Classification nodes
taxid:272122 |
Anabaena sphaerica UTEX 'B 1616' (no rank), Anabaena ambigua CCAP 1403/7 (synonym), Anabaena ambigua SAG 1403-7 (synonym), Anabaena sphaerica UTEX 1616 (equivalent name), Anabaena sphaerica UTEX B1616 (equivalent name). |
taxid:682080 |
Polyplosphaeria fusca (species), Pleosporales sp. KT 1043 (includes), Pleosporales sp. KT 1616 (includes), Pleosporales sp. KT 1640 (includes), Pleosporales sp. KT 1686 (includes), Pleosporales sp. KT 2124 (includes), Polyplosphaeria fusca Kaz. Tanaka & K. Hiray. 2009 (authority). |
taxid:2287 |
Sulfolobus solfataricus (species), ATCC 35091 (type material), DSM 1616 (type material), IFO 15331 (type material), JCM 8930 (type material), NBRC 15331 (type material), Sulfolobus fataricus (misspelling), Sulfolobus solfataricus Zillig et al. 1980 (authority). |
taxid:1616 |
Weissella kandleri (species), ATCC 51149 (type material), BCRC 14624 (type material), CCRC 14624 (type material), CCUG 32237 (type material), CIP 102809 (type material), DSM 20593 (type material), JCM 5817 (type material), LMG 18979 (type material), Lactobacillus kandleri (synonym), Lactobacillus kandleri Holzapfel and van Wyk 1983 (synonym), NCFB 2753 (type material), NCIMB 702753 (type material), NRIC 1628 (type material), Weissella kandleri (Holzapfel and van Wyk 1983) Collins et al. 1994 (synonym), strain L250 (type material). |
taxid:939926 |
Norovirus Hu/GII.4/Nizhny Novgorod/1616/2009/RUS (no rank). |
taxid:680508 |
Influenza A virus (A/Philippines/1616/2007(H3N2)) (no rank). |
taxid:590564 |
Rodriguezia sp. Whitten 1616 (species). |
taxid:702777 |
Influenza A virus (A/ShandongTaishan/1616/2009(H1N1)) (no rank). |
taxid:477007 |
Miconia aff. villonacensis Penneys 1616 (species). |
taxid:1068698 |
Influenza A virus (A/swine/Guangdong/1616/2010(H1N1)) (no rank). |