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ur50:ATPA_NOCSJ ATP synthase subunit alpha n=1970 Tax=cellular organisms
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taxid:28258 Cobetia marina (species), "Arthrobacer marinus" Cobet et al. 1970 (authority), ATCC 25374 (type material), Arthrobacter marinus (synonym), CCUG 49558 (type material), CECT 4278 (type material), CIP 104765 (type material), Cobetia marina (Cobet et al. 1970) Arahal et al. 2002 (authority), DSM 4741 (type material), Deleya marina (synonym), Deleya marina (Cobet et al. 1970) Baumann et al. 1983 (authority), Halomonas marina (synonym), Halomonas marina (Cobet et al. 1970) Dobson and Franzmann 1996 (authority), LMG 2217 (type material), NBRC 102605 (type material), NCIMB 1877 (type material), Pseudomonas marina (synonym), Pseudomonas marina (Cobet et al. 1970) Baumann et al. 1972 (Approved Lists 1980) (authority), strain 219 (type material).
taxid:28123 Porphyromonas asaccharolytica (species), "Bacteroides melaninogenicus subsp. asaccharolyticus" Holdeman and Moore 1970 (authority), ATCC 25260 (type material), Bacteroides asaccharolyticus (synonym), Bacteroides asaccharolyticus (Holdeman & Moore 1970) Finegold & Barnes 1977 (Approved Lists 1980) (authority), Bacteroides melaninogenicus subsp. assacharolyticus (synonym), CCUG 7834 (type material), DSM 20707 (type material), JCM 6326 (type material), LMG 13178 (type material), Porphyromonas asaccharolytica (Holdeman and Moore 1970) Shah and Collins 1988 (authority).
taxid:74712 Frankiaceae (family), Frankiaceae Becking 1970 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Normand et al. 1996 (authority), Frankiaceae Becking 1970 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Stackebrandt et al. 1997 (authority), Frankiaceae Becking 1970 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Zhi et al. 2009 (authority).
taxid:28131 Prevotella intermedia (species), ATCC 25611 (type material), Bacteroides intermedius (synonym), Bacteroides intermedius (Holdeman and Moore 1970) Johnson and Holdeman 1983 (authority), Bacteroides melaninogenicus subsp. intermedius (synonym), Bacteroides melaninogenicus subsp. intermedius Holdeman and Moore 1970 (Approved Lists 1980) (authority), CCUG 24041 (type material), CIP 101222 (type material), CIP 103682 (type material), DSM 20706 (type material), JCM 11150 (type material), JCM 12248 (type material), NCTC 13070 (type material), Prevotella intermedia (Holdeman and Moore 1970) Shah and Collins 1990 (authority), Prevotella intermedius (synonym), VPI 4197 (type material), strain Finegold B422 (type material).
taxid:69223 Dickeya paradisiaca (species), ATCC 33242 (type material), Brenneria paradisiaca (synonym), Brenneria paradisiaca (Fernandez-Borrero and Lopez-Duque 1970) Hauben et al. 1999 (synonym), CFBP 4178 (type material), Dickeya paradisiaca (Fernandez-Borrero and Lopez-Duque 1970) Samson et al. 2005 (synonym), Dickeya sp. CFBP 4178 (includes), Erwinia paradisiaca (synonym), Erwinia paradisiaca Fernandez-Borrero and Lopez-Duque 1970 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), LMG 2542 (type material), NCPPB 2511 (type material).
taxid:883188 Pappus piceicola (species), Pappus piceicola (Kelton, 1970) (authority), Platylygus piceicola (synonym), Platylygus piceicola Kelton, 1970 (authority).
taxid:248946 Centrolene grandisonae (species), Centrolene grandisonae (Cochran & Goin, 1970) (authority), Centrolenella grandisonae (synonym), Centrolenella grandisonae Cochran & Goin, 1970 (authority), giant glass frog (genbank common name).
taxid:1258660 Agnotecous obscurus (species), Agnotecous obscurus (Chopard, 1970) (authority), Lebinthus obscurus (synonym), Lebinthus obscurus Chopard, 1970 (authority).
taxid:371703 Dendropsophus riveroi (species), Dendropsophus riveroi (Cochran and Goin, 1970) (synonym), Hyla riveroi (synonym), Hyla riveroi Cochran and Goin, 1970 (synonym), Rivero's Amazon treeffrog (genbank common name).
taxid:70995 Lewinella cohaerens (species), ATCC 23123 (type material), Herpetosiphon cohaerens (synonym), Herpetosiphon cohaerens Lewin 1970 (Approved Lists 1980) (authority), Lewinella cohaerens (Lewin 1970) Sly et al. 1998 emend. Khan et al. 2007 (authority), NBRC 102661 (type material), NCIMB 12855 (type material), strain II-2 (type material).
taxid:47920 Acidovorax delafieldii (species), ATCC 17505 (type material), Acidivorax delafieldii (equivalent name), Acidovorax delafieldii (Davis 1970) Willems et al. 1990 (authority), CCUG 1779 (type material), CFBP 2442 (type material), CFBP 3609 (type material), CIP 103303 (type material), DSM 64 (type material), LMG 5943 (type material), Pseudomonas delafieldii (synonym), Pseudomonas delafieldii Davis 1970 (Approved Lists 1980) (authority).
taxid:480 Moraxella catarrhalis (species), "Mikrokkokus catarrhalis" (sic) Frosch and Kolle in Flugge 1896 (authority), ATCC 25238 (type material), Branhamella catarrhalis (synonym), Branhamella catarrhalis (Frosch and Kolle 1896) Catlin 1970 (Approved Lists 1980) (authority), CCUG 353 (type material), CIP 73.21 (type material), DSM 9143 (type material), LMG 5128 (type material), Mikrokkokus catarrhalis (synonym), Moraxella (subgen. Branhamella Catlin 1970) catarrhalis (Frosch and Kolle 1896) Bovre 1984 (authority), Moraxella catarralis (misspelling), Moraxella catarrhalis (Frosch and Kolle1896) Henriksen and Bovre 1968 (authority), NCTC 11020 (type material), strain Ne 11 (type material).
taxid:586822 Genicanthus watanabei (species), Genicanthus watanabei (Yasuda & Tominaga, 1970) (authority), Holacanthus watanabei (synonym), Holacanthus watanabei Yasuda & Tominaga, 1970 (authority), blackedged angelfish (genbank common name).
taxid:715973 Bathyglycinde sibogana (species), Bathyglycinde sibogana (Augener & Pettibone in Pettibone, 1970) (authority), Bathyglycinde sibogana (Augener & Pettibone, 1970) (authority).
taxid:318316 Hyloscirtus charazani (species), Charazani treefrog (genbank common name), Hyla charazani (synonym), Hyla charazani Vellard, 1970 (synonym), Hyloscirtus charazani (Vellard, 1970) (synonym).
taxid:1935 Streptomyces violaceoruber (species), "Actinomyces violaceus-ruber" (sic) Waksman and Curtis 1916 (synonym), "Streptomyces violaceoruber" Waksman in Kutzner and Waksman 1959 (synonym), "Streptomyces violaceus-ruber" (sic) (Waksman and Curtis 1916) Pridham 1970 (synonym), ATCC 14980 (type material), ATCC 19816 (type material), ATCC 3355 (type material), Actinomyces violaceus-ruber (synonym), BCRC 11489 (type material), CBS 569.68 (type material), CCRC 11489 (type material), DSM 40049 (type material), IFO 12826 (type material), JCM 4423 (type material), KCTC 9787 (type material), NBRC 12826 (type material), NRRL B-12594 (type material), NRRL B-2935 (type material), NRRL B-3025 (type material), NRRL B-3319 (type material), NRRL-ISP 5049 (type material), RIA 1096 (type material), Streptomyces violaceiruber (equivalent name), Streptomyces violaceoruber (Waksman and Curtis 1916) Pridham 1970 (synonym), Streptomyces violaceus-ruber (synonym), UNIQEM 203 (type material), VKM Ac-726 (type material).
taxid:2303 Thermoplasma acidophilum (species), "Thermoplasma acidophila" (sic) Darland et al. 1970 (synonym), ATCC 25905 (type material), DSM 1728 (type material), IFO 15155 (type material), JCM 9062 (type material), NBRC 15155 (type material), Thermoplasma acidophila (synonym), Thermoplasma acidophilum Darland et al. 1970 (synonym), strain AMRC-C165 (type material).
taxid:66376 Streptomyces spiralis (species), ATCC 25664 (type material), DSM 43836 (type material), Elytrosporangium spirale (synonym), Elytrosporangium spirale Falcao de Morais 1970 (Approved Lists 1980) (authority), IFO 14215 (type material), JCM 3302 (type material), KCC A-0302 (type material), NBRC 14215 (type material), NRRL B-16922 (type material), Streptomyces sp. NBRC 14125 (includes), Streptomyces spiralis (Falcao de Morais 1970) Goodfellow et al. 1986 (authority), VKM Ac-1311 (type material).
taxid:90245 Oligella urethralis (species), ATCC 17960 (type material), CCUG 13463 (type material), CCUG 37823 (type material), CDC 7603 (type material), CIP 103116 (type material), DSM 7531 (type material), IFO 14589 (type material), JCM 20913 (type material), LMG 1015 (type material), LMG 5303 (type material), Moraxella urethralis (synonym), Moraxella urethralis Lautrop et al. 1970 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), NBRC 14589 (type material), NCTC 12964 (type material), Oligella urethralis (Lautrop et al. 1970) Rossau et al. 1987 (synonym).
taxid:578236 Uca iranica (species), Uca annulipes iranica (synonym), Uca annulipes iranica Pretzmann, 1970 (authority), Uca iranica Pretzmann, 1970 (authority).
taxid:38501 Blastococcus (genus), Blastococcus Ahrens and Moll 1970 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Lee 2006 (authority), Blastococcus Ahrens and Moll 1970 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Urzi et al. 2004 (authority).
taxid:39774 Methylomicrobium agile (species), "Methylomonas agile" Whittenbury et al. 1970 (authority), ACM 3308 (type material), ATCC 35068 (type material), Methylobacter agilis (synonym), Methylobacter agilis (ex Whittenbury et al. 1970) Bowman et al. 1993 (authority), Methylomicrobium agile (Bowman et al. 1993) Bowman et al. 1995 (authority), Methylomonas agile (synonym), NCIMB 11124 (type material).
taxid:285466 Streptomyces lavendularectus (species), "Streptomyces lavendularectus" (Krasil'nikov and Kuchaeva) Pridham 1970 (synonym), "Streptomyces lavendularectus" (Krassilnikov and Kuchaeva) Pridham 1970 (equivalent name).
taxid:65655 Hydrogenophaga palleronii (species), ATCC 17724 (type material), CCUG 1780 (type material), CCUG 20334 (type material), CFBP 2445 (type material), CIP 103304 (type material), DSM 63 (type material), Hydrogeniphaga palleronii (equivalent name), Hydrogenophaga palleronii (Davis 1970) Willems et al. 1989 (synonym), JCM 21412 (type material), LMG 2366 (type material), NBRC 102513 (type material), Pseudomonas palleronii (synonym), Pseudomonas palleronii Davis 1970 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), VKM B-1328 (type material), strain Stanier 362t1 (type material).
taxid:39775 Methylomicrobium album (species), "Methylomonas albus" Whittenbury et al. 1970 (authority), ACM 3314 (type material), ATCC 33003 (type material), Methylobacter albus (synonym), Methylobacter albus (ex Whittenbury 1970) Bowman et al. 1993 (authority), Methylomicrobium album (Bowman et al. 1993) Bowman et al. 1995 (authority), Methylomicrobium albus (synonym), Methylomonas albus (synonym), NCIMB 11123 (type material), VKM BG8 (type material).
taxid:371699 Hyloscirtus lascinius (species), Hyla lascinia (synonym), Hyla lascinia Rivero, 1970 (synonym), Hyloscirtus lascinius (Rivero, 1970) (synonym), Tabor treefrog (genbank common name).
taxid:906898 Leucoraja wallacei (species), Leucoraja wallacei (Hulley, 1970) (authority), Raja wallacei (synonym), Raja wallacei Hulley, 1970 (authority), yellowspotted skate (genbank common name).
taxid:318372 Osteocephalus cabrerai (species), Hyla cabrerai (synonym), Hyla cabrerai Cochran & Goin, 1970 (authority), Osteocephalus cabrerai (Cochran & Goin, 1970) (authority).
taxid:392502 Euplotes muscorum (species), Euplotes muscorum Dragesco, 1970 (authority), Euplotopsis muscorum (synonym), Euplotopsis muscorum (Dragesco 1970) (authority).
taxid:927707 Aspidoras pauciradiatus (species), Aspidoras pauciradiatus (Weitzman & Nijssen, 1970) (authority), Corydoras pauciradiatus (synonym), Corydoras pauciradiatus Weitzman & Nijssen, 1970 (authority), sixray corydoras (genbank common name).
taxid:332589 Streptomyces enissocaesilis (species), "Actinomyces enissocaesilis" Krasil'nikov 1970 (synonym), AS 4.1586 (type material), ATCC 43682 (type material), Actinomyces enissocaesilis (synonym), DSM 41454 (type material), INMI 40-31 (type material), JCM 9088 (type material), NBRC 100763 (type material), NRRL B-16365 (type material), Streptomyces enissocaesilis (ex Krasil'nikov 1970) Sveshnikova 1986 (synonym), VKM Ac-130 (type material).
taxid:70997 Lewinella nigricans (species), ATCC 23147 (type material), Herpetosiphon nigricans (synonym), Herpetosiphon nigricans Lewin 1970 (Approved Lists 1980) (authority), Lewinella nigricans (Lewin 1970) Sly et al. 1998 emend. Khan et al. 2007 (authority), NBRC 102662 (type material), NCIMB 1420 (type material), strain SS-2 (type material).
taxid:637362 Mecaphesa hiatus (species), Mecaphesa hiatus (Suman, 1970) (authority), Misumenops hiatus (synonym), Misumenops hiatus Suman, 1970 (synonym).
taxid:1003795 Rajella dissimilis (species), Raja dissimilis (synonym), Raja dissimilis Hulley, 1970 (authority), Rajella dissimilis (Hulley, 1970) (authority), ghost skate (genbank common name).
taxid:324348 Paradactylodon persicus (species), Batrachuperus persicus (synonym), Batrachuperus persicus Eiselt & Steiner, 1970 (authority), Paradactylodon persicus (Eiselt & Steiner, 1970) (authority), Persian brook salamander (common name), Persian mountain salamander (genbank common name).
taxid:285548 Streptomyces geldanamycininus (species), "Streptomyces hygroscopicus var. geldanus" Dietz 1970 in DeBoer et al. 1970 (authority), DSM 41894 (type material), NRRL 3602 (type material), Streptomyces geldanamycininus Goodfellow et al. 2008 (authority), Streptomyces geldanamycinus (misspelling), Streptomyces hygroscopicus subsp. geldanus (synonym), Streptomyces hygroscopicus var. geldanus (synonym).
taxid:983172 Felimida baumanni (species), Chromodoris baumanni (synonym), Chromodoris baumanni Bertsch, 1970 (authority), Glossodoris baumanni (synonym), Glossodoris baumanni (Bertsch, 1970) (authority).
taxid:1612 Lactobacillus farciminis (species), "Lactobacillus farciminis" Reuter 1970 (authority), ATCC 29644 (type material), CCUG 30671 (type material), CIP 103136 (type material), DSM 20184 (type material), JCM 1097 (type material), LMG 9200 (type material), Lactobacillus farciminis (ex Reuter 1970) Reuter 1983 (authority), NRRL B-4566 (type material).
taxid:384946 Influenza A virus (A/duck/Hungary/1/1970(H6N2)) (no rank), Influenza A virus (A/duck/Hungary/1/1970(H6)) (misnomer).
taxid:33940 Geobacillus thermodenitrificans (species), "Bacillus thermodenitrificans" Klaushofer and Hollaus 1970 (authority), ATCC 29492 (type material), BGSC 94A1 (type material), Bacillus denitrificans (misnomer), Bacillus thermodenitrificans (synonym), Bacillus thermodenitrificans (ex Klaushofer and Hollaus 1970) Manachini et al. 2000 (authority), DSM 465 (type material), Geobacillus sp. A333 (includes), Geobacillus sp. F84a (includes), Geobacillus thermodenitrificans (Manachini et al. 2000) Nazina et al. 2001 emend. Coorevits et al. 2012 (authority), LMG 17532 (type material), strain R-35647 (type material).
taxid:488580 Lasius hayashi (species), Lasius (Lasius) hayashi Yamauchi & Hayashida, 1970 (synonym), Lasius hayashi Yamauchi & Hayashida, 1970 (synonym).
taxid:1057 Thiococcus pfennigii (species), "Thiococcus sp." Eimhjellen et al. 1967 (synonym), DSM 1375 (type material), DSM 226 (type material), Thiocapsa pfennigii (synonym), Thiocapsa pfennigii Eimhjellen 1970 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), Thiococcus pfennigii (Eimhjellen 1970) Imhoff et al. 1998 (synonym), strain 8013 (type material).
taxid:637359 Mecaphesa discreta (species), Mecaphesa discreta (Suman, 1970) (authority), Misumenops discretus (synonym), Misumenops discretus Suman, 1970 (synonym).
taxid:284037 Streptomyces sporocinereus (species), "Actinomyces sporocinereus" Krasil'nikov 1970 (synonym), ATCC 43692 (type material), Actinomyces sporocinereus (synonym), DSM 41460 (type material), INMI 32 (type material), JCM 9093 (type material), NBRC 100766 (type material), NRRL B-16376 (type material), Streptomyces sporocinereus (ex Krasil'nikov 1970) Preobrazhenskaya 1986 (synonym), VKM Ac-312 (type material).
taxid:637360 Mecaphesa edita (species), Mecaphesa edita (Suman, 1970) (authority), Misumenops editus (synonym), Misumenops editus Suman, 1970 (synonym).
taxid:637366 Mecaphesa juncta (species), Mecaphesa juncta (Suman, 1970) (authority), Misumenops junctus (synonym), Misumenops junctus Suman, 1970 (synonym).
taxid:70998 Lewinella persica (species), ATCC 23167 (type material), Herpetosiphon persicus (synonym), Herpetosiphon persicus Lewin 1970 (Approved Lists 1980) (authority), Lewinella persica (Lewin 1970) Sly et al. 1998 emend. Khan et al. 2007 (authority), Lewinella persicus (misspelling), NBRC 102663 (type material), NCIMB 1396 (type material), strain T-3 (type material).
taxid:1615 Weissella halotolerans (species), "Lactobacillus viridescens subsp. halotolerans" Reuter 1970 (synonym), ATCC 35410 (type material), BCRC 14050 (type material), CCRC 14050 (type material), CCUG 33457 (type material), CECT 573 (type material), CIP 103005 (type material), DSM 20190 (type material), JCM 1114 (type material), LMG 9469 (type material), Lactobacillus halotolerans (synonym), Lactobacillus halotolerans (ex Reuter 1970) Kandler et al. 1983 (synonym), Lactobacillus viridescens subsp. halotolerans (synonym), NRIC 1627 (type material), Weissella halotolerans (Kandler et al. 1983) Collins et al. 1994 (synonym), strain R61 (type material).
taxid:68238 Streptomyces minutiscleroticus (species), "Chainia minutisclerotica" Thirumalachar in Thirumalachar et al. 1965 (synonym), ATCC 17757 (type material), ATCC 19346 (type material), BCRC 12544 (type material), CBS 231.65 (type material), CBS 662.72 (type material), CCRC 12544 (type material), CMI 112786 (type material), Chainia flava (synonym), Chainia flava Thirumalachar and Sukapure 1964 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), Chainia minutisclerotica (synonym), Chainia minutisclerotica Thirumalachar et al. 1965 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), DSM 40301 (type material), IFO 13000 (type material), IFO 13361 (type material), JCM 3102 (type material), JCM 4790 (type material), KCTC 9123 (type material), LMG 20062 (type material), NBRC 13000 (type material), NBRC 13361 (type material), NCIMB 10996 (type material), NRRL B-12202 (type material), NRRL-ISP 5301 (type material), PCM 2304 (type material), RIA 1322 (type material), RIA 885 (type material), Streptomyces flaviscleroticus (synonym), Streptomyces flaviscleroticus (ex Pridham 1970) Goodfellow et al. 1986 (synonym), Streptomyces minutiscleroticus (Thirumalachar 1965) Pridham 1970 emend. Lanoot et al. 2005 (synonym).
taxid:46226 Branhamella (subgenus), Branhamella Catlin 1970 (Approved Lists 1980) (authority), Moraxella (subgen. Branhamella Catlin 1970) Bovre 1984 (authority), Moraxella (subgen. Branhamella) (synonym).
taxid:344626 Episcada (genus), Ceratiscada (synonym), Ceratiscada Brown & Ferreira d'Almeida 1970 (synonym), Episcada Godman & Salvin 1879 (synonym), Prittwitzia (synonym), Prittwitzia Brown & Ebert 1970 (synonym).
taxid:862142 Quasipaa fasciculispina (species), Eripaa fasciculispina (synonym), Nanorana fasciculispina (synonym), Paa fasciculispina (synonym), Quasipaa fasciculispina (Inger, 1970) (authority), Rana (Paa) fasciculispina (synonym), Rana fasciculispina (synonym), Rana fasciculispina Inger, 1970 (authority), spine-glanded mountain frog (common name), spiny-breasted frog (genbank common name).
taxid:1892 Streptomyces anulatus (species), "Actinomyces Streptothrix annulatus" (sic) Beijerinck 1912 (synonym), "Actinomyces annulatus" (sic) Beijerinck 1912 (synonym), "Actinomyces citreofluorescens" Korenyako et al. in Rautenshtein 1960 (synonym), "Actinomyces fluorescens" Krasil'nikov 1958 (synonym), "Streptomyces annulatus" (sic) (Beijerinck 1912) Waksman in Waksman and Lechevalier 1953 (synonym), AS 4.1421 (type material), ATCC 27416 (type material), Actinomyces Streptothrix annulatus (synonym), Actinomyces annulatus (synonym), Actinomyces citreofluorescens (synonym), Actinomyces fluorescens (synonym), CBS 100.18 (type material), CBS 670.72 (type material), DSM 40361 (type material), IFO 13369 (type material), IMET 43334 (type material), JCM 4721 (type material), KCTC 9756 (type material), LMG 19301 (type material), NBRC 13369 (type material), NRRL B- 2000 (type material), NRRL-ISP 5361 (type material), RIA 1330 (type material), Streptomyces annulatus (synonym), Streptomyces anulatus (Beijerinck 1912) Waksman 1953 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Lanoot et al. 2005 (synonym), Streptomyces anulatus (Beijerinck 1912) Waksman 1957 (sic) (synonym), Streptomyces chrysomallus (synonym), Streptomyces chrysomallus Lindenbein 1952 (synonym), Streptomyces chrysomallus subsp. chrysomallus (synonym), Streptomyces chrysomallus subsp. chrysomallus Lindenbein 1952 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), Streptomyces citreofluorescens (synonym), Streptomyces citreofluorescens (Korenyako et al. 1960) Pridham 1970 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), Streptomyces citrifluorescens (equivalent name), Streptomyces fluorescens (synonym), Streptomyces fluorescens (Krasil'nikov 1958) Pridham 1970 (synonym), VKM Ac-728 (type material).
taxid:29559 Mycoplasma hyosynoviae (species), "Mycoplasma suidaniae" Friis 1970 (authority), ATCC 25591 (type material), Mycoplasma hyosynoviae Ross and Karmon 1970 (authority), Mycoplasma suidaniae (synonym), NCTC 10167 (type material).
taxid:2148 Acholeplasma laidlawii (species), "Asterococcus laidlawii" (Sabin 1941) Prevot 1961 (authority), "Mycoplasma laidlawii" (Sabin 1941) Freundt 1955 (authority), "Sapromyces laidlawi AB" (sic) Sabin 1941 (authority), "Types A and B" Laidlaw and Elford 1936 (synonym), ATCC 23206 (type material), Acholeplasma laidlawaii (misspelling), Acholeplasma laidlawi (misspelling), Acholeplasma laidlawii (Freundt 1955 (sic)) Edward and Freundt 1970 (authority), Acholeplasma laidlawii (Sabin 1941) Edward and Freundt 1970 (authority), Asterococcus laidlawii (synonym), CIP 75.27 (type material), IFO 14400 (type material), Mycoplasma laidlawii (synonym), NBRC 14400 (type material), NCTC 10116 (type material), Sapromyces laidlawi AB (synonym).
taxid:927918 Corydoras orcesi (species), Corydoras orcesi Weitzman & Nijssen, 1970 (authority), Corydoras pastazensis orcesi (synonym), Corydoras pastazensis orcesi Weitzman & Nijssen, 1970 (authority).
taxid:1919 Streptomyces microflavus (species), "Actinomyces cretaceus" (Kruger 1905) Krasil'nikov 1941 (synonym), "Actinomyces lipmanii" Waksman and Curtis 1916 (synonym), "Actinomyces microflavus" Krainsky 1914 (synonym), "Actinomyces willmorei" Erikson 1935 (synonym), "Micromonospora microflava" (Krainsky 1914) Duche 1934 (synonym), "Oospora cretacea" Kruger 1905 (synonym), "Streptomyces cretaceus" (Kruger 1905) Waksman 1950 (synonym), AS 4.1428 (type material), ATCC 13231 (type material), ATCC 25474 (type material), Actinomyces cretaceus (synonym), Actinomyces lipmanii (synonym), Actinomyces microflavus (synonym), Actinomyces willmorei (synonym), BCRC 12084 (type material), CBS 124.18 (type material), CBS 884.69 (type material), CCRC 12084 (type material), DSM 40331 (type material), HAMBI 1019 (type material), IFO 13062 (type material), JCM 4496 (type material), LMG 19327 (type material), Micromonospora microflava (synonym), NBRC 13062 (type material), NRRL B-2156 (type material), NRRL B-2888 (type material), NRRL-ISP 5331 (type material), Oospora cretacea (synonym), RIA 1254 (type material), Streptomyces cretaceus (synonym), Streptomyces griseus subsp. alpha (synonym), Streptomyces griseus subsp. alpha (Ciferri 1927) Pridham 1970 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), Streptomyces griseus subsp. cretosus (synonym), Streptomyces griseus subsp. cretosus Pridham 1970 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), Streptomyces lipmanii (synonym), Streptomyces lipmanii (Waksman and Curtis 1916) Waksman and Henrici 1948 (synonym), Streptomyces microflavus (Krainsky 1914) Waksman and Henrici 1948 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Lanoot et al. 2005 (synonym), Streptomyces willmorei (synonym), Streptomyces willmorei (Erikson 1935) Waksman and Henrici 1948 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), VKM Ac-971 (type material).
taxid:1618 Lactobacillus mali (species), ATCC 27053 (type material), CCUG 30141 (type material), CCUG 32228 (type material), CIP 103142 (type material), DSM 20444 (type material), JCM 1116 (type material), LMG 6899 (type material), Lactobacillus mali Carr and Davies 1970 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Kaneuchi et al. 1988 (authority), Lactobacillus yamanashiensis (synonym), Lactobacillus yamanashiensis Nonomura 1983 (authority), Lactobacillus yamanashiensis subsp. mali (synonym), Lactobacillus yamanashiensis subsp. mali (Carr and Davies 1970) Nonomura 1983 (authority), Lactobacillus yamanashiensis subsp. yamanashiensis (synonym), Lactobacillus yamanashiensis subsp. yamanashiensis Nonomura 1983 (authority), NBRC 102159 (type material), NCIB 10560 (type material), NCIMB 10560 (type material), NRRL B-4563 (type material), VKM B-1600 (type material).
taxid:151 Spirochaeta litoralis (species), "Spirochaeta litoralis" Hespell and Canale-Parola 1970 (synonym), ATCC 27000 (type material), DSM 2029 (type material), Spirochaeta litoralis (ex Hespell and Canale-Parola 1970) Canale-Parola 1980 (synonym), strain R1 (type material).
taxid:1765 Mycobacterium bovis (species), "Mycobacterium tuberculosis typus bovinus" Lehmann and Neumann 1907 (synonym), "Mycobacterium tuberculosis var. bovis" Bergey et al. 1934 (synonym), ATCC 19210 (type material), CIP 105234 (type material), Mycobacterium bovis Karlson and Lessel 1970 (synonym), Mycobacterium bovis subsp. bovis (includes), Mycobacterium bovis subsp. bovis Karlson and Lessel 1970 (includes), Mycobacterium tuberculosis typus bovinus (synonym), Mycobacterium tuberculosis var. bovis (synonym), NCTC 10772 (type material).
taxid:637361 Mecaphesa facunda (species), Mecaphesa facunda (Suman, 1970) (authority), Misumenops facundus (synonym), Misumenops facundus Suman, 1970 (synonym).
taxid:1561 Clostridium baratii (species), "Acuformis perennis" Prevot 1940 (synonym), "Inflabilis barati" (sic) Prevot 1938 (in-part), ATCC 27638 (type material), Acuformis perennis (synonym), BCRC 14541 (type material), CCRC 14541 (type material), CCUG 24033 (type material), CIP 104306 (type material), Clostridium barati (synonym), Clostridium baratii corrig. (Prevot 1938) Holdeman and Moore 1970 (synonym), Clostridium paraperfringens (synonym), Clostridium paraperfringens Nakamura et al. 1970 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), Clostridium perenne (synonym), Clostridium perenne (Prevot 1940) McClung and McCoy 1957 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), DSM 601 (type material), Inflabilis barati (in-part), JCM 1385 (type material).
taxid:459534 Didymoeca costata (species), Didymoeca costata (Valkanov) Doweld (authority), Diplotheca costata (synonym), Diplotheca costata Valkanov, 1970 (authority), Volkanus costata (synonym), Volkanus costatus (synonym), Volkanus costatus (Valkanov, 1970) (authority).
taxid:479870 Microtermes sp. Darlington 1970 (species), Microtermes sp. UMZC 1970 (synonym).
taxid:637357 Mecaphesa cavata (species), Mecaphesa cavata (Suman, 1970) (authority), Misumenops cavatus (synonym), Misumenops cavatus Suman, 1970 (synonym).
taxid:637363 Mecaphesa imbricata (species), Mecaphesa imbricata (Suman, 1970) (authority), Misumenops imbricatus (synonym), Misumenops imbricatus Suman, 1970 (synonym).
taxid:637354 Mecaphesa arida (species), Mecaphesa arida (Suman, 1970) (authority), Misumenops aridus (synonym), Misumenops aridus Suman, 1970 (synonym).
taxid:231991 Lasius sakagamii (species), Lasius (Lasius) sakagamii Yamauchi and Hayashida, 1970 (synonym), Lasius sakagamii Yamauchi and Hayashida, 1970 (synonym).
taxid:330963 Pardosa shyamae (species), Pardosa shyamae (Tikader, 1970) (synonym).
taxid:209706 Culicoides saundersi (species), Culicoides saundersi Wirth & Blanton, 1970 (synonym).
taxid:466733 Mesocapnia frisoni (species), Capnia frisoni (synonym), Mesocapnia frisoni (Baumann & Gaufin, 1970) (synonym).
taxid:849 Fusobacterium gonidiaformans (species), "Actinomyces gonidiaformis" (Tunnicliff and Jackson 1925) Bergey et al. 1930 (authority), "Bacillus gonidiaformans" Tunnicliff and Jackson 1925 (authority), "Pseudobacterium gonidiaformans" (Tunnicliff and Jackson 1925) Krasil'nikov 1949 (authority), "Sphaerophorus gonidiaformans" (Tunnicliff and Jackson 1925) Prevot 1938 (authority), ATCC 25563 (type material), Actinomyces gonidiaformis (synonym), Bacillus gonidiaformans (synonym), CCUG 16790 (type material), Fusibacterium gonidiaformans (synonym), Fusibacterium gonidiiformans (equivalent name), Fusobacterium gonidiaformans (Tunnicliff and Jackson 1925) Moore and Holdeman 1970 (authority), Fusobacterium gonidiiformans (synonym), Fusobacterium gonidoformans (misspelling), Pseudobacterium gonidiaformans (synonym), Sphaerophorus gonidiaformans (synonym).
taxid:992572 Hydraena carniolica (species), Hydraena carniolica Pretner, 1970 (authority).
taxid:1191555 Pegoscapus carlosi (species), Pegoscapus carlosi (Ramirez, 1970) (authority).
taxid:516363 Streptomyces hygroscopicus subsp. aabomyceticus (subspecies), "Streptomyces hygroscopicus subsp. aabomyceticus" Seino et al. 1970 (authority).
taxid:516743 Gammarus duebeni celticus (subspecies), Gammarus duebeni celticus Stock & Pinkster, 1970 (synonym).
taxid:202205 Methylobacter chroococcum (species), "Methylobacter chroococcum" Whittenbury et al. 1970 (synonym), 'Methylobacter chroococcum' (synonym).
taxid:85788 Dragmacidon australe (species), Dragmacidon australe (Bergquist, 1970) (authority), Pseudaxinella australis (synonym).
taxid:668477 Sinularia pavida (species), Sinularia pavida Tixier-Durivault, 1970 (authority).
taxid:642422 Acanthemblemaria rivasi (species), Acanthemblemaria rivasi Stephens, 1970 (authority), spotjaw blenny (genbank common name).
taxid:680254 Cladia fuliginosa (species), Cladia fuliginosa Filson 1970 (authority).
taxid:1102 Prosthecochloris aestuarii (species), DSM 271 (type material), Prosthecochloris aestuari (misspelling), Prosthecochloris aestuarii Gorlenko 1970 (Approved Lists1980) emend. Imhoff 2003 (authority).
taxid:311503 Thoracochromis buysi (species), Haplochromis buysi (synonym), Thoracochromis buysi (Penrith, 1970) (authority).
taxid:65645 Haemaphysalis petrogalis (species), Haemaphysalis petrogalis Roberts, 1970 (authority).
taxid:909069 Transversotrema licinum (species), Transversotrema licinum Manter, 1970 (authority).
taxid:106768 Hymenophyllopsidaceae (family), Hymenophyllopsidaceae Pic.Serm, 1970 (authority).
taxid:451329 Pegoscapus standleyi (species), Pegoscapus standleyi (Ramirez, 1970) (synonym).
taxid:723383 Speocharidius galani (species), Speocharidius galani Espanol, 1970 (authority).
taxid:214482 Neisseria elongata subsp. elongata (subspecies), Neisseria elongata subsp. elongata Bovre and Holten 1970 (synonym).
taxid:927829 Corydoras atropersonatus (species), Corydoras atropersonatus Weitzman & Nijssen, 1970 (authority).
taxid:249132 Luciogobius grandis (species), Luciogobius grandis Arai, 1970 (authority).
taxid:668399 Sinularia compacta (species), Sinularia compacta Tixier-Durivault, 1970 (authority).
taxid:70993 Flexithrix dorotheae (species), "Microscilla aggregans" Lewin 1969 (authority), ATCC 23163 (type material), DSM 6795 (type material), Flexibacter aggregans (synonym), Flexibacter aggregans (Lewin 1969) Leadbetter 1974 (Approved Lists 1980) (authority), Flexithrix dorotheae Lewin 1970 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Hosoya and Yokota 2007 (authority), Flexithrix dorothyae (misspelling), IFO 15987 (type material), LMG 8379 (type material), Microscilla aggregans (synonym), NBRC 15987 (type material).
taxid:1113283 Midila guianensis (species), Midila guianensis Munroe, 1970 (authority).
taxid:1075109 Pleospora clavata (species), Pleospora clavata Gucevic 1970 (authority).
taxid:862241 Physalacriaceae (family), Physalacriaceae Corner 1970 (authority).
taxid:318250 Alsodes gargola (species), Alsodes gargola Gallardo, 1970 (synonym), Tonchek spiny-chest frog (genbank common name).
taxid:2302 Thermoplasma (genus), Thermoplasma Darland et al. 1970 (synonym).
taxid:1579 Lactobacillus acidophilus (species), "Bacillus acidophilus" Moro 1900 (authority), "Thermobacterium intestinale" Orla-Jensen et al. 1936 (authority), ATCC 4356 (type material), Bacillus acidophilus (synonym), CCUG 5917 (type material), CIP 76.13 (type material), DSM 20079 (type material), IFO 13951 (type material), JCM 1132 (type material), LMG 13550 (type material), LMG 9433 (type material), Lactobacillus acidophilus (Moro 1900) Hansen and Mocquot 1970 (authority), Lactobacillus acidophilus B6T7 (includes), Lactobacillus acidophilus Johnson et al. 1980 (authority), NBRC 13951 (type material), NCTC 12980 (type material), NRRL B-4495 (type material), Thermobacterium intestinale (synonym), VKM B-1660 (type material).
taxid:346679 Scaptodrosophila paratriangulata (species), Scaptodrosophila paratriangulata (Gupta and Ray-Chaudhuri, 1970) (synonym).
taxid:323883 Pegoscapus orozcoi (species), Pegoscapus orozcoi (Ramirez, 1970) (authority).
taxid:2053 Gordonia (genus), "Gordona (sic)" Tsukamura et al. 1970 (authority), Gordona (synonym), Gordonia corrig. (ex Tsukamura 1971) Stackebrandt et al. 1989 (authority).
taxid:637404 Swiftia pallida (species), Swiftia pallida Madsen, 1970 (authority).
taxid:1888 Streptomyces albus (species), "Streptotrix alba" (sic) Rossi Doria 1891 (authority), AS 4.164 (type material), ATCC 25426 (type material), ATCC 3004 (type material), BCRC 10802 (type material), CBS 410.63 (type material), CBS 924.69 (type material), CCRC 10802 (type material), CCUG 33990 (type material), CECT 3077 (type material), CIP 104432 (type material), DSM 40313 (type material), HUT 6613 (type material), IFM 1119 (type material), IFO 13014 (type material), IFO 3710 (type material), IMET 40241 (type material), IMRU 3004 (type material), JCM 4177 (type material), JCM 4450 (type material), KCTC 1082 (type material), NBRC 13014 (type material), NBRC 3710 (type material), NCIMB 9558 (type material), NRRL B-1811 (type material), NRRL B-2208 (type material), NRRL-ISP 5313 (type material), RIA 1206 (type material), Streptomyces albus (Rossi Doria 1891) Waksman and Henrici 1943 (authority), Streptomyces griseus solvifaciens (synonym), Streptomyces griseus subsp. solvifaciens (synonym), Streptomyces griseus subsp. solvifaciens Pridham 1970 (authority), Streptotrix alba (synonym), VKM Ac-35 (type material).
taxid:668405 Sinularia cruciata (species), Sinularia cruciata Tixier-Durivault, 1970 (authority).
taxid:1150436 Anchoa walkeri (species), Anchoa walkeri Baldwin & Chang, 1970 (authority), Ancoa walkeri (misspelling), Walker's anchovy (genbank common name).
taxid:425526 Influenza A virus (A/Albany/1/1970(H3N2)) (no rank).
taxid:688643 Leptusa kitazawai (species), Leptusa kitazawai (Sawada, 1970) (authority).
taxid:706267 Calathus bolivari (species), Calathus bolivari Negre, 1970 (authority).
taxid:38298 Rhodella maculata (species), Rhodella maculata L.V.Evans 1970 (authority).
taxid:38502 Blastococcus aggregatus (species), ATCC 25902 (type material), Blastococcus aggregatus Ahrens and Moll 1970 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Urzi et al. 2004 (synonym), DSM 4725 (type material), JCM 12602 (type material).
taxid:707168 Corythionella minima (species), Corythionella minima Golemansky, 1970 (authority).
taxid:1713 Oerskovia turbata (species), "Nocardia turbata" Erikson 1954 (synonym), ATCC 25835 (type material), CFBP 4266 (type material), CIP 100331 (type material), Cellulomonas turbata (synonym), Cellulomonas turbata (Erikson 1954) Stackebrandt et al. 1983 (synonym), Cellulosimonas turbata (equivalent name), DSM 20577 (type material), IFO 15015 (type material), JCM 3160 (type material), LMG 4072 (type material), NBRC 15015 (type material), NCIB 10587 (type material), NCIMB 10587 (type material), NCTC 11973 (type material), NRRL B-8019 (type material), Nocardia turbata (synonym), Oerskovia turbata (Erikson 1954) Prauser et al. 1970 (AL 1980) emend. Stackebrandt et al. 2002 (synonym), VKM Ac-1024 (type material), strain 891 (type material), strain rskov 27 (type material).
taxid:714969 Beauveria sulfurescens (species), Beauveria sulfurescens (J.F.H. Beyma) J.J. Taylor 1970 (authority).
taxid:990290 Trichodina modesta (species), Trichodina modesta Lom, 1970 (authority).
taxid:67380 Streptomyces violarus (species), "Actinomyces violarus" Artamonova and Krasil'nikov in Rautenshtein 1960 (synonym), ATCC 15891 (type material), ATCC 25516 (type material), Actinomyces violarus (synonym), CBS 658.69 (type material), CCT 5007 (type material), CECT 3237 (type material), DSM 40205 (type material), IFO 13104 (type material), JCM 4534 (type material), KCTC 9788 (type material), NBRC 13104 (type material), NRRL B-5432 (type material), NRRL-ISP 5205 (type material), RIA 1296 (type material), RIA 157 (type material), Streptomyces violaris (equivalent name), Streptomyces violarus (Artamonova and Krasil'nikov 1960) Pridham 1970 (synonym), UNIQEM 204 (type material), VKM Ac-528 (type material).
taxid:494365 Glabridorsum (genus), Glabridorsum Townes, 1970 (authority).
taxid:147597 Gyrodactylus laevis (species), Gyrodactylus laevis Malmberg, 1970 (authority).
taxid:1163672 Influenza A virus (A/Bcm/1/1970(H3N2)) (no rank).
taxid:2115 Mycoplasma fermentans (species), "Asterococcus fermentans" (Edward 1955) Prevot 1961 (authority), "Micromyces hominis group II" Freundt 1954 (authority), "Schizoplasma fermentans" (Edward 1955) Furness 1970 (authority), ATCC 19989 (type material), Asterococcus fermentans (synonym), IFO 14854 (type material), Micromyces hominis group II (synonym), Mycoplasma fermentans Edward 1955 (authority), NBRC 14854 (type material), NCTC 10117 (type material), Schizoplasma fermentans (synonym).
taxid:678577 Didymocystis bifasciatus (species), Didymocystis bifasciatus (Yamaguti, 1970) (authority), Didymocystoides bifasciatus (synonym).
taxid:668435 Sinularia heterospiculata (species), Sinularia heterospiculata Verseveldt, 1970 (authority).
taxid:264635 Acholeplasma granularum (species), "Mycoplasma granularum" Switzer 1964 (authority), "Sapromyces granularum" (Switzer 1964) Edward and Freundt 1969 (authority), ATCC 19168 (type material), Acholeplasma granularum (Switzer 1964) Edward and Freundt 1970 (authority), Mycoplasma granularum (synonym), NBRC 14847 (type material), NCTC 10128 (type material), Sapromyces granularum (synonym).
taxid:1101 Prosthecochloris (genus), Prosthecochloris Gorlenko 1970 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Imhoff 2003 (authority).
taxid:474060 Listrophoroides uranomys (species), Listrophoroides (Colisrtophoroides) uranomys (synonym), Listrophoroides uranomys Fain, 1970 (synonym).
taxid:47770 Lactobacillus crispatus (species), "Eubacterium crispatum" Brygoo and Aladame 1953 (authority), ATCC 33820 (type material), CCUG 30722 (type material), CIP 102990 (type material), CIPP II (type material), DSM 20584 (type material), Eubacterium crispatum (synonym), JCM 1185 (type material), LMG 9479 (type material), Lactobacillus crispatus (Brygoo and Aladame 1953) Moore and Holdeman 1970 (Approved Lists) emend. Cato et al. 1983 (authority), VPI 3199 (type material).
taxid:67275 Streptomyces aureocirculatus (species), "Actinomyces aureocirculatus" Krasil'nikov and Yuan 1965 (synonym), AS 4.1609 (type material), ATCC 15851 (type material), ATCC 19823 (type material), ATCC 25430 (type material), Actinomyces aureocirculatus (synonym), CBS 928.69 (type material), DSM 40386 (type material), IFO 13018 (type material), INMI 735 (type material), JCM 4454 (type material), NBRC 13018 (type material), NRRL B-3324 (type material), NRRL-ISP 5386 (type material), RIA 1210 (type material), RIA 682 (type material), Streptomyces aureicirculatus (equivalent name), Streptomyces aureocirculatus (Krasil'nikov and Yuan 1965) Pridham 1970 (synonym).
taxid:1032681 Hebeloma eburneum (species), Hebeloma eburneum Malencon 1970 (authority), Hebelomatis eburneum (synonym).
taxid:307118 Dicamptodon copei (species), Cope's giant salamander (genbank common name), Dicamptodon copei Nussbaum, 1970 (synonym).
taxid:83339 Eubacterium multiforme (species), "Bacillus multiformis" Distaso 1911 (synonym), "Cillobacterium multiforme" (Distaso 1911) Prevot 1938 (synonym), ATCC 25552 (type material), Bacillus multiformis (synonym), CCUG 27817 (type material), Cillobacterium multiforme (synonym), DSM 20694 (type material), Eubacterium multiforme (Distaso 1911) Holdeman and Moore 1970 (synonym), JCM 6484 (type material).
taxid:36031 Wickerhamomyces sydowiorum (species), Hansenula sydowiorum (synonym), Hansenula sydowiorum D.B. Scott & Van der Walt 1970 (authority), Pichia sydowiorum (synonym), Pichia sydowiorum (D.B. Scott & Van der Walt) Kurtzman 1984 (authority), Wickerhamomyces sydowiorum (D.B. Scott & Van der Walt) Kurtzman, Robnett & Basehoar-Powers 2008 (authority).
taxid:54 Nannocystis exedens (species), ATCC 25963 (type material), DSM 71 (type material), Nannocystis exedens Reichenbach 1970 (synonym).
taxid:583394 Massicus trilineatus fasciatus (subspecies), Massicus trilineatus fasciatus Gressitt & Rondon, 1970 (authority).
taxid:1042545 Didymoeca (genus), Didymoeca Doweld 2003 (authority), Diplotheca (synonym), Diplotheca Valkanov, 1970 (authority), Volkanus (synonym), Volkanus Oezdikmen 2009 (authority).
taxid:871469 Ribautodelphax tuvinus (species), Ribautodelphax tuvinus Anufriev, 1970 (authority).
taxid:576627 Laomedia healyi (species), Laomedia healyi Yaldwyn & Wear, 1970 (authority).
taxid:1141520 Inocybe neobrunnescens (species), Inocybe neobrunnescens Grund & D.E. Stuntz 1970 (authority).
taxid:1220606 Melanconis itoana (species), Melanconis itoana Kobayashi 1970 (authority).
taxid:547111 Sundathelphusa sutteri (species), Sundathelphusa sutteri (Bott, 1970) (authority).
taxid:424 Methylomonas rubra (species), "Methylomonas rubra" Whittenbury et al. 1970 emend. Romanovskaya et al. 2006 (synonym).
taxid:1080725 Pseudunela cornuta (species), Pseudunela cornuta (Challis, 1970) (authority).
taxid:29433 Moraxella ovis (species), ATCC 33078 (type material), CCUG 354 (type material), LMG 8381 (type material), Moraxella (subgen. Branhamella Catlin 1970) ovis (Lindqvist 1960) Bovre 1984 (authority), Moraxella ovis (Lindqvist 1960) Henriksen and Bovre 1968 (Approved Lists 1980) (authority), NCTC 11227 (type material), Neisseria ovis (synonym), Neisseria ovis Lindqvist 1960 (Approved Lists 1980) (authority), strain 199/55 (type material).
taxid:33011 Propionibacterium granulosum (species), "Bacille granuleux" Jungano 1909 (authority), "Corynebacterium granulosum" Prevot 1938 (authority), ATCC 25564 (type material), Bacille granuleux (synonym), CCUG 32987 (type material), CIP 103262 (type material), Corynebacterium granulosum (synonym), DSM 20700 (type material), JCM 6498 (type material), LMG 16726 (type material), NCTC 11865 (type material), Propionibacterium granulosum (Prevot 1938) Moore and Holdeman 1970 (authority), Propionicibacterium granulosum (misspelling).
taxid:2111 Mycoplasma arthritidis (species), "Asterococcus arthritidis" (Sabin 1941) Prevot 1961 (authority), "Murimyces arthritidis" Sabin 1941 (authority), "Pleuropneumonia arthritidis muris" Tulasne and Brisou 1955 (authority), "Schizoplasma arthritidis" (Sabin 1941) Furness 1970 (authority), ATCC 19611 (type material), Asterococcus arthritidis (synonym), CIP 104678 (type material), IFO 14860 (type material), Murimyces arthritidis (synonym), Mycoplasma arthritidis (Sabin 1941) Freundt 1955 (authority), NBRC 14860 (type material), NCTC 10162 (type material), Pleuropneumonia arthritidis muris (synonym), Schizoplasma arthritidis (synonym).
taxid:194673 Streptomyces rubrogriseus (species), "Actinomyces rubrogriseus" Kurylowicz et al. in Prauser 1970 (synonym), ATCC 43691 (type material), Actinomyces rubrogriseus (synonym), DSM 41477 (type material), IFO 15455 (type material), INA 2626 (type material), JCM 6927 (type material), NBRC 15455 (type material), Streptomyces rubrogriseus (ex Kurylowicz et al.) Terekhova 1986 (synonym), VKM Ac-1216 (type material).
taxid:349099 Pavlova noctivaga (species), Corcontochrysis noctivaga (synonym), Corcontochrysis noctivaga Kalina 1970 (authority), Pavlova noctivaga (Kalina) van der Veer & Leewis 1977 (authority).
taxid:818 Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron (species), "Bacillus thetaiotaomicron" Distaso 1912 (authority), "Bacteroides fragilis subsp. thetaiotaomicron" (Distaso 1912) Holdeman and Moore 1970 (authority), "Pseudobacterium thetaiotaomicron" (Distaso 1912) Krasil'nikov 1949 (authority), "Sphaerocillus thetaiotaomicron" (Distaso 1912) Prevot 1938 (authority), ATCC 29148 (type material), Bacillus thetaiotaomicron (synonym), Bacteroides fragilis subsp. thetaiotaomicron (synonym), Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron (Distaso 1912) Castellani and Chalmers 1919 (authority), CCUG 10774 (type material), CIP 104206 (type material), DSM 2079 (type material), JCM 5827 (type material), NCTC 10582 (type material), Pseudobacterium thetaiotaomicron (synonym), Sphaerocillus thetaiotaomicron (synonym), VPI 5482 (type material).
taxid:547108 Balssiathelphusa natunaensis (species), Balssiathelphusa natunaensis Bott, 1970 (authority).
taxid:133 Methylocystis (genus), Methylocystis (ex Whittenbury et al. 1970) Bowman et al. 1993 emend. Dedysh et al. 2007 (authority).
taxid:28116 Bacteroides ovatus (species), "Bacteroides fragilis subsp. ovatus" (Eggerth and Gagnon 1933) Holdeman and Moore 1970 (authority), "Pasteurella ovata" (Eggerth and Gagnon 1933) Prevot 1938 (authority), "Pseudobacterium ovatum" (Eggerth and Gagnon 1933) Krasil'nikov 1949 (authority), ATCC 8483 (type material), BCRC 10623 (type material), Bacteroides fragilis subsp. ovatus (synonym), Bacteroides ovatus Eggerth and Gagnon 1933 (authority), CCRC 10623 (type material), CCUG 4943 (type material), CIP 103756 (type material), DSM 1896 (type material), JCM 5824 (type material), NCTC 11153 (type material), Pasteurella ovata (synonym), Pseudobacterium ovatum (synonym).
taxid:867383 Trachypithecus hatinhensis (species), Hatinh langur (genbank common name), Trachypithecus hatinhensis (Dao, 1970) (authority).
taxid:942299 Hulstina xera (species), Hulstina xera Rindge, 1970 (authority).
taxid:685940 Trieminentia corderoi (species), Trieminentia corderoi (Harman, 1970) (authority).
taxid:460155 Potamotrygon leopoldi (species), Potamotrygon leopoldi Castex & Castello, 1970 (authority), white-blotched river stingray (genbank common name).
taxid:486966 Diplectrona metaqui (species), Diplectrona metaqui Ross, 1970 (synonym).
taxid:474157 Carnilistrophorus rhynchocyoni (species), Carnilistrophorus rhynchocyoni Fain, 1970 (authority).
taxid:68179 Streptomyces bacillaris (species), "Actinomyces bacillaris" Krasil'nikov 1958 (synonym), AS 4.1548 (type material), ATCC 15855 (type material), Actinomyces bacillaris (synonym), CBS 788.72 (type material), DSM 40598 (type material), IFO 13487 (type material), INMI 445 (type material), JCM 4727 (type material), KCTC 9018 (type material), NBRC 13487 (type material), NRRL B-3038 (type material), NRRL-ISP 5598 (type material), RIA 1448 (type material), RIA 336 (type material), Streptomyces bacillaris (Krasil'nikov 1958) Pridham 1970 (synonym), VKM Ac-58 (type material).
taxid:1088419 Euchloron megaera serrai (subspecies), Euchloron megaera serrai Darge, 1970 (synonym).
taxid:83450 Cystobacter minus (species), "Polyangium minus" Krzemieniewska and Krzemieniewski 1926 (authority), Cystobacter minus (Krzemieniewska and Krzemieniewski 1926) McCurdy 1970 (authority), Polyangium minus (synonym), strain Windsor M-307 (type material).
taxid:303127 Nezumia micronychodon (species), Nezumia micronychodon Iwamoto, 1970 (synonym), smalltooth grenadier (genbank common name).
taxid:586589 Chondrina arcadica bulgarica (subspecies), Chondrina arcadica bulgarica Nordsieck, 1970 (authority).
taxid:494750 Hadrostethus (genus), Hadrostethus Townes, 1970 (authority).
taxid:2080 Sporolactobacillus laevus (species), "Sporolactobacillus laevas" Nakayama 1970 in Yanagida et al. 1987 (authority), Sporolactobacillus laevas (synonym), Sporolactobacillus laevis (misspelling).
taxid:47761 Streptomyces ochraceiscleroticus (species), AS 4.1096 (type material), ATCC 15814 (type material), BCRC 13310 (type material), CBS 168.62 (type material), CBS 784.72 (type material), CCRC 13310 (type material), Chainia ochracea (synonym), Chainia ochracea Kuznetsov 1962 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), DSM 40594 (type material), DSM 43155 (type material), IFO 12394 (type material), IFO 13483 (type material), IMET 43492 (type material), JCM 3048 (type material), JCM 4801 (type material), LMG 19349 (type material), NBRC 12394 (type material), NBRC 13483 (type material), NRRL B-3041 (type material), NRRL-ISP 5594 (type material), PCM 2307 (type material), RIA 1444 (type material), RIA 710 (type material), Streptomyces ochraceiscleroticus Pridham 1970 (synonym), VKM Ac-651 (type material).
taxid:742750 Trithemis brydeni (species), Trithemis brydeni Pinhey, 1970 (authority).
taxid:681693 Multitestis magnacetabulum (species), Multitestis magnacetabulum Mamaev, 1970 (authority).
taxid:1957 Streptomyces sclerotialus (species), ATCC 15721 (type material), BCRC 13307 (type material), CBS 167.62 (type material), CCRC 13307 (type material), Chainia antibiotica (synonym), Chainia antibiotica Thirumalachar 1955 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), DSM 43032 (type material), IFM 1141 (type material), IFO 12246 (type material), IFO 13356 (type material), IFO 13904 (type material), JCM 3039 (type material), JCM 4828 (type material), KCTC 9065 (type material), NBRC 12246 (type material), NBRC 13356 (type material), NBRC 13904 (type material), NRRL B-2317 (type material), NRRL-ISP 5269 (type material), RIA 1317 (type material), Streptomyces sclerotialus Pridham 1970 (synonym), VKM Ac-1909 (type material).
taxid:1209828 Lanius souzae tacitus (subspecies), Lanius souzae tacitus Clancey, 1970 (authority).
taxid:668471 Sinularia ornata (species), Sinularia ornata Tixier-Durivault, 1970 (authority).
taxid:59202 Salmonella enterica subsp. salamae (subspecies), "Salmonella salamae" Le Minor et al. 1970 (authority), ATCC 43972 (type material), CCUG 30039 (type material), CIP 8229 (type material), DSM 9220 (type material), NCTC 5773 (type material), Salmonella cholerae-suis subsp. salamae (synonym), Salmonella choleraesuis subsp. salamae (synonym), Salmonella choleraesuis subsp. salamae corrig. Le Minor et al. 1985 (authority), Salmonella enterica II (synonym), Salmonella enterica serovar II (synonym), Salmonella enterica subsp. II (synonym), Salmonella enterica subsp. salamae (Le Minor et al. 1985) Le Minor and Popoff 1987 (authority), Salmonella salamae (synonym).
taxid:483138 Glaucalges attenuatus (species), Glaucalges attenuatus (Bucholz, 1970) (synonym), Protalges attenuatus (synonym).
taxid:154032 Limia caymanensis (species), Grand Cayman limia (genbank common name), Limia caymanensis Rivas & Fink, 1970 (authority).
taxid:429657 Cheilosia sootryeni (species), Cheilosia sootryeni Nielsen, 1970 (synonym).
taxid:639398 Bactrocera calumniata (species), Bactrocera calumniata (Hardy, 1970) (authority).
taxid:469254 Munychryia periclyta (species), Munychryia periclyta Common & McFarland, 1970 (synonym).
taxid:1936 Streptomyces violaceus (species), "Actinomyces violaceus" (Rossi Doria 1891) Gasperini 1894 (synonym), "Actinomyces violatus" Artamonova and Krasil'nikov in Rautenshtein 1960 (synonym), "Cladothrix violacea" (Rossi Doria 1891) Mace 1897 (synonym), "Discomyces violaceus" (Rossi Doria 1891) Brumpt 1922 (synonym), "Nocardia violacea" (Rossi Doria 1891) Chalmers and Christopherson 1916 (synonym), "Oospora violacea" (Rossi Doria 1891) Sauvageau and Radais 1892 (synonym), "Streptotrix violacea" (sic) Rossi Doria 1891 (synonym), ATCC 15892 (type material), Actinomyces violaceus (synonym), Actinomyces violatus (synonym), CBS 650.72 (type material), Cladothrix violacea (synonym), DSM 40209 (type material), Discomyces violaceus (synonym), IFO 13349 (type material), INMI 1205 (type material), LMG 20257 (type material), NBRC 13349 (type material), NRRL B-2867 (type material), NRRL-ISP 5209 (type material), Nocardia violacea (synonym), Oospora violacea (synonym), RIA 708 (type material), Streptomyces violaceus (Rossi Doria 1891) Waksman 1953 (AL 1980) emend. Lanoot et al. 2002 (synonym), Streptomyces violatus (synonym), Streptomyces violatus (Artamonova and Krasil'nikov 1960) Pridham 1970 (synonym), Streptotrix violacea (synonym).
taxid:1071040 Chelidonura berolina (species), Chelidonura berolina Marcus & Marcus, 1970 (authority).
taxid:523734 Neolithodes brodiei (species), Neolithodes brodiei Dawson and Yaldwyn, 1970 (synonym).
taxid:521362 Scyllarus subarctus (species), Scyllarus subarctus Crosnier, 1970 (synonym).
taxid:668431 Sinularia gravis (species), Sinularia gravis Tixier-Durivault, 1970 (authority).
taxid:48408 Photobacterium leiognathi subsp. mandapamensis (subspecies), "Photobacterium leiognathi subsp. mandapamensis" Ast and Dunlap 2004 (authority), "Photobacterium mandapamensis" Hendrie et al. 1970 (authority), Photobacterium mandapamensis (synonym), Photobacterium mondopomensis (misspelling).
taxid:669 Vibrio harveyi (species), "Achromobacter harveyi" Johnson and Shunk 1936 (authority), "Photobacterium harveyi" (Johnson and Shunk 1936) Breed and Lessel 1954 (authority), "Pseudomonas harveyi" (Johnson and Shunk 1936) Breed 1948 (authority), ATCC 14126 (type material), Achromobacter harveyi (synonym), Beneckea harveyi (synonym), Beneckea harveyi (Johnson and Shunk 1936) Reichelt and Baumann 1973 (Approved Lists 1980) (authority), Beneckea neptuna (synonym), CAIM 512 (type material), CCUG 28584 (type material), CIP 103192 (type material), IFO 15634 (type material), LMG 4044 (type material), Lucibacterium harveyi (synonym), Lucibacterium harveyi (Johnson and Shunk 1936) Hendrie et al. 1970 (Approved Lists 1980) (authority), NBRC 15634 (type material), NCCB 80033 (type material), NCTC 12970 (type material), Photobacterium harveyi (synonym), Pseudomonas harveyi (synonym), Vibrio carchariae (synonym), Vibrio carchariae Grimes et al. 1985 (authority), Vibrio harveyi (Johnson and Shunk 1936) Baumann et al. 1981 (authority), Vibrio sp. PG 001 (synonym), Vibrio sp. PG 002 (includes), Vibrio sp. PG 006 (includes), Vibrio sp. PG 007 (includes), Vibrio trachuri (synonym), Vibrio trachuri Iwamoto et al. 1996 (authority).
taxid:380512 Exorista tubigera (species), Exorista (Adenia) tubigera (synonym), Exorista sp. 20072001 (includes), Exorista tubigera Mesnil, 1970 (synonym).
taxid:1266905 Steccherinum ciliolatum (species), Steccherinum ciliolatum (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Gilb. & Budington 1970 (authority).
taxid:742754 Trithemis hartwigi (species), Trithemis hartwigi Pinhey, 1970 (authority).
taxid:68210 Streptomyces glomeroaurantiacus (species), "Actinomyces glomeroaurantiacus" Krasil'nikov and Yuan in Krasil'nikov 1965 (synonym), ATCC 15866 (type material), Actinomyces glomeroaurantiacus (synonym), DSM 41782 (type material), IFO 15418 (type material), INMI 1464 (type material), JCM 4677 (type material), NBRC 15418 (type material), NRRL B-3375 (type material), RIA 683 (type material), Streptomyces glomeroaurantiacus (Krasil'nikov and Yuan 1965) Pridham 1970 (synonym).
taxid:285469 Streptomyces microsporus (species), "Streptomyces microsporus" (Yen 1957) Pridham 1970 (synonym).
taxid:1245368 Heizmannia proxima (species), Heizmannia proxima Mattingly, 1970 (authority).
taxid:285468 Streptomyces lilacinofulvus (species), "Streptomyces lilacinofulvus" (Yen and Chou 1964) Pridham 1970 (synonym).
taxid:285467 Streptomyces lilaceus (species), "Streptomyces lilaceus" Pridham 1970 (synonym).
taxid:29552 Acholeplasma axanthum (species), ATCC 25176 (type material), Acholeplasma axanthum Tully and Razin 1970 (authority).
taxid:285458 Streptomyces agglomeratus (species), "Streptomyces agglomeratus" (Yen 1957) Pridham 1970 (synonym).
taxid:285462 Streptomyces aurantiacogriseus (species), "Streptomyces aurantiacogriseus" (Yen 1957) Pridham 1970 (synonym).
taxid:285461 Streptomyces atrolaccus (species), "Streptomyces atrolaccus" (Yen 1957) Pridham (1970) (synonym).
taxid:285460 Streptomyces atrocyaneus (species), "Streptomyces atrocyaneus" (Yen and Chou 1964) Pridham (1970) (synonym).
taxid:1115710 Lamproderma disseminatum (species), Lamproderma disseminatum Kowalski 1970 (authority).
taxid:285464 Streptomyces flavomacrosporus (species), "Streptomyces flavomacrosporus" (Yen 1957) Pridham 1970 (synonym).
taxid:285463 Streptomyces castaneus (species), "Streptomyces castaneus" (Yen 1957) Pridham 1970 (synonym).
taxid:1074834 Talaromyces pseudostromaticus (species), Penicillium pseudostromaticum (anamorph), Penicillium pseudostromaticum Hodges, G.M. Warner & Rogerson 1970 (authority), Talaromyces pseudostromaticus (Hodges, G.M. Warner, Rogerson) Samson, Yilmaz, Frisvad & Seifert 2011 (authority).
taxid:940684 Diaphera wilfordii (species), Diaphera wilfordii Dance, 1970 (authority).
taxid:1002363 Rickettsiella armadillidii (species), "Rickettsiella armadillidii" Vago et al. 1970 (authority), Rickettsiella symbiont of Armadillidium vulgare (includes), Rickettsiella symbiont of Helleria brevicornis (includes), Rickettsiella symbiont of Philoscia muscorum (includes).
taxid:535943 Covasacris pallidinota (species), Covasacris albitarsis (synonym), Covasacris albitarsis Liebermann, 1970 (synonym), Covasacris pallidinota (Bruner, 1900) (synonym), Parorphula pallidinota (synonym), Parorphula strigata (synonym).
taxid:285449 Streptomyces fradiae subsp. acinicolor (subspecies), "Streptomyces fradiae subsp. acinicolor" Kusaka et al. 1970 (synonym), Streptomyces fradiae subsp. acinicolar (synonym), Streptomyces fradiae var. acinicolor (synonym).
taxid:67377 Streptomyces violaceochromogenes (species), "Actinomyces violaceochromogenes" (Krasil'nikov 1949) Ryabova & Preobrazhenskaya in Gauze 1957 (authority), "Actinomyces violaceus chromogenes" Krasil'nikov 1949 (authority), "Actinomyces violochromogenes" (sic) Artamonova & Krasil'nikov in Rautenshtein '60 (authority), ATCC 19932 (type material), ATCC 25512 (type material), Actinomyces violaceochromogenes (synonym), Actinomyces violaceus chromogenes (synonym), Actinomyces violochromogenes (synonym), CBS 654.69 (type material), DSM 40181 (type material), IFO 13100 (type material), INA 425 (type material), JCM 4530 (type material), NBRC 13100 (type material), NRRL B-5427 (type material), NRRL-ISP 5181 (type material), RIA 1292 (type material), Streptomyces violaceichromatogenes (equivalent name), Streptomyces violaceochromogenes (Ryabova and Preobrazhenskaya 1957) Pridham 1970 (authority), VKM Ac-581 (type material).
taxid:1087725 Polyptychus thihongae (species), Polyptychus thihongae Bernardi, 1970 (authority).
taxid:1245363 Culex richei (species), Culex richei Klein, 1970 (authority).
taxid:854 Fusobacterium russii (species), "Bacteroides russii" Hauduroy et al. 1937 (authority), "Influenzabacillenhnliches anarobes Stabchen" Russ 1905 (authority), ATCC 25533 (type material), Bacteroides russii (synonym), Fusibacterium russii (equivalent name), Fusobacterium russi (misspelling), Fusobacterium russii (Hauduroy et al. 1937) Moore and Holdeman 1970 (authority), Influenzabacillenhnliches anarobes Satbchen (synonym).
taxid:495094 Ophiognomonia alni-viridis (species), Gnomonia alni-viridis (synonym), Gnomonia alni-viridis Podl. & Svrcek 1970 (authority), Ophiognomonia alni-viridis (Podlahova & Svrcek) Sogonov 2008 (authority).
taxid:549042 Afroheriades primus (species), Afroheriades primus (Peters, 1970) (authority).
taxid:119856 Francisella tularensis subsp. tularensis (subspecies), "Francisella tularensis subsp. nearctica" Olsufjev 1970 (authority), Francisella tularensis subsp. nearctica (synonym), Francisella tularensis subsp. tularensis (McCoy and Chapin 1912) Dorofe'ev 1947 (authority), Francisella tularensis var. tularemia (synonym).
taxid:1972 Streptomyces roseiscleroticus (species), ATCC 17755 (type material), BCRC 12541 (type material), CBS 226.65 (type material), CBS 664.72 (type material), CCRC 12541 (type material), CMI 112788 (type material), Chainia rosea (synonym), Chainia rosea Thirumalachar 1966 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), DSM 40303 (type material), IFO 13002 (type material), IFO 13363 (type material), IMET 43586 (type material), JCM 3104 (type material), JCM 4823 (type material), NBRC 13002 (type material), NBRC 13363 (type material), NCIMB 11013 (type material), NRRL B-3348 (type material), NRRL-ISP 5303 (type material), RIA 1324 (type material), RIA 887 (type material), Streptomyces roseiscleroticus Pridham 1970 (synonym), VKM Ac-1718 (type material).
taxid:707170 Pseudocorythion acutum (species), Pseudocorythion acutum (Wailes, 1927) Valkanov, 1970 (authority).
taxid:32144 Metaxyaceae (family), Metaxiaceae (misspelling), Metaxyaceae Pic.Serm., 1970 (authority).
taxid:508508 Leiophron lygivorus (species), Leiophron lygivorus (Loan, 1970) (synonym).
taxid:630686 Nezumia duodecim (species), Nezumia duodecim Iwamoto, 1970 (authority), twelve-rayed grenadier (genbank common name).
taxid:2124 Mycoplasma salivarium (species), "Asterococcus salivarius" (Edward 1955) Prevot 1961 (authority), "Schizoplasma salivarium" (Edward 1955) Furness 1970 (authority), ATCC 23064 (type material), Asterococcus salivarius (synonym), IFO 14478 (type material), Mycoplasma salivarium Edward 1955 (authority), NBRC 14478 (type material), NCTC 10113 (type material), Schizoplasma salivarium (synonym).
taxid:630671 Coryphaenoides marshalli (species), Coryphaenoides marshalli Iwamoto, 1970 (authority).
taxid:575429 Polyommatus eros extremiorientalis (subspecies), Polyommatus eros extremiorientalis (Kurentzov, 1970) (authority), Polyommatus kamtshadalis extremiorientalis (synonym).
taxid:646675 Gammarus pecos (species), Gammarus pecos Cole & Bousfield, 1970 (authority), Pecos amphipod (genbank common name).
taxid:903674 Lybia edmondsoni (species), Lybia edmondsoni Takeda & Miyake, 1970 (authority).
taxid:162491 Oerskovia (genus), Oerskovia Prauser et al. 1970 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Stackebrandt et al. 2002 (authority).
taxid:67338 Streptomyces olivoviridis (species), "Actinomyces olivoviridis" Kuchaeva et al. 1960 (synonym), "Actinomyces olivovirilis" (sic) Kuchaeva et al. 1960 (synonym), ATCC 15882 (type material), ATCC 23944 (type material), Actinomyces olivoviridis (synonym), Actinomyces olivovirilis (synonym), CBS 928.68 (type material), DSM 40211 (type material), IFO 12897 (type material), INMI 1475 (type material), JCM 4432 (type material), JCM 4658 (type material), NBRC 12897 (type material), NRRL B-3374 (type material), NRRL-ISP 5211 (type material), RIA 1157 (type material), RIA 661 (type material), Streptomyces oliviviridis (equivalent name), Streptomyces olivoviridis (Kuchaeva et al. 1960) Pridham 1970 (synonym), VKM Ac-259 (type material).
taxid:221016 Influenza A virus (A/Queensland/7/70(H3N2)) (no rank), A/Qu/7/70 (synonym), Influenza A virus (A/Qu/7/1970(H3N2)) (synonym), Influenza A virus (STRAIN A/QU/7/70) (synonym).
taxid:385970 Labeo rajasthanicus (species), Labeo rajasthanicus Datta & Majumdar, 1970 (synonym).
taxid:991106 Hormogaster praetiosa nigra (subspecies), Hormogaster praetiosa nigra Bouche, 1970 (authority), Hormogaster pretiosa nigra (synonym).
taxid:425550 Influenza A virus (A/Albany/2/1970(H3N2)) (no rank).
taxid:1096486 Spathius calligaster (species), Spathius calligaster Matthews, 1970 (authority).
taxid:66712 Propionibacterium freudenreichii subsp. freudenreichii (subspecies), Propionibacterium freudenreichii subsp. freudenreichii (van Niel 1928) (authority), Propionibacterium freudenreichii subsp. freudenreichii (van Niel 1928) Moore and Holdeman 1970 (authority), Propionicibacterium freudenreichii subsp. freudenreichii (equivalent name).
taxid:543535 Streptomyces sporovirgulis (species), "Streptomyces sporovirgulis" Krassilnikov 1970 (authority).
taxid:28042 Saccharopolyspora rectivirgula (species), "Thermopolyspora polyspora" Henssen 1957 (synonym), "Thermopolyspora rectivirgula" Krasil'nikov and Agre 1964 (synonym), ATCC 33515 (type material), DSM 43747 (type material), Faenia rectivirgula (synonym), Faenia rectivirgula (Krasil'nikov and Agre 1964) Kurup and Agre 1983 (synonym), IFO 12464 (type material), INMI 683 (type material), JCM 3057 (type material), Micropolyspora faeni (synonym), Micropolyspora faeni Cross et al. 1968 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), Micropolyspora rectivirgula (synonym), Micropolyspora rectivirgula (Krasil'nikov and Agre 1964) Prauser and Momirova 1970 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), NBRC 12464 (type material), NRRL B-16280 (type material), Saccharopolyspora rectivirgula (Krasil'nikov and Agre 1964) Korn-Wendisch et al. 1989 (synonym), Thermopolyspora polyspora (synonym), Thermopolyspora rectivirgula (synonym), VKM Ac-810 (type material).
taxid:113287 Pseudoramibacter alactolyticus (species), "Ramibacterium alactolyticum" Prevot and Taffanel 1942 (authority), "Ramibacterium dentium" Vinzent and Reynes 1947 (authority), "Ramibacterium pleuriticum" Prevot et al. 1947 (authority), ATCC 23263 (type material), CIP 106365 (type material), DSM 3980 (type material), Eubacterium alactolyticum (synonym), Eubacterium alactolyticum (Prevot and Taffanel 1942) Holdeman and Moore 1970 (Approved Lists 1980) (authority), JCM 6480 (type material), Pseudoramibacter alactolyticus (Prevot and Taffanel 1942) Willems and Collins 1996 (authority), Ramibacterium alactolyticum (synonym), Ramibacterium dentium (synonym), Ramibacterium pleuriticum (synonym).
taxid:913639 Cernosvitoviella aggtelekiensis (species), Cernosvitoviella aggtelekiensis Dozsa-Farkas, 1970 (authority).
taxid:66371 Streptomyces fumigatiscleroticus (species), ATCC 19345 (type material), BCRC 12344 (type material), CBS 639.66 (type material), CCRC 12344 (type material), CMI 117720 (type material), Chainia fumigata (synonym), Chainia fumigata Thirumalachar et al. 1966 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), DSM 43154 (type material), IFO 12999 (type material), JCM 3101 (type material), KCC A-0101 (type material), NBRC 12999 (type material), NCIMB 11004 (type material), NRRL B-3856 (type material), RIA 884 (type material), Streptomyces fumigatiscleroticus (ex Pridham 1970) Goodfellow et al. 1986 (synonym).
taxid:586030 Platyderus incertans (species), Platyderus incertans Mateu, 1952 (authority), Platyderus urbionensis (synonym), Platyderus urbionensis Jeanne, 1970 (synonym).
taxid:516669 Disparella (genus), Disparella Hessler, 1970 (synonym).
taxid:495 Neisseria elongata (species), ATCC 25295 (type material), CCUG 2043 (type material), CCUG 2130 A (type material), CIP 72.27 (type material), LMG 5124 (type material), NCTC 10660 (type material), Neisseria elongata Bovre and Holten 1970 (synonym).
taxid:576575 Amanita alboflavescens (species), Amanita alboflavescens Hongo 1970 (authority).
taxid:350014 Pristimantis nicefori (species), Eleutherodactylus nicefori (synonym), Eleutherodactylus nicefori Cochran and Goin, 1970 (synonym), Niceforo's robber frog (genbank common name).
taxid:748566 Pleurotus agaves (species), Pleurotus agaves Dennis 1970 (authority).
taxid:68274 Streptomyces tauricus (species), "Actinomyces tauricus" Ivanitskaya et al. 1966 (synonym), "Streptomyces tauricus" (Ivanitskaya et al. 1966) Pridham 1970 (synonym), ATCC 27470 (type material), Actinomyces tauricus (synonym), BCRC 12822 (type material), CBS 757.72 (type material), CCRC 12822 (type material), DSM 40560 (type material), IFO 13456 (type material), IMET 43541 (type material), INA 8173 (type material), JCM 4837 (type material), NBRC 13456 (type material), NRRL B-12497 (type material), NRRL-ISP 5560 (type material), RIA 1417 (type material), Streptomyces tauricus (ex Ivanitskaya et al. 1966) Sveshnikova 1986 (synonym), VKM Ac-1853 (type material).
taxid:284031 Streptomyces flavovariabilis (species), "Actinomyces flavovariabilis" Korenyako and Nikitina in Krasil'nikov 1965 (synonym), "Streptomyces flavovariabilis" (Korenyako and Nikitina 1965) Pridham 1970 (synonym), ATCC 43684 (type material), Actinomyces flavovariabilis (synonym), DSM 41479 (type material), INMI 702 (type material), JCM 9089 (type material), NBRC 100764 (type material), NRRL B-16367 (type material), Streptomyces flavovariabilis (ex Korenyako and Nikitina) Sveshnikova 1986 (synonym), VKM Ac-141 (type material).
taxid:717083 Chlamydonella (genus), Chlamydonella Deroux, 1970 [Petz, Song & Wilbert, 1995] (authority).
taxid:1143315 Phylloporus cyanescens (species), Phylloporus bellus var. cyanescens (synonym), Phylloporus bellus var. cyanescens Corner 1970 (authority), Phylloporus cyanescens (Corner) M.A. Neves & Halling 2012 (authority).
taxid:722448 Symphysanodon berryi (species), Symphysanodon berryi Anderson, 1970 (authority), slope bass (genbank common name).
taxid:31973 Lactobacillus catenaformis (species), "Bacteroides catenaformis" Eggerth 1935 (authority), "Catenabacterium catenaforme" (Eggerth 1935) Prevot 1938 (authority), ATCC 25536 (type material), Bacteroides catenaformis (synonym), CCUG 48174 (type material), CIP 104817 (type material), Catenabacterium catenaforme (synonym), DSM 20559 (type material), JCM 1121 (type material), Lactobacillus catenaforme (synonym), Lactobacillus catenaformis corrig. (Eggerth 1935) Moore and Holdeman 1970 (authority), [Lactobacillus] catenaformis (equivalent name).
taxid:538603 Clinidium baldufi (species), Clinidium baldufi Bell, 1970 (authority).
taxid:742748 Trithemis bifida (species), Trithemis bifida Pinhey, 1970 (authority).
taxid:67322 Streptomyces malachitofuscus (species), "Actinomyces malachitofuscus" Preobrazhenskaya et al. 1964 (synonym), "Streptomyces malachitofuscus" (Preobrazhenskaya et al. 1964) Pridham 1970 (synonym), ATCC 25471 (type material), Actinomyces malachitofuscus (synonym), CBS 881.69 (type material), DSM 40332 (type material), IFO 13059 (type material), INA 739 (type material), JCM 4493 (type material), KCC S-0493 (type material), NBRC 13059 (type material), NRRL B-12273 (type material), NRRL-ISP 5332 (type material), RIA 1251 (type material), Streptomyces malachitofuscus (ex Preobrazhenskaya et al '64) Preobrazhenskaya and Terekhova '86 (synonym), VKM Ac-1850 (type material).
taxid:1090329 Bryodrilus parvus (species), Bryodrilus parvus Nurminen, 1970 (authority).
taxid:576622 Biffarius fragilis (species), Biffarius fragilis (Biffar, 1970) (authority).
taxid:474061 Listrophoroides cricetomys (species), Listrophoroides (Crilistrophoroides) cricetomys (synonym), Listrophoroides cricetomys Fain, 1970 (synonym).
taxid:1036251 Chaetomium ancistrocladum (species), Chaetomium ancistrocladum Udagawa & Cain 1970 (authority).
taxid:269508 Euglossa tridentata (species), Euglossa tridentata Moure, 1970 (authority).
taxid:59205 Salmonella enterica subsp. houtenae (subspecies), "Salmonella houtenae" Le Minor et al. 1970 (authority), ATCC 43974 (type material), CCUG 30041 (type material), CIP 82.32 (type material), DSM 9221 (type material), NCTC 12418 (type material), Salmonella cholerae-suis subsp. houtenae (synonym), Salmonella choleraesuis subsp. houtenae (synonym), Salmonella choleraesuis subsp. houtenae corrig. Le Minor et al. 1985 (authority), Salmonella enterica IV (synonym), Salmonella enterica subsp. IV (synonym), Salmonella enterica subsp. houtenae (Le Minor et al. 1985) Le Minor and Popoff 1987 (authority), Salmonella houtenae (synonym).
taxid:70996 Herpetosiphon geysericola (species), "Herpetosiphon geysericolus" (sic) Lewin 1970 (synonym), ATCC 23076 (type material), CCUG 48727 (type material), DSM 7119 (type material), Herpetosiphon geysericolus (synonym), Lewinella geysericola (misnomer), not "Phormidium geysericola" Copeland 1936 (synonym).
taxid:865857 Celestus warreni (species), Celestus warreni (Schwartz, 1970) (authority), Diploglossus warreni (synonym).
taxid:668478 Sinularia peculiaris (species), Sinularia peculiaris Tixier-Durivault, 1970 (authority).
taxid:394474 Stefania scalae (species), Stefania scalae Rivero, 1970 (synonym).
taxid:680251 Cladia corallaizon (species), Cladia corallaizon F. Wilson ex Filson 1970 (authority).
taxid:76712 Zaprionus indianus (species), Zaprionus indianus Gupta, 1970 (synonym).
taxid:578950 Kroyeria longicauda (species), Kroyeria longicauda R. Cressey, 1970 (authority).
taxid:681667 Cadenatella pacifica (species), Cadenatella pacifica (Yamaguti, 1970) (authority).
taxid:1032828 Inocybe roseipes (species), Inocybe roseipes Malencon 1970 (authority).
taxid:77917 Fusobacterium naviforme (species), "Bacillus naviformis" Jungano 1909 (authority), "Pseudobacterium naviformis" (sic) (Jungano 1909) Krasil'nikov 1949 (authority), "Ristella naviformis" (Jungano 1909) Prevot 1938 (authority), ATCC 25832 (type material), Bacillus naviformis (synonym), CCUG 50052 (type material), Fusibacterium naviforme (synonym), Fusobacterium naviforme (Jungano 1909) Moore and Holdeman 1970 (authority), NCTC 13121 (type material), Pseudobacterium naviformis (synonym), Ristella naviformis (synonym).
taxid:87207 Rhizobium sp. USDA 1970 (species).
taxid:202206 Methylocystis methanolicus (species), "Methylocystis methanolicus" Galchenko et al. 1977 (synonym), "Methylocystis methanolicus" Whittenbury et al. 1970 (synonym), 'Methylocystis methanolicus' (synonym).
taxid:927895 Corydoras guianensis (species), Corydoras guianensis Nijssen, 1970 (authority).
taxid:60289 Aphyosemion melanopteron (species), Aphyosemion melanopteron Goldstein & Ricco, 1970 (synonym), Congo killi (common name), Congo killifish (genbank common name).
taxid:68220 Streptomyces indigocolor (species), "Actinomyces indigocolor" Krasil'nikov et al. 1965 (authority), "Streptomyces indigocolor" (Krasil'nikov et al. 1965) Pridham 1970 (authority), Actinomyces indigocolor (synonym).
taxid:492042 Herwigia kreffti (species), Herwigia kreffti (Nielsen & Larsen, 1970) (synonym), Krefft's smooth-head (genbank common name).
taxid:715850 Luperomorpha kurosawai (species), Luperomorpha kurosawai Kimoto, 1970 (authority).
taxid:67378 Streptomyces violaceolatus (species), "Actinomyces violaceolatus" Krasil'nikov et al. in Krasil'nikov 1965 (synonym), ATCC 19847 (type material), ATCC 25513 (type material), Actinomyces violaceolatus (synonym), CBS 655.69 (type material), DSM 40438 (type material), IFO 13101 (type material), JCM 4531 (type material), KCTC 9772 (type material), NBRC 13101 (type material), NRRL B-12371 (type material), NRRL-ISP 5438 (type material), RIA 1293 (type material), Streptomyces violaceilatus (equivalent name), Streptomyces violaceolatus (Krasil'nikov et al. 1965) Pridham 1970 (synonym), VKM Ac-582 (type material).
taxid:945923 Bathyvermilia eliasoni (species), Bathyvermilia eliasoni (Zibrowius, 1970) (authority).
taxid:51938 Muscidifurax raptorellus (species), Muscidifurax raptorellus Kogan & Legner, 1970 (authority).
taxid:850 Fusobacterium mortiferum (species), "Bacillus mortiferus" Harris 1901 (synonym), "Bacillus necroticus" Nativelle 1936 in Weinberg et al. 1937 (authority), "Bacteroides freundii" Hauduroy et al. 1937 (authority), "Fusubacterium ridiculosum" (Prevot 1948) Moore and Holdeman 1969 (authority), "Pseudobacterium freundii" (Hauduroy et al. 1937) Krasil'nikov 1949 (authority), "Pseudobacterium mortiferum" (Harris 1901) Krasil'nikov 1949 (authority), "Pseudobacterium necroticum" (Nativelle 1936) Krasil'nikov 1949 (authority), "Spherophorus freundi" (sic) (Hauduroy et al. 1937) Prevot 1938 (authority), "Spherophorus mortiferus" (sic) (Harris 1901) Prevot 1938 (authority), "Spherophorus necroticus" (Nativelle 1936) Prevot 1938 (authority), "Spherophorus ridiculosus" (sic) Prevot 1948 (authority), ATCC 25557 (type material), Bacillus mortiferus (synonym), Bacillus necroticus (synonym), Bacteroides freundii (synonym), CCUG 14475 (type material), Fusibacterium mortiferum (equivalent name), Fusobacterium mortiferum (Harris 1901) Moore and Holdeman 1970 (authority), Fusubacterium ridiculosum (synonym), Pseudobacterium freundii (synonym), Pseudobacterium mortiferum (synonym), Pseudobacterium necroticum (synonym), Spherophorus freundi (synonym), Spherophorus mortiferus (synonym), Spherophorus necroticus (synonym), Spherophorus ridiculosu (synonym).
taxid:668462 Sinularia molesta (species), Sinularia intacta (synonym), Sinularia molesta Tixier-Durivault, 1970 (authority), Sinularia rotundata (synonym).
taxid:323549 Maripa (genus), Maripa Descamps & Amedegnato 1970 (synonym).
taxid:545485 Scleroderma michiganense (species), Scleroderma michiganense (Guzman) Guzman 1970 (synonym).
taxid:941192 Trhypochthonius japonicus (species), Trhypochthonius japonicus Aoki, 1970 (authority).
taxid:467212 Melanoxa oxalidis (species), Melanotaenium oxalidis (synonym), Melanotaenium oxalidis Dietz & G. W. Fisch 1970 (authority), Melanoxa oxalidis (Dietz & G. W. Fisch.) M. Lutz, Vanky & R. Bauer 2010 (authority).
taxid:763343 Psilotreta rossi (species), Psilotreta rossi Wallace, 1970 (authority).
taxid:489131 Catoptropteryx aurita (species), Catoptropteryx aurita Huxley, 1970 (synonym).
taxid:668470 Sinularia numerosa (species), Sinularia numerosa Tixier-Durivault, 1970 (authority).
taxid:494862 Loxodocus (genus), Loxodocus Townes, 1970 (authority).
taxid:1160990 Paramormia polyscoidea (species), Paramormia polyscoidea (Krek, 1970) (authority).
taxid:321859 Trichogramma achaeae (species), Trichogramma achaeae Nagaraja & Nagarkatti, 1970 (synonym).
taxid:1212755 Homalometron manteri (species), Homalometron manteri Overstreet, 1970 (authority).
taxid:67296 Streptomyces finlayi (species), "Actinomyces finlayi" Szabo et al. 1963 (synonym), AS 4.1436 (type material), ATCC 23340 (type material), ATCC 23906 (type material), Actinomyces finlayi (synonym), CBS 802.68 (type material), DSM 40218 (type material), HAMBI 1071 (type material), IFO 13201 (type material), JCM 4216 (type material), JCM 4637 (type material), NBRC 13201 (type material), NCIMB 9834 (type material), NRRL B-12114 (type material), NRRL-ISP 5218 (type material), RIA 1162 (type material), Streptomyces finlayi (Szabo et al. 1963) Pridham 1970 (synonym), VKM Ac-967 (type material).
taxid:1086873 Influenza A virus (A/Bilthoven/93/1970(H3N2)) (no rank), Influenza A virus (A/Bilthoven/93/70(H3N2)) (synonym).
taxid:109790 Lactobacillus jensenii (species), ATCC 25258 (type material), CCUG 21961 (type material), CCUG 35572 (type material), CIP 69.17 (type material), DSM 20557 (type material), JCM 1146 (type material), JCM 15953 (type material), LMG 6414 (type material), Lactobacillus jensenii Gasser et al. 1970 (synonym), NRRL B-4550 (type material).
taxid:68174 Streptomyces anthocyanicus (species), "Actinomyces anthocyanicus" Krasil'nikov et al. 1965 (synonym), AS 4.1683 (type material), ATCC 19821 (type material), Actinomyces anthocyanicus (synonym), DSM 41422 (type material), IFO 14892 (type material), JCM 5058 (type material), KCTC 9755 (type material), NBRC 14892 (type material), NRRL B-12341 (type material), Streptomyces anthocyanicus (Krasil'nikov et al. 1965) Pridham 1970 (synonym).
taxid:1175196 Oligosoma alani (species), Cyclodina alani (synonym), Leiolopisma alani (synonym), Oligosoma alani (Robb, 1970) (authority).
taxid:1041187 Tremella polyporina (species), Tremella polyporina D.A. Reid 1970 (authority).
taxid:53 Nannocystis (genus), Nannocystis Reichenbach 1970 (authority).
taxid:118131 Cobitis takatsuensis (species), Cobitis takatsuensis Mizuno, 1970 (authority), Japanese spinous loach (genbank common name).
taxid:486325 Proernus stigmaticus (species), Pedinopistha stigmatica (synonym), Proernus stigmaticus Suman, 1970 (synonym).
taxid:269502 Euglossa cognata (species), Euglossa cognata Moure, 1970 (synonym).
taxid:1187994 Rotavirus A Hu/1970/San Sebastian.ESP/2011/G12 (no rank).
taxid:1136105 Tolypothrix campylonemoides (species), Tolypothrix campylonemoides Ghose 1924 (authority), Tolypothrix campylonemoides Ghose sensu Guarrera et Tell 1970 (authority).
taxid:823 Parabacteroides distasonis (species), "Bacteroides fragilis subsp. distasonis" (Eggerth and Gagnon 1933) Holdeman and Moore 1970 (authority), "Pseudobacterium distasonis" (Eggerth and Gagnon 1933) Krasil'nikov 1949 (authority), "Ristella distasonis" (Eggerth and Gagnon 1933) Prevot 1938 (authority), ATCC 8503 (type material), Bacteroides distasonis (synonym), Bacteroides distasonis Eggerth and Gagnon 1933 (Approved Lists 1980) (authority), Bacteroides fragilis subsp. distasoni (synonym), CCUG 4941 (type material), CIP 104284 (type material), DSM 20701 (type material), JCM 5825 (type material), NCTC 11152 (type material), Parabacteroides distasonis (Eggerth and Gagnon 1933) Sakamoto and Benno 2006 (authority), Pseudobacterium distasonis (synonym), Ristella distasonis (synonym).
taxid:936111 Influenza A virus (A/Bilthoven/2668/1970(H3N2)) (no rank), Influenza A virus (A/Bilthoven/2668/70(H3N2)) (synonym).
taxid:913654 Fridericia nemoralis (species), Fridericia nemoralis Nurminen, 1970 (authority).
taxid:862446 Daptonema psammoides (species), Daptonema psammoides (Warwick, 1970) (authority).
taxid:425174 Tetraneura sorini (species), Tetraneura sorini Hille Ris Lambers, 1970 (authority).
taxid:29616 Thelypteridaceae (family), Thelypteridaceae Ching ex Pic.Serm., 1970 (authority).
taxid:46677 Pseudomonas agarici (species), ATCC 25941 (type material), CCUG 32769 (type material), CFBP 2063 (type material), CIP 106703 (type material), DSM 11810 (type material), ICMP 2656 (type material), JCM 12566 (type material), LMG 2112 (type material), NCPPB 2289 (type material), Pseudomonas agarici Young 1970 (authority).
taxid:86660 Mycoplasma dispar (species), ATCC 27140 (type material), Mycoplasma dispar Gourlay and Leach 1970 (authority), NCTC 10125 (type material).
taxid:858 Fusobacterium necrogenes (species), "Bacillus necrogenes" Weinberg et al. 1937 (authority), "Proactinomyces gedanensis var. necrogenes" Krasil'nikov 1949 (authority), "Pseudobacterium necrogenes" (Weinberg et al. 1937) Krasil'nikov 1949 (authority), "Spherophorus necrogenes" (sic) (Weinberg et al. 1937) Prevot 1938 (authority), ATCC 25556 (type material), Bacillus necrogenes (synonym), CCUG 4949 (type material), Fusibacterium necrogenes (synonym), Fusobacterium necrogenes (Weinberg et al. 1937) Moore and Holdeman 1970 (authority), NCTC 10723 (type material), Proactinomyces gedanensis var. necrogenes (synonym), Pseudobacterium necrogenes (synonym), Spherophorus necrogenes (synonym).
taxid:752566 Beltraniella portoricensis (species), Beltraniella portoricensis (F. Stevens) Piroz. & S.D. Patil 1970 (authority), Ellisiella portoricensis (synonym), Ellisiopsis gallesiae (synonym), Ellisiopsis portoricensis (synonym).
taxid:385647 Influenza A virus (A/USSR/90/1970(H1N1)) (no rank).
taxid:365646 Trachemys yaquia (species), Pseudemys scripta yaquia (synonym), Trachemys dorbigni yaquia (synonym), Trachemys scripta yaquia (synonym), Trachemys yaquia (Legler & Webb, 1970) (authority).
taxid:1602 Lactobacillus alimentarius (species), ATCC 29643 (type material), CCUG 30672 (type material), CIP 102986 (type material), DSM 20249 (type material), JCM 1095 (type material), LMG 9187 (type material), Lactobacillus alimentarius (ex Reuter 1970) Reuter 1983 (synonym).
taxid:448367 Luciola tsushimana (species), Luciola tsushimana Nakane, 1970 (synonym).
taxid:991114 Hemigastrodrilus monicae (species), Hemigastrodrilus monicae Bouche, 1970 (authority).
taxid:667102 Larnaudia beusekomae (species), Larnaudia beusekomae (Bott, 1970) (authority).
taxid:450279 Ostrinia kurentzovi (species), Ostrinia kurentzovi Mutuura & Munroe, 1970 (synonym).
taxid:66421 Streptomyces lavendulae subsp. grasserius (subspecies), "Actinomyces lavendulae grasserius" Kuchaeva et al. 1961 (authority), ATCC 15875 (type material), ATCC 25457 (type material), Actinomyces lavendulae grasserius (synonym), CBS 690.69 (type material), DSM 40385 (type material), IFO 13045 (type material), JCM 4056 (type material), JCM 4556 (type material), NBRC 13045 (type material), NRRL B-3072 (type material), NRRL B-3372 (type material), NRRL-ISP 5385 (type material), RIA 1237 (type material), RIA 746 (type material), Streptomyces lavendulae subsp. grasserius (Kuchaeva et al. 1961) Pridham 1970 (authority), VKM Ac-1178 (type material).
taxid:364027 Prosimulium neomacropyga (species), Prosimulium neomacropyga Peterson, 1970 (synonym).
taxid:39489 Eubacterium moniliforme (species), "Bacillus moniliforme" (sic) Repaci 1910 (authority), "Bacillus repazii" (sic) Herter 1917 (authority), "Cillobacterium moniliforme" (Repaci 1910) Prevot 1938 (authority), ATCC 25546 (type material), Bacillus moniliforme (synonym), Bacillus repazii (synonym), CCUG 28088 (type material), Cillobacterium moniliforme (synonym), DSM 3984 (type material), Eubacterium moniliforme (Repaci 1910) Holdeman and Moore 1970 (authority), JCM 9990 (type material).
taxid:688578 Acrobasis carpinivorella (species), Acrobasis carpinivorella Neunzig, 1970 (authority).
taxid:1115713 Lamproderma maculatum (species), Lamproderma maculatum Kowalski 1970 (authority).
taxid:463277 Synechococcus nidulans (species), Synechococcus nidulans (Pringsheim) Komarek in Bourrelly 1970 (synonym).
taxid:503179 Gozmanyina majesta (species), Gozmanyina majesta (Marshall & Reeves, 1970) (synonym).
taxid:797229 Janolus mirabilis (species), Janolus mirabilis Baba & Abe, 1970 (authority).
taxid:1149280 Carabus syriacus galilaeus (subspecies), Carabus syriacus galilaeus Schweiger, 1970 (authority), Procerus syriacus galilaeus (synonym).
taxid:164380 Imparfinis lineatus (species), Imparfinis lineatus (Bussing, 1970) (authority), Nannorhamdia lineata (synonym), pigmy catfish (common name).
taxid:83449 Cystobacter ferrugineus (species), "Polyangium ferrugineum" Krzemieniewska and Krzemieniewski 1927 (authority), Cystobacter ferrugineus (Krzemieniewska and Krzemieniewski 1927) McCurdy 1970 (authority), Polyangium ferrugineum (synonym), strain Windsor M-203 (type material).
taxid:511341 Potamon potamios palaestinense (subspecies), Potamon potamios palaestinense Bott, 1970 (synonym).
taxid:1752 Propionibacterium freudenreichii subsp. shermanii (subspecies), "Propionibacterium shermanii" van Niel 1928 (authority), ATCC 9614 (type material), CCUG 36819 (type material), CIP 103027 (type material), DSM 4902 (type material), LMG 16424 (type material), Propionibacterium freudenreichii shermanii (synonym), Propionibacterium freudenreichii subsp. shermanii (van Niel 1928) Holdeman and Moore 1970 (authority), Propionibacterium shermanii (synonym), Propionicibacterium freudenreichii subsp. shermanii (equivalent name).
taxid:284038 Streptomyces sporoclivatus (species), ATCC 43693 (type material), DSM 41461 (type material), INMI 97 (type material), JCM 9094 (type material), NBRC 100767 (type material), Streptomyces sporoclivatus (ex Krasil'nikov 1970) Preobrazhenskaya 1986 (authority), VKM Ac-315 (type material).
taxid:284039 Streptomyces spororaveus (species), AS 4.1926 (type material), ATCC 43694 (type material), DSM 41462 (type material), IFO 15456 (type material), INMI 101 (type material), JCM 6928 (type material), NBRC 15456 (type material), NRRL B-16378 (type material), Streptomyces spororaveus (ex Krasil'nikov 1970) Preobrazhenskaya 1986 (synonym), VKM Ac-318 (type material).
taxid:284041 Streptomyces viridobrunneus (species), ATCC 43698 (type material), DSM 41466 (type material), IFO 15902 (type material), INMI 300 (type material), JCM 9096 (type material), NBRC 15902 (type material), Streptomyces viridobrunneus (ex Krasil'nikov 1970) Terekhova 1986 (synonym), VKM Ac-559 (type material).
taxid:547799 Agathon dismalea (species), Agathon dismalea (Hogue, 1970) (authority), Agathon dismaleus (misspelling).
taxid:576634 Sergio trilobata (species), Sergio trilobata (Biffar, 1970) (authority).
taxid:142830 Dictyostelium dimigraformum (species), Dictyostelium dimigraformum Cavender 1970 (authority).
taxid:288173 Leptocampoplex (genus), Leptocampoplex Horstmann, 1970 (authority).
taxid:240838 Hippocampus bargibanti (species), Hippocampus bargibanti Whitley, 1970 (synonym), pygmy seahorse (genbank common name).
taxid:1970 Streptomyces morookaensis (species), "Streptomyces moro-okaensis" Niida et al. 1963 (synonym), "Streptoverticillium moro-okaense" (Niida et al. 1963) Arai 1976 (synonym), "Streptoverticillium morokaense" (Niida et al. 1963) Locci 1985 (synonym), Streptomyces moro-okaensis (synonym), Streptomyces morookaense (Locci and Schofield 1989) Witt and Stackebrandt 1991 (synonym), Streptomyces morookensis (equivalent name), Streptoverticillium moro-okaense (synonym), Streptoverticillium morookaense (synonym), Streptoverticillium morookaense (ex Niida et al. 1963) Locci and Schofield 1989 (synonym), Streptoverticillium morookense (synonym).
taxid:139598 Mitjaevia (genus), Mitjaevia Dworakowska, 1970 (authority).
taxid:1045551 Clavulina amazonensis (species), Clavulina amazonensis Corner 1970 (authority).
taxid:68216 Streptomyces helvaticus (species), "Actinomyces helvaticus" Krasil'nikov et al. in Krasil'nikov 1965 (synonym), ATCC 19841 (type material), Actinomyces helvaticus (synonym), CBS 683.72 (type material), DSM 40431 (type material), IFO 13382 (type material), INMI 1013-B (type material), JCM 4768 (type material), NBRC 13382 (type material), NRRL B-12365 (type material), NRRL-ISP 5431 (type material), RIA 1343 (type material), Streptomyces helvaticus (Krasil'nikov et al. 1965) Pridham 1970 (synonym), Streptomyces helveticus (equivalent name), VKM Ac-192 (type material).
taxid:1113284 Midila lamia (species), Midila lamia Munroe, 1970 (authority).
taxid:1007691 Pseudamnicola falkneri (species), Pseudamnicola (Corrosella) falkneri (synonym), Pseudamnicola falkneri (Boeters, 1970) (authority).
taxid:35762 Planobispora rosea (species), ATCC 23866 (type material), DSM 43051 (type material), IFO 15558 (type material), JCM 3166 (type material), NBRC 15558 (type material), NRRL B-8121 (type material), Planobispora rosea Thiemann 1967 (authority), Planobispora rosea Thiemann 1970 (sic) (authority), VKM Ac-1318 (type material).
taxid:869950 Chroococcidiopsis sp. CCALA 052 (species), Chroococcidiopsis sp. Hindak 1970/2 (synonym).
taxid:693770 Culcitaceae (family), Culcitaceae Pic.Serm., 1970 (authority).
taxid:991108 Hormogaster redii insularis (subspecies), Hormogaster redii insularis Bouche, 1970 (authority).
taxid:668409 Sinularia depressa (species), Sinularia depressa Tixier-Durivault, 1970 (authority).
taxid:1080751 Gammarus acalceolatus (species), Gammarus acalceolatus Pinkster, 1970 (authority).
taxid:53431 Nocardia salmonicida (species), "Nocardia salmonicida" (Rucker 1949) Pridham 1970 (synonym), "Streptomyces salmonicida" Rucker 1949 (synonym), ATCC 27463 (type material), CBS 694.72 (type material), CIP 104517 (type material), DSM 40472 (type material), IFO 13393 (type material), ISP 5472 (type material), JCM 4826 (type material), NBRC 13393 (type material), NRRL B-12385 (type material), NRRL B-2778 (type material), Nocardia salmonicida (ex Rucker 1949) Isik et al. 1999 (synonym), Streptomyces salmonicida (synonym).
taxid:611788 Pentastiridius beieri (species), Pentastiridius beieri (Wagner, 1970) (authority).
taxid:927941 Corydoras simulatus (species), Corydoras simulatus Weitzman & Nijssen, 1970 (authority).
taxid:130047 Tylosurus acus rafale (subspecies), Atlantic agujon needlefish (genbank common name), Tylosurus acus rafale Collette & Parin, 1970 (synonym).
taxid:948068 Trachurus delagoa (species), African scad (genbank common name), Trachurus delagoa Nekrasov, 1970 (authority).
taxid:1543 Clostridium oceanicum (species), ATCC 25647 (type material), Clostridium oceanica (misspelling), Clostridium oceanicum Smith 1970 (synonym), DSM 1290 (type material), JCM 1407 (type material), LMG 3287 (type material).
taxid:68285 Streptomyces xantholiticus (species), "Actinomyces xantholiticus" (sic) Konev and Tsyganov 1962 (synonym), ATCC 27481 (type material), Actinomyces xantholiticus (synonym), BCRC 12646 (type material), CBS 655.72 (type material), CCRC 12646 (type material), DSM 40244 (type material), IFO 13354 (type material), JCM 4282 (type material), JCM 4863 (type material), NBRC 13354 (type material), NCIMB 9857 (type material), NRRL B-12153 (type material), NRRL-ISP 5244 (type material), RIA 1315 (type material), Streptomyces xantholiticus (Konev and Tsyganov 1962) Pridham 1970 (synonym), Streptomyces xantholyticus (equivalent name), VKM Ac-1872 (type material).
taxid:68255 Streptomyces poonensis (species), "Chainia poonensis" Thirumalachar 1960 (synonym), AS 4.1097 (type material), ATCC 15723 (type material), BCRC 13311 (type material), CBS 295.66 (type material), CBS 786.72 (type material), CCRC 13311 (type material), Chainia poonensis (synonym), Chainia poonensis Thirumalachar 1960 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), DSM 40596 (type material), HAMBI 987 (type material), IFO 12556 (type material), IFO 13485 (type material), IMET 43406 (type material), JCM 3071 (type material), JCM 3079 (type material), JCM 4815 (type material), LMG 19326 (type material), NBRC 12556 (type material), NBRC 13485 (type material), NRRL B-2319 (type material), NRRL B-2951 (type material), NRRL-ISP 5596 (type material), PCM 2246 (type material), RIA 1446 (type material), Streptomyces poonensis (Thirumalachar 1960) Pridham 1970 (synonym), VKM Ac-1715 (type material).
taxid:494754 Hapsinotus (genus), Hapsinotus Townes, 1970 (authority).
taxid:580875 Apogon smithi (species), Apogon smithi (Kotthaus, 1970) (authority), Apogon smithii (misspelling), Jaydia smithi (synonym), Smith's cardinalfish (genbank common name).
taxid:417560 Italochrysa nigrovenosa (species), Italochrysa nigrovenosa Kuwayama, 1970 (synonym), Italochrysa nigrovenosus (synonym).
taxid:1004201 Neofidelia longirostris (species), Neofidelia longirostris Rozen, 1970 (authority).
taxid:83338 Eubacterium budayi (species), "Bacillus cadaveris butyricus" Buday 1898 (authority), "Bacterium budayi" Le Blaye and Guggenheim 1914 (authority), "Eubacterium cadaveris" Prevot 1938 (authority), "Pseudobacterium cadaveris" (Prevot 1938) Krasil'nikov 1949 (authority), ATCC 25541 (type material), Bacillus cadaveris butyricus (synonym), Bacterium budayi (synonym), DSM 3981 (type material), Eubacterium budayi (Le Blaye and Guggenheim 1914) Holdeman and Moore 1970 (authority), Eubacterium cadaveris (synonym), JCM 9989 (type material), Pseudobacterium cadaveris (synonym), [Eubacterium] budayi (equivalent name).
taxid:129038 Belone svetovidovi (species), Belone svetovidovi Collette & Parin, 1970 (synonym).
taxid:441587 Influenza A virus (A/swine/Wisconsin/2/1970(H1N1)) (no rank).
taxid:864701 Centrovarium marinum (species), Centrovarium marinum Hafeezullah & Siddiqi, 1970 (authority).
taxid:2098 Mycoplasma hominis (species), "Asterococcus hominis" (Freundt 1953) Prevot 1961 (authority), "Micromyces hominis group I" Freundt 1953 (authority), "Schizoplasma hominis" (Freundt 1953) Furness 1970 (authority), ATCC 23114 (type material), Asterococcus hominis (synonym), CIP 103715 (type material), IFO 14850 (type material), Micromyces hominis group I (synonym), Mycoplasma hominis (Freundt 1953) Edward 1955 (authority), NBRC 14850 (type material), NCTC 10111 (type material), Schizoplasma hominis (synonym).
taxid:1262632 Metalype uncatissima (species), Metalype uncatissima (Botosaneanu, 1970) (authority).
taxid:796062 Diplomitoporus flavescens (species), Antrodia flavescens (synonym), Coriolellus flavescens (synonym), Daedalea flavescens (synonym), Diplomitoporus flavescens (Bres.) Domanski 1970 (authority), Fabisporus flavescens (synonym), Trametes flavescens (synonym), Trametes flavescens Bres. 1903 (authority).
taxid:394687 Sebastes borealis (species), Sebastes borealis Barsukov, 1970 (synonym), shortraker rockfish (genbank common name).
taxid:68259 Streptomyces purpurogeneiscleroticus (species), "Chainia purpurogena" Thirumalachar in Thirumalachar and Sukapure 1964 (synonym), ATCC 19348 (type material), BCRC 13317 (type material), CBS 409.66 (type material), CBS 659.72 (type material), CCRC 13317 (type material), CM 3103 (type material), CMI 112722 (type material), Chainia purpurogena (synonym), Chainia purpurogena Thirumalachar and Sukapure 1964 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), DSM 43156 (type material), HAMBI 1061 (type material), IFO 13001 (type material), IFO 13903 (type material), JCM 3080 (type material), JCM 4818 (type material), NBRC 13001 (type material), NBRC 13903 (type material), NCIMB 10981 (type material), NRRL B-2952 (type material), NRRL-ISP 5271 (type material), PCM 2306 (type material), RIA 1319 (type material), RIA 886 (type material), Streptomyces purpureigenoscleroticus (synonym), Streptomyces purpurogeneiscleroticus Pridham 1970 (synonym), Streptomyces purpurogeniscleroticus (misspelling).
taxid:4921 Pichia norvegensis (species), Candida mycoderma var. annulata (synonym), Candida mycoderma var. annulata Dietrichson 1954 (anamorph), Candida norvegenesis (misspelling), Candida norvegensis (genbank anamorph), Candida norvegensis Dietrichson ex Uden & H.R. Buckley 1970 (authority), Pichia norvegensis Leask & Yarrow 1976 (authority).
taxid:552467 Cryptococcus gattii (species), Cryptococcus bacillisporus (synonym), Cryptococcus bacillisporus Kwon-Chung & J.E.Benn. 1978 (authority), Cryptococcus gattii (Vanbreus. & Takashio) Kwon-Chung & Boekhout 2002 (authority), Cryptococcus neoformans B (in-part), Cryptococcus neoformans serotype B (in-part), Cryptococcus neoformans serotype C (in-part), Cryptococcus neoformans var. gatti (synonym), Cryptococcus neoformans var. gattii (synonym), Cryptococcus neoformans var. gattii Vanbreus. & Takashio 1970 (authority), Cryptococcus neoformans var. shanghaiensis (synonym), Filobasidiella bacillispora (teleomorph), Filobasidiella bacillispora Kwon-Chung 1976 (authority), Filobasidiella neoformans var. bacillispora (synonym), Filobasidiella neoformans var. bacillispora (Kwon-Chung) Kwon-Chung 1982 (authority), Filobasidiella neoformans var. gattii (misnomer), anamorph of Filobasidiella bacillispora (synonym).
taxid:66884 Streptomyces cyanoalbus (species), AS 4.1426 (type material), ATCC 15859 (type material), ATCC 23902 (type material), Actinomyces cyanoalbus (synonym), CBS 798.68 (type material), DSM 40198 (type material), HAMBI 1045 (type material), IFO 12857 (type material), INMI 414 (type material), JCM 4363 (type material), LMG 19343 (type material), NBRC 12857 (type material), NCIMB 9831 (type material), NRRL B-3040 (type material), NRRL-ISP 5198 (type material), RIA 1150 (type material), RIA 662 (type material), Streptomyces cyanoalbus (Krasil'nikov and Agre 1960) Pridham 1970 (synonym), VKM Ac-585 (type material).
taxid:1117269 Bertiella trichosuri (species), Bertiella trichosuri Khalil, 1970 (authority).
taxid:99576 Ostrinia zaguliaevi (species), Ostrinia zaguliaevi Mutuura & Munroe, 1970 (synonym).
taxid:675500 Polyommatus amorata tsvetajevi (subspecies), Lycaena tsvetajevi (synonym), Polyommatus amorata tsvetajevi (Kurentzov, 1970) (authority), Polyommatus tsvetaevi (synonym).
taxid:66871 Streptomyces aureoverticillatus (species), "Actinomyces aureoverticillatus" Krasil'nikov and Yuan 1960 (synonym), AS 4.1666 (type material), ATCC 15854 (type material), ATCC 19726 (type material), Actinomyces aureoverticillatus (synonym), BCRC 12185 (type material), CBS 465.68 (type material), CCRC 12185 (type material), DSM 40080 (type material), IFO 12742 (type material), INMI 1007 (type material), JCM 4347 (type material), NBRC 12742 (type material), NRRL B-3326 (type material), NRRL-ISP 5080 (type material), RIA 1007 (type material), RIA 679 (type material), Streptomyces aureiverticillatus (equivalent name), Streptomyces aureoverticillatus (Krasil'nikov and Yuan 1960) Pridham 1970 (synonym), VKM Ac-48 (type material).
taxid:467210 Eubacterium saburreum (species), "Catenabacterium saburreum" Prevot 1966 (authority), "Leptotrichia aerogenes" Hofstad 1967 (authority), 'Lachnoanaerobaculum saburreum' (synonym), ATCC 33271 (type material), CCUG 28089 (type material), CIP 105341 (type material), Catenabacterium saburreum (synonym), DSM 3986 (type material), Eubacterium saburreum (Prevot 1966) Holdeman and Moore 1970 (authority), JCM 11021 (type material), Lachnoanaerobaculum saburreum (synonym), Leptotrichia aerogenes (synonym), VPI 11763 (type material).
taxid:991107 Hormogaster pretiosiformis (species), Hormogaster pretiosiformis Zicsi, 1970 (authority).
taxid:474179 Didelphilichus serrifer (species), Didelphilichus serrifer Fain, 1970 (synonym).
taxid:1497 Clostridium formicaceticum (species), ATCC 27076 (type material), Clostridium formicaceticum corrig. Andreesen et al. 1970 (synonym), Clostridium formicoaceticum (synonym), DSM 92 (type material).
taxid:1123826 Astyanax trierythropterus (species), Astyanax trierythropterus Godoy, 1970 (authority).
taxid:101769 Acipenser stellatus ponticus (subspecies), Acipenser stellatus ponticus Movchan, 1970 (authority).
taxid:6326 Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (species), Aphelenchoides xylophilus (synonym), Aphelenchoides xylophilus Steiner & Buhrer, 1934 (authority), Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Steiner & Buhrer, 1934) Nickle, 1970 (authority), Bursaphlenchus xylophilus (misspelling), pine wilt nematode (common name), pine wood nematode (genbank common name), pinewood nematode (common name).
taxid:68189 Streptomyces coelescens (species), "Actinomyces coelescens" Krasil'nikov et al. 1965 (synonym), AS 4.1594 (type material), ATCC 19830 (type material), Actinomyces coelescens (synonym), CBS 679.72 (type material), DSM 40421 (type material), IFO 13378 (type material), INMI 20-41 (type material), JCM 4739 (type material), NBRC 13378 (type material), NCIMB 10042 (type material), NRRL B-12348 (type material), NRRL-ISP 5421 (type material), RIA 1339 (type material), Streptomyces coelescens (Krasil'nikov et al. 1965) Pridham 1970 (synonym), VKM Ac-98 (type material).
taxid:1045415 Nudisyllis tinihekea (species), Nudisyllis tinihekea Knox & Cameron, 1970 (authority).
taxid:67350 Streptomyces pseudovenezuelae (species), "Actinomyces pseudovenezuelae" Kuchaeva et al. 1961 (synonym), ATCC 23951 (type material), Actinomyces pseudovenezuelae (synonym), BCRC 11487 (type material), CBS 934.68 (type material), CCRC 11487 (type material), DSM 40212 (type material), IFO 12904 (type material), IMET 43512 (type material), JCM 11516 (type material), JCM 4405 (type material), NBRC 12904 (type material), NRRL B-3623 (type material), NRRL-ISP 5212 (type material), RIA 1158 (type material), RIA 742 (type material), Streptomyces pseudovenezuelae (Kuchaeva et al. 1961) Pridham 1970 (synonym), Streptomyces pseudovenezuelensis (equivalent name), VKM Ac-1199 (type material).
taxid:47866 Micromonospora inyonensis (species), "Micromonospora inyoensis" Weinstein et al. 1970 (synonym), ATCC 27600 (type material), DSM 46123 (type material), JCM 3188 (type material), Micromonospora inyoensis (synonym), Micromonospora inyonensis Kroppenstedt et al. 2005 (synonym), NBRC 13156 (type material), NRRL 3292 (type material).
taxid:662064 Trachyscorpia eschmeyeri (species), Trachyscorpia eschmeyeri Whitley, 1970 (authority), cape rockfish (genbank common name).
taxid:474185 Echimytricalges guyanensis (species), Echimytricalges guyanensis Fain, 1970 (synonym).
taxid:1196311 Corvus tasmanicus boreus (subspecies), Corvus boreus boreus (synonym), Corvus boreus boreus Rowley, I, 1970 (authority).
taxid:743379 Polybia belemensis (species), Polybia belemensis Richards, 1970 (authority).
taxid:1032584 Cortinarius moserianus (species), Cortinarius moserianus Bohus 1970 (authority).
taxid:637356 Mecaphesa baltea (species), Mecaphesa baltea (Suman, 1970) (authority).
taxid:1240892 Cambarus bouchardi (species), Cambarus bouchardi Hobbs, 1970 (authority).
taxid:1798 Mycobacterium triviale (species), ATCC 23292 (type material), CCUG 42431 (type material), DSM 44153 (type material), Mycobacterium triviale Kubica 1970 (authority).
taxid:538668 Plectus murrayi (species), Plectus murrayi Yeates, 1970 (authority).
taxid:501354 Papilio dialis tatsuta (subspecies), Papilio dialis tatsuta Murayama, 1970 (synonym).
taxid:43131 Tissierella praeacuta (species), "Coccobacillus praeacutus" Tissier 1908 (synonym), "Fusobacterium praeacutum" (Tissier 1908) Hoffman 1957 (synonym), "Zuberella praeacuta" (Tissier 1908) Prevot 1938 (synonym), ATCC 25539 (type material), Bacteroides praeacutus (synonym), Bacteroides praeacutus (Tissier 1908) Holdeman and Moore 1970 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), CCUG 27825 (type material), Clostridium hastiforme (synonym), Clostridium hastiforme MacLennan 1939 (Approved Lists) (synonym), Coccobacillus praeacutus (synonym), Fusobacterium praeacutum (synonym), LMG 8203 (type material), NCIMB 703038 (type material), NCTC 11158 (type material), Tissierella praeacuta (Tissier 1908) Collins and Shah 1986 (synonym), Zuberella praeacuta (synonym).
taxid:99574 Ostrinia orientalis (species), Ostrinia orientalis Mutuura & Munroe, 1970 (synonym).
taxid:1737 [Eubacterium] tenue (species), "Bacillus spatuliformis" (Prevot 1938) Prevot 1940 (authority), "Bacillus tenuis spatuliformis" Distaso 1911 (authority), "Bacteroides tenuis" Bergey et al. 1923 (authority), "Cillobacterium spatuliforme" Prevot 1938 (authority), "Cillobacterium tenue" (Bergey et al. 1923) Clise 1957 (authority), ATCC 25553 (type material), Bacillus spatuliformis (synonym), Bacillus tenuis spatuliformis (synonym), Bacteroides tenuis (synonym), Cillobacterium spatuliforme (synonym), Cillobacterium tenue (synonym), DSM 20695 (type material), Eubacterium tenue (equivalent name), Eubacterium tenue (Bergey et al. 1923) Holdeman and Moore 1970 (authority), JCM 6486 (type material).
taxid:1115462 Pastranaia tumidifrons (species), Pastranaia tumidifrons (Munroe, 1970) (authority).
taxid:1220706 Melanconis pterocaryae (species), Melanconis pterocaryae Kobayashi 1970 (authority).
taxid:300 Pseudomonas mendocina (species), ATCC 25411 (type material), CCUG 1781 (type material), CFBP 2434 (type material), CIP 75.21 (type material), DSM 50017 (type material), IFO 14162 (type material), JCM 5966 (type material), LMG 1223 (type material), NBRC 14162 (type material), NCCB 76043 (type material), NCTC 10897 (type material), Pseudomonas mendocina Palleroni 1970 (authority), Pseudomonas sp. NaF-B-1 (includes), Pseudomonas sp. NaF-C-1 (includes), VKM B-972 (type material).
taxid:39 Cystobacteraceae (family), Archangiaceae (includes), Archangiaceae Jahn 1924 (authority), Cystobacteraceae McCurdy 1970 (authority).
taxid:39950 Dialister pneumosintes (species), "Bacillus pneumosintes" (Olitsky and Gates 1921) Ford 1927 (synonym), "Bacterium pneumosintes" Olitsky and Gates 1921 (synonym), "Dialister pneumosintes var. septicemiae" Hauduroy et al. 1953 (synonym), "Dialister pneumosintes" (Olitsky and Gates 1921) Bergey et al. 1923 (synonym), ATCC 33048 (type material), Bacillus pneumosintes (synonym), Bacterium pneumosintes (synonym), Bacteroides pneumosintes (synonym), Bacteroides pneumosintes (Olitsky and Gates 1921) Holdeman and Moore 1970 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), CCUG 21025 (type material), CIP 107041 (type material), DSM 11619 (type material), Dialister pneumosintes (Olitsky and Gates 1921) Moore and Moore 1994 emend. Downes et al. 2003 (synonym), Dialister pneumosintes (Olitsky and Gates 1921) Moore and Moore 1994 emend. Jumas-Bilak et al. 2005 (synonym), Dialister pneumosintes var. septicemiae (synonym), JCM 10004 (type material).
taxid:86382 Potamotrygon yepezi (species), Maracaibo river stingray (genbank common name), Potamotrygon yepezi Castex & Castello, 1970 (authority).
taxid:1127486 Astronesthes macropogon (species), Astronesthes macropogon Goodyear & Gibbs, 1970 (authority).
taxid:668493 Sinularia scabra (species), Sinularia scabra Tixier-Durivault, 1970 (authority).
taxid:60442 Moraxella equi (species), ATCC 25576 (type material), CIP 82.26 (type material), LMG 5130 (type material), LMG 5315 (type material), Moraxella equi Hughes and Pugh 1970 (synonym), NCTC 11012 (type material).
taxid:527562 Aphis clydesmithi (species), Aphis clydesmithi Stroyan, 1970 (synonym).
taxid:747046 Carinatogecko heteropholis (species), Carinatogecko heteropholis Minton, Anderson & Anderson, 1970 (authority).
taxid:668802 Didymocystis pectoralis (species), Didymocystis pectoralis (Yamaguti, 1970) (authority).
taxid:274322 Prionacis (genus), Prionacis Townes, 1970 (authority).
taxid:53558 Mycoplasma edwardii (species), ATCC 23462 (type material), Mycoplasma edwardii Tully et al. 1970 (authority), NCTC 10132 (type material).
taxid:119857 Francisella tularensis subsp. holarctica (subspecies), "Francisella tularensis subsp. holarctica" Olsufjev 1970 (authority), "Francisella tularensis var. palaearctica" Olsufjev et al. 1959 (authority), Francisella tularensis subsp. holarctica (ex Olsufjev et al. 1959) Olsufjev & Meshcheryakova 1983 (authority), Francisella tularensis var. palaearctica (synonym), GIEM 503 (type material).
taxid:68170 Lechevalieria aerocolonigenes (species), "Nocardia aerocolonigenes" (Shinobu and Kawato 1960) Pridham 1970 (synonym), "Streptomyces aerocolonigenes" Shinobu and Kawato 1960 (synonym), ATCC 23870 (type material), BCRC 13661 (type material), CCRC 13661 (type material), CIP 107109 (type material), DSM 40034 (type material), IFO 13195 (type material), ISP 5034 (type material), JCM 4150 (type material), JCM 4614 (type material), Lechevalieria aeroclonigenes (misspelling), Lechevalieria aerocolonigenes (Labeda 1986) Labeda et al. 2001 (synonym), NBRC 13195 (type material), NRRL B-3298 (type material), NRRL ISP-5034 (type material), Nocardia aerocolonigenes (synonym), Saccharothrix aerocolonigenes (synonym), Saccharothrix aerocolonigenes (ex Shinobu and Kawato 1960) Labeda 1986 (synonym), Streptomyces aerocolonigenes (synonym), VKM Ac-1081 (type material), strain Shinobu N 701 (type material).
taxid:393870 Eupodes minutus (species), Eupodes minutus (Strandtmann, 1970) (synonym).
taxid:693794 Onocleaceae (family), Onocleaceae Pic.Serm., 1970 (authority).
taxid:285562 Streptomyces coelicoflavus (species), "Actinomyces coelicoflavus" (Ryabova and Preobrazhenskaya) Krasil'nikov 1970 (authority), AS 4.1596 (type material), Actinomyces coelicoflavus (synonym), DSM 41471 (type material), IFO 15399 (type material), INA 9630 (type material), JCM 6918 (type material), NBRC 15399 (type material), NRRL B-16363 (type material), Streptomyces coelicoflavus (ex Ryabova and Preobrazhenskaya) Terekhova 1986 (authority), VKM Ac-1221 (type material).
taxid:1161017 Saraiella rotunda (species), Saraiella rotunda (Krek, 1970) (authority).
taxid:912812 Calumma marojezense (species), Calumma gastrotaenia marojezensis (synonym), Calumma marojezense (Brygoo, Blanc & Domergue, 1970) (authority), Calumma marojezensis (synonym).
taxid:931473 Colpoma ledi (species), Clithris ledi (synonym), Colpoma ledi (Alb. & Schwein.) B. Erikss. 1970 (authority), Hypoderma ledi (synonym), Hysterium abietinum var. ledi (synonym), Hysterium abietinum var. ledi Alb. & Schwein. 1805 (authority), Pragmoparopsis ledi (synonym).
taxid:642432 Emblemaria diphyodontis (species), Emblemaria diphyodontis Stephens & Cervigon, 1970 (authority), Venezuelan blenny (genbank common name).
taxid:493662 Amphirhachis (genus), Amphirhachis Townes, 1970 (authority).
taxid:307806 Conocybe aporos (species), Conocybe aporos Kits van Wav. 1970 (authority), Pholiotina aporos (synonym), Pholiotina aporos (Kits van Wav.) Clmenon 1976 (authority).
taxid:401424 Aedes geminus (species), Aedes (Aedes) geminus (synonym), Aedes geminus Peus, 1970 (synonym).
taxid:1048675 Fridericia semisetosa (species), Fridericia semisetosa Dozsa-Farkas, 1970 (authority).
taxid:767257 Iguanodectes geisleri (species), Iguanodectes geisleri Gery, 1970 (authority).
taxid:545 Citrobacter koseri (species), "Aerobacter diversum" (sic) Burkey 1928 (synonym), ATCC 27028 (type material), Aerobacter diversum (synonym), CCUG 4859 (type material), CIP 105014 (type material), CIP 82.87 (type material), Citrobacter diversum (synonym), Citrobacter diversum (sic) (Burkey 1928) Werkman and Gillen 1932 (synonym), Citrobacter diversus (synonym), Citrobacter diversus (Burkey 1928) Werkman and Gillen 1932 (synonym), Citrobacter intermedius biogroup b (synonym), Citrobacter koseri Frederiksen 1970 (synonym), DSM 4595 (type material), JCM 1658 (type material), LMG 5519 (type material), Levinea malonatica (synonym), Levinea malonatica Young et al. 1971 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), NCTC 10786 (type material).
taxid:334154 Gyrothyraceae (family), Gyrothyraceae R.M.Schust., 1970 (authority).
taxid:1162313 Thamnostylum lucknowense (species), Helicostylum lucknowense (synonym), Helicostylum lucknowense J.N. Rai, J.P. Tewari & Mukerji 1961 (authority), Thamnostylum lucknowense (J.N. Rai, J.P. Tewari & Mukerji) Arx & H.P. Upadhyay 1970 (authority).
taxid:67308 Streptomyces janthinus (species), "Actinomyces janthinus" Artamonova and Krasil'nikov in Rautenshtein 1960 (synonym), ATCC 15870 (type material), ATCC 23925 (type material), Actinomyces janthinus (synonym), CBS 909.68 (type material), DSM 40206 (type material), IFO 12879 (type material), INMI 117 (type material), JCM 4387 (type material), KCC S-0387 (type material), NBRC 12879 (type material), NRRL B-3365 (type material), NRRL-ISP 5206 (type material), RIA 659 (type material), Streptomyces janthinus (Artamonova and Krasil'nikov 1960) Pridham 1970 (synonym).
taxid:34060 Moraxella caviae (species), ATCC 14659 (type material), CCUG 2132 (type material), CCUG 355 (type material), Moraxella (subgen. Branhamella Catlin 1970) caviae (Pelczar 1953) Bovre 1984 (authority), Moraxella caviae (Pelczar 1953) Henriksen and Bovre 1968 (authority), NCTC 10293 (type material), Neisseria caviae (synonym), Neisseria caviae Pelczar 1953 (Approved Lists 1980) (authority), strain GP 11 (type material).
taxid:862112 Scaphocalanus brevirostris (species), Scaphocalanus brevirostris Park, 1970 (authority).
taxid:509800 Microbembex argyropleura (species), Microbembex argyropleura Bohart, 1970 (authority).
taxid:495425 Owenus (genus), Owenus Townes, 1970 (authority).
taxid:462214 Ostrinia narynensis (species), Ostrinia narynensis Mutuura & Munroe, 1970 (synonym).
taxid:285444 Streptomyces pseudoechinosporeus (species), "Microechinospora grisea" Konev et al. 1967 (synonym), ATCC 19618 (type material), DSM 43035 (type material), IFM 1243 (type material), IFO 12518 (type material), IMET 43494 (type material), JCM 3066 (type material), KCC A-0066 (type material), KCTC 9178 (type material), Microellobosporia grisea (synonym), Microellobosporia grisea (Konev et al. 1967) Pridham 1970 (Approved Lists 1980) (synonym), NBRC 12518 (type material), NCIMB 9918 (type material), RIA 554 (type material), RIA 897 (type material), Streptomyces pseudoechinosporeus Goodfellow et al. 1986 (synonym), VKM Ac-1226 (type material).
taxid:39483 Eubacterium cylindroides (species), "Bacterium cylindroides" Rocchi 1908 (authority), "Bacteroides cylindroides" (Rocchi 1908) Kelly 1957 (authority), "Pseudobacterium cylindroides" (Rocchi 1908) Krasil'nikov 1949 (authority), "Ristella cylindroides" (Rocchi 1908) Prevot 1938 (authority), ATCC 27803 (type material), Bacterium cylindroides (synonym), Bacteroides cylindroides (synonym), DSM 3983 (type material), Eubacterium cylindricoides (misspelling), Eubacterium cylindroides (Rocchi 1908) Holdeman and Moore 1970 (authority), JCM 10261 (type material), Pseudobacterium cylindroides (synonym), Ristella cylindroides (synonym), [Eubacterium] cylindroides (equivalent name).
taxid:39481 Eubacterium combesii (species), "Cillobacterium combesi" (sic) Prevot and Laplanche 1947 (authority), ATCC 25545 (type material), Cillobacterium combesi (synonym), DSM 20696 (type material), Eubacterium combesii (Prevot and Laplanche 1947) Holdeman and Moore 1970 (authority), JCM 9988 (type material), [Eubacterium] combesii (equivalent name).
taxid:557353 Nautichthys robustus (species), Nautichthys robustus Peden, 1970 (authority), shortmast sculpin (genbank common name).
taxid:1099837 Eubrianax ihai (species), Eubrianax ihai Chujo & Sato, 1970 (authority).
taxid:158777 Tilapia coffea (species), Tilapia coffea Thys van den Audenaerde, 1970 (authority).
taxid:1149283 Carabus impressus dani (subspecies), Carabus impressus dani Schweiger, 1970 (authority), Procrustes impressus dani (synonym).
taxid:931596 Terriera cladophila (species), Hysterium cladophilum (synonym), Hysterium cladophilum Lev. 1850 (authority), Lophodermium cladophilum (synonym), Sporomega cladophila (synonym), Terriera cladophila (Lev.) B. Erikss. 1970 (authority).
taxid:490499 Lozekia (genus), Lozekia Hudec, 1970 (synonym).
taxid:323832 Euglossa bursigera (species), Euglossa bursigera Moure, 1970 (synonym).
taxid:1032900 Melanoleuca cinereifolia (species), Melanoleuca cinereifolia (Bon) Bon 1978 (authority), Melanoleuca strictipes var. cinereifolia (synonym), Melanoleuca strictipes var. cinereifolia Bon 1970 (authority).
taxid:853 Faecalibacterium prausnitzii (species), "Bacillus mucosus anaerobius" Prausnitz 1922 (authority), "Bacteroides praussnitzii" (sic) Hauduroy et al. 1937 (authority), ATCC 27768 (type material), Bacillus mucosus anaerobius (synonym), Bacteroides praussnitzii (synonym), Faecalibacterium prausnitzii (Hauduroy et al. 1937) Duncan et al. 2002 (authority), Fusobacterium prausnitzii (synonym), Fusobacterium prausnitzii (Hauduroy et al. 1937) Moore and Holdeman 1970 (Approved Lists 1980) (authority), NCIMB 13872 (type material), [Fusobacterium] prausnitzii (equivalent name), butyrate-producing bacterium A2-165 (includes).
taxid:2147 Acholeplasma (genus), "Sapromyces" Sabin 1941 (authority), Acholeplasma Edward and Freundt 1970 (authority), Sapromyces (synonym).
taxid:2146 Acholeplasmataceae (family), "Sapromycetaceae" Sabin 1941 (authority), "Saprophytaceae" Sabin 1941 (authority), Acholeplasmataceae Edward and Freundt 1970 (authority), Sapromycetaceae (synonym), Saprophytaceae (synonym).
taxid:110372 Ophryocystis elektroscirrha (species), Ophriocystis elektroscirrha (synonym), Ophryocystis elektroscirrha McLaughlin & Myers, 1970 (authority).
taxid:227534 Anthocharis cardamines hayashii (subspecies), Anthocharis cardamines hayashii Fujioka, 1970 (synonym).
taxid:68186 Streptomyces chryseus (species), "Actinomyces chryseus" Krasil'nikov et al. 1965 (synonym), AS 4.1694 (type material), ATCC 19829 (type material), Actinomyces chryseus (synonym), CBS 678.72 (type material), DSM 40420 (type material), IFO 13377 (type material), JCM 4737 (type material), NBRC 13377 (type material), NCIMB 10041 (type material), NRRL B-12347 (type material), NRRL-ISP 5420 (type material), RIA 1338 (type material), Streptomyces chryseus (Krasil'nikov et al. 1965) Pridham 1970 (synonym), VKM Ac-200 (type material).
taxid:425529 Influenza A virus (A/Albany/3/1970(H3N2)) (no rank).
taxid:1096487 Spathius evansi (species), Spathius evansi Matthews, 1970 (authority).
taxid:521385 Hoplolaimus concaudajuvencus (species), Hoplolaimus concaudajuvencus Golden & Minton, 1970 (synonym).
taxid:1531 Clostridium clostridioforme (species), "Bacterium clostridiiforme" Burri and Ankersmit 1906 (authority), "Bacteroides clostridiiformis" (Burri and Ankersmit 1906) Holdeman and Moore 1970 (authority), "Eggerthella clostridiiformis" (Burri and Ankersmit 1906) Beerens et al. 1962 (authority), "Ristella clostridiiformis" (Burri and Ankersmit 1906) Prevot 1938 (authority), ATCC 25537 (type material), BCRC 14545 (type material), Bacterium clostridiiforme (synonym), Bacteroides clostridiiformis (synonym), CCRC 14545 (type material), CCUG 16791 (type material), CIP 104318 (type material), Clostridium clostridiiforme (synonym), Clostridium clostridiiformes (misspelling), Clostridium clostridioforme corrig. (Burri and Ankersmit 1906) Kaneuchi et al. 1976 (authority), DSM 933 (type material), Eggerthella clostridiiformis (synonym), JCM 1291 (type material), NCIMB 11018 (type material), NCTC 11224 (type material), Ristella clostridiiformis (synonym), VPI 0316 (type material).
taxid:172463 Arhytis (genus), Arhytis Townes, 1970 (authority).
taxid:668386 Sinularia abrubta (species), Sinularia abrubta Tixier-Durivault, 1970 (authority).
taxid:1184710 Anolis brasiliensis (species), Anolis brasiliensis Vanzolini & Williams, 1970 (authority), Anolis chrysolepis brasiliensis (synonym), Anolis nitens brasiliensis (synonym).
taxid:931477 Duplicariella phyllodoces (species), Duplicariella phyllodoces B. Erikss. 1970 (authority).
taxid:1077477 Gambusia aurata (species), Gambusia aurata Miller & Minckley, 1970 (authority), golden gambusia (genbank common name).
taxid:668761 Koellikerioides apicalis (species), Koellikerioides apicalis Yamaguti, 1970 (authority).
taxid:340064 Ixodes philipi (species), Ixodes philipi Keirans & Kohls, 1970 (synonym).
taxid:172504 Priotomis (genus), Priotomis Townes, 1970 (authority).
taxid:1165755 Parathelphusa bogorensis (species), Parathelphusa bogorensis Bott, 1970 (authority).
taxid:933964 Hypogymnia subphysodes (species), Hypogymnia subphysodes (Kremp.) Filson 1970 (authority), Parmelia subphysodes (synonym), Parmelia subphysodes Kremp. 1881 (authority).
taxid:274033 Bathyzonus (genus), Bathyzonus Townes, 1970 (authority).
taxid:826 Sebaldella termitidis (species), "Sphaerophorus siccus var. termitidis" Sebald 1962 (authority), ATCC 33386 (type material), Bacteroides termitidis (synonym), Bacteroides termitidis (Sebald 1962) Holdeman and Moore 1970 (Approved Lists 1980) (authority), NCTC 11300 (type material), Sebaldella termitidis (Sebald 1962) Collins and Shah 1986 (authority), Sphaerophorus siccus var. termitidis (synonym).
taxid:991111 Hormogaster samnitica lirapora (subspecies), Hormogaster samnitica lirapora Bouche, 1970 (authority).
taxid:425528 Influenza A virus (A/Albany/6/1970(H3N2)) (no rank).
taxid:668752 Didymocystis irregularis (species), Didymocystis irregularis Yamaguti, 1970 (authority).
taxid:668755 Didymocystis palati (species), Didymocystis palati Yamaguti, 1970 (authority).
taxid:668757 Didymocystis spirocauda (species), Didymocystis spirocauda Yamaguti, 1970 (authority).
taxid:633628 Tribelocephala peyrierasi (species), Tribelocephala peyrierasi Villiers, 1970 (authority).
taxid:927873 Corydoras coppenamensis (species), Corydoras coppenamensis Nijssen, 1970 (authority).
taxid:81813 Lophosoriaceae (family), Lophosoriaceae Pic.Serm., 1970 (authority).
taxid:229069 Amphiprion allardi (species), Amphiprion allardi Klausewitz, 1970 (synonym), twobar anemonefish (genbank common name).
taxid:441355 Dolichopoda vandeli (species), Dolichopoda (Petrochilosina) vandeli (synonym), Dolichopoda vandeli Boudou-Saltet, 1970 (synonym).
taxid:568724 Conus kintoki (species), Conus kintoki Habe & Kosuge, 1970 (authority).
taxid:516455 Streptomyces glomerochromogenes (species), "Streptomyces glomerochromogenes" (Yen and Zhang 1970) Pridham 1974 (synonym).
taxid:889274 Polyangium sorediatum (species), "Polyangium schoeteri" (Jahn 1924) McCurdy 1970 (authority), "Polyangium septatum" Thaxter 1904 (authority), "Polyangium sorediatum" Thaxter 1904 (authority), "Sorangium compositum" (Thaxter 1904) Jahn 1924 (authority), "Sorangium septatum" (Thaxter 1904) Jahn 1924 (authority), Polyangium compositum (synonym), Polyangium schoeteri (synonym), Polyangium septatum (synonym), Polyangium sorediatum (ex Thaxter 1904) Brockman 1989 (authority), Sorangium compositum (synonym), Sorangium septatum (synonym).
taxid:889282 Polyangium spumosum (species), "Polyangium spumosum" (Krzemieniewska and Krzemieniewski 1927) McCurdy 1970 (authority), "Sporangium spumosum" Krzemieniewska and Krzemieniewski 1927 (authority), Polyangium spumosum (ex Krzemieniewska and Krzemieniewski 1927) Brockman 1989 (authority), Sporangium spumosum (synonym).
taxid:332591 Streptomyces rectiviolaceus (species), "Actinomyces rectiviolaceus" Artamonova in Krasilnikov 1965 (synonym), "Streptomyces rectivioleceus" (Artamonova) Pridham 1970 (synonym), ATCC 43690 (type material), Actinomyces rectiviolaceus (synonym), DSM 41459 (type material), INMI 563 (type material), JCM 9092 (type material), NBRC 100765 (type material), NRRL B-16374 (type material), Streptomyces rectiviolaceus (ex Artamonova) Sveshnikova 1986 (synonym), VKM Ac-282 (type material).
taxid:68213 Streptomyces griseoaurantiacus (species), "Actinomyces griseoaurantiacus" Krasil'nikov and Yuan in Krasil'nikov 1965 (authority), ATCC 19840 (type material), Actinomyces griseoaurantiacus (synonym), CBS 682.72 (type material), DSM 40430 (type material), IFO 13381 (type material), IFO 15440 (type material), JCM 4763 (type material), NBRC 13381 (type material), NBRC 15440 (type material), NRRL-ISP 5430 (type material), RIA 1342 (type material), Streptomyces griseaurantiacus (equivalent name), Streptomyces griseoaurantiacus (Krasil'nikov and Yuan 1965) Pridham 1970 (authority), VKM Ac-1728 (type material).
taxid:940854 Hinumanemertes kikuchii (species), Hinumanemertes kikuchii Iwata, 1970 (authority).
taxid:313049 Hylaeus muranus (species), Hylaeus muranus (Warncke, 1970) (synonym).
taxid:263158 Mirabilicoxa (genus), Mirabilicoxa Hessler, 1970 (synonym).
taxid:263156 Chelator (genus), Chelator Hessler, 1970 (synonym).
taxid:70992 Flexithrix (genus), Flexithrix Lewin 1970 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Hosoya and Yokota 2007 (authority).
taxid:67316 Streptomyces lavendulocolor (species), "Actinomyces lavendulocolor" Kuchaeva et al. 1961 (synonym), ATCC 15871 (type material), ATCC 23927 (type material), Actinomyces lavendulocolor (synonym), BCRC 12057 (type material), CBS 911.68 (type material), CCRC 12057 (type material), DSM 40216 (type material), IFO 12881 (type material), INA 4518 (type material), JCM 4390 (type material), NBRC 12881 (type material), NCIMB 9829 (type material), NRRL B-3367 (type material), NRRL-ISP 5216 (type material), RIA 1160 (type material), RIA 749 (type material), Streptomyces lavendulicolor (equivalent name), Streptomyces lavendulocolor (Kuchaeva et al. 1961) Pridham 1970 (synonym), VKM Ac-215 (type material).
taxid:644091 Babelomurex nakayasui (species), Babelomurex nakayasui (Shikama, 1970) (authority).
taxid:371117 Neodeightonia subglobosa (species), Botryosphaeria subglobosa (synonym), Botryosphaeria subglobosa (C.Booth) Arx & E.Muell. (authority), Neodeightonia subglobosa C.Booth, 1970 (authority).
taxid:67314 Streptomyces lavendofoliae (species), "Actinomyces lavendofoliae" Kuchaeva et al. 1961 (synonym), ATCC 15872 (type material), ATCC 23928 (type material), Actinomyces lavendofoliae (synonym), CBS 912.68 (type material), DSM 40217 (type material), IFO 12882 (type material), INA 3613 (type material), JCM 4391 (type material), NBRC 12882 (type material), NCIMB 9823 (type material), NRRL B-3371 (type material), NRRL-ISP 5217 (type material), RIA 1161 (type material), RIA 750 (type material), Streptomyces lavendofoliae (Kuchaeva et al. 1961) Pridham 1970 (synonym), Streptomyces lavendulifolii (synonym), VKM Ac-272 (type material).
taxid:68245 Streptomyces olivaceiscleroticus (species), ATCC 15722 (type material), BCRC 11608 (type material), CBS 296.66 (type material), CBS 785.72 (type material), CCRC 11608 (type material), Chainia olivacea (synonym), Chainia olivacea Thirumalachar and Sukapure 1964 (Approved Lists 1980) (authority), DSM 40595 (type material), IFO 13484 (type material), JCM 3045 (type material), JCM 4805 (type material), NBRC 13484 (type material), NRRL B-2318 (type material), NRRL-ISP 5595 (type material), RIA 1445 (type material), Streptomyces olivaceiscleroticus Pridham 1970 (authority).
taxid:1032817 Inocybe grammopodia (species), Inocybe grammopodia Malencon 1970 (authority).
taxid:1170554 Chilodonellidae (family), Chilodonellidae Deroux, 1970 (authority).
taxid:749648 Phoma aubrietiae (species), Phoma aubrietiae (Moesz) Boerema 1970 (authority).
taxid:1174630 Noumea norba (species), Noumea norba Marcus & Marcus, 1970 (authority).
taxid:394445 Gastrotheca aureomaculata (species), Gastrotheca aureomaculata Cochran and Goin, 1970 (synonym), gold-spotted marsupial frog (genbank common name).