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DescriptionPeriplocoideae (subfamily).
Parent nodes
  • taxid:4056 Apocynaceae (family), Asclepiadaceae (includes), dogbane family (common name).
Child nodes
  • taxid:52843 Parquetina (genus).
  • taxid:63484 Periploca (genus), Periploca L., 1753 (synonym).
  • taxid:165507 Ischnolepis (genus).
  • taxid:184397 Pentopetia (genus), Pentopetia Decne. (synonym).
  • taxid:413264 Baroniella (genus), Baroniella Costantin & Gallaud (synonym).
  • taxid:413303 Zygostelma (genus), Zygostelma Benth. (synonym).
  • taxid:63475 Hemidesmus (genus).
  • taxid:63488 Raphionacme (genus), Raphionacme Harv. (synonym).
  • taxid:141512 Stomatostemma (genus), Stomatostemma N.E.Br. (synonym).
  • taxid:184379 Tacazzea (genus), Tacazzea Decne. (synonym).
  • taxid:403094 Phyllanthera (genus), Phyllanthera Blume (synonym).
  • taxid:413301 Streptocaulon (genus), Streptocaulon Wight & Arn. (synonym).
  • taxid:141494 Mondia (genus).
  • taxid:413261 Petopentia (genus), Petopentia Bullock (synonym).
  • taxid:413298 Sacleuxia (genus), Sacleuxia Baill. (synonym).
  • taxid:4067 Gymnema (genus), Gymnema R.Br., 1810 (authority).
  • taxid:165212 Cryptolepis (genus), Cryptolepis R.Br. (synonym).
  • taxid:413262 Atherandra (genus), Atherandra Decne. (synonym).
  • taxid:63467 Cryptostegia (genus), Cryptostegia R.Br. (synonym).
  • taxid:413281 Epistemma (genus), Epistemma D.V.Field & J.B.Hall (synonym).
  • taxid:413266 Baseonema (genus), Baseonema Schltr. & Rendle (synonym).
  • taxid:244360 Schlechterella (genus), Schlechterella K.Schum., 1899 (authority).
  • taxid:413268 Batesanthus (genus), BatesanthusN.E.Br. (synonym).
  • taxid:413270 Buckollia (genus), Buckollia Venter & R.L.Verh. (synonym).
  • taxid:413279 Ectadium (genus), Ectadium E.Mey. (synonym).
  • taxid:413283 Finlaysonia (genus), Finlaysonia Wall. (synonym).
  • taxid:413286 Gymnanthera (genus), Gymnanthera R.Br. (synonym).
  • taxid:413288 Myriopteron (genus), Myriopteron Griff. (synonym).
  • taxid:413277 Decalepis (genus), Decalepis Wight & Arn. (synonym).
  • taxid:413290 Omphalogonus (genus), Omphalogonus Baill. (synonym).
  • taxid:63465 Camptocarpus (genus).
  • taxid:63498 Triodoglossum (genus).
See also167485
ID   167485           TAXONOMY;
DE   Periplocoideae (subfamily).
PA   4056 (parent ID)
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CC   This entry is a placeholder for the corresponding entry in the NCBI
CC   taxonomy
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