authority), Thermoterrabacterium (includes), Thermoterrabacterium Slobodkin et al. 1997 (authority). |
taxid:94884 |
Pantherophis bairdi (species), Coluber bairdi Yarrow 1880 (synonym), Elaphe bairdi (synonym), Elaphe bairdi - Conant & Collins 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:83764 |
Formivibrio (genus), Formivibrio Tanaka et al. 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:83766 |
Propionivibrio (genus), Propionibacter (includes), Propionibacter Meijer et al. 1999 (includes), Propionivibrio Tanaka et al. 1991 emend. Brune et al. 2002 (synonym), Propionivibrio dicarboxylicus Tanaka et al. 1990 (sic) (synonym). |
taxid:94005 |
Acidiphilium symbioticum (species), "Acidiphilium symbioticum" Bhattacharyya et al. 1991 (synonym), 'Acidiphilium symbioticum' (synonym), Acidiphilum symbioticum (equivalent name). |
taxid:80864 |
Comamonadaceae (family), Comamonadaceae Willems et al. 1991 (synonym), beta-1 subgroup (synonym). |
taxid:163997 |
Pterygoplichthys zuliaensis (species), Pterygoplichthys zuliaensis Weber, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:177250 |
Diphylleia (genus), Aulacomonas (synonym), Diphylleia Patterson and Zoelffel 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:181663 |
Desulfococcus oleovorans (species), "Desulfobacterium oleovorans" Aeckersberg et al. 1991 (synonym), Candidatus Desulfococcus oleovorans (synonym), Desulfobacterium oleovorans (synonym). |
taxid:160009 |
Mesocestoides vogae (species), Mesocestoides vogae Elges 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:143660 |
Stumpffia tetradactyla (species), Maromandia stump-toed frog (genbank common name), Stumpffia tetradactyla Vences & Glaw, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:229074 |
Amphiprion omanensis (species), Amphiprion omanensis Allen & Mee, 1991 (synonym), Oman anemonefish (genbank common name). |
taxid:229130 |
Pomacentrus adelus (species), Pomacentrus adelus Allen, 1991 (synonym), obscure damsel (genbank common name). |
taxid:229279 |
Cobitis hellenica (species), Cobitis hellenica Economidis, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:244132 |
Rasbora wilpita (species), Rasbora wilpita Kottelat & Pethiyagoda, 1991 (synonym), Wilpita rasbora (genbank common name). |
taxid:244597 |
Cylindrospermopsis africana (species), Cylindrospermopsis africana Komarek and Kling 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:233184 |
Cryptomonas pyrenoidifera (species), Campylomonas reflexa (synonym), Campylomonas reflexa CCMP152 (includes), Campylomonas reflexa Hill 1991 (synonym), Cryptomonas pyrenoidifera CCAP 979/61 (includes), Cryptomonas pyrenoidifera Geitler 1922 emend. Hoef-Emden et Melkonian (synonym). |
taxid:232281 |
Cryptelytrops venustus (species), Trimeresurus venustus (synonym), Trimeresurus venustus Vogel 1991 (equivalent name). |
taxid:195860 |
Anoplodactylus tenuicorpus (species), Anoplodactylus tenuicorpus Child, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:196193 |
Desulfotomaculum thermobenzoicum subsp. thermobenzoicum (subspecies), Desulfotomaculum thermobenzoicum subsp. thermobenzoicum Tasaki et al. 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:280580 |
Sapovirus Karachi/824/1991 (no rank). |
taxid:280759 |
Sapovirus Karachi/937/1991 (no rank). |
taxid:280761 |
Sapovirus Karachi/872/1991 (no rank). |
taxid:280762 |
Sapovirus Karachi/842/1991 (no rank). |
taxid:280764 |
Sapovirus Karachi/934/1991 (no rank). |
taxid:279991 |
Hypsiboas caingua (species), Hyla caingua (synonym), Hypsiboas caingua (Carrizo, 1991) (synonym), striped treefrog (genbank common name). |
taxid:289227 |
Stumpffia pygmaea (species), Andoany stump-toed frog (genbank common name), Stumpffia pygmaea Vences & Glaw, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:304452 |
Channa bleheri (species), Channa bleheri Vierke, 1991 (synonym), rainbow snakehead (genbank common name). |
taxid:295479 |
Tarphius pomboi (species), Tarphius pomboi Borges, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:252269 |
Guibemantis albolineatus (species), Guibemantis albolineatus (Blommers-Schlosser & Blanc, 1991) (synonym), Mantidactylus albolineatus (synonym), white-lined Madagascar frog (genbank common name). |
taxid:248954 |
Hyloxalus maculosus (species), Colostethus maculosus (synonym), Hyloxalus maculosus (Rivero, 1991) (synonym), spotted rocket frog (genbank common name). |
taxid:339992 |
Wolbachia endosymbiont of Liriomyza trifolii (1991) (species). |
taxid:341386 |
Pseudocsikia (genus), Pseudocsikia Schimmel & Platia, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:359463 |
Nebritus powelli (species), Nebritus powelli Webb & Irwin, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:352571 |
Influenza A virus (A/green-winged teal/ALB/199/1991(H12N5)) (no rank). |
taxid:352578 |
Influenza A virus (A/mallard/ALB/124/1991(H11N2)) (no rank). |
taxid:355089 |
Polythrix kanshul (species), Polythrix kanshul Shuey, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:352599 |
Influenza A virus (A/mallard/ALB/11/1991(H9N3)) (no rank). |
taxid:355252 |
Chromaphyosemion poliaki (species), Aphyosemion poliaki (synonym), Chromaphyosemion poliaki (Amiet, 1991) (synonym). |
taxid:355256 |
Chromaphyosemion lugens (species), Chromaphyosemion lugens (Amiet, 1991) (synonym). |
taxid:358883 |
Cubacubana mexicana (species), Cubacubana mexicana Espinasa, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:332534 |
Argiope mangal (species), Argiope mangal Koh, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:325567 |
Huia sumatrana (species), Amolops (Huia) sumatranus (synonym), Amolops sumatranus (synonym), Huia sumatrana Yang, 1991 (synonym), Sumatra huia frog (genbank common name). |
taxid:402440 |
Influenza A virus (A/blue-winged teal/Alberta/120/1991(H3N8)) (no rank). |
taxid:402540 |
Influenza A virus (A/duck/Alaska/658/1991(H10N2)) (no rank). |
taxid:402541 |
Influenza A virus (A/duck/Alaska/702/1991(H8N2)) (no rank). |
taxid:402542 |
Influenza A virus (A/duck/Alaska/740/1991(H10N7)) (no rank). |
taxid:412073 |
Eriauchenius legendrei (species), Eriauchenius legendrei (Platnick, 1991) (synonym). |
taxid:416679 |
Influenza B virus (B/Cordoba/2979/1991) (no rank). |
taxid:416680 |
Influenza B virus (B/New York/39/1991) (no rank). |
taxid:416681 |
Influenza B virus (B/Singapore/04/1991) (no rank). |
taxid:416682 |
Influenza B virus (B/Texas/14/1991) (no rank). |
taxid:410584 |
Gephyromantis spinifer (species), Gephyromantis spinifer (Blommers-Schlosser & Blanc, 1991) (synonym). |
taxid:415988 |
Influenza A virus (A/equine/Idaho/37875/1991(H3N8)) (no rank), Influenza A virus (A/equine/ID/37875/91(H3N8)) (synonym). |
taxid:384924 |
Aromobates nocturnus (species), Aromobates nocturnus Myers, Paolillo O., and Daly, 1991 (synonym), skunk frog (genbank common name). |
taxid:390283 |
Telmatherina sarasinorum (species), Telmatherina sarasinorum Kottelat, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:390285 |
Telmatherina opudi (species), Telmatherina opudi Kottelat, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:390286 |
Telmatherina wahjui (species), Telmatherina wahjui Kottelat, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:390289 |
Telmatherina antoniae (species), Telmatherina antoniae Kottelat, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:390290 |
Telmatherina prognatha (species), Telmatherina prognatha Kottelat, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:390291 |
Telmatherina obscura (species), Telmatherina obscura Kottelat, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:381462 |
Drosophila hei (species), Drosophila hei Watabe and Peng, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:381469 |
Drosophila pilosa (species), Drosophila pilosa Watabe and Peng, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:381475 |
Drosophila velox (species), Drosophila velox Watabe and Peng, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:385267 |
Amphithalassius latus (species), Amphithalassius latus Ulrich, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:382790 |
Influenza A virus (A/Finland/154/1991(H1N1)) (no rank). |
taxid:382791 |
Influenza A virus (A/Finland/160/1991(H1N1)) (no rank). |
taxid:382792 |
Influenza A virus (A/Finland/164/1991(H1N1)) (no rank). |
taxid:382793 |
Influenza A virus (A/Finland/188/1991(H1N1)) (no rank). |
taxid:382794 |
Influenza A virus (A/Finland/196/1991(H1N1)) (no rank). |
taxid:383601 |
Influenza A virus (A/Finland/168/1991(H1N1)) (no rank). |
taxid:387150 |
Influenza A virus (A/Finland/158/1991(H1N1)) (no rank). |
taxid:387169 |
Influenza A virus (A/Qingdao/28/1991(H1N1)) (no rank). |
taxid:380944 |
Influenza A virus (A/Finland/189/1991(H3N2)) (no rank). |
taxid:382810 |
Influenza A virus (A/Groningen/9938/1991(H1N1)) (no rank). |
taxid:382811 |
Influenza A virus (A/Groningen/9939/1991(H1N1)) (no rank). |
taxid:382815 |
Influenza A virus (A/Leningrad/109/1991(H1N1)) (no rank). |
taxid:382816 |
Influenza A virus (A/Leningrad/133/1991(H1N1)) (no rank). |
taxid:382821 |
Influenza A virus (A/Netherland/813/1991(H1N1)) (no rank). |
taxid:382829 |
Influenza A virus (A/Seoul/20/1991(H1N1)) (no rank). |
taxid:382831 |
Influenza A virus (A/Umea/2/1991(H1N1)) (no rank). |
taxid:382833 |
Influenza A virus (A/Vilnus/48/1991(H1N1)) (no rank). |
taxid:380200 |
Influenza A virus (A/Nagano/92/1991(H1N1)) (no rank). |
taxid:387255 |
Influenza A virus (A/swine/St-Hyacinthe/106/1991(H1)) (no rank). |
taxid:387256 |
Influenza A virus (A/swine/St-Hyacinthe/106/1991(H1N1)) (no rank). |
taxid:380345 |
Influenza A virus (A/swine/Beijing/94/1991(H1N1)) (no rank). |
taxid:380350 |
Influenza A virus (A/swine/Beijing/47/1991(H1N1)) (no rank). |
taxid:384862 |
Hyloxalus idiomelus (species), Colostethus idiomelas (synonym), Colostethus idiomelus (synonym), Hyloxalus idiomelus (Rivero, 1991) (synonym), Rivero's rocket frog (genbank common name). |
taxid:373622 |
Neriene nitens (species), Neriene nitens Zhu & Chen, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:373624 |
Neriene sinensis (species), Neriene sinensis Chen, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:375847 |
Conchopterella stangei (species), Conchopterella stangei (Gonzalez-Olazo, 1991) Oswald, 1993 (synonym), Megalomus stangei (synonym). |
taxid:457997 |
Influenza A virus (A/swine/California/T9001707/1991(H1N1)) (no rank). |
taxid:466672 |
Cristaperla waharoa (species), Cristaperla waharoa McLellan, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:457507 |
Acanthopsoides hapalias (species), Acanthopsoides hapalias Siebert, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:457508 |
Acanthopsoides robertsi (species), Acanthopsoides robertsi Siebert, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:460259 |
Phormidium cf. autumnale CCALA 757 (no rank), Oscillatoria sp. CCALA 757 (synonym), Phormidium autumnale CCALA 757 (equivalent name), Phormidium autumnale Cepak 1991/1 (synonym). |
taxid:460262 |
Phormidium autumnale CCALA 697 (no rank), Phormidium autumnale Elster 1991/5 (synonym). |
taxid:461284 |
Leptolalax liui (species), Fujian Asian toad (genbank common name), Fujian metacarpal-tubercled toad (common name), Leptolalax liui Fei & Ye, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:472565 |
Liotina ryukuensis (species), Liotina ryukuensis (Habe, 1991) (synonym). |
taxid:475489 |
Influenza A virus (A/equine/Texas/39655/1991(H3N8)) (no rank). |
taxid:475491 |
Influenza A virus (A/equine/Alaska/29759/1991(H3N8)) (no rank). |
taxid:467704 |
Heterixalus andrakata (species), Andrakata reed frog (genbank common name), Heterixalus andrakata Glaw and Vences, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:476789 |
Hemigomphus magela (species), Hemigomphus magela Watson, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:448499 |
Eleutherodactylus toa (species), Eleutherodactylus toa Estrada and Hedges, 1991 (synonym), Euhyas toa (synonym), Yarey robber frog (genbank common name). |
taxid:451677 |
Boraras merah (species), Boraras merah (Kottelat, 1991) (synonym), Rasbora merah (synonym). |
taxid:451678 |
Boraras urophthalmoides (species), Boraras urophthalmoides (Kottelat, 1991) (synonym), Rasbora urophthalmoides (synonym), least rasbora (genbank common name). |
taxid:448817 |
Pristimantis petrobardus (species), Eleutherodactylus petrobardus (synonym), Huambos robber frog (genbank common name), Pristimantis petrobardus (Duellman, 1991) (synonym). |
taxid:451123 |
Sympetrum signiferum (species), Sympetrum signiferum Cannings & Garrison, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:441594 |
Influenza A virus (A/swine/Iowa/24297/1991(H1N1)) (no rank). |
taxid:441597 |
Influenza A virus (A/swine/Maryland/23239/1991(H1N1)) (no rank). |
taxid:449264 |
Aequidens tubicen (species), Aequidens tubicen Kullander & Ferreira, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:452387 |
Anthocoris hsiaoi (species), Anthocoris hsiaoi Bu & Zheng, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:424456 |
Cilunculus gracilis (species), Cilunculus gracilis Nakamura & Child, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:429563 |
Euphorbia mosaic virus - A [Puerto Rico:Jurabo:1991] (no rank). |
taxid:422234 |
Helictopleurus steineri (species), Helictopleurus steineri Paulian & Cambefort, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:426832 |
Portia heteroidea (species), Portia heteroidea Xie & Yin, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:432395 |
Rasbora kalbarensis (species), Kalbar rasbora (genbank common name), Rasbora kalbarensis Kottelat, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:426838 |
Spartaeus jianfengensis (species), Spartaeus jianfengensis Song & Chai, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:426839 |
Spartaeus platnicki (species), Spartaeus platnicki Song, Chen & Gong, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:533312 |
Truncocolumella rubra (species), Gastroboletus ruber (synonym), Gastroboletus ruber (Zeller) Cezares & Trappe 1991 (authority), Gastroboletus rubra (misspelling), Truncocolumella rubra Zeller 1939 (authority). |
taxid:537942 |
Influenza A virus (A/Siena/1/1991(H3N2)) (no rank). |
taxid:537943 |
Influenza A virus (A/Siena/2/1991(H3N2)) (no rank). |
taxid:537944 |
Influenza A virus (A/Siena/3/1991(H3N2)) (no rank). |
taxid:537945 |
Influenza A virus (A/Siena/5/1991(H3N2)) (no rank). |
taxid:537946 |
Influenza A virus (A/Siena/6/1991(H3N2)) (no rank). |
taxid:551226 |
Influenza A virus (A/duck/Alaska/712/1991(H10N7)) (no rank). |
taxid:551227 |
Influenza A virus (A/duck/Alaska/658/1991(H10N7)) (no rank). |
taxid:551229 |
Influenza A virus (A/duck/Alaska/702/1991(H8N7)) (no rank). |
taxid:542963 |
Adisura parva (species), Adisura parva Matthews, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:526140 |
Cochranella daidalea (species), Alban cochran frog (genbank common name), Cochranella daidalea Ruiz-Carranza & Lynch, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:511840 |
Influenza A virus (A/turkey/England/N50-92/1991(H5N1)) (no rank). |
taxid:517509 |
Dicranosepsis emiliae (species), Dicranosepsis emiliae Ozerov, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:520400 |
Stylaster horologium (species), Stylaster horologium Cairns, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:520401 |
Stylaster imbricatus (species), Stylaster imbricatus Cairns, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:520414 |
Systemapora ornata (species), Systemapora ornata Cairns, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:511277 |
Aglymbus bimaculatus (species), Aglymbus bimaculatus Resende & Vanin, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:518924 |
Influenza A virus (A/X-113(X-31B-Texas/36/1991)(H1N1)) (no rank). |
taxid:520277 |
Adelopora fragilis (species), Adelopora fragilis Cairns, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:520278 |
Conopora candelabrum (species), Conopora candelabrum Cairns, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:520291 |
Crypthelia polypoma (species), Crypthelia polypoma Cairns, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:520292 |
Crypthelia robusta (species), Crypthelia robusta Cairns, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:520305 |
Calyptopora sinuosa (species), Calyptopora sinuosa Cairns, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:520366 |
Stephanohelia (genus), Stephanohelia Cairns, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:520369 |
Systemapora (genus), Systemapora Cairns, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:520370 |
Cyclohelia lamellata (species), Cyclohelia lamellata Cairns, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:520378 |
Lepidotheca chauliostylus (species), Lepidotheca chauliostylus Cairns, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:533021 |
Influenza A virus (A/chicken/PA/35154/1991(H1N1)) (no rank). |
taxid:492560 |
Ecclisopteryx malickyi (species), Ecclisopteryx malickyi Moretti, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:500664 |
Influenza A virus (A/equine/Italy/824/1991(H3N8)) (no rank). |
taxid:500669 |
Influenza A virus (A/equine/Italy/1062/1991(H3N8)) (no rank). |
taxid:498497 |
Thanatophyllum (genus), Thanatophyllum Grandcolas, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:498498 |
Thanatophyllum akinetum (species), Thanatophyllum akinetum Grandcolas, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:498516 |
Adelopora crassilabrum (species), Adelopora crassilabrum Cairns, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:498523 |
Crypthelia (genus), Crypthelia Milne-Edwards & Haime, 1849 (synonym), Cyclohelia Cairns, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:498583 |
Lepidopora microstylus (species), Lepidopora microstylus Cairns, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:491783 |
Neotrypaea biffari (species), Neotrypaea biffari (Holthuis, 1991) (synonym). |
taxid:502966 |
Conopora anthohelia (species), Conopora anthohelia Cairns, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:487623 |
Rasbora gracilis (species), Rasbora gracilis Kottelat, 1991 (synonym), blackstripe rasbora (genbank common name). |
taxid:27300 |
Schwanniomyces occidentalis (species), Debaryomyces occidentalis (synonym), Debaryomyces occidentalis (Klocker) Kurtzman & Robnett 1991 (authority), Schwanniomyces occidentalis Klocker 1909 (authority). |
taxid:42458 |
Lichtheimia corymbifera (species), Absidia corymbifera (synonym), Absidia corymbifera (Cohn) Sacc. & Trotter 1912 (authority), Absidia ramosa (synonym), Absidia ramosa (Zopf) Lendn. 1908 (authority), Lichtheimia corymbifera (Cohn) Vuill. 1903 (authority), Mycocladus corymbifer (synonym), Mycocladus corymbifer (Cohn) Vanova 1991 (authority), Mycocladus corymbiferus (synonym). |
taxid:57784 |
Axoclinus nigricaudus (species), Axoclinus nigricaudis (misspelling), Axoclinus nigricaudus Allen & Robertson, 1991 (authority), Cortez triplefin (genbank common name). |
taxid:668385 |
Sinularia abhishiktae (species), Sinularia abhishiktae van Ofwegen & Vennam, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:668427 |
Sinularia gaveshaniae (species), Sinularia gaveshaniae Alderslade & Shirwaiker, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:668474 |
Sinularia parulekari (species), Sinularia parulekari Alderslade & Shirwaiker, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:680920 |
Influenza A virus (A/ostrich/South Africa/1991(H7N1)) (no rank). |
taxid:655708 |
Sertularella sanmatiasensis (species), Sertularella sanmatiasensis El Beshbeeshy, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:655726 |
Oswaldella stepanjantsae (species), Oswaldella stepanjantsae El Beshbeeshy, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:700804 |
Cicadella fumosa (species), Cicadella fumosa Ge & Zhang, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:699770 |
Hydraphaenops penacollaradensis (species), Hydraphaenops penacollaradensis Dupr, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:691491 |
Influenza A virus (A/turkey/VA/31409/1991(H10N7)) (no rank). |
taxid:700193 |
Callophrys butlerovi (species), Callophrys butlerovi (Migranov, 1991) (authority). |
taxid:698004 |
Tiphobiosis cowiei (species), Tiphobiosis cowiei Ward, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:700566 |
Amanita taiepa (species), Amanita taiepa G.S. Ridl. 1991 (authority). |
taxid:700570 |
Cortinarius alienatus (species), Cortinarius alienatus (E. Horak) Garnier 1991 (authority), Dermocybe alienata (synonym). |
taxid:700572 |
Cortinarius indotatus (species), Cortinarius indotatus (E. Horak) Garnier 1991 (authority). |
taxid:700686 |
Seothyra annettae (species), Seothyra annettae Dippenaar-Schoeman, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:700718 |
Aschema (genus), Aschema Jocque, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:641313 |
Rotavirus A human/Bethesda/CH5446/1991/G3P[8] (no rank). |
taxid:641314 |
Rotavirus A human/Bethesda/CH5455/1991/G3P[8] (no rank). |
taxid:641315 |
Rotavirus A human/Bethesda/CH5459/1991/G3P[8] (no rank). |
taxid:641316 |
Rotavirus A human/Bethesda/CH5470/1991/G3P[8] (no rank). |
taxid:641317 |
Rotavirus A human/Bethesda/CH5475/1991/G3P[8] (no rank). |
taxid:641318 |
Rotavirus A human/Bethesda/CH5477/1991/G3P[8] (no rank). |
taxid:641319 |
Rotavirus A human/Bethesda/CH5483/1991/G3P[8] (no rank). |
taxid:641320 |
Rotavirus A human/Bethesda/CH5484/1991/G3P[8] (no rank). |
taxid:641321 |
Rotavirus A human/Bethesda/CH5488/1991/G3P[8] (no rank). |
taxid:641322 |
Rotavirus A human/Bethesda/CH5498/1991/G3P[8] (no rank). |
taxid:641357 |
Rotavirus A human/Bethesda/DC5491/1991/G3P[8] (no rank). |
taxid:641358 |
Rotavirus A human/Bethesda/DC5544/1991/G3P[8] (no rank). |
taxid:641359 |
Rotavirus A human/Bethesda/DC5549/1991/G3P[8] (no rank). |
taxid:641360 |
Rotavirus A human/Bethesda/DC5553/1991/G3P[8] (no rank). |
taxid:641361 |
Rotavirus A human/Bethesda/DC5710/1991/G3P[8] (no rank). |
taxid:641362 |
Rotavirus A human/Bethesda/DC5728/1991/G3P[8] (no rank). |
taxid:641363 |
Rotavirus A human/Bethesda/DC5751/1991/G3P[8] (no rank). |
taxid:526128 |
Centrolene hybrida (species), Centrolene hybrida Ruiz-Carranza & Lynch, 1991 (authority), eastern giant glass frog (genbank common name). |
taxid:526132 |
Centrolene notostictum (species), Centrolene notostictum Ruiz-Carranza & Lynch, 1991 (authority), Cordillera giant glass frog (genbank common name). |
taxid:604324 |
Chrysomya pacifica (species), Chrysomya pacifica Kurahashi, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:576939 |
Charaxes schiltzei (species), Charaxes schiltzei Bouyer, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:529818 |
Thecamonas trahens (species), Amastigomonas trahens (synonym), Amastigomonas trahens Molina & Nerad, 1991 (authority), Thecamonas trahens Larsen & Patterson 1990 (authority). |
taxid:707221 |
Lactarius atrovelutinus (species), Lactarius atrovelutinus J.Z. Ying 1991 (authority). |
taxid:707243 |
Inocybe maculata f. fulva (forma), Inocybe maculata f. fulva Bon 1991 (authority). |
taxid:199501 |
Chloracantha (genus), Chloracantha G.L.Nesom et al. 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:708499 |
Siphonochelus boucheti (species), Siphonochelus boucheti Houart, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:706873 |
Tropicanus chiapasus (species), Tropicanus chiapasus Zanol, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:750581 |
Influenza A virus (A/Qingdao/61/1991(H1N1)) (no rank). |
taxid:750584 |
Influenza A virus (A/Shandong/50/1991(H1N1)) (no rank). |
taxid:750600 |
Influenza A virus (A/Shanghai/14/1991(H1N1)) (no rank). |
taxid:750610 |
Influenza A virus (A/Shanghai/9/1991(H1N1)) (no rank). |
taxid:763531 |
Lampropholis robertsi (species), Lampropholis robertsi Ingram, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:765046 |
Provanna laevis (species), Provanna laevis Waren & Ponder, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:765050 |
Provanna sculpta (species), Provanna sculpta Waren & Ponder, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:749576 |
Boeremia sambuci-nigrae (species), Boeremia sambuci-nigrae (Sacc.) Aveskamp, Gruyter & Verkley 2010 (authority), Phoma exigua var. sambuci-nigrae (synonym), Phoma exigua var. sambuci-nigrae (Sacc.) Boerema & H weler 1967 (authority), Phoma herbarum f. sambuci-nigrae (synonym), Phoma herbarum f. sambuci-nigrae Sacc. 1884 (authority), Phoma sambuci-nigrae (synonym), Phoma sambuci-nigrae (Sacc.) E. Monte, Bridge & B. Sutton 1991 (authority). |
taxid:759346 |
Euniphysa tridontesa (species), Euniphysa tridontesa (Shen & Wu, 1991) (authority). |
taxid:765348 |
Taumantis sigiana (species), Taumantis ehrmannii (synonym), Taumantis ehrmannii Lombardo, 1991 (authority), Taumantis sigiana Giglio-Tos, 1911 (authority). |
taxid:750166 |
Influenza A virus (A/Jingfang/54/1991(H1N1)) (no rank). |
taxid:750170 |
Influenza A virus (A/Jingfang/96/1991(H1N1)) (no rank). |
taxid:750463 |
Influenza A virus (A/Guangdong/1/1991(H1N1)) (no rank). |
taxid:750465 |
Influenza A virus (A/Guangdong/6/1991(H1N1)) (no rank). |
taxid:750466 |
Influenza A virus (A/Guangdong/9/1991(H1N1)) (no rank). |
taxid:750495 |
Influenza A virus (A/Yuefang/7/1991(H1N1)) (no rank). |
taxid:750496 |
Influenza A virus (A/Yueke/5/1991(H1N1)) (no rank). |
taxid:750511 |
Influenza A virus (A/Guizhou/18/1991(H1N1)) (no rank). |
taxid:750518 |
Influenza A virus (A/Hafang/1/1991(H1N1)) (no rank). |
taxid:750551 |
Influenza A virus (A/Sufang/17/1991(H1N1)) (no rank). |
taxid:746226 |
Charaxes musashi (species), Charaxes musashi Tsukada, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:746265 |
Charaxes affinis butongensis (subspecies), Charaxes affinis butongensis Tsukada, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:746266 |
Charaxes fervens igneus (subspecies), Charaxes fervens igneus Tsukada, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:714591 |
Megalotremis verrucosa (species), Anisomeridium verrucosum (synonym), Megalotremis verrucosa (Makhija & Patw.) Aptroot 1991 (authority), Pleurotrema verrucosum (synonym). |
taxid:712040 |
Polyommatus buzulmavi (species), Polyommatus buzulmavi Carbonell, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:745334 |
Crenicichla menezesi (species), Crenicichla menezesi Ploeg, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:716619 |
Margo clausa (species), Margo clausa McAlpine, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:723347 |
Euryspeonomus beruetei (species), Euryspeonomus beruetei Dupre, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:723359 |
Notidocharis laurae (species), Notidocharis laurae Salgado & Giachino, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:714317 |
Cristaperla eylesi (species), Cristaperla eylesi McLellan, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:714319 |
Halticoperla tara (species), Halticoperla tara McLellan, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:714320 |
Spaniocerca acuta (species), Spaniocerca acuata (misspelling), Spaniocerca acuta McLellan, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:860920 |
Aulacus impolitus (species), Aulacus impolitus Smith, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:866339 |
Influenza A virus (A/swine/Chiba/1/1991(H1N2)) (no rank). |
taxid:874376 |
Enterogyrus coronatus (species), Enterogyrus coronatus Pariselle, Lambert & Euzet, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:857156 |
Ewartiothamnus (genus), Ewartiothamnus Anderb., 1991 (authority). |
taxid:864851 |
Sussericothrips melilotus (species), Sussericothrips melilotus Han, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:246115 |
Trionyx axenaria (species), Pelodiscus axenaria (synonym), Trionyx axenaria Zhou et al. 1991 (authority). |
taxid:292800 |
Flavonifractor plautii (species), "Bacille de Plaut, Kritchevsky and Seguin 1921" (authority), "Bacillus plauti" (sic) Seguin 1928 (authority), "Fusocillus plauti" (sic) (Seguin 1928) Prevot 1938 (authority), "Zuberella plauti" (sic) (Seguin 1928) Sebald 1962 (authority), Bacillus plauti (synonym), Clostridium orbiscindens (synonym), Clostridium orbiscindens Winter et al. 1991 (authority), Eubacterium plautii (synonym), Eubacterium plautii (Seguin 1928) Hofstad and Aasjord 1982 (authority), Flavonifractor plautii (Seguin 1928) Carlier et al. 2010 (authority), Fusobacterium plautii (synonym), Fusobacterium plautii corrig. Seguin 1928 (Approved Lists 1980) (authority), Fusocillus plauti (synonym), Zuberella plauti (synonym). |
taxid:286740 |
Longidorus athesinus (species), Longidorus athesinus Lamberti, Coiro & Agostinelli, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:879657 |
Micropsalliota albosericea (species), Micropsalliota albosericea Heinem. & Leelav. 1991 (authority). |
taxid:742176 |
Sterkiella cavicola (species), Sterkiella cavicola (Kahl, 1935) Foissner, Blatterer, Berger and Kohmann, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:766109 |
Cladobotryum tenue (species), Cladobotryum tenue Helfer 1991 (authority). |
taxid:767773 |
Cladobotryum purpureum (species), Cladobotryum purpureum (Morgan-Jones) Helfer 1991 (authority). |
taxid:869964 |
Phyllodesmium magnum (species), Phyllodesmium magnum Rudman, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:869965 |
Phyllodesmium colemani (species), Phyllodesmium colemani (Rudman, 1991) (authority). |
taxid:869969 |
Phyllodesmium kabiranum (species), Phyllodesmium kabiranum (Baba, 1991) (authority). |
taxid:870579 |
Pseudosquillana richeri (species), Pseudosquillana richeri (Moosa, 1991) (authority). |
taxid:590997 |
Megacrania alpheus adan (subspecies), Megacrania alpheus adan Yamasaki, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:619862 |
Colossendeis pipetta (species), Colossendeis pipetta Stock, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:600160 |
Isepeolus atripilis (species), Isepeolus atripilis Roig-Alsina, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:696267 |
Rhopalorhynchus filipes (species), Rhopalorhynchus filipes Stock, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:451077 |
Pentagramma (genus), Pentagramma Yatsk., Windham & E.Wollenw., 1991 (authority). |
taxid:699953 |
Homilia lardeuxi (species), Homilia lardeuxi Gibon, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:699976 |
Nectopsyche argentata (species), Nectopsyche argentata Flint, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:889403 |
Elaphomyces guangdongensis (species), Elaphomyces guangdongensis B.C. Zhang 1991 (authority). |
taxid:941651 |
Cancelloxus longior (species), Cancelloxius longior (misspelling), Cancelloxus longior Prochazka & Griffiths, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:927940 |
Corydoras similis (species), Corydoras similis Hieronimus, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:931562 |
Hypoderma liliense (species), Hypoderma liliense P.R. Johnst. 1991 (authority). |
taxid:927260 |
Fuscopannaria confusa (species), Fuscopannaria confusa (P.M. Jrg.) P.M. Jorg. 1994 (authority), Pannaria confusa (synonym), Pannaria confusa P.M. Jorg. 1991 (authority). |
taxid:932961 |
Dubiaranea similis (species), Dubiaranea similis Millidge, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:930960 |
Phyllodesmium opalescens (species), Phyllodesmium opalescens Rudman, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:933012 |
Prosoponoides sinensis (species), Prosoponoides sinensis (Chen, 1991) (authority). |
taxid:907195 |
Influenza A virus (A/equine/Taby/1991(H3N8)) (no rank). |
taxid:908317 |
Pluteus pantherinus (species), Pluteus pantherinus Courtec. & M. Uchida 1991 (authority). |
taxid:909772 |
Baryscapus pallidae (species), Baryscapus pallidae Graham, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:907925 |
Maxomys wattsi (species), Maxomys wattsi Musser, 1991 (authority), Watt's Sulawesi Maxomys (genbank common name). |
taxid:908810 |
Lobothallia melanaspis (species), Lobothallia melanaspis (Ach.) Hafellner 1991 (authority). |
taxid:914231 |
Trigaster longissimus (species), Trigaster longissimus Borges & Moreno, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:210 |
Helicobacter pylori (species), ATCC 43504 (type material), CCUG 15815 B (type material), CCUG 17874 (type material), CCUG 39500 (type material), CIP 103995 (type material), Campylobacter pylori (synonym), Campylobacter pylori Marshall et al. 1985 corrig. Marshall and Goodwin 1987 (authority), Campylobacter pylori corrig. Marshall et al. 1985 emend. Fox et al. 1988 (authority), Campylobacter pylori corrig. Marshall et al. 1985 emend. Fox et al. 1989 (authority), Campylobacter pylori subsp. pylori (synonym), Campylobacter pylori subsp. pylori Marshall et al. 1985 (authority), Campylobacter pyloridis (synonym), Campylobacter pyloridis Marshall et al.1985 (authority), DSM 4867 (type material), Helicobacter nemestrinae (synonym), Helicobacter nemestrinae Bronsdon et al. 1991 (authority), Helicobacter pylori (Marshall et al. 1985) Goodwin et al. 1989 (authority), JCM 12093 (type material), LMG 18041 (type material), LMG 19449 (type material), NCTC 11637 (type material), strain Royal Perth Hospital 13487 (type material). |
taxid:159 |
Brachyspira hyodysenteriae (species), ATCC 27164 (type material), Brachyspira hyodysenteriae (Harris et al. 1972) Ochiai et al. 1998 (authority), CCUG 46668 (type material), NCTC 13041 (type material), Serpula hyodysenteriae (misnomer), Serpula hyodysenteriae (Harris et al. 1972) Stanton et al. 1991 (authority), Serpulina hyodysenteriae (synonym), Serpulina hyodysenteriae (Harris et al. 1972) Stanton 1992 (authority), Treponema hyodysenteriae (synonym), Treponema hyodysenteriae Harris et al. 1972 (Approved Lists 1980) (authority), strain B78 (type material). |
taxid:200 |
Campylobacter curvus (species), ATCC 35224 (type material), CCUG 13146 (type material), CIP 103747 (type material), Campylobacter curvus (Tanner et al. 1984) Vandamme et al. 1991 (synonym), DSM 6644 (type material), LMG 7609 (type material), NCTC 11649 (type material), VPI 9584 (type material), Wolinella curva (synonym), Wolinella curva Tanner et al. 1984 (synonym). |
taxid:203 |
Campylobacter rectus (species), ATCC 33238 (type material), CCUG 20446 B (type material), CIP 103748 (type material), Campylobacter rectus (Tanner et al. 1981) Vandamme et al. 1991 (synonym), DSM 3260 (type material), FDC 371 (type material), JCM 6301 (type material), NCTC 11489 (type material), Wolinella recta (synonym), Wolinella recta Tanner et al. 1981 (synonym). |
taxid:194 |
Campylobacter (genus), Ampylobacter (misspelling), Campylobacter Sebald and Veron 1963 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Tanner et al. 1981 (authority), Campylobacter Sebald and Veron 1963 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Vandamme et al. 1991 (authority), Campylobacter Sebald and Veron 1963 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Vandamme et al. 2010 (authority). |
taxid:213 |
Helicobacter cinaedi (species), "Helicobacter westmeadii" Trivett-Moore et al. 1997 (authority), CCUG 18818 (type material), CIP 103752 (type material), Campylobacter cinaedi (synonym), Campylobacter cinaedi Totten et al. 1988 (authority), DSM 5359 (type material), Helicobacter cinaedi (Totten et al. 1988) Vandamme et al. 1991 (authority), Helicobacter westmeadii (synonym), LMG 7543 (type material), NCTC 12423 (type material), strain Fennell 165 (type material). |
taxid:214 |
Helicobacter felis (species), ATCC 49179 (type material), CIP 104382 (type material), Helicobacter felis Paster et al. 1991 (authority), NCTC 12436 (type material). |
taxid:215 |
Helicobacter fennelliae (species), ATCC 35684 (type material), CCUG 18820 (type material), CIP 103758 (type material), Campylobacter fennelliae (synonym), Campylobacter fennelliae Totten et al. 1988 (synonym), DSM 7491 (type material), Helicobacter fennelliae (Totten et al. 1988) Vandamme et al. 1991 (synonym), NCTC 11612 (type material), strain Fennell 231 (type material). |
taxid:285 |
Comamonas testosteroni (species), ATCC 11996 (type material), Alcaligenes sp. (strain BR60) (includes), Alcaligenes sp. BR60 (includes), CCUG 1426 (type material), CFBP 2436 (type material), CIP 59.24 (type material), Comamonas sp. W30E1a (includes), Comamonas testosteroni (Marcus and Talalay 1956) Tamaoka et al. 1987 emend. Willems et al. 1991 (authority), DSM 50244 (type material), HAMBI 403 (type material), IAM 12419 (type material), IFO 14951 (type material), JCM 5832 (type material), JCM 6221 (type material), LMG 1786 (type material), LMG 1800 (type material), NBRC 14951 (type material), NCAIM B.01655 (type material), NCCB 86053 (type material), NCIB 8955 (type material), NCIMB 8955 (type material), NCTC 10698 (type material), NRRL B-2611 (type material), Pseudomonas testosteroni (synonym), Pseudomonas testosteroni Marcus and Talalay 1956 (Approved Lists 1980) (authority), VKM B-1241 (type material), strain KS 0043 (type material). |
taxid:998201 |
Emodomelanelia masonii (species), Emodomelanelia masonii (Essl. & Poelt) Divakar & A. Crespo 2010 (authority), Parmelia masonii (synonym), Parmelia masonii Essl. & Poelt 1991 (authority). |
taxid:992600 |
Hydraena manfredjaechi (species), Hydraena manfredjaechi Delgado & Soler, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:1002812 |
Echinofabricia alata (species), Augeneriella alata (synonym), Echinofabricia alata (Hartmann-Schroder, 1991) (authority). |
taxid:1003337 |
Angomonas (genus), Angomonas Souza & Corte-Real,1991 (authority). |
taxid:398 |
Rhizobium tropici (species), ATCC 49672 (type material), Burkholderia sp. CAF325 (includes), CIAT 899 (type material), DSM 11418 (type material), HAMBI 1163 (type material), IFO 15247 (type material), JCM 21072 (type material), LMG 9503 (type material), NBRC 15247 (type material), Rhizobium tropici Martinez-Romero et al. 1991 (authority), Rhizobium tropici type B (synonym). |
taxid:466 |
Legionella maceachernii (species), ATCC 35300 (type material), CCUG 31116 (type material), CIP 103846 (type material), JCM 7566 (type material), Legionella maceachernii Brenner et al. 1985 (authority), NCTC 11982 (type material), Tatlockia maceachernii (genbank synonym), Tatlockia maceachernii (Brenner et al. 1985) Fox et al. 1991 (authority), strain Px-1-G-2-E2 (type material). |
taxid:445 |
Legionella (genus), Legionella Brenner et al. 1979 (authority), Sarcobium (includes), Sarcobium Drozanski 1991 (authority). |
taxid:638 |
Arsenophonus nasoniae (species), ATCC 49151 (type material), Arsenophonus nasoniae Gherna et al. 1991 (authority), DSM 15247 (type material), LMG 12584 (type material), son-killer infecting Nasonia vitripennis (genbank common name), strain SK14 (type material). |
taxid:654 |
Aeromonas veronii (species), ATCC 35624 (type material), Aeromonas culicicola (synonym), Aeromonas culicicola Pidiyar et al. 2002 (authority), Aeromonas hybridization group 10 (HG10) (synonym), Aeromonas ichthiosmia (genbank synonym), Aeromonas ichthiosmia Schubert et al. 1991 (authority), Aeromonas sp. TH074 (includes), Aeromonas sp. TH076 (includes), Aeromonas veronii Hickman-Brenner et al. 1988 (authority), CCUG 27821 (type material), CDC 1169-83 (type material), CECT 4257 (type material), CIP 103438 (type material), DSM 7386 (type material), Enteric Group 77 (synonym), JCM 7375 (type material). |
taxid:886 |
Thermodesulfobacterium thermophilum (species), DSM 1276 (type material), Desulfovibrio thermophilus (synonym), Desulfovibrio thermophilus Rozanova and Khudyakova 1974 (Approved Lists 1980) (authority), Thermodesulfobacterium mobile (synonym), Thermodesulfobacterium mobile (Rozanova and Khudyakova 1974) Rozanova and Pivovarova 1991 (authority), Thermodesulfobacterium thermophilum (Rozanova and Khudyakova 1974) Rozanova and Pivovarova 1995 (authority), VKM V-1128 (type material). |
taxid:1097 |
Chlorobaculum tepidum (species), ATCC 49652 (type material), CIP 105973 (type material), Chlorobaculum tepidum (Wahlund et al. 1996) Imhoff 2003 (authority), Chlorobium tepidum (synonym), Chlorobium tepidum Wahlund et al. 1991 (misnomer), Chlorobium tepidum Wahlund et al. 1996 (authority), DSM 12025 (type material), NBRC 103806 (type material), strain TLS (type material). |
taxid:1328 |
Streptococcus anginosus (species), "Streptococcus anginosus" Andrewes and Horder 1906 (authority), ATCC 33397 (type material), CCUG 27298 (type material), CCUG 35776 (type material), CIP 102921 (type material), DSM 20563 (type material), HAMBI 1525 (type material), JCM 12993 (type material), LMG 14502 (type material), NCTC 10713 (type material), Streptococcus anginosus (Andrewes and Horder 1906) Smith and Sherman 1938 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Coykendall et al. 1987 (authority), Streptococcus anginosus (Andrewes and Horder 1906) Smith and Sherman 1938 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Whiley and Beighton 1991 (authority). |
taxid:1338 |
Streptococcus intermedius (species), ATCC 27335 (type material), CCUG 17827 (type material), CCUG 32759 (type material), CIP 103248 (type material), DSM 20573 (type material), HAMBI 1571 (type material), JCM 12996 (type material), LMG 17840 (type material), NCTC 11324 (type material), Streptococcus intermedius Prevot 1925 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Whiley and Beighton 1991 (authority). |
taxid:1381 |
Atopobium minutum (species), "Bacteroides minutum" (sic) Hauduroy et al. 1937 (authority), "Eubacterium minutum" (Hauduroy et al. 1937) Prevot 1938 (authority), ATCC 33267 (type material), Atopobium minutum (Hauduroy et al. 1937) Collins and Wallbanks 1993 (authority), Bacteroides minutum (synonym), CCUG 31167 (type material), DSM 20586 (type material), Eubacterium minutum (Hauduroy et al. 1937) Prvot 1938 (authority), JCM 1118 (type material), LMG 9439 (type material), Lactobacillus minutum (misspelling), Lactobacillus minutum (sic) (synonym), Lactobacillus minutus (synonym), Lactobacillus minutus (Hauduroy et al 1937) Moore & Holdeman 1972 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Olsen et al 1991 (authority), NCFB 2751 (type material), NCIMB 702751 (type material), VPI 9428 (type material). |
taxid:1363 |
Lactococcus garvieae (species), ATCC 43921 (type material), CCUG 32208 (type material), CIP 102507 (type material), DSM 20684 (type material), Enterococcus seriolicida (synonym), Enterococcus seriolicida Kusuda et al. 1991 (authority), HAMBI 1592 (type material), JCM 10343 (type material), JCM 12256 (type material), LMG 8893 (type material), Lactococcus garviae (synonym), Lactococcus garvieae (Collins et al. 1984) Schleifer et al. 1986 (authority), NBRC 100934 (type material), NCDO 2155 (type material), NCIMB 702155 (type material), Streptococcus garvieae (synonym), Streptococcus garvieae Collins et al. 1984 (authority), strain NIZO2415T (type material). |
taxid:1356 |
Enterococcus sulfureus (species), ATCC 49903 (type material), CCUG 30571 (type material), CCUG 33313 (type material), CIP 104373 (type material), DSM 6905 (type material), Enterococcus sulfureus Martinez-Murcia and Collins 1991 (authority), HAMBI 2232 (type material), LMG 13084 (type material), MUTK 31 (type material), NBRC 100680 (type material), NCDO 2379 (type material), NCIMB 13117 (type material). |
taxid:1557 |
[Clostridium] litorale (species), ATCC 49638 (type material), Clostridium litorale (equivalent name), Clostridium litorale Fendrich et al. 1991 (authority), Clostridium litoralis (misspelling), DSM 5388 (type material), strain W6 (type material). |
taxid:1829 |
Rhodococcus rhodochrous (species), "Bacterium mycoides roseum" Grotenfelt 1889 (authority), "Gordona (sic) rosea" (Grotenfelt 1889) Tsukamura 1973 (authority), "Rhodococcus roseus" (Grotenfelt 1889) Tsukamura 1974 (authority), "Staphylococcus rhodochrous" Zopf 1891 (authority), ATCC 13808 (type material), Bacterium mycoides roseum (synonym), CCUG 47165 (type material), CIP 104376 (type material), DSM 43241 (type material), HAMBI 1959 (type material), IEGM 62 (type material), IFO 16069 (type material), J1 (misnomer), JCM 3202 (type material), LMG 5365 (type material), NBRC 16069 (type material), NCTC 10210 (type material), NRRL B-16536 (type material), NRRL B-2149 (type material), Rhodococcus rhodochrous (Zopf 1891) Tsukamura 1974 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Rainey et al. 1995 (authority), Rhodococcus rhodochrous isolate DY5 (includes), Rhodococcus rhodochrous isolate DY6 (includes), Rhodococcus rhodochrous str. J1 (includes), Rhodococcus roseus (synonym), Rhodococcus roseus (ex Tsukamura 1971) Tsukamura et al. 1991 (authority), Staphylococcus rhodochrous (synonym), VKM Ac-1227 (type material). |
taxid:2041 |
Aeromicrobium erythreum (species), ATCC 51598 (type material), Aeromicrobium erythreum Miller et al. 1991 (authority), Aeromicrobium erythreus (misspelling), DSM 8599 (type material), JCM 8359 (type material), LMG 16472 (type material), NBRC 15406 (type material), NRRL B-3381 (type material). |
taxid:1991 |
Actinomadura cremea (species), ATCC 33577 (type material), Actinomadura cremea Preobrazhenskaya et al. 1975 (authority), BCRC 13394 (type material), CCRC 13394 (type material), DSM 43676 (type material), IFO 14182 (type material), IMET 9578 (type material), INA 292 (type material), JCM 3308 (type material), NBRC 14182 (type material), NRRL B-16605 (type material), VKM Ac-912 (type material). |
taxid:1992 |
Actinomadura echinospora (species), ATCC 27300 (type material), Actinomadura echinospora (Nonomura and Ohara 1971) Kroppenstedt et al. 1991 (synonym), BCRC 12547 (type material), CCRC 12547 (type material), DSM 43163 (type material), HUT 6548 (type material), IFO 14042 (type material), JCM 3148 (type material), KCTC 9313 (type material), Microbispora echinospora (synonym), Microbispora echinospora Nonomura and Ohara 1971 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), NBRC 14042 (type material). |
taxid:1994 |
Actinomadura rugatobispora (species), ATCC 51643 (type material), Actinomadura rugatobispora Miyadoh et al. 1991 (synonym), CIP 105482 (type material), DSM 44130 (type material), IFO 14382 (type material), JCM 3366 (type material), Microbispora viridis (synonym), Microbispora viridis Miyadoh et al. 1985 (synonym), NBRC 14382 (type material), NRRL B-16566 (type material), strain SF2240 (type material). |
taxid:1940 |
Streptomyces albireticuli (species), "Streptomyces albireticuli" Nakazawa 1955 (synonym), "Verticillomyces albireticuli" (Nakazawa 1955) Shinobu 1965 (synonym), AS 4.1649 (type material), ATCC 19721 (type material), BCRC 12427 (type material), CBS 460.68 (type material), CCRC 12427 (type material), CECT 3253 (type material), DSM 40051 (type material), HUT 6040 (type material), IFM 1068 (type material), IFO 12737 (type material), IFO 3400 (type material), JCM 4116 (type material), JCM 4562 (type material), KCTC 9685 (type material), NBRC 12737 (type material), NBRC 3400 (type material), NCIMB 9600 (type material), NRRL B-1670 (type material), NRRL B-5493 (type material), NRRL-ISP 5051 (type material), RIA 1002 (type material), Streptomyces albireticuli (Nakazawa 1955) Witt and Stackebrandt 1991 (synonym), Streptoverticillium albireticuli (synonym), Streptoverticillium albireticuli (Nakazawa 1955) Locci et al. 1969 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), UNIQEM 209 (type material), Verticillomyces albireticuli (synonym). |
taxid:2286 |
Sulfolobus shibatae (species), ATCC 51178 (type material), DSM 5389 (type material), IFO 15437 (type material), JCM 8931 (type material), NBRC 15437 (type material), Sulfolobus shibatae Grogan et al. 1991 (authority), strain B12 (type material). |
taxid:2177 |
Methanohalophilus halophilus (species), DSM 3094 (type material), INMI Z-7982 (type material), Methanihalophilus halophilus (equivalent name), Methanococcus halophilus (synonym), Methanococcus halophilus Zhilina 1984 (authority), Methanohalophilus halophilus (Zhilina 1984) Wilharm et al. 1991 (authority), OCM 160 (type material). |
taxid:2357 |
Desulfomonile (genus), Desulfomonile DeWeerd et al. 1991 (authority). |
taxid:2358 |
Desulfomonile tiedjei (species), ATCC 49306 (type material), DSM 6799 (type material), Desulfomonile tiedjei DeWeerd et al. 1991 (authority), strain DCB-1 (type material). |
taxid:2423 |
Fervidobacterium islandicum (species), ATCC 49647 (type material), DSM 5733 (type material), Fervidibacterium islandicum (equivalent name), Fervidobacterium icelandicum (misspelling), Fervidobacterium islandicum Huber et al. 1991 (authority), strain H21 (type material). |
taxid:2434 |
Roseobacter denitrificans (species), ATCC 33942 (type material), CIP 104266 (type material), DSM 7001 (type material), Erythrobacter sp. (strain OCh 114) (includes), IFO 15277 (type material), JCM 21267 (type material), NBRC 15277 (type material), Roseobacter denitrificans Shiba 1991 (synonym), strain Och 114 (type material). |
taxid:28198 |
Arcobacter cryaerophilus (species), ATCC 43158 (type material), Arcibacter cryaerophilus (equivalent name), Arcobacter cryaerophilus (Neill et al. 1985) Vandamme et al. 1991 (authority), Arquibacter cryaerophilus (equivalent name), CCUG 17801 (type material), CIP 104014 (type material), Campylobacter cryaerophila (synonym), Campylobacter cryaerophilus (synonym), Campylobacter cryaerophilus corrig. Neill et al. 1985 (authority), DSM 7289 (type material), LMG 7536 (type material), LMG 9904 (type material), NCTC 11885 (type material), strain 02766 (type material), strain Neill A 169/B (type material). |
taxid:28199 |
Arcobacter nitrofigilis (species), ATCC 33309 (type material), Arcibacter nitrofigilis (equivalent name), Arcobacter nitrofigilis (McClung et al. 1983) Vandamme et al. 1991 (synonym), Arquibacter nitrofigilis (equivalent name), CCUG 15892 (type material), CCUG 15893 (type material), CIP 103745 (type material), Campylobacter nitrofigilis (synonym), Campylobacter nitrofigilis McClung et al. 1983 (synonym), DSM 7299 (type material), LMG 7604 (type material), NCTC 12251 (type material), strain CI (type material). |
taxid:29489 |
Aeromonas enteropelogenes (species), ATCC 49803 (type material), Aeromonas enteropelogenes Schubert et al. 1991 (authority), Aeromonas trota (genbank synonym), Aeromonas trota Carnahan et al. 1992 (authority), Aeromonas tructi (synonym), CECT 4487 (type material), CIP 104434 (type material), DSM 6394 (type material), JCM 8355 (type material), LMG 12646 (type material), strain J11 (type material). |
taxid:33075 |
Acidobacterium capsulatum (species), ATCC 51196 (type material), Acidobacterium capsulatum Kishimoto et al. 1991 (authority), DSM 11244 (type material), IFO 15755 (type material), JCM 7670 (type material), NBRC 15755 (type material). |
taxid:33904 |
Streptomyces mashuensis (species), "Streptomyces mashuensis" Sawazaki et al. 1955 (synonym), "Verticillomyces mashuensis" (Sawazaki et al. 1955) Shinobu 1965 (synonym), ATCC 23934 (type material), BCRC 12420 (type material), CBS 279.65 (type material), CBS 918.68 (type material), CCRC 12420 (type material), DSM 40221 (type material), IFM 1082 (type material), IFO 12888 (type material), IMET 42941 (type material), JCM 4059 (type material), JCM 4650 (type material), NBRC 12888 (type material), NRRL B-3352 (type material), NRRL B-8164 (type material), NRRL-ISP 5221 (type material), RIA 1165 (type material), Streptomyces mashuensis (Sawazaki et al. 1955) Witt and Stackebrandt 1991 (synonym), Streptoverticillium mashuense (synonym), Streptoverticillium mashuense (Sawazaki et al. 1955) Locci et al. 1969 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), VKM Ac-949 (type material), Verticillomyces mashuensis (synonym). |
taxid:33906 |
Actinopolyspora mortivallis (species), ATCC 49777 (type material), Actinopolyspora mortivallis Yoshida et al. 1991 (authority), Actinopolyspora vallismortis (equivalent name), DSM 44261 (type material), IFO 15162 (type material), JCM 7550 (type material), NBRC 15162 (type material), VKM Ac-1974 (type material), strain HS-1 (type material). |
taxid:29495 |
Vibrio navarrensis (species), ATCC 51183 (type material), CAIM 609 (type material), CCUG 28805 (type material), CIP 103381 (type material), LMG 15976 (type material), Vibrio navarrensis Urdaci et al. 1991 (authority), strain 1397-6 (type material). |
taxid:34073 |
Variovorax paradoxus (species), ATCC 17713 (type material), Alcaligenes paradoxus (synonym), Alcaligenes paradoxus Davis 1969 (Approved Lists 1980) (authority), CCUG 1777 (type material), CIP 103459 (type material), DSM 30034 (type material), IFO 15149 (type material), JCM 20526 (type material), JCM 20895 (type material), LMG 1797 (type material), NBRC 15149 (type material), VKM B-1329 (type material), Variovorax paradoxus (Davis 1969) Willems et al. 1991 (authority), Variovorax sp. R2-34 (includes), beta proteobacterium DBIso1 (includes). |
taxid:34011 |
Azospirillum irakense (species), ATCC 51182 (type material), Azospirillum irakense Khammas et al. 1991 (authority), CCUG 30621 (type material), CIP 103311 (type material), DSM 11586 (type material), LMG 10653 (type material), bacterium ASAZOES-145 (includes), bacterium ASAZOES-173 (includes), bacterium ASAZOWL-19E (includes), strain KBC1 (type material). |
taxid:35422 |
Pedinophyceae (class), Pedinophyceae Moestrup, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:20678 |
Hymenaea protera (species), Hymenaea protera Poinar, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:36179 |
Scaphirhynchus suttkusi (species), Alabama sturgeon (genbank common name), Scaphirhynchus suttkusi Williams & Clemmer, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:36842 |
Clostridium halophilum (species), ATCC 49637 (type material), Clostridium halophilium (synonym), Clostridium halophilum corrig. Fendrich et al. 1991 (synonym), DSM 5387 (type material), strain M1 (type material). |
taxid:36844 |
Clostridium homopropionicum (species), ATCC 51426 (type material), Clostridium homopropionicum Dorner and Schink 1991 (synonym), DSM 5847 (type material), strain LuHBu1 (type material). |
taxid:28885 |
Hydrogenovibrio marinus (species), DSM 11271 (type material), Hydrogenivibrio marinus (equivalent name), Hydrogenovibrio marinus Nishihara et al. 1991 (synonym), JCM 7688 (type material), strain MH-110 (type material). |
taxid:37484 |
Nonomuraea helvata (species), ATCC 27295 (type material), Actinomadura helvata (synonym), Actinomadura helvata Nonomura and Ohara 1971 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), BCRC 13402 (type material), CBS 259.72 (type material), CCRC 13402 (type material), DSM 43142 (type material), IFO 14681 (type material), IMET 9584 (type material), JCM 3143 (type material), KCTC 9274 (type material), Microtetraspora helvata (synonym), Microtetraspora helvata (Nonomura and Ohara 1971) Kroppenstedt et al. 1991 (synonym), NBRC 14681 (type material), NCIMB 11115 (type material), NRRL B-16123 (type material), Nonomuraea helvata (Nonomura and Ohara 1971) Zhang et al. 1998 (synonym), Nonomuria helvata (synonym), PCM 2199 (type material). |
taxid:29017 |
Haplopelma schmidti (species), Chinese bird spider (common name), Chinese earth tiger (genbank common name), Chinese golden earth tiger (common name), Haplopelma schmidti von Wirth, 1991 (authority), Ornithoctonus huwena (synonym), Selenocosmia huwena (genbank synonym), Selenocosmia huwena Wang, Peng & Xie, 1993 (authority). |
taxid:29282 |
Haloarcula japonica (species), ATCC 49778 (type material), DSM 6131 (type material), Haloarcula japonica Takashina et al. 1991 (authority), JCM 7785 (type material), NBRC 101032 (type material), VKM B-2009 (type material), strain TR-1 (type material). |
taxid:36823 |
Gordonia sputi (species), ATCC 29627 (type material), CCUG 47138 (type material), CIP 100849 (type material), DSM 43896 (type material), Gordona sputi (synonym), Gordonia sputi (Tsukamura 1978) Stackebrandt et al. 1989 emend. Riegel et al. 1994 (authority), Gordonia sputi (Tsukamura1978) Stackebrandt et al. 1989 emend. Tsukamura 1991 (authority), IFO 16049 (type material), JCM 3228 (type material), NBRC 100414 (type material), NBRC 16049 (type material), Rhodococcus chubuensis (synonym), Rhodococcus chubuensis Tsukamura 1983 (authority), Rhodococcus obuensis (synonym), Rhodococcus obuensis Tsukamura 1983 (authority), Rhodococcus sputi (synonym), Rhodococcus sputi (ex Tsukamura 1978) Tsukamura and Yano 1985 (authority), Rhodococcus sputi Tsukamura 1978 (Approved Lists 1980) (authority). |
taxid:28034 |
Sulfobacillus thermosulfidooxidans (species), DSM 9293 (type material), Sulfobacillus sp. G2 (includes), Sulfobacillus thermosulfidooxidans Golovacheva and Karavaiko 1991 (authority), VKM B-1269 (type material), strain AT-1 (type material). |
taxid:38284 |
Corynebacterium accolens (species), ATCC 49725 (type material), CCUG 28779 (type material), CDC coryneform group G-1 (synonym), CIP 104783 (type material), CNCTC Th1/57 (type material), Corynebacterium accolens Neubauer et al. 1991 (synonym), DSM 44278 (type material), JCM 8331 (type material). |
taxid:38293 |
Photobacterium damselae (species), ATCC 33539 (type material), CAIM 331 (type material), CCUG 13626 (type material), CDC 2588-80 (type material), CIP 102761 (type material), DSM 7482 (type material), IFO 15633 (type material), LMG 7892 (type material), NBRC 15633 (type material), NCTC 11647 (type material), Photobacterium damsela (synonym), Photobacterium damselae corrig. (Love et al. 1982) Smith et al. 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:29343 |
Clostridium cellulosi (species), AS 1.1777 (type material), Clostridium cellulosi Yanling et al. 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:28068 |
Rubrivivax gelatinosus (species), "Rhodocystis gelatinosa" Molisch 1907 (authority), ATCC 17011 (type material), CCUG 15841 (type material), CCUG 21977 (type material), CCUG 21990 (type material), CIP 107072 (type material), DSM 1709 (type material), IFO 16663 (type material), JCM 21318 (type material), LMG 4311 (type material), NBRC 16663 (type material), NCIB 8290 (type material), NCIMB 8290 (type material), Rhodocyclus gelatinosus (synonym), Rhodocyclus gelatinosus (Molisch 1907) Imhoff et al. 1984 (authority), Rhodocystis gelatinosa (synonym), Rhodopseudomonas gelatinosa (synonym), Rhodopseudomonas gelatinosa (Molisch 1907) van Niel 1944 (Approved Lists 1980) (authority), Rubrivivax gelatinosus (Molisch 1907) Willems et al. 1991 (authority). |
taxid:28080 |
Campylobacter upsaliensis (species), ATCC 43954 (type material), CCUG 14913 (type material), CIP 103681 (type material), CNW group (synonym), Campylobacter upsaliensis Sandstedt and Ursing 1991 (authority), DSM 5365 (type material), NCTC 11541 (type material), catalase-negative or weak group of campylobacteria (synonym). |
taxid:29373 |
Clostridium thermopalmarium (species), ATCC 51427 (type material), Clostridium thermopalmarium Soh et al. 1991 (synonym), DSM 5974 (type material), strain BVP (type material). |
taxid:29375 |
Clostridium xylanolyticum (species), ATCC 49623 (type material), Clostridium xylanolyticum Rogers and Baecker 1991 emend. Chamkha et al. 2001 (authority), DSM 6555 (type material), [Clostridium] xylanolyticum (equivalent name). |
taxid:29376 |
Desulfotomaculum thermobenzoicum (species), ATCC 49756 (type material), DSM 6193 (type material), Desulfotomaculum thermobenzoicum Tasaki et al. 1991 emend. Plugge et al. 2002 (synonym), strain TSB (type material). |
taxid:32013 |
Comamonas terrigena (species), "Comamonas terrigena" Hugh 1962 (synonym), "Vibrio neocistes" Gray and Thornton (includes), 'Lophomonas alcaligenes' (synonym), 'Vibrio percolans' (synonym), ATCC 8461 (type material), CCUG 15327 (type material), CCUG 2185 (type material), CIP 63.44 (type material), Comamonas terrigena (ex Hugh 1962) De Vos et al. 1985 emend. Wauters et al. 2003 (synonym), Comamonas terrigena (ex Hugh 1962) De Vos et al. 1985 emend. Willems et al. 1991 (synonym), DSM 7099 (type material), IFO 12685 (type material), IFO 13299 (type material), JCM 6230 (type material), LMG 1253 (type material), LMG 5929 (type material), Lophomonas alcaligenes (synonym), NBRC 12685 (type material), NBRC 13299 (type material), NCCB 89134 (type material), NCIB 8193 (type material), NCIMB 8193 (type material), NCTC 1937 (type material), NRRL B-1055 (type material), NRRL B-781 (type material), Vibrio neocistes (includes), Vibrio percolans (synonym), strain Hugh 247 (type material), strain Vron 31 (type material). |
taxid:32040 |
Acidovorax konjaci (species), ATCC 33996 (type material), Acidivorax konjaci (equivalent name), Acidovorax avenae subsp. konjaci (misnomer), Acidovorax konjaci (Goto 1983) Willems et al. 1992 (synonym), CCUG 17394 (type material), CFBP 4460 (type material), CIP 106439 (type material), DSM 7481 (type material), ICMP 7733 (type material), JCM 2397 (type material), LMG 5691 (type material), NCPPB 3698 (type material), PDDCC 7733 (type material), Pseudomonas avenae subsp. konjaci (synonym), Pseudomonas avenae subsp. konjaci (Goto 1983) Hu et al. 1991 (synonym), Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes subsp. konjaci (synonym), Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes subsp. konjaci Goto 1983 (synonym), strain K2 (type material). |
taxid:41675 |
Stygiolobus azoricus (species), DSM 6296 (type material), JCM 9021 (type material), Stygiolobus azoricus Segerer et al. 1991 (authority), strain FC6 (type material). |
taxid:13264 |
Brachyspira innocens (species), ATCC 29796 (type material), Brachyspira innocens (Kinyon and Harris 1979) Ochiai et al. 1998 (authority), Brachyspira sp. AN2540/1/03 (includes), Brachyspira sp. AN315/04 (includes), Brachyspira sp. AN3165/2/03 (includes), Brachyspira sp. AN4113/03 (includes), Brachyspira sp. AN4323/4/03 (includes), Brachyspira sp. AN4341/03 (includes), Brachyspira sp. AN5156/03 (includes), Brachyspira sp. AN64/1/04 (includes), CCUG 17081 (type material), Serpula innocens (misnomer), Serpula innocens (Kinyon and Harris 1979) Stanton et al. 1991 (authority), Serpulina innocens (synonym), Serpulina innocens (Kinyon and Harris 1979) Stanton 1992 (authority), Treponema innocens (synonym), Treponema innocens Kinyon and Harris 1979 (Approved Lists 1980) (authority), strain B256 (type material). |
taxid:41997 |
Enterococcus saccharolyticus (species), ATCC 43076 (type material), CCUG 27643 (type material), CCUG 33311 (type material), CIP 103246 (type material), DSM 20726 (type material), Enterococcus saccharolyticus (Farrow et al. 1985) Rodrigues and Collins 1991 (authority), JCM 8734 (type material), LMG 11427 (type material), NBRC 100493 (type material), NCDO 2594 (type material), NCIMB 702594 (type material), Streptococcus saccharolyticus (synonym), Streptococcus saccharolyticus Farrow et al. 1985 (authority). |
taxid:44009 |
Enterococcus dispar (species), ATCC 51266 (type material), CCUG 33309 (type material), CIP 103646 (type material), DSM 6630 (type material), Enterococcus dispar Collins et al. 1991 (authority), HAMBI 2231 (type material), LMG 13521 (type material), NBRC 100678 (type material), NCFB 2821 (type material), NCIMB 13000 (type material), strain E18-1 (type material). |
taxid:61831 |
Plesiolebias aruana (species), Cynolebias aruana (synonym), Plesiolebias aruana (Lazara, 1991) (authority). |
taxid:42252 |
Desulfovibrio termitidis (species), ATCC 49858 (type material), DSM 5308 (type material), Desulfovibrio termitidis Trinkerl et al. 1991 (authority), strain HI 1 (type material). |
taxid:44705 |
Anablepsoides immaculatus (species), Anablepsoides immaculatus (Thomerson, Nico & Taphorn, 1991) (authority), Rivulus immaculatus (synonym). |
taxid:42443 |
Roseobacter litoralis (species), ATCC 49566 (type material), CIP 104265 (type material), DSM 6996 (type material), IFO 15278 (type material), JCM 21268 (type material), NBRC 15278 (type material), Roseobacter litoralis Shiba 1991 (synonym), strain Och 149 (type material). |
taxid:45056 |
Legionella adelaidensis (species), ATCC 49625 (type material), CCUG 31231 A (type material), CIP 103645 (type material), Legionella adelaidensis Benson et al. 1991 (synonym), NCTC 12735 (type material), strain 1762-Aus-E (type material). |
taxid:45064 |
Legionella fairfieldensis (species), ATCC 49588 (type material), CCUG 31235 A (type material), CIP 105266 (type material), Legionella fairfieldensis Thacker et al. 1991 (synonym), NCTC 12488 (type material), strain 1725-Aus-E (type material). |
taxid:45066 |
Legionella gratiana (species), ATCC 49413 (type material), CCUG 44894 (type material), CIP 105267 (type material), Legionella gratiana Bornstein et al. 1991 (synonym), NCTC 12388 (type material), strain Lyon 8420412 (type material). |
taxid:56359 |
Sandaracinobacter sibiricus (species), "Erythrobacter sibiricus" Yurkov and Gorlenko 1990 (synonym), "Erythromicrobium sibiricum" (Yurkov and Gorlenko 1990) Yurkov et al. 1991 (synonym), Erythrobacter sibiricus (synonym), Erythromicrobium sibiricum (synonym), Sandaracinobacter sibiricus Yurkov et al. 1997 (synonym), strain RB16-17 (type material). |
taxid:53446 |
Streptomyces cinnamoneus (species), "Streptomyces cinnamomeus forma cinnamomeus" (sic) Pridham et al. 1956 (synonym), "Streptomyces cinnamoneus" Benedict et al. 1952 (synonym), "Streptoverticillium cinnamomeus forma cinnamomeus" (sic) (Pridham et al. 1956) Baldacci 1958 (synonym), "Verticillomyces cinnamomeus forma cinnamomeus" (sic) (Benedict et al. 1952) Shinobu 1965 (synonym), AS 4.1084 (type material), AS 4.1706 (type material), ATCC 11874 (type material), ATCC 23897 (type material), BCRC 12169 (type material), CBS 293.64 (type material), CBS 683.68 (type material), CCRC 12169 (type material), CCUG 11122 (type material), CECT 3258 (type material), DSM 40005 (type material), HAMBI 1067 (type material), IFO 12852 (type material), IMET 41381 (type material), JCM 4152 (type material), JCM 4633 (type material), LMG 5971 (type material), NBRC 12852 (type material), NCIMB 8851 (type material), NRRL B-1285 (type material), NRRL-ISP 5005 (type material), RIA 1102 (type material), RIA 360 (type material), Streptomyces cinnamomeus forma cinnamomeus (synonym), Streptomyces cinnamoneus (Benedict et al. 1952) Witt and Stackebrandt 1991 (synonym), Streptomyces cinnamoneus subsp. cinnamoneus (includes), Streptoverticillium cinnamomeus forma cinnamomeus (synonym), Streptoverticillium cinnamoneum (synonym), Streptoverticillium cinnamoneum (Benedict et al. 1952) Baldacci et al. 1966 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), Streptoverticillium cinnamoneum subsp. cinnamoneum (includes), Streptoverticillium cinnamoneum subsp. cinnamoneum (Benedict et al. 1952) Baldacci et al. 1966 (includes), Streptoverticillium cinnamoneum subsp. cinnamoneum Baldacci and Locci 1974 (sic) (includes), VKM Ac-876 (type material), Verticillomyces cinnamomeus forma cinnamomeus (synonym). |
taxid:51201 |
Streptomyces griseocarneus (species), "Streptomyces griseocarneus" Benedict et al. 1950 (synonym), "Streptoverticillium griseocarneus" (sic) (Benedict et al. 1950) Baldacci 1958 (synonym), "Verticillomyces griseocarneus" (Benedict et al. 1950) Shinobu 1965 (synonym), AS 4.1088 (type material), ATCC 12628 (type material), ATCC 19763 (type material), BCRC 13304 (type material), CBS 501.68 (type material), CCM 3228 (type material), CCRC 13304 (type material), CCUG 11123 (type material), CECT 3250 (type material), DSM 40004 (type material), IFO 12776 (type material), IFO 3387 (type material), JCM 4095 (type material), JCM 4580 (type material), LMG 5973 (type material), NBRC 12776 (type material), NBRC 3387 (type material), NCIMB 9623 (type material), NRRL B-1068 (type material), NRRL B-1350 (type material), NRRL-ISP 5004 (type material), PCM 2326 (type material), PCM 2345 (type material), RIA 1043 (type material), RIA 132 (type material), Streptomyces griseicarneus (synonym), Streptomyces griseocarneus (Benedict et al. 1950) Witt and Stackebrandt 1991 (synonym), Streptoverticillium griseicarneum (synonym), Streptoverticillium griseocarneum (synonym), Streptoverticillium griseocarneum (Benedict et al. 1950) Baldacci et al. 1966 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), Streptoverticillium griseocarneus (synonym), UNIQEM 149 (type material), VKM Ac-881 (type material), Verticillomyces griseocarneus (synonym). |
taxid:45629 |
Desulfovibrio halophilus (species), ATCC 51179 (type material), DSM 5663 (type material), Desulfovibrio halophilus Caumette et al. 1991 (synonym), strain SL 8903 (type material). |
taxid:45634 |
Streptococcus cristatus (species), ATCC 51100 (type material), CCUG 33481 (type material), CIP 105954 (type material), DSM 8249 (type material), LMG 16320 (type material), NCTC 12479 (type material), Streptococcus crista (synonym), Streptococcus cristatus corrig. Handley et al. 1991 (authority), strain CR311 (type material). |
taxid:45663 |
Desulfohalobium retbaense (species), ATCC 49708 (type material), DSM 5692 (type material), Desulfatihalobium retbaense (equivalent name), Desulfatihalobium retbense (equivalent name), Desulfohalobium retbaense Ollivier et al. 1991 (synonym), Desulfohalobium retbense (synonym), JCM 16813 (type material). |
taxid:60323 |
Atlantirivulus janeiroensis (species), Atlantirivulus janeiroensis (Costa, 1991) (authority), Rivulus janeiroensis (synonym). |
taxid:60326 |
Laimosemion lyricauda (species), Laimosemion lyricauda (Thomerson, Berkenkamp & Taphorn, 1991) (authority), Rivulus lyricauda (synonym). |
taxid:60334 |
Melanorivulus violaceus (species), Melanorivulus violaceus (Costa, 1991) (authority), Rivulus violaceus (synonym). |
taxid:46171 |
Nonomuraea africana (species), ATCC 35107 (type material), Actinomadura africana (synonym), Actinomadura africana Preobrazhenskaya and Sveshnikova 1974 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), DSM 43748 (type material), IFO 14745 (type material), INA 1839 (type material), JCM 6240 (type material), KCTC 9260 (type material), Microtetraspora africana (synonym), Microtetraspora africana (Preobrazhenskaya and Sveshnikova 1974) Kroppenstedt et al. 1991 (synonym), NBRC 14745 (type material), NRRL B-16114 (type material), Nocardiopsis africana (synonym), Nocardiopsis africana (Preobrazhenskaya and Sveshnikova 1974) Preobrazhenskaya et al. 1982 (synonym), Nonomuraea africana (Preobrazhenskaya and Sveshnikova 1974) Zhang et al. 1998 (synonym), Nonomuria africana (synonym), RIA 1839 (type material), VKM Ac-924 (type material). |
taxid:46172 |
Nonomuraea angiospora (species), AS 4.1229 (type material), BCRC 13334 (type material), CCRC 13334 (type material), DSM 43173 (type material), IFO 13155 (type material), JCM 3109 (type material), KCTC 9191 (type material), KCTC 9261 (type material), LIA 3479-30 (type material), Micropolyspora angiospora (synonym), Micropolyspora angiospora Zhukova et al. 1968 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), Microtetraspora angiospora (synonym), Microtetraspora angiospora (Zhukova et al. 1968) Kroppenstedt et al. 1991 (synonym), NBRC 13155 (type material), NRRL B-3905 (type material), Nonomuraea angiospora (Zhukova et al. 1968) Zhang et al. 1998 (synonym), Nonomuria angiospora (synonym). |
taxid:54248 |
Hyperthermus butylicus (species), ATCC 700455 (type material), DSM 5456 (type material), Hyperthermus butylicus Zillig et al. 1991 (authority), JCM 9403 (type material). |
taxid:46173 |
Nonomuraea fastidiosa (species), ATCC 33516 (type material), Actinomadura fastidiosa (synonym), Actinomadura fastidiosa Soina et al. 1975 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), BCRC 12546 (type material), CCRC 12546 (type material), DSM 43674 (type material), IFO 14680 (type material), INMI 104 (type material), JCM 3321 (type material), KCTC 9268 (type material), Microtetraspora fastidiosa (synonym), Microtetraspora fastidiosa (Soina et al. 1975) Kroppenstedt et al. 1991 (synonym), NBRC 14680 (type material), Nonomuraea fastidiosa (Soina et al. 1975) Zhang et al. 1998 (synonym), Nonomuria fastidiosa (synonym), VKM Ac-804 (type material). |
taxid:46174 |
Nonomuraea ferruginea (species), ATCC 35575 (type material), Actinomadura ferruginea (synonym), Actinomadura ferruginea Meyer 1981 (synonym), BCRC 12537 (type material), CCM 3424 (type material), CCRC 12537 (type material), CIP 106925 (type material), DSM 43553 (type material), IFO 14094 (type material), IMET 9567 (type material), JCM 3283 (type material), KCTC 9269 (type material), Microtetraspora ferruginea (synonym), Microtetraspora ferruginea (Meyer 1981) Kroppenstedt et al. 1991 (synonym), NBRC 14094 (type material), NCIMB 11630 (type material), NRRL B-16096 (type material), Nonomuraea ferruginea (Meyer 1981) Zhang et al. 1998 (synonym), Nonomuria ferruginea (synonym), VKM Ac-854 (type material), strain 14094 (type material). |
taxid:46176 |
Nonomuraea polychroma (species), ATCC 49500 (type material), Actinomadura polychroma (synonym), Actinomadura polychroma Galatenko et al. 1987 (synonym), DSM 43925 (type material), IFO 14345 (type material), IMET 9743 (type material), INA 2755 (type material), JCM 6834 (type material), KCTC 9277 (type material), Microtetraspora polychroma (synonym), Microtetraspora polychroma (Galatenko et al. 1987) Kroppenstedt et al. 1991 (synonym), NBRC 14345 (type material), NRRL B-16243 (type material), Nonomuraea polychroma (Galatenko et al. 1987) Zhang et al. 1998 (synonym), Nonomuria polychroma (synonym), VKM Ac-1084 (type material). |
taxid:46177 |
Nonomuraea pusilla (species), ATCC 27296 (type material), Actinomadura pusilla (synonym), Actinomadura pusilla Nonomura and Ohara 1971 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), BCRC 11619 (type material), CBS 262.72 (type material), CCRC 11619 (type material), CECT 3284 (type material), CIP 106954 (type material), DSM 43357 (type material), IFO 14684 (type material), IMET 9586 (type material), JCM 3144 (type material), KCTC 9278 (type material), Microtetraspora pusila (misspelling), Microtetraspora pusilla (synonym), Microtetraspora pusilla (Nonomura and Ohara 1971) Kroppenstedt et al. 1991 (synonym), NBRC 14684 (type material), NCIMB 11116 (type material), NRRL B-16126 (type material), Nonomuraea pusilla (Nonomura and Ohara 1971) Zhang et al. 1998 (synonym), Nonomuria pusilla (synonym), VKM Ac-1508 (type material). |
taxid:46178 |
Nonomuraea recticatena (species), Actinomadura recticatena (synonym), Actinomadura recticatena Gauze et al. 1987 (synonym), Actinomadura recticatena Terekhova et al. 1987 (synonym), DSM 43937 (type material), IFO 14525 (type material), INA 308 (type material), JCM 6835 (type material), KCTC 9279 (type material), Microtetraspora recticatena (synonym), Microtetraspora recticatena (Terekhova et al. 1987) Kroppenstedt et al. 1991 (synonym), NBRC 14525 (type material), Nonomuraea recticatena (Terekhova et al. 1987) Zhang et al. 1998 (synonym), Nonomuria recticatena (synonym), VKM Ac-940 (type material). |
taxid:46179 |
Nonomuraea roseola (species), ATCC 33579 (type material), Actinomadura roseola (synonym), Actinomadura roseola Lavrova and Preobrazhenskaya 1975 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), DSM 43767 (type material), IFO 14685 (type material), IMET 9576 (type material), INA 1671 (type material), JCM 3323 (type material), KCTC 9282 (type material), Microtetraspora roseola (synonym), Microtetraspora roseola (Lavrova and Preobrazhenskaya 1975) Kroppenstedt et al. 1991 (synonym), NBRC 14685 (type material), Nonomuraea roseola (Lavrova and Preobrazhenskaya 1975) Zhang et al. 1998 (synonym), Nonomuria roseola (synonym), VKM Ac-1180 (type material). |
taxid:54256 |
Pyrodictium abyssi (species), ATCC 49828 (type material), DSM 6158 (type material), JCM 9394 (type material), NBRC 100439 (type material), Pyrodictium abyssi Pley et al. 1991 (authority), strain AV2 (type material). |
taxid:46180 |
Nonomuraea rubra (species), "Micromonospora rubra" Sveshnikova et al. 1969 (synonym), ATCC 27031 (type material), Actinomadura rubra (synonym), Actinomadura rubra (Sveshnikova et al. 1969) Meyer and Sveshnikova 1974 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), BCRC 12591 (type material), CBS 132.76 (type material), CCRC 12591 (type material), CIP 107008 (type material), DSM 43768 (type material), IFO 14070 (type material), IFO 14686 (type material), IMET 8181 (type material), INA 325 (type material), JCM 3234 (type material), JCM 3389 (type material), KCTC 9284 (type material), Micromonospora rubra (synonym), Microtetraspora rubra (synonym), Microtetraspora rubra (Sveshnikova et al. 1969) Kroppenstedt et al. 1991 (synonym), NBRC 14070 (type material), NBRC 14686 (type material), NRRL B-16083 (type material), Nonomuraea rubra (Sveshnikova et al. 1969) Zhang et al. 1998 (synonym), Nonomuria rubra (synonym), VKM Ac-615 (type material). |
taxid:46181 |
Nonomuraea salmonea (species), ATCC 33580 (type material), Actinomadura salmonea (synonym), Actinomadura salmonea Preobrazhenskaya et al. 1975 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), Actinomadura salmonea Preobrazhenskaya et al. 1977 (sic) (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), CIP 107009 (type material), DSM 43678 (type material), IFO 14687 (type material), IMET 9582 (type material), INA 2488 (type material), JCM 3324 (type material), KCTC 9285 (type material), Microtetraspora salmonea (synonym), Microtetraspora salmonea (Preobrazhenskaya et al. 1975) Kroppenstedt et al. 1991 (synonym), NBRC 14687 (type material), Nonomuraea salmonea (Preobrazhenskaya et al. 1975) Zhang et al. 1998 (synonym), Nonomuria salmonea (synonym), PCM 2201 (type material), VKM Ac-913 (type material). |
taxid:46182 |
Nonomuraea spiralis (species), ATCC 35114 (type material), Actinomadura spiralis (synonym), Actinomadura spiralis Meyer 1981 (synonym), BCRC 13309 (type material), CCM 3426 (type material), CCRC 13309 (type material), CIP 106923 (type material), DSM 43555 (type material), IFO 14097 (type material), IMET 9621 (type material), JCM 3286 (type material), KCTC 9286 (type material), Microtetraspora spiralis (synonym), Microtetraspora spiralis (Meyer 1981) Kroppenstedt et al. 1991 (synonym), NBRC 14097 (type material), NCIMB 11633 (type material), NRRL B-16098 (type material), Nonomuraea spiralis (Meyer 1981) Zhang et al. 1998 (synonym), Nonomuria spiralis (synonym), VKM Ac-853 (type material). |
taxid:58116 |
Glycomyces tenuis (species), ATCC 49849 (type material), DSM 44171 (type material), Glycomyces tenuis Evtushenko et al. 1991 (authority), IFO 15904 (type material), INA n-5888 (type material), JCM 9087 (type material), NBRC 15904 (type material), NRRL B-16895 (type material), VKM Ac-1250 (type material). |
taxid:67310 |
Streptomyces kishiwadensis (species), "Streptomyces kishiwadensis" Shinobu and Kayamura 1964 (synonym), "Verticillomyces kishiwadenis" (Shinobu and Kayamura 1964) Shinobu 1965 (synonym), ATCC 25464 (type material), CBS 697.69 (type material), DSM 40397 (type material), IFO 13052 (type material), JCM 4486 (type material), NBRC 13052 (type material), NRRL B-12326 (type material), NRRL-ISP 5397 (type material), RIA 1244 (type material), Streptomyces kishiwadensis (Shinobu and Kayamura 1964) Witt and Stackebrandt 1991 (synonym), Streptoverticillium kishiwadense (synonym), Streptoverticillium kishiwadense (Shinobu and Kayamura 1964) Locci et al. 1969 (AL 1980) (synonym), VKM Ac-931 (type material), Verticillomyces kishiwadenis (synonym). |
taxid:67315 |
Streptomyces lavenduligriseus (species), ATCC 13306 (type material), ATCC 29661 (type material), CBS 706.72 (type material), DSM 40487 (type material), IFO 13405 (type material), JCM 4545 (type material), JCM 4779 (type material), NBRC 13405 (type material), NRRL B-3173 (type material), NRRL-ISP 5487 (type material), RIA 1366 (type material), Streptomyces lavenduligriseus (Locci et al. 1969) Witt and Stackebrandt 1991 (synonym), Streptoverticillium lavenduligriseum (synonym), Streptoverticillium lavenduligriseum Locci et al. 1969 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), VKM Ac-1159 (type material). |
taxid:66899 |
Streptomyces hachijoensis (species), "Streptomyces hachijoensis" Hosoya et al. 1952 (synonym), ATCC 19769 (type material), BCRC 12419 (type material), CBS 507.68 (type material), CCRC 12419 (type material), CECT 3260 (type material), DSM 2011 (type material), DSM 40114 (type material), IFO 12782 (type material), JCM 4331 (type material), JCM 4583 (type material), NBRC 12782 (type material), NRRL B-3106 (type material), NRRL-ISP 5114 (type material), RIA 1049 (type material), Streptomyces hachijoensis (Hosoya et al. 1952) Witt and Stackebrandt 1991 (synonym), Streptoverticillium hachijoense (synonym), Streptoverticillium hachijoense (Hosoya et al. 1952) Locci et al. 1969 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), UNIQEM 155 (type material), VKM Ac-191 (type material). |
taxid:66423 |
Streptomyces eurocidicus (species), "Streptomyces eurocidicus" Okami et al. 1954 (synonym), "Verticillomyces eurocidicus" (Okami et al. 1954) Shinobu 1965 (synonym), AS 4.1086 (type material), ATCC 27428 (type material), BCRC 12424 (type material), CBS 792.72 (type material), CCRC 12424 (type material), CECT 3259 (type material), DSM 40604 (type material), IFO 13491 (type material), IMET 43412 (type material), JCM 4029 (type material), JCM 4749 (type material), NBRC 13491 (type material), NRRL B-1676 (type material), NRRL-ISP 5604 (type material), RIA 1452 (type material), RIA 733 (type material), Streptomyces eurocidicus (Okami et al. 1954) Witt and Stackebrandt 1991 (synonym), Streptomyces eurocidinicus (equivalent name), Streptoverticillium eurocidicum (synonym), Streptoverticillium eurocidicum (Okami et al. 1954) Locci et al. 1969 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), Streptoverticillium eurocidinicum (equivalent name), Streptoverticillum eurocidicus (misspelling), VKM Ac-903 (type material), Verticillomyces eurocidicus (synonym). |
taxid:66424 |
Streptomyces hiroshimensis (species), "Streptomyces hiroshimensis" Shinobu 1955 (synonym), "Verticillomyces hiroshimensis" (Shinobu 1955) Shinobu 1965 (synonym), ATCC 19772 (type material), BCRC 13375 (type material), CBS 510.68 (type material), CCRC 13375 (type material), CECT 3261 (type material), DSM 40037 (type material), HUT 6033 (type material), IFO 12785 (type material), IFO 3839 (type material), IMET 43546 (type material), JCM 4098 (type material), JCM 4586 (type material), KCTC 9781 (type material), NBRC 12785 (type material), NBRC 3839 (type material), NCIMB 9838 (type material), NRRL B-1823 (type material), NRRL B-5484 (type material), NRRL-ISP 5037 (type material), RIA 1052 (type material), RIA 592 (type material), Streptomyces hiroshimensis (Shinobu 1955) Witt and Stackebrandt 1991 (synonym), Streptoverticillium hiroshimense (synonym), Streptoverticillium hiroshimense (Shinobu 1955) Farina and Locci 1966 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), UNIQEM 158 (type material), VKM Ac-902 (type material), Verticillomyces hiroshimensis (synonym). |
taxid:67273 |
Streptomyces ardus (species), "Streptomyces ardus" de Boer et al. 1961 (synonym), AS 4.167 (type material), ATCC 27417 (type material), BCRC 12319 (type material), CBS 731.72 (type material), CCRC 12319 (type material), CECT 3254 (type material), DSM 40527 (type material), IFO 13430 (type material), JCM 4543 (type material), JCM 4722 (type material), NBRC 13430 (type material), NRRL 2817 (type material), NRRL-ISP 5527 (type material), RIA 1391 (type material), Streptomyces ardus (de Boer et al. 1961) Witt and Stackebrandt 1991 (synonym), Streptoverticillium ardum (synonym), Streptoverticillium ardum (de Boer et al. 1961) Locci et al. 1969 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), VKM Ac-930 (type material). |
taxid:66425 |
Streptomyces luteoverticillatus (species), "Streptomyces luteoverticillatus" Shinobu 1956 (synonym), "Verticillomyces luteoverticillatus" (Shinobu 1956) Shinobu 1965 (synonym), ATCC 23933 (type material), BCRC 13323 (type material), CBS 917.68 (type material), CCRC 13323 (type material), DSM 40038 (type material), IFO 12887 (type material), IFO 3840 (type material), JCM 4099 (type material), JCM 4649 (type material), NBRC 12887 (type material), NBRC 3840 (type material), NCIMB 9720 (type material), NRRL B-1995 (type material), NRRL-ISP 5038 (type material), RIA 1109 (type material), Streptomyces luteiverticillatus (equivalent name), Streptomyces luteoverticillatus (Shinobu 1956) Witt and Stackebrandt 1991 (synonym), Streptoverticillium luteiverticillatum (equivalent name), Streptoverticillium luteoverticillatum (synonym), Streptoverticillium luteoverticillatum (Shinobu 1956) Locci et al. 1969 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), Streptoverticillium luteoverticillatus (synonym), VKM Ac-889 (type material), Verticillomyces luteoverticillatus (synonym). |
taxid:66427 |
Streptomyces olivoverticillatus (species), "Streptomyces olivoverticillatus" Shinobu 1956 (synonym), "Verticillomyces olivoverticillatus" (Shinobu 1956) Shinobu 1965 (synonym), ATCC 25480 (type material), BCRC 13610 (type material), CBS 890.69 (type material), CCRC 13610 (type material), CECT 3266 (type material), DSM 40250 (type material), IFO 13068 (type material), IFO 15273 (type material), IFO 3842 (type material), IFO 3929 (type material), JCM 4100 (type material), JCM 4501 (type material), NBRC 13068 (type material), NBRC 15273 (type material), NBRC 3842 (type material), NBRC 3929 (type material), NRRL B-1994 (type material), NRRL-ISP 5250 (type material), RIA 1260 (type material), RIA 551 (type material), Streptomyces oliviverticillatus (synonym), Streptomyces olivoverticillatus (Shinobu 1956) Witt and Stackebrandt 1991 (synonym), Streptoverticillium oliviverticillatum (synonym), Streptoverticillium olivoverticillatum (synonym), Streptoverticillium olivoverticillatum (Shinobu 1956) Baldacci et al. 1966 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), VKM Ac-890 (type material), Verticillomyces olivoverticillatus (synonym). |
taxid:67277 |
Streptomyces aureoversilis (species), AS 4.1641 (type material), ATCC 15853 (type material), ATCC 25433 (type material), BCRC 12451 (type material), CBS 664.69 (type material), CCRC 12451 (type material), DSM 40387 (type material), IFO 13021 (type material), JCM 4457 (type material), NBRC 13021 (type material), NRRL B-3325 (type material), NRRL-ISP 5387 (type material), RIA 1213 (type material), RIA 681 (type material), Streptomyces aureiversilis (equivalent name), Streptomyces aureoversales (synonym), Streptomyces aureoversilis corrig. (Locci et al. 1969) Witt and Stackebrandt 1991 (synonym), Streptoverticillium aureiversile (equivalent name), Streptoverticillium aureoversales (synonym), Streptoverticillium aureoversile (synonym), Streptoverticillium aureoversile corrig. Locci et al. 1969 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), VKM Ac-884 (type material). |
taxid:66431 |
Streptomyces thioluteus (species), "Streptomyces thioluteus" Okami 1952 (synonym), "Verticillomyces thioluteus" (Okami 1952) Shinobu 1965 (synonym), ATCC 12310 (type material), BCRC 12428 (type material), CBS 642.72 (type material), CCRC 12428 (type material), DSM 40027 (type material), DSM 41486 (type material), HUT 6071 (type material), IFO 13341 (type material), IFO 3364 (type material), JCM 4087 (type material), JCM 4844 (type material), NBRC 13341 (type material), NBRC 3364 (type material), NRRL B-1667 (type material), NRRL-ISP 5027 (type material), RIA 1302 (type material), Streptomyces thioluteus (Okami 1952) Witt and Stackebrandt 1991 (synonym), Streptoverticillium thioluteum (synonym), Streptoverticillium thioluteum (Okami 1952) Baldacci et al. 1966 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), VKM Ac-1914 (type material), Verticillomyces thioluteus (synonym). |
taxid:68180 |
Streptomyces blastmyceticus (species), "Streptomyces blastmyceticus" Watanabe et al. 1957 (synonym), AS 4.1647 (type material), ATCC 19731 (type material), BCRC 13387 (type material), CBS 470.68 (type material), CCRC 13387 (type material), CECT 3257 (type material), DSM 40029 (type material), IFO 12747 (type material), JCM 4184 (type material), JCM 4565 (type material), NBRC 12747 (type material), NCIMB 9800 (type material), NRRL B-5480 (type material), NRRL-ISP 5029 (type material), RIA 1012 (type material), Streptomyces blastmyceticus (Watanabe et al. 1957) Witt and Stackebrandt 1991 (synonym), Streptomyces blastomycinicus (synonym), Streptoverticillium blastmyceticum (synonym), Streptoverticillium blastmyceticum (Watanabe et al. 1957) Locci et al. 1969 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), Streptoverticillium blastomycinicum (synonym). |
taxid:69964 |
Azotobacter salinestris (species), ATCC 49674 (type material), Azotobacter salinestris Page and Shivprasad 1991 (authority), DSM 11553 (type material), JCM 21483 (type material), NBRC 102611 (type material), bacterium ASAZT-135 (includes), strain 184 (type material). |
taxid:68215 |
Streptomyces griseoverticillatus (species), "Streptomyces griseoverticillatus" Shinobu and Shimada 1962 (authority), "Verticillomyces griseoverticillatus" (Shinobu and Shimada 1962) Shinobu 1965 (authority), ATCC 27436 (type material), BCRC 12430 (type material), CBS 721.72 (type material), CCRC 12430 (type material), DSM 40507 (type material), IFO 13420 (type material), JCM 4202 (type material), JCM 4767 (type material), NBRC 13420 (type material), NRRL B-12432 (type material), NRRL-ISP 5507 (type material), PCM 2351 (type material), RIA 1381 (type material), Streptomyces griseiverticillatus (equivalent name), Streptomyces griseoverticillatus (Shinobu and Shimada 1962) Witt and Stackebrandt 1991 (authority), Streptoverticillium griseiverticillatum (equivalent name), Streptoverticillium griseoverticillatum (synonym), Streptoverticillium griseoverticillatum (Shinobu and Shimada 1962) Locci et al. 1969 (Approved Lists 1980) (authority), VKM Ac-883 (type material), Verticillomyces griseoverticillatus (synonym). |
taxid:68222 |
Streptomyces kashimirensis (species), "Streptomyces kashmirensis" Gupta and Chopra 1963 (synonym), ATCC 27439 (type material), CBS 665.72 (type material), DSM 40336 (type material), IFO 13906 (type material), JCM 4776 (type material), NBRC 13906 (type material), NRRL B-3103 (type material), NRRL-ISP 5336 (type material), RIA 1325 (type material), Streptomyces kashimirensis (sic) (Gupta and Chopra 1963) Witt and Stackebrandt 1991 (synonym), Streptomyces kashmirensis (synonym), Streptoverticillium kashmirense (synonym), Streptoverticillium kashmirense (Gupta and Chopra 1963) Locci et al. 1969 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), VKM Ac-885 (type material). |
taxid:68228 |
Streptomyces lilacinus (species), "Streptomyces lilacinus" Nakazawa et al. 1956 (synonym), "Verticillomyces lilacinus" (Nakazawa et al. 1956) Shinobu 1965 (synonym), ATCC 23930 (type material), BCRC 12421 (type material), CBS 914.68 (type material), CCRC 12421 (type material), CECT 3264 (type material), DSM 40254 (type material), IFO 12884 (type material), IFO 3944 (type material), JCM 4188 (type material), JCM 4648 (type material), NBRC 12884 (type material), NBRC 3944 (type material), NRRL B-1968 (type material), NRRL-ISP 5254 (type material), RIA 1180 (type material), Streptomyces lilacinus (Nakazawa et al. 1956) Witt and Stackebrandt 1991 (synonym), Streptoverticillium lilacinum (synonym), Streptoverticillium lilacinum (Nakazawa et al. 1956) Locci et al. 1969 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), Verticillomyces lilacinus (synonym). |
taxid:68280 |
Streptomyces violaceusniger (species), "Actinomyces violaceus-niger" (sic) Waksman and Curtis 1916 (authority), "Streptomyces violaceo-niger" (Waksman and Curtis 1916) Waksman and Henrici 1948 (authority), AS 4.1423 (type material), ATCC 27477 (type material), Actinomyces violaceus-niger (synonym), CBS 760.72 (type material), DSM 40563 (type material), IFO 13459 (type material), JCM 4850 (type material), LMG 19336 (type material), NBRC 13459 (type material), NRRL B-1476 (type material), NRRL-ISP 5563 (type material), RIA 1420 (type material), Streptomyces sp. DSM 4137 (includes), Streptomyces violaceiniger (equivalent name), Streptomyces violaceoniger (synonym), Streptomyces violaceoniger (sic) (Waksman and Curtis 1916) Pridham et al. 1958 (authority), Streptomyces violaceus-niger (synonym), Streptomyces violaceusniger (Waksman and Curtis 1916) Pridham et al. 1958 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Labeda and Lyons 1991 (authority), VKM Ac-583 (type material). |
taxid:68195 |
Streptomyces ehimensis (species), "Streptomyces ehimensis" Shibata et al. 1954 (synonym), "Verticillomyces ehimensis" (Shibata et al. 1954) Shinobu 1965 (synonym), AS 4.1668 (type material), ATCC 23903 (type material), BCRC 13319 (type material), CBS 799.68 (type material), CCRC 13319 (type material), DSM 40253 (type material), HAMBI 1042 (type material), IFO 12858 (type material), IFO 3398 (type material), JCM 4162 (type material), JCM 4635 (type material), KCTC 9727 (type material), NBRC 12858 (type material), NBRC 3398 (type material), NRRL B-1967 (type material), NRRL-ISP 5253 (type material), RIA 1179 (type material), Streptomyces ehimensis corrig. (Shibata et al. 1954) Witt and Stackebrandt 1991 (synonym), Streptomyces ekimensis (synonym), Streptoverticillium ehimense (synonym), Streptoverticillium ehimense (Shibata et al. 1954) Locci et al. 1969 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), VKM Ac-945 (type material), Verticillomyces ehimensis (synonym). |
taxid:68246 |
Streptomyces olivoreticuli (species), "Streptomyces olivoreticuli" Arai et al. 1957 (synonym), ATCC 23943 (type material), BCRC 13765 (type material), CBS 927.68 (type material), CCRC 13765 (type material), DSM 40105 (type material), IFM 1018 (type material), IFO 12896 (type material), IMET 43690 (type material), JCM 4176 (type material), JCM 4657 (type material), NBRC 12896 (type material), NRRL B-2091 (type material), NRRL-ISP 5105 (type material), RIA 1122 (type material), Streptomyces olivireticuli (equivalent name), Streptomyces olivoreticuli (Arai et al. 1957) Witt and Stackebrandt 1991 (synonym), Streptoverticillium olivireticuli (equivalent name), Streptoverticillium olivoreticuli (synonym), Streptoverticillium olivoreticuli (Arai et al. 1957) Baldacci et al. 1966 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), Streptoverticillium olivoreticulum (synonym), VKM Ac-839 (type material). |
taxid:68565 |
Actinomadura hibisca (species), ATCC 53557 (type material), Actinomadura hibisca Tomita et al. 1991 (synonym), DSM 44148 (type material), IFO 15177 (type material), JCM 9627 (type material), NBRC 15177 (type material), NCIMB 13253 (type material), strain P157-2 (type material). |
taxid:68252 |
Streptomyces parvisporogenes (species), "Streptomyces parvisporogenes" ignotus 1960 (synonym), ATCC 12568 (type material), CBS 695.72 (type material), DSM 40473 (type material), IFO 13907 (type material), JCM 4694 (type material), JCM 4812 (type material), NBRC 13907 (type material), NRRL B-12386 (type material), NRRL B-5464 (type material), NRRL-ISP 5473 (type material), RIA 1355 (type material), Streptomyces parvisporogenes (Locci et al. 1969) Witt and Stackebrandt 1991 (synonym), Streptomyces parvisporogenes ignotus (synonym), Streptoverticillium parvisporogenes (synonym), Streptoverticillium parvisporogenes corrig. Locci et al. 1969 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), Streptoverticillium parvisporogenum (synonym), Streptoverticillium parvisporogenum (sic) Locci et al. 1969 (synonym), VKM Ac-878 (type material). |
taxid:78345 |
Bifidobacterium merycicum (species), AS 1.2273 (type material), ATCC 49391 (type material), Bifidobacterium merycicum Biavati and Mattarelli 1991 (synonym), CCUG 34976 (type material), DSM 6492 (type material), JCM 8219 (type material), LMG 11341 (type material), strain Ru915B (type material). |
taxid:78346 |
Bifidobacterium ruminantium (species), AS 1.2241 (type material), ATCC 49390 (type material), Bifidobacterium ruminantium Biavati and Mattarelli 1991 (synonym), Bifidobacterium ruminatorum (equivalent name), CCUG 34975 (type material), DSM 6489 (type material), JCM 8222 (type material), LMG 12588 (type material), strain Ru687 (type material). |
taxid:76729 |
Streptomyces syringium (species), "Streptoverticillium syringium" Konev, Barashkova and Shenin 1974 (synonym), DSM 41480 (type material), DSM 41502 (type material), IFO 15900 (type material), JCM 9948 (type material), LIA 0725 (type material), LMG 20320 (type material), NBRC 15900 (type material), Streptomyces syringium (Konev 1986) Witt and Stackebrandt 1991 (synonym), Streptoverticillium syringium (synonym), Streptoverticillium syringium (ex Konev et al. 1974) Konev 1986 (synonym), VKM Ac-1230 (type material). |
taxid:83767 |
Propionivibrio dicarboxylicus (species), DSM 5885 (type material), JCM 12339 (type material), JCM 7784 (type material), Propionivibrio dicarboxylicus Tanaka et al. 1991 (synonym), strain CreMal1 (type material). |
taxid:83765 |
Formivibrio citricus (species), ATCC 49791 (type material), DSM 6150 (type material), Formivibrio citricus Tanaka et al. 1991 (synonym), strain CreCit1 (type material). |
taxid:74703 |
Staphylococcus capitis subsp. urealyticus (subspecies), ATCC 49326 (type material), CCUG 35142 (type material), CIP 104192 (type material), DSM 6717 (type material), Staphylococcus capitis subsp. urealyticus corrig. Bannerman and Kloos 1991 (authority), Staphylococcus capitis subsp. ureilyticus (equivalent name), Staphylococcus capitis subsp. ureolyticus (synonym), strain MAW 8436 (type material). |
taxid:80866 |
Delftia acidovorans (species), "Pseudomonas desmolytica" Gray and Thornton 1928 (authority), "Pseudomonas indoloxidans" Gray 1928 (authority), ACM 489 (type material), ATCC 15668 (type material), CCUG 12692 (type material), CCUG 14481 (type material), CFBP 2444 (type material), CIP 103021 (type material), Comamonas acidivorans (synonym), Comamonas acidovorans (synonym), Comamonas acidovorans (den Dooren de Jong 1926) Tamaoka et al. 1987 emend. Willems et al. 1991 (authority), Comamonas sp. MC1 (includes), DSM 39 (type material), Delftia acidovorans (den Dooren de Jong 1926) Wen et al. 1999 (authority), IAM 12409 (type material), IFO 14950 (type material), JCM 5833 (type material), JCM 6203 (type material), LMG 1226 (type material), LMG 6031 (type material), NBRC 14950 (type material), NCCB 26037 (type material), NCIB 9681 (type material), NCIMB 9681 (type material), NCTC 10683 (type material), Pseudomonas acidovorans (synonym), Pseudomonas acidovorans den Dooren de Jong 1926 (Approved Lists 1980) (authority), Pseudomonas desmolytica (synonym), Pseudomonas indoloxidans (synonym), strain KS 0057 (type material), strain Stanier 14 (type material), strain den Dooren de Jong 7 (type material). |
taxid:76860 |
Streptococcus constellatus (species), "Diplococcus constellatus" Prevot 1924 (authority), "Peptococcus constellatus" (Prevot 1924) Douglas1957 (authority), ATCC 27823 (type material), CCUG 24889 (type material), CIP 103247 (type material), DSM 20575 (type material), Diplococcus constellatus (synonym), JCM 12994 (type material), LMG 14507 (type material), NCDO 2226 (type material), NCIMB 702226 (type material), NCTC 11325 (type material), Peptococcus constellatus (synonym), Streptococcus constellatus (Prevot 1924) Holdeman and Moore 1974 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Whiley and Beighton 1991 (authority), Streptococcus constellatus (Prevot 1924) Holdeman and Moore 1974 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Whiley et al. 1999 (authority). |
taxid:80869 |
Acidovorax citrulli (species), ATCC 29625 (type material), Acidivorax citrulli (equivalent name), Acidovorax avenae subsp. citrulli (synonym), Acidovorax avenae subsp. citrulli (Schaad et al. 1978) Willems et al. 1992 (authority), Acidovorax citrulli (Schaad et al. 1978) Schaad et al. 2009 (authority), CCUG 17393 (type material), CFBP 4459 (type material), CIP 106436 (type material), IBSBF 1851 (type material), ICMP 7500 (type material), ICPB 30064 (type material), LMG 5376 (type material), NCPPB 3679 (type material), Pseudomonas avenae subsp. citrulli (synonym), Pseudomonas avenae subsp. citrulli (Schaad et al. 1978) Hu et al. 1991 (authority), Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes citrulli (synonym), Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes subsp. citrulli (synonym), Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes subsp. citrulli Schaad et al. 1978 (Approved Lists 1980) (authority), Pseudomonas sp. NRRL B-12227 (includes), Pseudomonas sp. NRRLB12227 (misspelling), strain FC-247 (type material). |
taxid:86668 |
Bacillus niacini (species), Bacillus niacini Nagel and Andreesen 1991 (authority), CIP 104585 (type material), DSM 2923 (type material), IFO 15566 (type material), JCM 12306 (type material), LMG 16677 (type material), NBRC 15566 (type material). |
taxid:80952 |
Pomacentrus auriventris (species), Pomacentrus auriventris Allen, 1991 (synonym), Pomacentrus auriventrus (misspelling), Pomacentrus aurventris (misspelling), goldbelly damsel (genbank common name). |
taxid:94138 |
Staphylococcus cohnii subsp. urealyticus (subspecies), ATCC 49330 (type material), CCUG 35143 (type material), CIP 104024 (type material), DSM 6718 (type material), Staphylococcus cohnii subsp. urealyticum (synonym), Staphylococcus cohnii subsp. urealyticus corrig. Kloos and Wolfshohl 1991 (synonym), Staphylococcus cohnii subsp. ureolyticus (misspelling), Staphylococcus cohnii urealyticum (equivalent name), strain CK27 (type material). |
taxid:90367 |
Neisseria elongata subsp. nitroreducens (subspecies), ATCC 49377 (type material), CCUG 30802 (type material), CDC group M-6 (synonym), CIP 103511 (type material), NCTC 12736 (type material), Neisseria elongata subsp. nitroreducens Grant et al. 1991 (synonym), strain B1019 (type material). |
taxid:94288 |
Sterkiella (genus), Sterkiella Foissner, Blatterer, Berger & Kohmann, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:94289 |
Sterkiella histriomuscorum (species), Sterkiella histriomuscorum (Foissner, Blatterer, Berger and Kohmann, 1991) (authority). |
taxid:94886 |
Pantherophis vulpinus (species), Eastern fox snake (genbank common name), Elaphe vulpina (synonym), Elaphe vulpina Conant & Collins 1991 (synonym), Pantherophis vulpinus (Baird & Girard, 1853) (authority). |
taxid:97398 |
Streptomyces abikoensis (species), "Streptomyces abokobensis" Umezawa et al. 1951 (authority), "Verticillomyces abikobensis" (Umezawa et al. 1951) Shinobu 1965 (authority), AS 4.1162 (type material), ATCC 12766 (type material), BCRC 12461 (type material), CBS 487.62 (type material), CCRC 12461 (type material), DSM 40831 (type material), IFO 13860 (type material), JCM 4002 (type material), KCTC 9662 (type material), KCTC 9741 (type material), NBRC 13860 (type material), NRRL B-1518 (type material), NRRL B-2113 (type material), PCM 2364 (type material), RIA 497 (type material), Streptomyces abikoensis (Umezawa et al. 1951) Witt and Stackebrandt 1991 (authority), Streptomyces abokobensis (synonym), Streptoverticillium abikoense (synonym), Streptoverticillium abikoense (Umezawa et al. 1951) Locci et al. 1969 (Approved Lists 1980) (authority), Verticillomyces abikobensis (synonym). |
taxid:97400 |
Streptomyces salmonis (species), "Streptomyces salmonicida" (sic) Rucker 1949 (synonym), "Streptoverticillium salmonicida" (sic) (Rucker 1949) Baldacci et al. 1966 (synonym), "Verticillomyces salmonicida" (sic) (Rucker 1949) Shinobu 1965 (synonym), CCRC 12456 (type material), DSM 40895 (type material), HUT 6085 (type material), IFO 15865 (type material), JCM 4083 (type material), NBRC 15865 (type material), NRRL B-1472 (type material), Streptomyces salmonis (Baldacci et al. 1966) Witt and Stackebrandt 1991 (synonym), Streptoverticillium salmonicida (synonym), Streptoverticillium salmonis (synonym), VKM Ac-944 (type material), Verticillomyces salmonicida (synonym), strain BCRC (type material), treptoverticillium salmonis (Baldacci et al. 1966) Locci et al. 1969 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym). |
taxid:97401 |
Streptomyces sapporonensis (species), "Streptomyces sapporonensis" Sakai and Miyoshi 1972 (synonym), "Streptoverticillium sapporonensis" (Sakai and Miyoshi 1972) Arai 1976 (synonym), ATCC 21532 (type material), DSM 41675 (type material), IFO 13823 (type material), JCM 4934 (type material), NBRC 13823 (type material), Streptomyces sapporoensis (equivalent name), Streptomyces sapporonensis (Locci and Schofield 1989) Witt and Stackebrandt 1991 (synonym), Streptoverticillium sapporonense (synonym), Streptoverticillium sapporonense (ex Sakai and Miyoshi 1972) Locci and Schofield 1989 (synonym), Streptoverticillium sapporonensis (synonym). |
taxid:103836 |
Thermopolyspora flexuosa (species), "Acetomadura flexuosa" Krasil'nikov and Agre 1964 (synonym), "Nocardia flexuosa" (Krasil'nikov and Agre 1964) Becker et al. 1965 (synonym), "Thermopolyspora flexuosa"(Krasil'nikov and Agre 1964) Cross and Goodfellow 1973 (synonym), ATCC 35864 (type material), Acetomadura flexuosa (synonym), Actinomadura flexuosa (synonym), Actinomadura flexuosa (ex Krasil'nikov and Agre 1964) Meyer 1989 (synonym), BCRC 12531 (type material), CIP 107358 (type material), DSM 43186 (type material), IMET 9552 (type material), JCM 3056 (type material), KCC A-0056 (type material), KCTC 9270 (type material), Krassilnikovia flexuosa (equivalent name), Microtetraspora flexuosa (synonym), Microtetraspora flexuosa (Meyer 1989) Kroppenstedt et al. 1991 (synonym), NBRC 14349 (type material), NRRL B-24348 (type material), Nocardia flexuosa (synonym), Nonomuraea flexuosa (synonym), Nonomuraea flexuosa (Meyer 1989) Zhang et al. 1998 (synonym), Nonomuria flexuosa (synonym), Thermopolyspora flexuosa (Meyer 1989) Goodfellow et al. 2005 (synonym), strain K1132 (type material). |
taxid:103837 |
Nonomuraea roseoviolacea (species), AS 4.1072 (type material), ATCC 27297 (type material), Actinomadura roseoviolacea (synonym), Actinomadura roseoviolacea Nonomura and Ohara 1971 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), BCRC 13406 (type material), CBS 260.72 (type material), CCM 3491 (type material), CCRC 13406 (type material), CIP 106924 (type material), DSM 43144 (type material), IFO 14098 (type material), IMET 9751 (type material), JCM 3145 (type material), KCTC 9283 (type material), Microtetraspora roseoviolacea (synonym), Microtetraspora roseoviolacea (Nonomura and Ohara 1971) Kroppenstedt et al. 1991 (synonym), NBRC 14098 (type material), NCIMB 11117 (type material), NRRL B-16127 (type material), Nonomuraea roseoviolacea (Nonomura and Ohara 1971) Zhang et al. 1998 (synonym), Nonomuria roseoviolacea (synonym), VKM Ac-909 (type material). |
taxid:103838 |
Nonomuraea turkmeniaca (species), ATCC 49501 (type material), Actinomadura turkmeniaca (synonym), Actinomadura turkmeniaca Terekhova et al. 1987 (synonym), CIP 107010 (type material), DSM 43926 (type material), IFO 14348 (type material), IMET 9747 (type material), INA 3344 (type material), JCM 6836 (type material), KCTC 9287 (type material), Microtetraspora turkmeniaca (synonym), Microtetraspora turkmeniaca (Terekhova et al. 1987) Kroppenstedt et al. 1991 (synonym), NBRC 14348 (type material), NRRL B-16246 (type material), Nonomuraea turkmeniaca (Terekhova et al. 1987) Zhang et al. 1998 (synonym), Nonomuria turkmeniaca (synonym), VKM Ac-852 (type material). |
taxid:115335 |
Actinomadura rubrobrunea (species), "Excellospora rubrobrunea" (Krasil'nikov et al. 1968) Agre and Guzeva 1975 (authority), "Micropolyspora rubrobrunea" Krasil'nikov et al. (1968) (authority), ATCC 49883 (type material), Actinomadura rubrobrunea (ex Krasil'nikov et al. 1968) Kroppenstedt et al. 1991 (authority), CIP 105486 (type material), DSM 43750 (type material), Excellospora rubrobrunea (synonym), IFO 15275 (type material), IMET 9705 (type material), INMI 2991 (type material), JCM 7345 (type material), KCTC 9493 (type material), Micropolyspora rubrobrunea (synonym), NBRC 15275 (type material), VKM Ac-1470 (type material). |
taxid:125602 |
Desulfococcus biacutus (species), DSM 5651 (type material), Desulfococcus biacutus Platen et al. 1991 (synonym), strain KMRActs (type material). |
taxid:142649 |
Mycoplasma phocicerebrale (species), ATCC 49640 (type material), Mycoplasma phocacerebrale (synonym), Mycoplasma phocicerebrale corrig. Giebel et al. 1991 (authority), NCTC 11721 (type material), strain 1049 (type material). |
taxid:142650 |
Mycoplasma phocirhinis (species), ATCC 49639 (type material), Mycoplasma phocarhinis (synonym), Mycoplasma phocirhinis corrig. Giebel et al. 1991 (authority), NCTC 11722 (type material), strain 852 (type material). |
taxid:156648 |
Streptomyces septatus (species), ATCC 27464 (type material), BCRC 11895 (type material), CBS 772.72 (type material), CCRC 11895 (type material), CECT 3251 (type material), DSM 40577 (type material), IFO 13471 (type material), JCM 4547 (type material), JCM 4829 (type material), NBRC 13471 (type material), NCIMB 12982 (type material), NRRL 2974 (type material), NRRL-ISP 5577 (type material), RIA 1432 (type material), Streptomyces septatus (Locci et al. 1969) Witt and Stackebrandt 1991 (synonym), Streptoverticillium septatum (synonym), Streptoverticillium septatum Locci et al. 1969 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), Streptoverticillium septatum Prokop 1964. (synonym), VKM Ac-888 (type material). |
taxid:171290 |
Mycoplasma oxoniensis (species), ATCC 49694 (type material), Mycoplasma oxonense (equivalent name), Mycoplasma oxoniensis Hill 1991 (authority), NCTC 11712 (type material), strain 128 (type material). |
taxid:143388 |
Fusobacterium necrophorum subsp. necrophorum (subspecies), Fusibacterium necrophorum subsp. necrophorum (equivalent name), Fusobacterium necrophorum biovar A (synonym), Fusobacterium necrophorum subsp. necrophorum (Flugge 1886) Shinjo et al. 1991 (authority). |
taxid:143387 |
Fusobacterium necrophorum subsp. funduliforme (subspecies), "Sphaerophorus funduliformis" Halle 1898 (authority), ATCC 51357 (type material), CCUG 42162 (type material), CIP 104859 (type material), DSM 19678 (type material), Fusibacterium necrophorum subsp. funduliforme (misspelling), Fusobacterium necrophorum biovar B (synonym), Fusobacterium necrophorum subsp. funduliforme (ex Halle 1898) Shinjo et al. 1991 (authority), JCM 3724 (type material), Sphaerophorus funduliformis (synonym), strain Fn524 (type material). |
taxid:179268 |
Plica lumaria (species), Plica lumaria Donnelly & Myers, 1991 (authority), Tropidurus lumarius (synonym). |
taxid:213737 |
Carabus buddaicus gansuicus (subspecies), Carabus buddaicus gansuicus Deuve, 1991 (authority), Rhigocarabus buddaicus gansuicus (synonym). |
taxid:173770 |
Streptomyces alboverticillatus (species), "Streptoverticillium alboverticillatum" (Arai 1976) Loci 1985 (synonym), "Streptoverticillium alboverticillatus" (sic) Arai 1976 (synonym), AS 4.1638 (type material), ATCC 29818 (type material), DSM 41678 (type material), IFO 13861 (type material), JCM 5010 (type material), NBRC 13861 (type material), Streptomyces alboverticillatus (Locci and Schofield 1989) Witt and Stackebrandt 1991 (synonym), Streptoverticillium alboverticillatum (synonym), Streptoverticillium alboverticillatum (ex Arai 1976) Locci and Schofield 1989 (synonym), Streptoverticillium alboverticillatus (synonym). |
taxid:173856 |
Streptomyces luteosporeus (species), ATCC 33049 (type material), DSM 40833 (type material), IFO 14657 (type material), JCM 4542 (type material), NBRC 14657 (type material), NRRL 2401 (type material), Streptomyces luteosporeus Witt and Stackebrandt 1991 (synonym), Streptoverticillium album (synonym), Streptoverticillium album Locci et al. 1969 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), VKM Ac-927 (type material). |
taxid:173860 |
Streptomyces rectiverticillatus (species), "Actinomyces rectiverticillatus" Krasil'nikov and Yuan 1965 (synonym), ATCC 19845 (type material), ATCC 25491 (type material), Actinomyces rectiverticillatus (synonym), BCRC 13306 (type material), CBS 951.69 (type material), CCRC 13306 (type material), CECT 3268 (type material), DSM 40436 (type material), IFO 13079 (type material), JCM 4511 (type material), NBRC 13079 (type material), NRRL B-12369 (type material), NRRL-ISP 5436 (type material), RIA 1271 (type material), Streptomyces rectiverticillatus (Krasil'nikov and Yuan 1965) Witt and Stackebrandt 1991 (synonym), Streptoverticillium rectiverticillatum (synonym), Streptoverticillium rectiverticillatum (Krasil'nikov and Yuan 1965) Locci et al. 1969 (AL 1980) (synonym), VKM Ac-1503 (type material). |
taxid:173862 |
Streptomyces viridiflavus (species), "Streptomyces viridoflavus" Waksman and Taber 1953 (synonym), "Streptoverticillium viridoflavum" (Waksman and Taber 1953) Locci 1985 (synonym), ATCC 12631 (type material), CBS 652.72 (type material), DSM 40237 (type material), IFO 13351 (type material), IFO 15799 (type material), JCM 4221 (type material), JCM 4857 (type material), NBRC 13351 (type material), NBRC 15799 (type material), NRRL B-1548 (type material), NRRL-ISP 5237 (type material), RIA 1312 (type material), Streptomyces viridiflavus corrig. (Locci and Schofield 1989) Witt and Stackebrandt 1991 (synonym), Streptomyces viridoflavus (synonym), Streptoverticillium viridoflavum (synonym), Streptoverticillium viridoflavum (ex Waksman and Taber 1953) Locci and Schofield 1989 (synonym), strain Y. E. Konev (type material). |
taxid:241425 |
Crinalium epipsammum (species), ATCC 49662 (type material), Crinalium epipsammum De Winder et al. 1991 (synonym), SAG 22.89 (type material). |
taxid:164965 |
Chilostoma subaii (species), Cattania subaii (synonym), Chilostoma subaii Fauer, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:129958 |
Carboxydothermus hydrogenoformans (species), ATCC BAA-161 (type material), Carboxydothermus hydrogeniformans (synonym), Carboxydothermus hydrogenoformans Svetlichny et al. 1991 (authority), DSM 6008 (type material), strain Z-2901 (type material). |
taxid:174496 |
Balgoya (genus), Balgoya Morat & Meijden, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:225195 |
Pelobacter massiliensis (species), ATCC 49973 (type material), DSM 6233 (type material), Pelobacter masselenicus (misspelling), Pelobacter masseliensis (misspelling), Pelobacter massiliensis Schnell et al. 1991 (authority), strain HHQ7 (type material). |
taxid:168195 |
Eriocheir hepuensis (species), Eriocheir hepuensis Dai, 1991 (authority), Eriocheir japonica hepuensis (synonym). |
taxid:147065 |
Microbispora rosea subsp. aerata (subspecies), "Waksmania aerata" Gerber and Lechevalier 1964 (synonym), ATCC 15448 (type material), DSM 43176 (type material), IFO 14624 (type material), JCM 3076 (type material), Microbispora aerata (synonym), Microbispora aerata (Gerber and Lechevalier 1964) Cross 1974 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), Microbispora rosea subsp. aerata (Gerber and Lechevalier 1964) Miyadoh et al. 1991 (synonym), Microbispora thermodiastatica (synonym), Microbispora thermorosea (synonym), NBRC 14624 (type material), VKM Ac-1507 (type material). |
taxid:303027 |
Puntius martenstyni (species), Martenstyn's barb (genbank common name), Puntius martenstyni Kottelat & Pethiyagoda, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:314304 |
Osmoderma lassallei (species), Osmoderma lassallei Baraud & Tauzin, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:334858 |
Goodfellowiella coeruleoviolacea (species), Actinomadura coeruleoviolacea (synonym), Actinomadura coeruleoviolacea Preobrazhenskaya and Terekhova 1987 (authority), DSM 43935 (type material), Goodfellowia coeruleoviolacea (synonym), Goodfellowia coeruleoviolacea (Preobrazhenskaya and Terekhova 1987) Labeda and Kroppenstedt 2006 (authority), Goodfellowiella coeruleoviolacea (Preobrazhenskaya and Terekhova 1987) Labeda et al. 2008 (authority), INA 3564 (type material), JCM 9110 (type material), NBRC 14988 (type material), NRRL B-24058 (type material), Saccharothrix coeruleoviolacea (synonym), Saccharothrix coeruleoviolacea (Preobrazhenskaya and Terekhova 1987) Kroppenstedt et al. 1991 (authority), VKM Ac-1083 (type material). |
taxid:367648 |
Huia masonii (species), Huia javana (synonym), Huia javana Yang, 1991 (synonym), Huia masoni (synonym), Huia masonii (Boulenger, 1884) (synonym), Hylorana massoni (misspelling), Hylorana massonii (synonym), Java torrent frog (genbank common name), Javan torrent frog (common name), Rana masonii (synonym). |
taxid:316287 |
Ceratogyrus marshalli (species), Ceratogyrus cornuatus (synonym), Ceratogyrus cornuatus De Wet & Dippenaar-Schoeman, 1991 (authority), Ceratogyrus marshalli Pocock, 1897 (authority). |
taxid:252181 |
Zopfiella ebriosa (species), Rosellinia millegrana (synonym), Rosellinia millegrana (Schwein.) Sacc. (authority), Zopfiella ebriosa Guarro, P.F. Cannon & Aa 1991 (authority). |
taxid:380303 |
Influenza A virus (A/Hawaii/01/1991 MDCK and original isolates(H3N2)) (no rank). |
taxid:268672 |
Polyommatus merhaba (species), Agrodiaetus merhaba (synonym), Polyommatus merhaba (de Prins, van der Poorten, Borie, Oorschot, Riemis & Coenen, 1991) (authority). |
taxid:318736 |
Paraneetroplus argenteus (species), Argenteotheraps argenteus (synonym), Vieja argentea (synonym), Vieja argentea (Allgayer, 1991) (synonym), white cichlid (genbank common name). |
taxid:350022 |
Pristimantis uranobates (species), Caldas robber frog (genbank common name), Eleutherodactylus uranobates (synonym), Eleutherodactylus uranobates Lynch, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:266009 |
Methylovorus glucosotrophus (species), ATCC 49758 (type material), DSM 6874 (type material), Methylovorus glucosetrophus (misspelling), Methylovorus glucosotrophus Govorukhina and Trotsenko 1991 emend. Doronina et al. 2005 (authority), NCIMB 13222 (type material), UCM B-1745 (type material), VKM B-1745 (type material), strain 6B1 (type material). |
taxid:387158 |
Influenza A virus (A/Hawaii/01/1991(H3N2)) (no rank), Influenza A virus (A/Hawaii/1/91(H3N2)) (synonym). |
taxid:342810 |
Nanorana unculuanus (species), Chaparana unculuana (synonym), Chaparana unculuanus (synonym), Chaparana unculuanus (Liu, Hu & Yang, 1960) (authority), Nanorana unculuana (synonym), Nanorana unculuanus (Liu, Hu & Yang, 1960) (authority), Paa unculuana (synonym), Paa unculuana (Fei, Ye & Huang, 1991) (authority), Paa unculuanus (synonym), Rana unculuanus Liu, Hu & Yang, 1960 (authority). |
taxid:473716 |
Poecilimon marmaraensis (species), Poecilimon marmaraensis Naskrecki, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:613172 |
Tasmanogobius lasti (species), Tasmanogobius lasti Hoese, 1991 (genbank anamorph), lagoon goby (genbank common name). |
taxid:616396 |
Polyrhachis paracamponota (species), Polyrhachis paracamponota Wang & Wu, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:503090 |
Pyrenaearia navasi sylvatica (subspecies), Pyrenaearia navasi sylvatica Prieto, 1991 (synonym). |
taxid:575581 |
Lysmata olavoi (species), Lysmata olavoi Fransen, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:623035 |
Pratylenchus bhattii (species), Pratylenchus bhattii Siddiqi, Dabur & Bajaj, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:689729 |
Oestophora ortizi (species), Oestophora ortizi De Winter & Ripken, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:706287 |
Anthocoris yangi (species), Anthocoris yangi (Bu & Zheng, 1991) (authority). |
taxid:706292 |
Tetraphleps parallelus (species), Tetraphleps parallelus Bu & Zheng, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:763043 |
Acanthamoeba sp. BPHu/12/1991/T4 (no rank). |
taxid:658156 |
Euthalia oriens (species), Euthalia oriens Tsukada, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:658157 |
Euthalia oriens alorana (subspecies), Euthalia oriens alorana Hanafusa, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:743457 |
Daphnia similoides (species), Daphnia similoides Hudec, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:743462 |
Acanthopsoides molobrion (species), Acanthopsoides molobrion Siebert, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:857288 |
Arabis mosaic virus small satellite RNA barley/CHE/1991 (species). |
taxid:752177 |
Raricirrus beryli (species), Raricirrus beryli Petersen & George, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:763127 |
Flabellina amabilis (species), Flabellina amabilis Hirano & Kuzirian, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:929451 |
Flabellina bilas (species), Flabellina bilas (Gosliner & Willan, 1991) (authority). |
taxid:927784 |
Anopheles calderoni (species), Anopheles calderoni Wilkerson, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:879484 |
Enneanectes reticulatus (species), Enneanectes reticulatus Allen & Robertson, 1991 (authority), network triplefin (genbank common name). |
taxid:882899 |
Sporisorium caledonicum (species), Sorosporium caledonicum (synonym), Sorosporium caledonicum Pat. 1887 (authority), Sporisorium caledonicum (Pat.) Vanky 1991 (authority). |
taxid:879812 |
Crocodilichthys gracilis (species), Crocodilichthys gracilis Allen & Robertson, 1991 (authority), lizard triplefin (genbank common name). |
taxid:869563 |
Thitarodes renzhiensis (species), Thitarodes renzhiensis Yang, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:907737 |
Passalora bougainvilleae (species), Cercosporidium bougainvilleae (synonym), Cercosporidium bougainvilleae (Munt.-Cvetk.) Sobers & C.P. Seym. 1969 (authority), Passalora bougainvilleae (Munt.-Cvetk.) R.F. Castaeda & U. Braun 1991 (authority). |
taxid:941701 |
Simpsonichthys costai (species), Cynolebias costai (synonym), Simpsonichthys costai (Lazara, 1991) (authority). |
taxid:941721 |
Hypsolebias magnificus (species), Cynolebias magnificus (synonym), Simpsonichthys magnificus (synonym), Simpsonichthys magnificus (Costa & Brasil, 1991) (authority). |
taxid:979707 |
Mortierella histoplasmatoides (species), Mortierella histoplasmatoides W. Gams 1991 (authority). |
taxid:933068 |
Ilyobacter delafieldii (species), ATCC 49679 (type material), DSM 5704 (type material), Ilyobacter delafieldii Janssen and Harfoot 1991 (authority), LMG 16218 (type material), strain 10cr1 (type material). |
taxid:997847 |
Jekelius catalonicus (species), Jekelius catalonicus (Lopez-Colon, 1991) (authority). |
taxid:997977 |
Plectroglyphidodon randalli (species), Mauritian damsel (genbank common name), Plectroglyphidodon randalli Allen, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:997979 |
Pomacentrus arabicus (species), Arabian damsel (genbank common name), Pomacentrus arabicus Allen, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:997980 |
Pomacentrus baenschi (species), Baensch's damsel (genbank common name), Pomacentrus baenschi Allen, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:1004760 |
Biemna saucia (species), Biemna saucia Hooper, Capon & Hodder, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:996787 |
Papilio tydeus hanafusai (subspecies), Papilio tydeus hanafusai Burk, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:998355 |
Shinkai longipedata (species), Shinkai longipedata Miura & Ohta, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:1007715 |
Norovirus Hu/GII.3/CHDC5365/1991/US (no rank). |
taxid:993013 |
Biomphalaria aymara (species), Biomphalaria aymara Valdovinos & Stuardo, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:1006355 |
Moggridgea australis (species), Moggridgea australis Main, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:993598 |
Leptochiton vaubani (species), Leptochiton vaubani Kaas, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:1028200 |
Austrarchaea mainae (species), Austrarchaea mainae Platnick, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:1033262 |
Mycena romagnesiana (species), Mycena romagnesiana Maas Geest. 1991 (authority). |
taxid:1032617 |
Genabea fragilis (species), Genabea fragilis Tul. & C. Tul. 1845 (authority), Genea fragilis (synonym), Genea fragilis (Tul. & C. Tul.) B.C. Zhang 1991 (authority). |
taxid:1043037 |
Influenza A virus (A/Taiwan/1132/1991(H1N1)) (no rank). |
taxid:1032862 |
Lyophyllum gangraenosum (species), Agaricus gangraenosus (synonym), Agaricus gangraenosus Fr. 1838 (authority), Clitocybe gangraenosa (synonym), Lyophyllum gangraenosum (Fr.) Gulden 1991 (authority). |
taxid:1041535 |
Influenza A virus (A/equine/Borlange/1/1991(H3N8)) (no rank). |
taxid:1031545 |
Clathrina aurea (species), Clathrina aurea Sole-Cava, Klautau, Boury-Esnault, Borojevic & Thorpe, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:1031546 |
Clathrina brasiliensis (species), Clathrina brasiliensis Sole-Cava, Klautau, Boury-Esnault, Borojevic & Thorpe, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:1033746 |
Pholiotina dasypus (species), Conocybe utriformis (synonym), Conocybe utriformis P.D. Orton 1960 (authority), Pholiotina utriformis (synonym), Pholiotina utriformis (P.D. Orton) Bon 1991 (authority). |
taxid:1033791 |
Russula quercilicis (species), Russula quercilicis Sarnari 1991 (authority). |
taxid:1041814 |
Pseudoniphargus daviui (species), Pseudoniphargus daviui Jaume, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:1055982 |
Sattleria arcuata (species), Sattleria arcuata Pitkin & Sattler, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:1055984 |
Sattleria breviramus (species), Sattleria breviramus Pitkin & Sattler, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:1056082 |
Sphaerospora epinepheli (species), Sphaerospora epinepheli Supamattaya, Fischer-Scherl, Hoffmann & Boonyaratpalin, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:1047120 |
Norovirus/Hu/GII.4/1991/07/26-Jun-2007/Slovenia (no rank). |
taxid:1045444 |
Typosyllis heronislandensis (species), Syllis heronislandensis (synonym), Typosyllis heronislandensis Hartmann-Schroder, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:1050045 |
Uvarus taitii (species), Uvarus taitii Rocchi, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:1045617 |
Neotheronia charli (species), Neotheronia charli Gauld, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:1053450 |
Hypogymnia macrospora (species), Hypogymnia macrospora (J.D. Zhao) J.C. Wei 1991 (authority), Parmelia macrospora (synonym), Parmelia macrospora J.D. Zhao 1964 (authority). |
taxid:1069851 |
Calisto tasajera (species), Calisto tasajera Gonzalez, Schwartz & Wetherbee, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:1076543 |
Prisodontopsis aviculaeformis (species), Prisodontopsis aviculaeformis Woodward, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:1074205 |
Gloiocladia atlantica (species), Gloiocladia atlantica (Searles) R.E.Norris 1991 (authority), Gloiocladia sp. CLT-163 (synonym), Gloioderma atlantica (synonym), Gloioderma atlanticum (synonym), Gloioderma atlanticum Searles 1972 (authority). |
taxid:1093496 |
Influenza A virus (A/mallard/Alberta/12/1991(H4N6)) (no rank). |
taxid:1093497 |
Influenza A virus (A/mallard/Alberta/18/1991(H4N6)) (no rank). |
taxid:1093523 |
Influenza A virus (A/ruddy turnstone/Delaware Bay/231/1991(H6N8)) (no rank). |
taxid:1093551 |
Influenza A virus (A/mallard/Alberta/107/1991(mixed)) (no rank). |
taxid:1093552 |
Influenza A virus (A/mallard/Alberta/113/1991(mixed)) (no rank). |
taxid:1088152 |
Pseudoclanis biokoensis (species), Pseudoclanis biokoensis Darge, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:1088154 |
Pseudoclanis canui (species), Pseudoclanis canui Darge, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:1095207 |
Parisotoma amurica (species), Parisotoma amurica (Potapov, 1991) (authority). |
taxid:1086876 |
Influenza A virus (A/Canberra/1/1991(H3N2)) (no rank), Influenza A virus (A/Canberra/1/91(H3N2)) (synonym). |
taxid:1086881 |
Influenza A virus (A/England/260/1991(H3N2)) (no rank), Influenza A virus (A/England/260/91(H3N2)) (synonym). |
taxid:1086887 |
Influenza A virus (A/Geneva/5366/1991(H3N2)) (no rank). |
taxid:1086888 |
Influenza A virus (A/Geneva/6447/1991(H3N2)) (no rank), Influenza A virus (A/Geneva/6447/91(H3N2)) (synonym). |
taxid:1086915 |
Influenza A virus (A/Lyon/23672/1991(H3N2)) (no rank). |
taxid:1086902 |
Influenza A virus (A/Lyon/1149/1991(H3N2)) (no rank), Influenza A virus (A/Lyon/1149/91(H3N2)) (synonym). |
taxid:1086903 |
Influenza A virus (A/Lyon/1182/1991(H3N2)) (no rank), Influenza A virus (A/Lyon/1182/91(H3N2)) (synonym). |
taxid:1086904 |
Influenza A virus (A/Lyon/1189/1991(H3N2)) (no rank). |
taxid:1086905 |
Influenza A virus (A/Lyon/1276/1991(H3N2)) (no rank). |
taxid:1086906 |
Influenza A virus (A/Lyon/1337/1991(H3N2)) (no rank). |
taxid:1086917 |
Influenza A virus (A/Lyon/24103/1991(H3N2)) (no rank). |
taxid:1086907 |
Influenza A virus (A/Lyon/1373/1991(H3N2)) (no rank). |
taxid:1086908 |
Influenza A virus (A/Lyon/1594/1991(H3N2)) (no rank). |
taxid:1086918 |
Influenza A virus (A/Lyon/24222/1991(H3N2)) (no rank). |
taxid:1086924 |
Influenza A virus (A/Madrid/G12/1991(H3N2)) (no rank), Influenza A virus (A/Madrid/G12/91(H3N2)) (synonym). |
taxid:1095384 |
Mucor nederlandicus (species), Mucor nederlandica (misnomer), Mucor nederlandicus Vanova 1991 (authority), Mucor nederlandis (misnomer). |
taxid:1088918 |
Xestospongia bergquistia (species), Xestospongia bergquistia Fromont, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:1086976 |
Influenza A virus (A/Netherlands/816/1991(H3N2)) (no rank), Influenza A virus (A/Netherlands/816/91(H3N2)) (synonym). |
taxid:1086979 |
Influenza A virus (A/Netherlands/891/1991(H3N2)) (no rank). |
taxid:1086982 |
Influenza A virus (A/Netherlands/938/1991(H3N2)) (no rank), Influenza A virus (A/Netherlands/938/1992(H3N2)) (synonym), Influenza A virus (A/Netherlands/938/92(H3N2)) (synonym). |
taxid:1086991 |
Influenza A virus (A/Oviedo/31/1991(H3N2)) (no rank), Influenza A virus (A/Oviedo/31/1992(H3N2)) (synonym). |
taxid:1086993 |
Influenza A virus (A/Paris/320/1991(H3N2)) (no rank), Influenza A virus (A/Paris/320/1992(H3N2)) (synonym), Influenza A virus (A/Paris/320/92(H3N2)) (synonym). |
taxid:1086261 |
Cypa latericia (species), Cypa latericia Inoue, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:1086995 |
Influenza A virus (A/Paris/407/1991(H3N2)) (no rank), Influenza A virus (A/Paris/407/1992(H3N2)) (synonym), Influenza A virus (A/Paris/407/92(H3N2)) (synonym). |
taxid:1086996 |
Influenza A virus (A/Paris/417/1991(H3N2)) (no rank), Influenza A virus (A/Paris/417/1992(H3N2)) (synonym), Influenza A virus (A/Paris/417/92(H3N2)) (synonym). |
taxid:1086994 |
Influenza A virus (A/Paris/325/1991(H3N2)) (no rank), Influenza A virus (A/Paris/325/1992(H3N2)) (synonym), Influenza A virus (A/Paris/325/92(H3N2)) (synonym). |
taxid:1086997 |
Influenza A virus (A/Paris/424/1991(H3N2)) (no rank), Influenza A virus (A/Paris/424/1992(H3N2)) (synonym), Influenza A virus (A/Paris/424/92(H3N2)) (synonym). |
taxid:1086998 |
Influenza A virus (A/Paris/457/1991(H3N2)) (no rank), Influenza A virus (A/Paris/457/1992(H3N2)) (synonym), Influenza A virus (A/Paris/457/92(H3N2)) (synonym). |
taxid:1086999 |
Influenza A virus (A/Paris/467/1991(H3N2)) (no rank), Influenza A virus (A/Paris/467/1992(H3N2)) (synonym), Influenza A virus (A/Paris/467/92(H3N2)) (synonym). |
taxid:1087000 |
Influenza A virus (A/Paris/490/1991(H3N2)) (no rank), Influenza A virus (A/Paris/490/1992(H3N2)) (synonym), Influenza A virus (A/Paris/490/92(H3N2)) (synonym). |
taxid:1087001 |
Influenza A virus (A/Paris/512/1991(H3N2)) (no rank), Influenza A virus (A/Paris/512/1992(H3N2)) (synonym), Influenza A virus (A/Paris/512/92(H3N2)) (synonym). |
taxid:1087002 |
Influenza A virus (A/Paris/548/1991(H3N2)) (no rank), Influenza A virus (A/Paris/548/1992(H3N2)) (synonym), Influenza A virus (A/Paris/548/92(H3N2)) (synonym). |
taxid:1087003 |
Influenza A virus (A/Paris/564/1991(H3N2)) (no rank), Influenza A virus (A/Paris/564/1992(H3N2)) (synonym), Influenza A virus (A/Paris/564/92(H3N2)) (synonym). |
taxid:1087005 |
Influenza A virus (A/Paris/597/1991(H3N2)) (no rank), Influenza A virus (A/Paris/597/1992(H3N2)) (synonym), Influenza A virus (A/Paris/597/92(H3N2)) (synonym). |
taxid:1088366 |
Xylophanes schwartzi (species), Xylophanes schwartzi Haxaire, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:1087030 |
Influenza A virus (A/Stockholm/20/1991(H3N2)) (no rank), Influenza A virus (A/Stockholm/20/91(H3N2)) (synonym). |
taxid:1087036 |
Influenza A virus (A/Tilburg/5957/1991(H3N2)) (no rank), Influenza A virus (A/Tilburg/5957/1992(H3N2)) (synonym), Influenza A virus (A/Tilburg/5957/92(H3N2)) (synonym). |
taxid:1086318 |
Eupanacra hollowayi (species), Eupanacra hollowayi Tennent, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:1093398 |
Influenza A virus (A/mallard/Alberta/109/1991(H3N8)) (no rank). |
taxid:1093399 |
Influenza A virus (A/mallard/Alberta/115/1991(H3N8)) (no rank). |
taxid:1093400 |
Influenza A virus (A/pintail/Alberta/118/1991(H3N8)) (no rank). |
taxid:1093390 |
Influenza A virus (A/mallard/Alberta/32/1991(H3N8)) (no rank). |
taxid:1093391 |
Influenza A virus (A/mallard/Alberta/54/1991(H3N8)) (no rank). |
taxid:1093392 |
Influenza A virus (A/mallard/Alberta/60/1991(H3N8)) (no rank). |
taxid:1093393 |
Influenza A virus (A/mallard/Alberta/61/1991(H3N8)) (no rank). |
taxid:1093394 |
Influenza A virus (A/mallard/Alberta/62/1991(H3N8)) (no rank). |
taxid:1093395 |
Influenza A virus (A/mallard/Alberta/64/1991(H3N8)) (no rank). |
taxid:1093396 |
Influenza A virus (A/pintail/Alberta/81/1991(H3N8)) (no rank). |
taxid:1093397 |
Influenza A virus (A/pintail/Alberta/105/1991(H3N8)) (no rank). |
taxid:1091402 |
Ranitomeya sirensis (species), Dendrobates sirensis (synonym), Dendrobates sirensis Aichinger, 1991 (authority), Sira poison frog (genbank common name). |
taxid:1097436 |
Enochrus falcarius (species), Enochrus falcarius Hebauer, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:1101367 |
Leptomonas rigidus (species), Leptomonas rigidus Podlipaev, Malysheva & Kolesnikov 1991 (authority). |
taxid:1109541 |
Sattleria styriaca (species), Sattleria styriaca Pitkin & Sattler, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:1111021 |
Nesebroides mineti (species), Nesebroides mineti Thiaucourt, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:1112942 |
Parastenella (genus), Parastenella J.C. David 1991 (authority). |
taxid:1115717 |
Lamproderma pulveratum (species), Lamproderma pulveratum Mar. Mey. & Poulain 1991 (authority). |
taxid:1113204 |
Eragisa antarorum (species), Eragisa antarorum Thiaucourt, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:1116926 |
Stenoptilia mercantourica (species), Stenoptilia mercantourica Nel & Gibeaux, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:1118206 |
Influenza A virus (A/United Kingdom/261/1991(H3N2)) (no rank). |
taxid:1127809 |
Lecidella siplei (species), Lecidea siplei (synonym), Lecidea siplei C.W. Dodge & G.E. Baker 1938 (authority), Lecidella siplei (C.W. Dodge & G.E. Baker) May. Inoue 1991 (authority). |
taxid:1127320 |
Mycomicrothelia oleosa (species), Mycomicrothelia oleosa Aptroot 1991 (authority). |
taxid:1131933 |
Redudasys fornerise (species), Redudasys fornerise Kisielewski, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:1144047 |
Influenza A virus (A/Shanghai/19/1991(H3N2)) (no rank). |
taxid:1145282 |
Calanus agulhensis (species), Calanus agulhensis De Decker, Kaczmaruk & Marska, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:1149289 |
Carabus tibetanophilus (species), Carabus tibetanophilus Deuve, 1991 (authority), Pseudocranion tibetanophilus (synonym). |
taxid:1149290 |
Carabus tibetanophilus yak (subspecies), Carabus tibetanophilus yak Deuve, 1991 (authority), Pseudocranion tibetanophilus yak (synonym). |
taxid:1149318 |
Carabus roborowskii sanggarparensis (subspecies), Carabus roborowskii sanggarparensis Deuve, 1991 (authority), Rhigocarabus sanggarparensis (synonym), Rhigocarabus sanggarparensis sanggarparensis (synonym). |
taxid:1150227 |
Exallodontus aguanai (species), Exallodontus aguanai Lundberg, Mago-Leccia & Nass, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:1156354 |
Pnoepyga immaculata (species), Pnoepyga immaculata Martens & Eck, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:1163681 |
Influenza A virus (A/Bcm/1/1991(H3N2)) (no rank). |
taxid:1166591 |
Influenza A virus (A/chicken/Pennsylvania/24825/1991(H2N2)) (no rank). |
taxid:1166593 |
Influenza A virus (A/guinea fowl/New Jersey/30701/1991(H2N2)) (no rank). |
taxid:1161176 |
Tethya coccinea (species), Tethya coccinea Bergquist & Kelly-Borges, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:1167872 |
Halictoxenos hondonis (species), Halictoxenos hondonis Kifune, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:1169136 |
Mycosphaerella angustifoliorum (species), Mycosphaerella angustifoliorum A.W. Ramaley 1991 (authority). |
taxid:1182650 |
Ceroplastes kunmingensis (species), Ceroplastes kunmingensis (Tang & Xie, 1991) (authority). |
taxid:1171626 |
Macrobrachium striatum (species), Macrobrachium striatum Pillai, 1991 (authority), Macrobrachium striatus (misspelling). |
taxid:1174653 |
Tarphius serranoi (species), Tarphius serranoi Borges, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:1173381 |
Usconophryidae (family), Usconophryidae Clamp, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:1169763 |
Myxobolus nielii (species), Myxobolus nielii Landsberg & Lom, 1991 (authority), Myxosoma sinensis (synonym), Myxosoma sinensis Nie & Li, 1973 (authority). |
taxid:1173512 |
Formosania chenyiyui (species), Crossostoma chenyiyui (synonym), Crossostoma cheyiyui (misspelling), Formosania chenyiyui (Zheng, 1991) (authority). |
taxid:1171159 |
Influenza A virus (A/England/261/1991(H3N2)) (no rank), Influenza A virus (A/England/261/91(H3N2)) (synonym). |
taxid:1194623 |
Lepidochaetus brasilense (species), Lepidochaetus brasilense Kisielewski, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:1187863 |
Potamanthus idiocerus (species), Potamanthus idiocerus Bae & McCafferty, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:1199065 |
Macrognathotermes errator (species), Macrognathotermes errator Miller, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:1199162 |
Metacrangonyx goulmimensis (species), Metacrangonyx goulmimensis Messouli, Boutin & Coineau, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:1185621 |
Parapanteles gerontogeae (species), Parapanteles gerontogeae Donaldson, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:1194566 |
Aspergillus hiratsukae (species), Aspergillus hiratsukae Udagawa, Tsub. & Y. Horie 1991 (authority). |
taxid:1211726 |
Elmerina caryae (species), Aporpium caryae (synonym), Elmerina caryae (Schwein.) D.A. Reid 1992 (authority), Poria caryae (synonym), Protomerulius caryae (synonym), Protomerulius caryae (Schwein.) Ryvarden 1991 (authority). |
taxid:1218222 |
Trifurcula melanoptera (species), Trifurcula melanoptera van Nieukerken & Puplesis, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:1211631 |
Heliconius cydno wanningeri (subspecies), Heliconius cydno wanningeri Neukirchen, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:1233071 |
Actinomadura vulgaris (species), "Actinomadura vulgaris" Hegde et al. 1991 (authority). |
taxid:1223781 |
Kambaitipsyche hykrion (species), Kambaitipsyche hykrion (Malicky & Chantaramongkol, 1991) (authority). |
taxid:1238131 |
Talorchestia ugolini (species), Talorchestia ugolinii Bellan-Santini & Ruffo, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:1238138 |
Skarbilovinema laumondi (species), Skarbilovinema laumondi Chizhov & Zakharenkova, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:1261706 |
Influenza A virus (A/mallard/Alberta/122/1991(H11N9)) (no rank). |
taxid:1261708 |
Influenza A virus (A/mallard/Alberta/251/1991(H11N9)) (no rank). |
taxid:1262627 |
Lype excisa (species), Lype excisa Mey, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:1261965 |
Influenza A virus (A/ruddy turnstone/Delaware Bay/255/1991(H6N2)) (no rank). |
taxid:1261983 |
Influenza A virus (A/laughing gull/Delaware Bay/261/1991(H6N8)) (no rank). |
taxid:1260302 |
Liophis ceii (species), Liophis ceii Dixon, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:1264952 |
Sabacon pasonianus (species), Sabacon pasonianum (misspelling), Sabacon pasonianus Glez-Luque, 1991 (authority). |
taxid:1276728 |
Pholiotina vexans (species), Conocybe vexans (synonym), Pholiotina vexans (P.D. Orton) Bon 1991 (authority). |